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全球畅销书Python Crash Course 2nd Edition by Eric Matthes 英文原生PDF

English | 2019 | ISBN: 1593279288 | 544 Pages | True PDF | 7 MB Second edition of the best selling Python book in the world. A fast-paced, no-nonsense guide to programming in Python. This book teaches beginners the basics of programming in Python with a focus on real projects. This is the second edition of the best selling Python book in the world. Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition is a straightforward introduction to the core of Python programming. Author Eric Matthes dispenses with the sort of tedious, unnecessary information that can get in the way of learning how to program, choosing instead to provide a foundation in general programming concepts, Python fundamentals, and problem solving. Three real world projects in the second part of the book allow readers to apply their knowledge in useful ways. Readers will learn how to create a simple video game, use data visualization techniques to make graphs and charts, and build and deploy an interactive web application. Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition teaches beginners the essentials of Python quickly so that they can build practical programs and develop powerful programming techniques.


Python Crash Course 2nd Edition

Python最畅销教程最新版。Second edition of the best selling Python book in the world. A fast-paced, no-nonsense guide to programming in Python. This book teaches beginners the basics of programming in Python with a focus on real projects. This is the second edition of the best selling Python book in the world. Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition is a straightforward introduction to the core of Python programming. Author Eric Matthes dispenses with the sort of tedious, unnecessary information that can get in the way of learning how to program, choosing instead to provide a foundation in general programming concepts, Python fundamentals, and problem solving. Three real world projects in the second part of the book allow readers to apply their knowledge in useful ways. Readers will learn how to create a simple video game, use data visualization techniques to make graphs and charts, and build and deploy an interactive web application. Python Crash Course, 2nd Edition teaches beginners the essentials of Python quickly so that they can build practical programs and develop powerful programming techniques.


Head First Go 1st Edition

Go represents an attempt to improve on some weaknesses of traditional compiled programming languages. It de-emphasizes or removes error-prone language structures like class inheritance and exception handling. It features great concurrency support and automatic memory management (garbage collection). Existing Go books tend to be highly technical in nature, teaching all aspects of the language regardless of their relevance to beginners. This book, rather than talking about the features of Go in abstract terms, features simple, clear examples that demonstrate Go in action, and diagrams to explain difficult concepts. This book will not only teach developers basic language features, it will get them comfortable consulting error output, documentation, and search engines to find solutions to problems. It will teach all the conventions and techniques that employers expect an entry-level Go developer to know.


Python for Programmers: with Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Case Studies

The professional programmer’s Deitel guide to Pythonwith introductory artificial intelligence case studies Written for programmers with a background in another high-level language, this book uses hands-on instruction to teach today’s most compelling, leading-edge computing technologies and programming in Python–one of the world’s most popular and fastest-growing languages. Please read the Table of Contents diagram inside the front cover and the Preface for more details. In the context of 500+, real-world examples ranging from individual snippets to 40 large scripts and full implementation case studies, you’ll use the interactive IPython interpreter with code in Jupyter Notebooks to quickly master the latest Python coding idioms. After covering Python Chapters 1—5 and a few key parts of Chapters 6—7, you’ll be able to handle significant portions of the hands-on introductory AI case studies in Chapters 11—16, which are loaded with cool, powerful, contemporary examples. These include natural language processing, data mining Twitter for sentiment analysis, cognitive computing with IBM Watson™, supervised machine learning with classification and regression, unsupervised machine learning with clustering, computer vision through deep learning and convolutional neural networks, deep learning with recurrent neural networks, big data with Hadoop, Spark™ and NoSQL databases, the Internet of Things and more. You’ll also work directly or indirectly with cloud-based services, including Twitter, Google Translate™, IBM Watson, Microsoft Azure, OpenMapQuest, PubNub and more.


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ng-book The Complete Guide to Angular(英文原版)



Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template - V4.7



Professional ASP.NET MVC 5

Jon Galloway, Brad Wilson, K. Scott Allen, David Matson ISBN: 978-1-118-79472-2 E-book 624 pages July 2014 ASP.NET MVC insiders cover the latest updates to the technology in this popular Wrox reference MVC 5 is the newest update to the popular Microsoft technology that enables you to build dynamic, data-driven websites. Like previous versions, this guide shows you step-by-step techniques on using MVC to best advantage, with plenty of practical tutorials to illustrate the concepts. It covers controllers, views, and models; forms and HTML helpers; data annotation and validation; membership, authorization, and security. MVC 5, the latest version of MVC, adds sophisticated features such as single page applications, mobile optimization, and adaptive rendering A team of top Microsoft MVP experts, along with visionaries in the field, provide practical advice on basic and advanced MVC topics Covers controllers, views, models, forms, data annotations, authorization and security, Ajax, routing, ASP.NET web API, dependency injection, unit testing, real-world application, and much more Professional ASP.NET MVC 5 is the comprehensive resource you need to make the best use of the updated Model-View-Controller technology.





