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jQuery EasyUI 1.4

ChangeLog Bug menu: The menu should not has a correct height when removed a menu item. fixed. datagrid: The 'fitColumns' method does not work normally when the datarid width is too small. fixed. Improvement The fluid/percentange size is supported now for all easyui components. menu: Add 'showItem', 'hideItem' and 'resize' methods. menu: Auto resize the height upon the window size. menu: Add 'duration' property that allows the user to define duration time in milliseconds to hide menu. validatebox: Add 'onBeforeValidate' and 'onValidate' events. combo: Extended from textbox now. combo: Add 'panelMinWidth','panelMaxWidth','panelMinHeight' and 'panelMaxHeight' properties. searchbox: Extended from textbox now. tree: The 'getRoot' method will return the top parent node of a specified node if pass a 'nodeEl' parameter. tree: Add 'queryParams' property. datetimebox: Add 'spinnerWidth' property. panel: Add 'doLayout' method to cause the panel to lay out its components. panel: Add 'clear' method to clear the panel's content. datagrid: The user is allowed to assign percent width to columns. form: Add 'ajax','novalidate' and 'queryParams' properties. linkbutton: Add 'resize' method. New Plugins textbox: A enhanced input field that allows users build their form easily. datetimespinner: A date and time spinner that allows to pick a specific day. filebox: The filebox component represents a file field of the forms.


Bootstrap Source 3.0.3

Bootstrap Source 3.0.3 Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development.


Bootstrap dist

Sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. 压缩版


JQuery zTree v3.5.15

zTree 是一个依靠 jQuery 实现的多功能 “树插件”。优异的性能、灵活的配置、多种功能的组合是 zTree 最大优点。



Current Version: 1.3.4 ChangeLog Bug combobox: The onLoadSuccess event fires when parsing empty local data. fixed. form: Calling 'reset' method can not reset datebox field. fixed. Improvement mobile: The context menu and double click features are supported on mobile devices. combobox: The 'groupField' and 'groupFormatter' options are available to display items in groups. tree: When append or insert nodes, the 'data' parameter accepts one or more nodes data. tree: The 'getChecked' method accepts a single 'state' or an array of 'state'. tree: Add 'scrollTo' method. datagrid: The 'multiSort' property is added to support multiple column sorting. datagrid: The 'rowStyler' and column 'styler' can return CSS class name or inline styles. treegrid: Add 'load' method to load data and navigate to the first page. tabs: Add 'tabWidth' and 'tabHeight' properties. validatebox: The 'novalidate' property is available to indicate whether to perform the validation. validatebox: Add 'enableValidation' and 'disableValidation' methods. form: Add 'enableValidation' and 'disableValidation' methods. slider: Add 'onComplete' event. pagination: The 'buttons' property accepts the existing element. License: GPL License Commercial License



Version: 1.3.2 ChangeLog Bug datagrid: The loading message window can not be centered when changing the width of datagrid. fixed. treegrid: The 'mergeCells' method can not work normally. fixed. propertygrid: Calling 'endEdit' method to stop editing a row will cause errors. fixed. tree: Can not load empty data when 'lines' property set to true. fixed. Improvement RTL feature is supported now. tabs: Add 'scrollBy' method to scroll the tab header by the specified amount of pixels. tabs: Add 'toolPosition' property to set tab tools to left or right. tabs: Add 'tabPosition' property to define the tab position, possible values are: 'top','bottom','left','right'. datagrid: Add a column level property 'order' that allows users to define different default sort order per column. datagrid: Add a column level property 'halign' that allows users to define how to align the column header. datagrid: Add 'resizeHandle' property to define the resizing column position, by grabbing the left or right edge of the column. datagrid: Add 'freezeRow' method to freeze some rows that will always be displayed at the top when the datagrid is scrolled down. datagrid: Add 'clearChecked' method to clear all checked records. datagrid: Add 'data' property to initialize the datagrid data. linkbutton: Add 'iconAlgin' property to define the icon position, supported values are: 'left','right'. menu: Add 'minWidth' property. menu: The menu width can be automatically calculated. tree: New events are available including 'onBeforeDrag','onStartDrag','onDragEnter','onDragOver','onDragLeave',etc. combo: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of combo. combo: Add 'reset' method. numberbox: Add 'reset' method. spinner: Add 'reset' method. spinner: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of spinner. searchbox: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of searchbox. form: Add 'reset' method. validatebox: Add 'delay' property to delay validating from the last inputting value. validatebox: Add 'tipPosition' property to define the tip position, supported values are: 'left','right'. validatebox: Multiple validate rules on a field is supported now. slider: Add 'reversed' property to determine if the min value and max value will switch their positions. progressbar: Add 'height' property to allow users to define the height of progressbar. License: GPL License Commercial License


ZTree v3.2

ZTree v3.2 版本, 于V2.X系列不兼容!!!


