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Sklearn实战教程(jupyter notebook)

这是一份Sklearn的实战教程,可以在jupyter notebook 打开。


Python Machine Learning

About This Book, Leverage Python' s most powerful open-source libraries for deep learning, data wrangling, and data visualization, Learn effective strategies and best practices to improve and optimize machine learning systems and algorithms, Ask – and answer – tough questions of your data with robust statistical models, built for a range of datasets, Who This Book Is For, If you want to find out how to use Python to start answering critical questions of your data, pick up Python Machine Learning – whether you want to get started from scratch or want to extend your data science knowledge, this is an essential and unmissable resource., What You Will Learn, Explore how to use different machine learning models to ask different questions of your data, Learn how to build neural networks using Keras and Theano, Find out how to write clean and elegant Python code that will optimize the strength of your algorithms, Discover how to embed your machine learning model in a web application for increased accessibility, Predict continuous target outcomes using regression analysis, Uncover hidden patterns and structures in data with clustering, Organize data using effective pre-processing techniques, Get to grips with sentiment analysis to delve deeper into textual and social media data, Style and approach, Python Machine Learning connects the fundamental theoretical principles behind machine learning to their practical application in a way that focuses you on asking and answering the right questions. It walks you through the key elements of Python and its powerful machine learning libraries, while demonstrating how to get to grips with a range of statistical models.



《数据挖掘与数据化运营实战:思路、方法、技巧与应用》是目前有关数据挖掘在数据化运营实践领域比较全面和系统的著作,也是诸多数据挖掘书籍中为数不多的穿插大量真实的实践应用案例和场景的著作,更是创造性地针对数据化运营中不同分析挖掘课题类型,推出一一对应的分析思路集锦和相应的分析技巧集成,为读者提供“菜单化”实战锦囊的著作。作者结合自己数据化运营实践中大量的项目经验,用通俗易懂的“非技术”语言和大量活泼生动的案例,围绕数据分析挖掘中的思路、方法、技巧与应用,全方位整理、总结、分享,帮助读者深刻领会和掌握“以业务为核心,以思路为重点,以分析技术为辅佐”的数据挖掘实践应用宝典。 《数据挖掘与数据化运营实战:思路、方法、技巧与应用》共19章,分为三个部分:基础篇(第1~4章)系统介绍了数据分析挖掘和数据化运营的相关背景、数据化运营中“协调配合”的核心,以及实践中常见分析项目类型;实战篇(第6~13章)主要介绍实践中常见的分析挖掘技术的实用技巧,并对大量的实践案例进行了全程分享展示;思想意识篇(第5章,第14~19章)主要是有关数据分析师的责任、意识、思维的培养和提升的总结和探索,以及一些有效的项目质控制度和经典的方法论介绍。


Python Algorithms-Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language

Python Algorithms-Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language,英文原版。






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