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ITU-T G.841

6.1 MS shared protection rings MS shared protection rings can be categorized into two types: two-fibre and four-fibre. The ring APS protocol accommodates both types. For MS shared protection rings, the working channels carry the normal traffic signals to be protected while the protection channels are reserved for protection of this service. Protection channels may be used to carry extra traffic when not being used for protection of normal traffic. Normal traffic signals are transported bidirectionally over spans: an incoming tributary travels in one direction of the working channels while its associated outgoing tributary travels in the opposite direction but over the same spans. The pair of tributaries (incoming and outgoing) only uses capacity along the spans between the nodes where the pair is added and dropped. Thus, as illustrated in Figure 6-1, the pattern that these pairs of tributaries are placed on the ring impacts the maximum load that can be placed on MS shared protection rings. The sum of the tributaries that traverse a span cannot exceed the maximum capacity of that particular span.



高程、软件设计师考试试题及答案 2005年下半年软件设计师上午试题   ●阵列处理机属于___(1)___ 计算机。   (1)A.SISD    B.SIMD    C.MISD    D.MIMD   ●采用___(2)___ 不能将多个处理机互连构成多处理机系统。   (2)A.STD总线   B.交叉开关  C.PCI总线   D.Centronic总线   ●某计算机系统的可靠性结构是如下图所示的双重串并联结构,若所构成系统的每个部件的可靠度为0.9 ,即R=0.9 ,则系统的可靠度为___(3)___ 。 图1   (3)A.0.9997   B.0.9276   C.0.9739   D.0.6561   ●若每一条指令都可以分解为取指、分析和执行三步。已知取指时间t取指=5△t,分析时间t分析=2△t,执行时间t执行=5△t。如果按顺序方式从头到尾执行完500 条指令需___(4)___ △t。如果按照[执行]k、[分析]k+1 、[取指]k+2重叠的流水线方式执行指令,从头到尾执行完500 条指令需___(5)___△t。   (4)A.5590    B.5595    C.6000    D.6007   (5)A.2492    B.2500    C.2510    D.2515   ●在开发一个系统时,如果用户对系统的目标是不很清楚,难以定义需求,这时最好使用___(6)____。   (6)A.原型法   B.瀑布模型  C. V-模型   D.螺旋模型   ●应该在___(7)阶段制定系统测试计划。   (7)A.需求分析  B.概要设计  C.详细设计  D.系统测试   ●已经发布实施的标准(包括已确认或修改补充的标准),经过实施一定时期后,对其内容再次审查,以确保其有效性、先进性和适用性,其周期一般不超过___(8)____年。 (8)A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7   ●___(9)____不需要登记或标注版权标 记就能得到保护   (9)A.专利权   B.商标权   C. 著作权   D.财产权   ●如图2所示的树型文件中,方框表示目录,圆圈表示文件,"/"表示路径的分隔符,"/" 路径之首表示根目录。图2中,___(10)____。



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