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原创 「计算机基础」进制转换


2022-11-04 16:19:23 1991 1

原创 HTTPS是什么? What is HTTPS?

HTTPS is a secure way to send data between a web server and a web browser.HTTPS是一种在WEB服务器WEB浏览器之间发送数据的安全方式。Hypertext transfer protocol secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, which is the primary protocol used to send data between a web browser

2022-03-19 21:30:00 1196

原创 XML-Based Injection in Spring 基于XML配置的依赖注入

原文链接:XML-Based Injection in Spring1. Introduction 概述In this basic tutorial, we’ll learn how to do simple XML-based bean configuration with the Spring Framework.这里,一起学习如何在Spring框架中使用XML文件进行bean对象配置吧2. Overview 回顾一下Let's start by adding Spring'..

2022-03-19 10:00:00 394

原创 @Order in Spring Spring框架中的@Order注解

@Order in Spring1. Overview 简述In this tutorial, we're going to learn about Spring'[email protected]@Orderannotation defines the sorting order of an annotated component or bean.这里与大家一起学习下Spring中的@Order注解,它用来对被注解标记的bean对象进行排序It has an o...

2022-03-18 22:00:00 718

原创 Spring @Primary Annotation Spring的@Primary注解

原文链接:Spring @Primary Annotation1. Overview 简述In this quick tutorial, we'll discuss Spring's@Primaryannotation which was introduced with version 3.0 of the framework.和我在这里来讨论下Spring3.0引入的@Primary注解吧。Simply put,we use@Primaryto give higher pref...

2022-03-10 22:00:00 286

原创 Wiring in Spring: @Autowired, @Resource and @Inject 三种注解实现依赖注入

原文链接:Wiring in Spring: @Autowired, @Resource and @Inject1. Overview 概述In this Spring Framework tutorial, we'll demonstrate how to use annotations related to dependency injection, namely the@Resource,@Inject, and@Autowiredannotations. These annotat...

2022-02-27 23:02:25 785

原创 Guide to Spring @Autowired 走近Spring的@Autowired注解

原文链接:Guide to Spring @Autowired1. Overview 概述Starting with Spring 2.5, the framework introduced annotations-driven Dependency Injection. The main annotation of this feature is @Autowired. It allows Spring to resolve and inject collaborating beans into.

2022-02-17 15:01:39 335

原创 Spring框架中,构造函数的依赖注入

原文链接:dryydrydrdconstructor-injection-in-spring1. IntroductionArguably one of the most important development principles of modern software design isDependency Injection (DI),which quite naturally flows out of another critically important principle:...

2022-02-15 20:15:01 654

原创 IoC控制反转、DI依赖注入、 Spring框架实现,构造函数、set方法、字段反射

IoC控制反转 及 DI依赖注入的概念,以及 Spring 框架是如何实现的,构造函数、set方法、字段反射

2022-02-13 22:33:01 316

原创 想暴力破解百度网盘分享密码? 别想了,至少我做不到,被限流降级了 手动表情哭

class PAN_BAIDU { public void execute() throws InterruptedException { ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1000); Map<String,BufferedWriter> WMAP = new HashMap<>(CODES_ALL.length+5,1f); for (char c1 : CODE...

2021-09-28 12:27:57 2979

原创 Java中如何提升类的属性为线程安全? 如int属性多线程累加

主要使用java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater 看示例import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater;public class AtomicIntegerFieldUpdateDemo1 { Goods1 book = new Goods1(); Goods1 chip = new Goods1(); // 记录要提升的 类 及对应的 .

2021-09-28 12:22:24 454

原创 Hadoop1.*版本 统计文件中字符串出现的数量 或收集 《未完待续》

入门级项目,实践一下,分析并统计服务器运行日志中调用量最多的SQL语句,把它进行缓存pom.xml 引入依赖<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/m.

2021-09-28 11:57:17 147

原创 (除非刚学开发,否则别点开看,太基础)FORM提交文本内容到电脑端

<%@ page import="java.net.URLDecoder"%><%@ page import="java.util.Date"%><%@ page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat"%><%@ page import="java.io.File"%><%@ page import="java.io.FileWriter"%><%@ page import="java.io.Buf.

2021-09-23 10:17:37 124

原创 HTTP为什么不安全?HTTP安全漏洞 Why is HTTP not secure? HTTP Security Gaps

HTTP requests and responses are sent in plaintext, which means that anyone can read them.HTTP方式的请求和响应都是在明文下传输的,这就意味着任何人都可以读取它们的内容。HTTP与HTTPS比较,不同之处有哪些? HTTP vs. HTTPS: What are the differences?HTTPS is HTTP with encryption. The only difference bet.

2021-09-18 17:17:57 1726

原创 SSL/TLS证书是什么?What is an SSL certificate?

An SSL certificate displays important information for verifying the owner of a website and encrypting web traffic with SSL/TLS, including the public key, the issuer of the certificate, and the associated subdomains.一个SSL证书是用来显示网站所有权、公钥、证书发布者及其包含的域名等重要信息,

2021-09-18 14:51:17 1572

原创 SSL/TLS - 什么是SSL?