Empire EFI v1.085 R2

如果用empireEFIv1085.iso裝Mac的時候碰到 Leaving ACPI data as is Starting Darwin x86 Press any key to continue... 按任意键后,就一直黑屏 的問題可以試驗下這個版本. 支持Intel和Nvidia GTX 系列顯卡,及Core i3-M , Core i5-M and new Core ix 等系列的用戶 支持AMD SB780 and SB7xx 系主板


各大公司 JAVA C++ 面试题

网上最全的JAVA C++ 面试题 包括各大公司的 亚信 华为 新电 包括Java C++ 數據庫設計等, 其中java部分較多 壓縮後10M,內容豐富絕對超值


PetaPoco ORM

PetaPoco是一款适用于.NET应用程序的轻型对象关系映射器(ORM, Object Relational Mapper)。与那些功能完备的ORM(如NHibernate或Entity Framework)不同的是,PetaPoco更注重易用性和性能,而非丰富的功能。使用PetaPoco只需要引入一个C#文件,可以使用强类型的POCO(Plain Old CLR Object),并支持使用T4模板生成的类等等。 可与SQL Server、SQL Server CE、MySQL、PostgreSQL以及Oracle数据库协同工作。   在性能方面,PetaPoco仅次于Dapper,速度只稍逊于手工编码的数据访问层(DAL, Data Access Layer)。   还有一些对初学者会有帮助的教程,它们是位于官网上的系列博文以及一些独立博文教程。此外,由于PetaPoco是开源项目,因此添加条件来处理如空间数据等特定情况会很容易。  


JAVA解惑(中文版) PDF

非常不错的一本书,java爱好者必备! pdf版本



** 请修改扩展名为ZIP<br>包括 ORM,ICO,MVP,Cache等<br>



** 请修改扩展名为ZIP<br>Nbear V3.7.2源代码 类库 VS插件等



** 请修改扩展名为ZIP<br>NBearLite是一个.NET 2.0开源(BSD协议)通用数据访问组件,支持SQL Server、Oracle、MS Access,MySQL,SQLite,PostgreSQL等多种数据库的透明切换(改变数据库类型时无需修改具体的查询代码)。NBearLite 实现了一套类似LINQ的强类型数据库查询语法(支持从简单的CRUD查询到GroupBy、InnerJoin,Paging,SubQuery等常用复杂查询)。NBearLite提供的代码生成工具还可以为您自动生成所有的存储过程调用包装代码,可以让您像使用一个.NET类的方法一样访问存储过程(支持SQL Server,Oracle,MySQL,PostgreSQL数据库)。<br><br>NBearLite不是一个ORM工具,它不涉及实体类,NBearLite的所有查询返回Scalar/DataSet/IDataReader等ADO.NET原生数据类型。<br><br>推荐在使用NBearLite的同时结合使用NBearMapping进行IDataReader/DataRow数据类型和自定义.NET类 (如:实体类或业务类)之间的填充转换,以及任意自定义.NET类和自定义.NET类之间的数据映射转换(如异构系统间的数据类型整合)。



** 请修改文件扩展名为 zip<br>NBearV4框架的ORM组件<br>主要功能:<br>1、任意类型对象、DataRow和DataReader对象间的透明映射;<br>2、支持.NET的Nullable类型;<br>3、高性能<br>


script.aculo.us web 2.0 javascript

基于Prototype框架的一个非常优秀的开源Ajax框架,封装了许多控件:AotuComplete,Accordion,Slider等,很多的动画效果,还有拖拽,DOM Utility等等<br> 刚才在Download里面Search了一下好像没有,所以传上来一个,这个压缩包里面包含3个版本1.7.0,1.7.1,1.8.0分别基于Prototype的1.5.0,1.5.1,1.6.0版,看各位需要了,下的朋友记得帮我UP下,3Q~



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