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Apache Axis2 Web Services, 2nd Edition.pdf

Chapter 1, Apache Web Services and Axis2 - Gives you an introduction to web services and the web service stack at Apache. Chapter 2, Looking inside Axis2 - Learn about Axis2 architecture and the importance of its components. Chapter 3, Axis2 XML Model (AXIOM) - Learn about the heart of a web service framework and learning more about XML processing in Axis2. Chapter 4, Execution Chain - Learn how to extend the core functionality of the framework though handlers. Chapter 5, Deployment Mode - Learn about the new and user friendly deployment model and several ways of deploying a service in Axis2. Chapter 6, Information Model - Learn how Axis2 stores it static and dynamic data and the importance of it. Chapter 7, Writing an Axis2 Service - Learn how to write a simple-complex service using Axis2 and how to deploy it. Chapter 8, Writing an Axis2 Module - Learn how to extend Axis2 core functionality through a self-contained package. Chapter 9, The Client API - Learn how to use Axis2 to invoke other services, available APIs, and how to use them. Chapter 10, Session Management - Go beyond single invocation and learn how to use Axis2 features to provide better and more eficient statefull service. Chapter 11, Developing JAX-WS Web Services - Learn the fundamentals of developing JAXWS based web services, the most popular web service development technology used by Java developers. Chapter 12, Axis2 Clustering - Learn about clustering Apache Axis2, which will allow you to deploy Axis2 in large scale production deployments. Chapter 13, Enterprise Integration Patterns - Learn about some enterprise SOA deployment patterns that make use of the underlying Axis2 clustering infrastructure. Chapter 14, Axis2 Advanced Features and Usage - Go beyond simple features and learn about REST, MTOM, and several other advanced features. Chapter 15, Building a Secure Reliable Web Service - Learn how to use Axis2 and related components to make your service more secure and reliable.


Beginning SOLID Principles and Design Patterns for ASP.NET Developers.pdf

Beginning SOLID Principles and Design Patterns for ASP.NET Developers ■Chapter 1: Overview of SOLID Principles and Design Patterns ■Chapter 2: SOLID Principles ■Chapter 3: Creational Patterns: Singleton, Factory Method, and Prototype ■Chapter 4: Creational Patterns: Abstract Factory and Builder ■Chapter 5: Structural Patterns: Adapter, Bridge, Composite, and Decorator ■Chapter 6: Structural Patterns: Façade, Flyweight, and Proxy ■Chapter 7: Behavioral Patterns: Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, and Iterator ■Chapter 8: Behavioral Patterns: Mediator, Memento, and Observer ■Chapter 9: Behavioral Patterns: State, Strategy, Template Method, and Visitor ■Chapter 10: Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture: Repository, Unit of Work, Lazy Load, and Service Layer ■Chapter 11: JavaScript Code-Organization Techniques and Patterns Author Bipin Joshi ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-1847-1 ISBN-13 (electronic): 978-1-4842-1848-8



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