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public class MongoDBDataClean { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { TimerTask task = new TimerTask(){ @Override public void run() { clearMon...

2017-01-18 14:20:56 876


Class.forName("com.ibm.db2.DB2Driver");String url = "jdbc:db2://localhost:port/databaseName";DriverManager.getConnection(url,username,password);SimpleDateFormat dayFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("...

2012-02-20 17:37:51 94


关于网银的一些认识,一般有个人网银和企业网银,功能很类似,企业网银更复杂些。首先网银登陆的过程中一般会做些什么事情呢首先会有用户信息密码验证,一次性密码(OTP)验证,然后再1.获得用户的一些基本信息,信用等级程度以及可以享用的优惠之类的。2.获得用户所有的账号信息:首先这个账户是下列三种账户的一种  同名账户(Same Name):一个用户名以下的所有账户。  第三方账户...

2011-10-24 23:08:18 228

原创 send email by java api

First ,create a properies file for config file,EmailSMTP=mail.*.comFromAddress=email@*.comEmailUser=emailEmailPassWord=emailToAddress=tom@*.com;ray@*.comFileName=H://*.txt;H://*.txtShowF...

2010-12-21 17:46:27 768

原创 ireport using javabean as the datasource

转自:http://hi.baidu.com/nieweiguo/blog/item/b92e369bf0c882b6c8eaf476.html步骤如下:首先在ireprot里做好所需要报表,保存 好      ireport里面的字段就是你要传入到jasper里的list所封装的model的字段,一一对应即可,   在ireport里面要设置报表字段(如果要传参数到报表里,则要在...

2010-10-28 14:11:04 104

Export the excel/txt file of report list by java

First of all, we should click a button or some pic to trigger the action of exporting,here I used a button:<input type="button" value="Export" onclick="export()" class="buttoncss"/>Then the ...

2010-09-21 16:16:15 88

Use the batch file to execute the sql

REM **********REM Modify the values below to match your configurationREM **********set v_mysqlHost=192.168.*.130set v_mysqlPort=3306set v_mysqlUser=adminset v_mysqlPassword=111111set v_m...

2010-06-23 11:18:30 125

something need to learn

关于JAVA,方向在哪?1、主流框架要掌握如(ssh),没事可以了解下jsf,shale,seam,richface,jpa 框架。 2、对于各种缓存的分析利弊,能灵活运用 如memcache,Oscache, 内存数据库timesken,嵌入数据库b-db等。。。。。 3、向网络、通信方面发展,比如说写个类似于mina的框架,写写类似于游戏服务端的东西,自己可以写协议,支持高并发。 4、掌握...

2010-05-04 17:56:12 107

Problems when learning ruby

1.The exception is:    Status: 500 Internal Server Error    no such file to load -- sqlite3 solution: need to download  sqlite3.rar ,then uncompressed at the ../ruby/bin folder,then gem install sq...

2010-04-19 15:26:30 87

pass values from jsp to applet

define a object in jsp:<object classid="clsiD:CAFEEFAC-0015-0000-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA" width=1000 height=750 codebase="http://java.sun.com/update/1.5.0/jinstall-1_5_0-Windows-i586.cab#Version=1,5,...

2010-04-16 16:56:50 76

debug swing

When u want to test the swing , java console can show some info by system.out.print.Go to start - > Control panel, then select Java control panel and open it.Select Advanced option,then u can s...

2010-04-15 16:22:34 102

swing listeners

Listeners that needed when we want to deal with some event,addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter())public abstract class WindowAdapter implements WindowListener, WindowStateListener, WindowFocu...

2010-03-26 14:04:46 96

A example of treepanel of Ext

var root = new Ext.tree.TreeNode({ id:"root", text:"Sample" }); var ITDep = new Ext.tree.TreeNode({id:"c1",text:"IT Dep",href:"http://www.sina...

2010-03-19 14:40:32 85

Tree set for sorting

code: Set<Pattern> sortedPatterns = new TreeSet<Pattern>(); for(Pattern pattern : project.getPatterns()){ sortedPatterns.add(pattern); } project.setPatterns(sortedPatt...

2010-03-18 09:09:13 76

unique foreign key mapping of hibernate example

First the ddl language of the table used with foreign key as :CREATE TABLE `t_operation_log` ( `id` BIGINT(24) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `resourceId` BIGINT(24) NOT NULL, `systemlogId` BIGIN...

2010-03-09 11:29:05 76

Ext learning

Today,do some work with ext,have a simple knowledge for it,it is convenient to use,write a example for remembering./** * This JS is used to provide the user details information. * * @author ...

2010-03-04 18:08:29 89

batch execution

Statement st = null; try{ conn.setAutoCommit(false); st = conn.createStatement(); for(int i=0;i<sqlBatch.length;i++){ st.addBatch(sqlBatch[i]); //commit per 500 sql sent...

2010-02-26 17:09:07 143

原创 I will be back

I will be backjust for stay a few daysno matter how difficult to buy the ticketno matter how far the journey isno matter how complicated the feelings isI just want be backstay with family ...

