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TIMIT 语音语料库-part-17 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_17 README TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-16 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_16 TEST DR8 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-15 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_15 TEST DR7 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-14 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_14 TEST DR6 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-13 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_13 TEST DR5 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-12 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_12 TEST DR4 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-10 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_10 TEST DR2 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-11 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_11 TEST DR3 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-9 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_9 TEST DR1 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-8 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_8 TRAIN DR8 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-7 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_7 TRAIN DR7 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-6 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_6 TRAIN DR6 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-5 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_5 TRAIN DR5 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-4 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_4 TRAIN DR4 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-3 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_3 TRAIN DR3 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-2 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_2 TRAIN DR2 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


TIMIT 语音语料库-part-1 Acoustic-Phonetic Continuous Speech Corpus

语音语料库_part_1 TRAIN DR1 TIMIT contains a total of 6300 sentences, 10 sentences spoken by each of 630 speakers from 8 major dialect regions of the United States. Table 1 shows the number of speakers for the 8 dialect regions, broken down by sex. The percentages are given in parentheses. A speaker's dialect region is the geographical area of the U.S. where they lived during their childhood years.


QT 访问数据库简单代码

#include #include #include #include /* #include #pragma comment(dll, "qsqlmysql.dll") Q_IMPORT_PLUGIN(qsqlmysql) */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //显示所有能用的QT驱动 qDebug() << "Available drivers:"; QStringList drivers = QSqlDatabase::drivers(); qDebug() << drivers; //连接到MYSQL数据库 QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL"); db.setHostName("xxxx.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com"); db.setDatabaseName("temp"); db.setUserName("nsaviour"); db.setPassword("1111111"); bool ok = db.open(); qDebug() <<ok; //操作数据 QSqlQuery query; query.exec("update biao set temperature=94 where name='TT1' "); //查询数据 QSqlQuery sql_query; QString select_all_sql = "select * from biao"; qDebug() <<sql_query.prepare("select * from biao"); if(!sql_query.exec()) { qDebug()<<sql_query.lastError(); qDebug() <<"TTT"; } else { while(sql_query.next()) { QString name = sql_query.value(0).toString(); QString temperature = sql_query.value(1).toString(); qDebug()<<QString("name:%1 temperature:%2").arg(name).arg(temperature); } } db.close();//释放数据库 return a.exec(); }



AD9.3破解全套!哈哈 1.运行AD9KeyGen,点击“打开模板”,加载ad9.ini,如想修改注册名,只需修改: TransactorName=horose horose用你自己的名字替换,其它参数在单机版的情况下无需修改; 2.点击“生成协议”,保存生成的alf文件到你的安装目录下; 3.运行ads09crack,对安装目录下的dxp.exe文件补丁,注意运行破解时软件没有运行; 4.启动DXP,运行菜单DXP->My Account,点击Add Standalone License file,加载前面生成的license文件。 注意: 1.仅适用于Build 2.破解已去除标题上的Not signed in 3.局域网内用同一license不再提示冲突 4.仅供学习研究使用,勿用于非法用途。



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