What is SSL? | SSL definition 什么是 SSL? | SSL 定义Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security protocol that provides privacy, authentication, and integrity to Internet communications. SSL eventually evolved into Transport Layer Security (TLS).安全套接字层 (Secure

2021-09-14 17:14:38 434

原创 Fiddler与iPhone配合拦截首都图书馆微信小程序请求并多线程模拟请求刷预约 Java HttpGet HttpPost

无聊的吐槽哈,忽略忽略,哈哈写这篇的起因是要疫情开始之后,各种人群聚集场所都有管制措施了,包括图书馆。拿本人举例吧,一般都是去首都图书馆,可以总是忘记预约,或者临时才想起有时间去,结果呢,就是没名额了,不能去啊。最惨的一次,从早上起床开始刷预约,坐公交车将近俩小时到了图书馆,一直在刷预约,手机都给用没电了,还没预约成功。既然到了哈,就不能放弃,终于又刷了将近一个小时才有名额。想想自己做为一名 N年工作经验的菜鸟程序员,不能只会增删改查啊。于是乎,就找到了Fiddler,这也就是为什么有这篇的文章的原因.

2021-09-06 17:21:36 830

原创 Java比较两个文件是否完全相同 JavaIO ApacheCommonIO Files.mismatch RandomAccessFile BufferedReader

原文链接:Compare the Content of Two Files in Java1. OverviewIn this tutorial, we'll review different approaches to determine if the contents of two files are equal. We'll be using core Java Stream I/O libraries to read the contents of the files and imple

2021-09-03 23:07:42 1590

原创 Java中字节数组写入文件的几种方式 JavaIO JavaNIO Guava ByteSink MoreFiles Files FileOutputStream FileUtils

原文链接:Writing byte[] to a File in Java1. OverviewIn this quick tutorial, we're going to learn several different ways to write a Java byte array to a file. We'll start at the beginning, using the Java IO package. Next, we'll look at an example using

2021-09-02 23:00:05 3082

原创 Java中的Path类与File类的选择比较 Java – Path vs File

原文链接:Java – Path vs File1. OverviewIn Java,PathandFileare classes responsible for file I/O operations. They perform the same functions but belong to different packages.In this tutorial, we'll discuss the differences between these two classes. W...

2021-09-02 22:38:13 638

原创 Java文件分隔符、路径间的分隔符 File separator vs pathSeparator

原文链接 :Java File Separator vs File Path Separator1. OverviewDifferent operating systems use different characters as file and path separators. When our application has to run on multiple platforms, we need to handle these correctly.Java helps us to

2021-09-02 22:31:10 3449

原创 JAVA的JSON处理之Jackson集合处理 序列化集合 Jackson – Unmarshall to Collection/Array

原文链接:Jackson – Unmarshall to Collection/Array1. OverviewThis tutorial will show how todeserialize a JSON Array to a Java Array or Collection with Jackson 2.If you want to dig deeper and learnother cool things you can do with the Jackson 2– head on...

2021-08-17 12:52:24 746

原创 Java中的Map空值处理 Jackson – Working with Maps and nulls

原文链接 :Jackson – Working with Maps and nullsJava中的Map空值处理Jackson – Working with Maps and nulls

2021-08-16 21:53:28 1129

原创 JSON空值处理之Jackson的空值处理 Ignore Null Fields with Jackson

原文链接:Ignore Null Fields with JacksonJSON空值处理之Jackson的空值处理Ignore Null Fields with Jackson

2021-08-15 18:15:28 5978

原创 Java与JSON Java的几种JSON操作方式 JSON处理库 JSON in Java

原文链接:JSON in JavaJava与JSON Java的几种JSON操作方式 JSON处理库JSON in Java

2021-08-15 18:13:13 286

原创 Java JSON时间处理 Jackson 的时间操作 时间序列化 Jackson Date

原文链接:Jackson DateJSON时间操作 Jackson 的时间操作 时间序列化Jackson Date

2021-08-15 18:11:10 6484

原创 JAVA中的JSON操作之Jackson Jackson的使用 Jackson Streaming API

原文链接:Jackson Streaming APIJSON操作之Jackson Jackson的使用 Jackson Streaming API

2021-08-15 18:07:26 258

原创 Java8的日期时间API LocalDate LocalTime LocalDateTime Period... Introduction to the Java 8 Date/Time API

原文链接:Introduction to the Java 8 Date/Time API1. OverviewJava 8 introduced new APIs forDateandTimeto address the shortcomings of the olderjava.util.Dateandjava.util.Calendar.In this tutorial, let's start with the issues in the existingDateand...

2021-08-14 23:10:16 337

原创 项目从Spring转到SpringBoot Migrating from Spring to Spring Boot

原文链接:Migrating from Spring to Spring Boot1. OverviewIn this article, we're going to take a look at how we can migrate an existing Spring Framework application to aSpring Bootapplication.Spring Bootis not intended to replace Spring, but to make wor...

2021-08-14 23:05:33 424

原创 Spring与SpringBoot 对比 不同 A Comparison Between Spring and Spring Boot

原文链接:A Comparison Between Spring and Spring Boot1. OverviewIn this tutorial, we're going to look at the differences between the standard Spring frameworks and Spring Boot.We'll focus on and discuss how the modules of Spring, like MVC and Security,di.