2010-02-08 16:57:26 110

原创 Socket -learning a little from IBM tutorial

There are three files to complete this example:  RemoteFileClient.java  RemoteFileServer.java  ConnectionHandler.javathe codes are:import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;...

2010-01-14 18:43:03 59

原创 spring transaction testing with hibernate

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop" xmlns:tx="http://www.sp...

2010-01-12 17:20:19 76

原创 Spring DAO with Jdbc and Hibernate

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org/schema/aop" xmlns:tx="http://www.sp...

2010-01-07 17:34:22 57

原创 Spring AOP config file and explaination

I have give the comment in xml file:<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:aop="http://www.springframework.org...

2010-01-06 14:50:09 76

原创 JavaScript object

Note:this blog copied from: http://www.k99k.com/ ,if u reship it,pls note the resource.在javascript中,对象实际上就是一个哈希表,比如下面这个user对象: function user(n, a){ this.name = n; this.age = a; th...

2010-01-05 16:57:31 77

原创 Ant

First,download a apache-ant-1.7.1 from apache site on network.then u need to config the "Path" of environment variables.If the ant unzip at E:\apache-ant-1.7.1,so u need add "E:\apache-ant-1.7.1\bin" ...

2010-01-04 18:34:40 67

原创 plsql learning - six:DML trigger

The trigger triggered when DML sentences executed,the steps are:1)If there are before-triggers before the sentence,run these triggers.2)For every row of the sentences that involved:   a.if there...

2009-12-29 14:10:13 98

原创 oracle datatype

 Oracle 9i共提供了16种标量数据类型表:名称含义Char用于描述定长的字符型数据,长度<=2000字节varchar2用于描述变长的字符型数据,长度<=4000字节nchar用来存储Unicode字符集的定长字符型数据,长度<=1000字节nvarchar2用来存储Unicode字符集的变长字...

2009-12-29 13:39:17 264

原创 plsql learning - five:trigger

When we want to update the info of some important tables,we can use the trigger,it can be triggered after we use some DML for some tables.here is the example of it:create or replace trigger UpdateMa...

2009-12-28 18:46:38 85

plsql learning - four:procedure

There are three type of parameters of procedure,IN,OUT,IN OUT,here is the example:create or replace procedure ModeTest( p_InParameter in number, p_OutParameter out number, p_InOutParameter in ...

2009-12-25 16:38:26 70

plsql learning - three:debug

The debug method three: we can use the debug tools of plsql developer,just like we debug our code in eclipse or vc.   create or replace package StudentFetch as type t_Students is table of stude...

2009-12-24 18:16:54 56

plsql learning - two:debug

In order to use dbms_output.put_line to print the debug info on screen,we need to fix the procedure debug:create or replace package Debug as procedure Debug(p_Description in varchar2,p_Value in...

2009-12-23 09:01:57 70

plsql learning - one:debug and track

All these codes test on oracle9.2.First,give the all the base tables and datas for learning pl/sql.They will be all used in the following testing.create sequence student_sequencestart with 10000...

2009-12-22 18:00:21 111

Oracle functions

Examples of function in oracle 9i,pls check the defination of them if not clear about it.1.select ascii('A') A,ascii('a') a,ascii(0) zero,ascii(' ') space from dual65 97 48 322.select chr(54...

2009-12-18 11:32:20 93

Oracle function : to_date and to_char

First,here are some defination of date.  D :the day number of the week,example: Monday is two  DAY :the day name ,example:Monday   DD :  the day number of the month,from 0 to 31  DDD : the day numbe...

2009-12-17 17:35:23 66

The Root

Let's talk about the roots.I am from the village remote.Just like the village of other areas in China,Poor seems stand for that,but I cannot agree with the one who think that deeply.Clean water,fr...

2009-12-14 18:36:58 99

controller components of struts

Controller components of struts mainly include:    ActionServlet: as a center controller of struts framework.    RequestProcessor:as the request processor of every sub applicaiton model.    Acti...

2009-11-18 18:16:54 75

Simple expample of MessageDigest

When use the encrypted arithmetic to encrypt some files.we can use the method create by MessageDigest:package com.CAHelper;import java.security.MessageDigest;import java.security.NoSuchAlgorit...

2009-11-16 17:57:19 82

judgement method of collections

When the collections want to evaluate the object is different from another object or not,it first to judge the mothod of hashcode() and equals() Set set = new HashSet(); Integer a = new Integer(...

2009-10-19 18:18:36 93

one-to-one mapping of hibernate

first ,create two tables you want to make the OR mapping.create table T_PASSPORT( ID NUMBER(4) not null primary key, SERIAL VARCHAR2(30) not null)create table T_PERSON( ID NUM...

2009-10-13 18:00:53 77

Notes of hibernate about Xiaxin

In order to test hibernate example ,create a simple project is enough,then we shoule have these libs for simple test:hibernate3.jar,log4j-1.2.8.jar and the jar of oracle driver .add them to the libera...

2009-10-11 22:37:26 88

use xtree js for create a tree

First ,you shoule download the opensource xtree.js for this function./* * WebFXTreeItem class */function WebFXTreeItem(sText, sAction, eParent, sIcon, sOpenIcon) { this.base = WebFXTreeAbs...

2009-09-30 19:39:04 72






















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