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原创 tensorflow 2.16.1 can not use save and load


2024-04-19 20:05:20 193

原创 eigenvalue ,eigenvector , goal of LDA, PCA

PCA : Principal component analysisSpecifically, our combined principal component is the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue in the covariance matrix. We can also create additional principal components combining other variables. The second p

2024-04-10 09:16:24 187

原创 边缘随机变量


2024-03-28 00:20:03 332

原创 Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab doesn‘t switch editor tabs


2024-03-21 08:51:46 68

原创 LSTM data preparation

When using LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) or GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) for time series prediction tasks such as stock price forecasting, it’s generally not recommended to shuffle the training data.The reason is that these models are designed to learn from

2024-03-18 23:36:43 454

原创 agoda first coding

To implemente in C++. The function should take the following inputs and produce the expected outputs (provide examples if there is). The function should have a time complexity

2024-03-04 17:48:46 416

原创 coding task: array jump back

ExamplesOutput: 3Output: 2code :TBD.

2024-03-01 22:50:31 381

原创 a coding task

if (child!return res;

2024-03-01 18:16:43 338

原创 position.


2024-02-28 23:00:33 361

原创 tcp tuning tcp_slow_start_after_idle

the windows, is the data in on transmission.1. net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle = 0, this is necessary2. MSS(Maximum Segment Size) inital = 1460 , MSS = MTU - 20TCPHear - 20 IPHeader3. Send Window = min( Congestion Window, Receiver Window), about = CWin

2024-02-26 09:57:05 493

原创 HFT image

2024-02-25 23:17:10 324

原创 MPC,Secure Multi-party Computation

MPC技术的实现通常基于密码学的多种技术,包括秘密分享(Secret Sharing)、不经意传输协议(Oblivious Transfer)、混淆电路(Garbled Circuit)和同态加密(Homomorphic Encryption)等。这些技术可以保护每个参与方的输入,同时在最后聚合时,可以还原出真实的计算结果。它允许一组用户以他们的隐私数据为输入,共同计算一个函数,并且所有用户只能得到这个函数的输出,无法得到其他的任何信息。

2024-02-20 01:19:54 370

原创 BRN and FIBRE

2016年,随着Fast Internet Bitcoin Relay Engine(FIBRE)的引入,原始的Bitcoin Relay Network被替换¹。Bitcoin Relay Network由几个专门的节点组成,这些节点托管在全球的Amazon Web Services基础设施上,并连接了大多数的矿工和矿池³。这个网络试图在矿工之间最小化区块的传输延迟,因为在挖矿中,网络延迟直接关系到利润率¹。"Bitcoin Relay Network"是一个网络,旨在最小化矿工之间的区块传输延迟。

2024-02-19 19:23:07 297

原创 financial words p1

期货转现货交易 Exchange of Futures for Physical, EFP。场内交易 Curb Trading, Exchange Trading。长效指令 Good-till-Cancelled Order。场外交易 over-the-Counter Trading。外汇期货 Foreign Exchange Futures。虚值期权 Out-of-the-Money Options。跨市套利 Inter-Exchange Spread。

2024-02-19 16:20:15 322

原创 native smart contracts, a easy forgotten thing.


2024-02-18 10:12:24 710

原创 what happened when new node enter

the node will know by looking at the blockchain. If it's just a new node, it'll need to download some of the blockchains from another node before it can start connecting to others. For another, nodes can find and connect using a variety of methods such as

2024-02-18 01:18:00 321

原创 hardware crypto wallet

air-gaped, keystone and ellipal diagram:Making transactions The principle of signing a transaction with the ELLIPAL Titan A transaction can be easily created via the interface in the ELLIPAL app. A QR code is then generated, which must be scanned using the

2024-02-18 01:12:55 361

原创 1. SOLID DRY ....

1.5 DIP(Dependency Inversion Principle) 依赖倒置/依赖反转。不去设计与开发当前功能用不到的代码,但并不意味着不考虑拓展性,可以预留好拓展点,后面需要时再开发。高层模块不依赖低层模块,它们共同依赖同一个抽象,抽象不要依赖具体实现细节,具体实现细节依赖抽象。有依赖关系的类之间,尽量只依赖必要的接口。尽量保证代码简洁,使用通用技术(同事都懂的技术)、不重复造轮子、不过度优化。客户端(接口调用者)不应该被强迫依赖它不需要的接口。(模块、类、方法)对拓展开放,对修改关闭。

2024-02-04 21:19:25 325

原创 c++ functor usage, e.g. std::hash

【代码】c++ functor usage, e.g. std::hash。

2023-12-27 20:31:40 348

原创 adb to disable the very first selection for yangqi desktop.