Ruby on rails tutorial中文版(第二版)

我读过很多 Rails 相关的书,但是这本真正让我入门了。书里的一切都很符合“Rails 之道”,我以前觉得这个道很不自然,但是读完这本书,感觉却是自然无比。本书也是唯一一本自始至终都是用测试驱动开发理念的 Rails 书籍,很多行家都推荐使用 TDD,但是在本书出版之前从没有被如此清楚的介绍过。书中的示例还用到了 Git、GitHub 和 Heroku,作者真的是让你体验了一把开发真正能用的程序是什么感觉,而且书中用到的代码并不是凭空捏造的。 线性叙述是很好的模式。我花了三整天的时间阅读了本书,做了书中所有的示例程序和练习。从头至尾,循序渐进,不要跳着读,这样才能这种从中收益。 享受 Rails 的盛宴吧! ——Derek Sivers (sivers.org),CD Baby 创始人 欢迎学习《Ruby on Rails 教程》。本书的目标是成为对“如果想学习使用 Ruby on Rails 进行 Web 开发,我应该从哪儿开始?”这一问题的最好答案。学习完本书的内容之后,你将具备使用 Rails 进行开发和部署 Web 程序的技能。同时你还能够通过一些进阶的书籍、博客和视频教程等活跃的 Rails 教学体系继续深造。本书基于 Rails 4,这里的知识代表着 Web 开发的发展方向。 除了讲到 Ruby on Rails 之外,涉及到的技术还有 HTML、CSS、数据库、版本控制、测试和部署。为了达成学习目标,本书使用了一个完整的方案:通过实例学习使用 Rails 从零开始创建一个真正的程序。如 Derek Sivers 在前言中所说的,本书内容采用线性TDD结构,需要从头开始按顺序读到结尾。如果你经常跳着阅读技术类书籍,这种线性的组织方式需要你适应一下。你可以将本书设想为一个电子游戏,学习完每一章就会升一级。 最终的示例程序将在外表上和一个同样采用 Rails 开发的微博网站十分相似2。虽然我们将主要的精力集中在这个示例程序上了,但是本书的重点却在于提供一些通用的方法,这样你就会具有坚实的基本功,不论开发什么样的 Web 程序都能够派上用场。 本书的英文版原作者是 Michael Hartl,把 Ruby on Rails Web 开发介绍给世人的先行者。他之前曾经写作并开发了 RailsSoace,一本很过时的 Rails 教程;也曾使用 Ruby on Rails 开发过一个名为 Insoshi 的社交网络平台,这个平台曾经很流行,现在已经过气了。因为他对 Ruby 社区的贡献,于 2011 年被授予了 Ruby Hero 奖。他毕业于哈佛学院,并获得了加州理工学院的物理学博士学位。他还是 Y Combinator 创业者项目的毕业生。 本书的中文版译者是 Andor Chen。他毕业于中南大学,现在一家国内领先的锂离子电池制造企业任职机械工程师。用过 WordPress 的读者或许会熟悉这个名字。现在他是个 Ruby 初学者,并在学习使用 Rails 做 Web 开发。本书就是他在学习 Rails 的过程中翻译的。


Programming Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 3rd Edition

Develop next-generation web applications with ASP.NET MVC Go deep into the architecture and features of ASP.NET MVC 5, and learn how to build web applications that work well on both the desktop and mobile devices. Web development expert Dino Esposito takes you through the web framework’s Model-View-Controller (MVC) design model, and covers the tools you need to cleanly separate business logic from the user interface. If you’re an experienced web developer new to ASP.NET MVC, this practical guide will get you going. Discover how to: Build web applications that are easy to test and maintain Dive into the functions of controllers—the heart of an MVC site Explore the structure and behavior of a view engine Process a variety of input data using a custom model binder Automate the writing of input forms, and streamline validation Design websites for mobile devices, localization, and error handling Provide security by implementing a membership system Inject script code into your site using JavaScript and jQuery Use Responsive Web Design to make sites mobile-friendly





PL/SQL Developer 10.0.5版本带sn亲测好用推荐

PL/SQL Developer 10.0.5最新版本 带sn(通过网上获得)。亲测好用推荐给大家



C#常用控件命名参考,包括主要控件的命名前缀。 如:Button 前缀btn CheckBox 前缀chk等。


Apress Introducing.dot.NET.4.0.with.Visual.Studio.2010

2月份Apress出版的关于.NET 4.0和visuaStudio2010的书。 此书为清晰英文版PDF


Apress Accelerated C# 2010

Apress出版的最新关于C#2010的书。本书不仅包括了C#的基本语法也涉及了.NET 4.0的最新的一些特性。对于初学C#或者想了解.NET 4.0的读者应该有所帮助。 此书为英文版


More Effective C#: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#

这本是 Effective C#的下一本书,包括了C#3.0的一些特性和Linq。好书就不多介绍了。


C# 3.0 Cookbook

C# 3.0 Cookbook,最新的关于C#的参考书,2008年1月最新版本


Programming C# 3.0

最新版本的Programming CSharp.是继Programming C# 4ed的版本。2008年1月出版


C# 3.0 Design Patterns

最新的C#3.0的Design Pattern.需要请下载


Apress Pro ASP.NET for SQL Server

This book covers the middle ground between ASP.NET and SQL Server that is not covered<br>sufficiently by books that focus on these two big pieces independently. I wrote this book to<br>focus on the bridge between these two systems to reveal all of the techniques and features<br>available to developers so that you could learn to fully leverage these two technologies, which<br>were designed very cleverly to work together. As you read the book and work through the sam-<br>ple projects, my hope is that you will discover features that you did not know about previously<br>that will help you make your websites faster and easier to maintain.<br>学习ASP.NET和SQL Server的桥梁


Apress - Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008.PART3

Apress - Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008<br>最新的关于asp.net的书,非常值得参考!<br>注意!因为文件上传大小的限制,共3部分(20.9M)<br>此是第三部分,请同时下载第一、二部分!


Apress - Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008

Apress - Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008<br>最新的关于asp.net的书,非常值得参考!<br>注意!因为文件上传大小的限制,共3部分(20.9M)<br>此是第二部分,请同时下载第一、三部分!


Apress - Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008

Apress - Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008<br>最新的关于asp.net的书,非常值得参考!<br>注意!因为文件上传大小的限制,共3部分(20.9M)<br>此是第一部分,请同时下载第二、三部分!


Apress Pro C# with .NET3.0.part2.rar



Apress Pro C# with .NET3.0.part1.rar







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