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Camel is an integration framework that aims to make your integration projects productive and fun. The Camel project was started in early 2007, but although it’s relatively young, Camel is already a mature open source project, available under the liberal Apache 2 license, and it has a strong community. Camel’s focus is on simplifying integration. We’re confident that by the time you finish reading these pages, you’ll appreciate Camel and add it to your “must have” list of tools. The Apache Camel project was named Camel simply because the name is short and easy to remember. Rumor has it the name may be inspired by the fact that one of the founders once smoked Camel cigarettes. At the Camel website a FAQ entry (http://camel.apache.org/why-the-name-camel.html) lists other lighthearted reasons for the name.


GWT in Action

一本全面介绍GWT应用教科书。 Roadmap Chapter 1 introduces GWT and examines where it sits in relation to complementary and competing technologies. It also shows how easy it is to get a first GWT application up and running. Chapter 2 provides a detailed understanding of the steps required to build the default GWT application using the GWT command-line tools, indicating what each tool is, why it’s used, and when you should use it. This chapter also discusses alternative approaches to creating your application, including by hand and by using an IDE wizard. xxvi ABOUT THIS BOOK Chapter 3 is the first step you’ll take away from the default GWT application and toward the initial version of the Dashboard. We’ll explain what default files you need to change/replace and why. Chapter 4 starts our discussion of standard GWT components. It looks at widgets, but not in a textbook style. Using component applications from the running Dashboard application, you’ll get insight into the use of key widgets from GWT. The second part of the chapter looks at building your own widgets, including the GWT Widget Libraries PNGImage widget and two widgets that extend the standard MenuItem widget. Chapter 5 covers panels, looking at how they’re used in the Dashboard and how to extend and create your own panels—including the DashboardPanel used for the Dashboard application components. Chapter 6 introduces event handling as performed by GWT and explains how to harness it for your own components. You’ll see how to handle new events for widgets as well as plumb together the event handling for double-clicks and so on. Chapter 7 finishes the four key aspects of GWT application components by thoroughly discussing the development of composite widgets. We lean on the EditableLabel, which has been around for nearly a year and is included in the GWT Widget Library. You’ll also build some slider composite widgets, culminating in a sliding color-picker widget. Chapter 8 is where you’ll learn how to harness any JavaScript library you may have and want to interact with. The GWT Widget Library includes a GWT widget that wraps the Google Ajax Search functionality; you’ll learn how we built that component as well as how to wrap the Google Video Search component. Chapter 9 wraps up the direct user interface components included in the book. You’ll learn the details of using the GWT module’s XML configuration file to, among other things, inject resources, alter the project layout, invoke class replacement and generation, and include server components. You’ll also see how to include third-party GWT libraries, as well as how to create you own libraries of GWT code. Chapter 10 takes you into the world of GWT-RPC, where you’ll learn how to pass Java objects between the web browser and your Java servlets. ABOUT THIS BOOK xxvii Chapter 11 expands on the previous chapter by showing you common usage patterns and custom serialization for GWT-RPC. This include polling techniques, including how to emulate server-push. Chapter 12 looks at GWT’s support for classic Ajax and HTML forms. These tools offer flexibility, allowing your GWT application to connect to any server-side application. This chapter provides real-world examples for loading external configuration data and using GWT to upload files to the server. Chapter 13 finishes our discussion of client-server communication with GWT’s support of the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) message format. We’ll explain what JSON is and provide an example of using it to communicate with the Yahoo Search API. Chapter 14 looks at GWT’s powerful generators. You’ll learn how to build generators that introspect code at compile time to generate new subclasses with additional functionality. You’ll also see how these generators can promote comments written in code to be displayed in dialogs to the user at runtime. Chapter 15 rounds off the advanced techniques by thoroughly covering properties, including internationalization both in the normal sense of changing text for labels and menus, and so on, and also in terms of changing whole components of your application based on the defined locale. You’ll also use properties to drive the selection of the view that is presented to the user. Chapter 16 shows you how to test your GWT code with JUnit and how to deploy your finished application to the server. You’ll learn how to organize your deployed code to reduce clutter on the server. Chapter 17 completes the book by investigating the underlying mechanisms of GWT, for those interested in delving a little deeper. You’ll see how bootstrapping works (including the changes introduced by GWT 1.4), what your compiled code should look like, and what the various output files produced by the compiler are related to.



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