2023-12-18 10:20:34 267

原创 A windows batch to read Android TV pkg with install time

echo offecho %cd%pkg!") do (echo!pkg!if!errorlevel!equ 0 (echo!pkg!"%%a"if!errorlevel!equ 0 (echo!pkg!"%%a"endlocal。

2023-12-18 09:02:19 47

原创 android tv no ad desktop

\adb push dbzm.apk /system/app 安装到system目录里恢复出厂设置不丢失当贝桌面(记得步骤2的把dbzm.apk放在解压后的adb目录下)注意, adb connect ,无法认证时,要把电视界面返回到上一级才能看到那个确认指纹的对话框。.\adb shell mount -o remount,rw /system 挂载系统可写。.\adb shell rm /system/app/UMAuth* 删除认证组件。

2023-12-18 09:00:19 139

原创 spring对bean的一个管理过程,以及它有有哪些方式可以去影响一个病的一个生命周期呢


2023-12-15 16:12:42 64

原创 EJB vs Spring

Enterprise JavaBeans(EJB)和Spring框架是两个用于构建企业级Java应用程序的不同技术栈。

2023-12-15 16:11:40 127

原创 median , not mean, harder

private:public:} else {} else {break;try {return 0;

2023-12-15 16:06:08 43

原创 real time mean


2023-12-15 10:49:47 17

原创 sizeof emtpy c

In a class hierarchy where is derived from , and is derived from , all having virtual functions, and would share the same VPTR as they are in the same class hierarchy. Therefore, the size of would be the size of a single VPTR, which is typically 8 byt

2023-12-14 17:16:25 28

原创 anyone know why need “constexpr “? easy question be made hard by explain, DM.

else {

2023-12-13 09:50:04 35

原创 order of atom var

【代码】order of atom var。

2023-12-12 22:12:13 39

原创 右值引用可以被当作右值使用,但他其实是个左值。

lr-value, reference.

2023-12-12 18:46:45 18

原创 Greek Alphabet Letters & Symbols

Upper Case Lower Case Greek Letter Name English Equivalent Sound Α α Alpha a Β β Beta b Γ γ Gamma g Δ δ Delta d Ε ε Epsilon e Ζ

2023-11-16 22:50:39 117

原创 IV implied volatility surf

2023-11-16 22:48:35 103

原创 categories in Benchmarks

foreign exchange benchmark.Interest rate benchmarkEquity/share benchmarkBENCHMARK DESCRIPTION Refinitiv provides an exchange rate service that publishes Spot, Forward and Non Deliverable Forward benchmark rates at specified times throughout the global trad

2023-11-16 16:08:47 75

原创 【无标题】

The Bond API of Instrument Pricing Analytics enables traders, portfolio managers and risk officers in the fixed income market to analyze government and corporate bonds, preferred shares, inflation-linked bonds and municipal bonds. It supports debt redempti

2023-11-16 15:41:13 60

原创 __builtin_expect(x,0)

As opposed to the C++ code, above we can see bar case precedes foo case. Since foo case is unlikely, and instructions of bar are pushed to the pipeline, thrashing the pipeline is unlikely. This is a good exploitation of a modern CPU

2023-11-15 23:19:34 93

原创 CBOE and others

Chicago Board Options Exchange, CBOEto the exchange. Example of exchanges: NYSE, Nasdaq, CBOE, etc. Examples of companies running trading systems: hedge funds such as Citadel, market makers such as Getco, prop trading firms such as Hudson River Trading,

2023-11-15 22:53:54 104

原创 alignas

alignas for/is to avoid false sharing.the fs is meaning true disturb , by the next member of the struct be dirty.

2023-11-15 22:51:23 32

原创 vmstation uefi need gpt disk and more

UEFI need vmstation set correct windows version, include X64 ,then can correct reboot, otherwise "vmware no compatible bootloader found"

2022-08-28 22:25:27 270

原创 pc 微信小程序 位置

C:\Users\————\Documents\WeChat Files\Appletpc :need decrypt

2022-07-05 18:12:45 2837

原创 MacBook nvme error

panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff7f9265a231): nvme: "Fatal error occurred. CSTS=0x1 US[1]=0x0 US[0]=0x17 VID=0x126f DID=0x2263. FW Revision=S0614B0\n"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/...

2020-04-04 09:48:18 5977 6



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