2021-08-14 23:03:13 499

原创 如何在Java代码中压缩文件时设置密码?解密需要密码的压缩包? How to Create Password-Protected Zip Files and Unzip Them in Java

1. Overview 概述In a previous tutorial, we show how tozip and unzip in Javawith the help of thejava.util.zippackage. But we don’t have any standard Java library to create password-protected zip files.在上一篇文章中,介绍了如何在Java中使用 java.util.zip 包中的类来压缩、解压文件。在...

2021-08-13 17:07:18 1583

原创 Java代码压缩文件 解压文件 Zipping and Unzipping in Java

原文链接:Zipping and Unzipping in Java1. Overview 概述In this quick tutorial, we'll discuss how to zip a file into an archive and how to unzip the archive – all using core libraries provided by Java.在这里,我们讲讨论如何使用Java的核心库来压缩、解压文件。These core libraries are

2021-08-13 17:02:36 190

原创 Spring Boot Interview Questions SpringBoot面试题

原文链接Spring Boot Interview Questions1. Overview 概述Since its introduction, Spring Boot has been a key player in the Spring ecosystem. This project makes our life much easier with its auto-configuration ability.自从SpringBoot发布以来,它就一直是Spring生态中的关键一员。它的.

2021-08-11 13:42:48 644

原创 Redis-Set-Command Redis Redis设置命令 SET命令

原文链接SET key valueSET 命令格式 SETkeyvalue[EX seconds|PX milliseconds|EXAT timestamp|PXAT milliseconds-timestamp|KEEPTTL][NX|XX][GET] Available since 1.0.0. SET命令从1.0.0版本开始存在Time complexity: O(1) 时间复杂度 O(1)Setkeyto ho...

2021-08-09 16:38:27 680

原创 Redis的简单使用-累加实现分布式并发并行处理-耗时查询结果缓存 《未完待续》

Redis开源的基于内存的结构化数据存储媒介,支持多种数据结构,如:字符串,集合,哈希表,位图等。当达到一定量时,根据LRU(Least Recently Used 即最近最少使用)算法进行数据删除替换等。非阻塞式IO的单线程操作,即线程安全,所有操作为原子操作。特别说明以下是基于 SpringMVC 实现与 Redis 服务端交互,其它的框架大同小异,如 SpringBoot 无非就是引用方式改为 Starter,然后配置类使用注解 @Bean 等等。工程引入pom.xml .

2021-08-05 18:06:21 984

原创 支付宝支付开发实践总结-Java-支付宝当面付-支付宝小程序-二维码生成-支付宝退款-APP调起支付宝支付


2021-08-01 22:30:58 1411

原创 微信支付开发实践总结-Java-支付宝小程序-微信用户OpenID-APP调起微信支付-微信退款-当面付-微信二维码订单

目前国内最火的支付方式,不用思考也能立刻说出来,那就是微信支付。根据网络数据(是否正确暂未知),微信支付总量已超出支付宝支付。本人倾向与使用支付宝支付,微信仅用于沟通等。言归正传,以下是与微信交互的经验,遇到的坑也有ꉂ (๑¯ਊ¯)σhhh…...

2021-08-01 22:26:08 313

原创 《未完待续》

MQTT:目前是IOT之间通信最火的一个消息队列框架,低延时高吞吐等等MQ:Message Queue 消息队列

2021-08-01 22:20:03 66

原创 《未完待续》

RocketMQMQ:Message Queue 即消息队列FIFO:First In First Out 即先进先出Queue:Java集合类一员,有众多子类,如数组实现的 *ArrayQueue ,或链表实现的 *LinkedQueue

2021-08-01 22:16:19 76

原创 读书笔记-C语言程序设计-西安电子科技大学出版社-王娟勤-【未完待续】

九、位运算C语言提供6种基本位运算功能:位取反(单目运算)、位与、位或、位异或、位左移和位右移。(1)位运算只能是 整形(int) 或 字符型(char),不能为实数型数据。(2)位运算是对运算量的每一个 二进制位 分别进行操作。 位与:同为 1 时结果才为 1。可用来保留特定位 7 :0111 (若3个1从右向左代表可读、可写、可执行),则检查是否可执行时 &4 :0100 -------------- ...

2021-04-13 17:16:32 449

node.js 2012 年 7 月第 1 版

node.js , 一直想学习这个, 不过这个是 2012 年 7 月第 1 版的, 先学习学习.



android platform 17,留着备用...



android platform 18, 留着备用...



eclipse swt 插件, 界面拖拽添加控件...


Zend Studio 11.0.2 破解教程及工具

自己亲自弄的, 网上找的破解工具, 我下载的时候是要分的啊 啊 啊 去官网现在 11.0.2 的 msi 安装, 然后安装我自己总结的步骤来就 OK 了



ios7 的东东, 随便看看吧, 巩固巩固



ios7 的东东, 还是不要积分, 和我一样的菜鸟有帮助的



ios7 的东东, 反正不要积分, 下载看看吧, 对初学者有帮助



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