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Professional Ajax, 2nd Edition

With recent advances in JavaScript, web developers have been able to create an unprecedented user experience in web applications. Breaking free of the “click and wait” paradigm that has dominated the web since its inception, developers can now bring features formerly reserved for desktop applications onto the web using a technique called Ajax. Ajax is an all-encompassing term surrounding the use of asynchronous HTTP requests initiated by JavaScript for the purpose of retrieving information from the server without unloading the page. These requests may be executed in any number of ways and using any number of different data transmission formats. Combining this remote data retrieval with the interactivity of the Document Object Model (DOM) has bred a new generation of web applications that seem to defy all the traditional rules of what can happen on the web. Big companies such as Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft have devoted resources specifically towards the goal of creating web applications that look and behave like desktop applications. This book covers the various aspects of Ajax, including the different ways you can initiate HTTP requests to the server and the different formats that can be used to carry data back and forth. You will learn different Ajax techniques and patterns for executing client-server communication on your web site and in web applications.



中文Office 软件包中提供了一个名为中文Excel 软件,这是一个用于建立与使用电子报表的实用程序,也是一种数据库软件,用于按表格的形式来应用数据记录。专业数据库管理系统软件Visual FoxPro也能建立电子报表,但中文Excel 却是一个电子报表的专业软件,也常用于处理大量的数据信息,特别适用于数字统计,而且能快速制定好表格。


ibatis 开发指南

ibatis 开发指南 使用ibatis 提供的ORM机制,对业务逻辑实现人员而言,面对的是纯粹的Java对象, 这一层与通过Hibernate 实现ORM 而言基本一致,而对于具体的数据操作,Hibernate 会自动生成SQL 语句,而ibatis 则要求开发者编写具体的SQL 语句。相对Hibernate等 “全自动”ORM机制而言,ibatis 以SQL开发的工作量和数据库移植性上的让步,为系统 设计提供了更大的自由空间。作为“全自动”ORM 实现的一种有益补充,ibatis 的出现显 得别具意义。


Gecko DOM Reference

This section describes the guide itself: who it’s for, how the information is presented,<br>and how you can use the examples in the reference in your own DOM development.<br>Note that this document is under development, and is not currently a comprehensive<br>listing of the DOM methods and properties implemented for Gecko. Each individual<br>section of the document (e.g., the DOM Document Reference) is complete for the<br>object(s) it describes, however. As reference information for the various members of<br>the huge APIs becomes available, it is integrated into this document here.



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