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JDBC Developers Guide Reference.rar

Document Structure The Oracle JDBC Developers Guide and Reference contains 21 chapters and one appendix: Chapter 1, "Overview" This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle implementation of JDBC and the Oracle JDBC driver architecture. Chapter 2, "Getting Started" This chapter introduces the Oracle JDBC drivers and some scenarios of how you can use them. This chapter also guides you through the basics of testing your installation and configuration. Chapter 3, "Basic Features" This chapter covers the basic steps in creating any JDBC application. It also discusses additional basic features of Java and JDBC supported by the Oracle JDBC drivers. Chapter 4, "Overview of JDBC 2.0 Support" This chapter presents an overview of JDBC 2.0 features and describes the differences in how these features are supported in the JDK 1.2.x and JDK 1.1.x environments. Chapter 6, "Overview of Oracle Extensions" This chapter provides an overview of the JDBC extension classes supplied by Oracle. Chapter 5, "Accessing and Manipulating Oracle Data" This chapter describes data access using the Oracle datatype formats rather than Java formats. Chapter 7, "Working with LOBs and BFILEs" This chapter covers the Oracle extensions to the JDBC standard that let you access and manipulate LOBs and LOB data. Chapter 8, "Working with Oracle Object Types" This chapter explains how to map Oracle object types to Java classes by using either standard JDBC or Oracle extensions. Chapter 9, "Working with Oracle Object References" This chapter describes the Oracle extensions to standard JDBC that let you access and manipulate object references. Chapter 10, "Working with Oracle Collections" This chapter discusses the Oracle extensions to standard JDBC that let you access and manipulate arrays and their data. xxi Chapter 11, "Accessing PL/SQL Index-by Tables" This chapter describes special methods to bind and register PL/SQL index-by tables in JDBC. Chapter 12, "Result Set Enhancements" This chapter discusses JDBC 2.0 result set enhancements such as scrollable result sets and updatable result sets, including support issues under JDK 1.1.x. Chapter 13, "Performance Extensions" This chapter describes Oracle extensions to the JDBC standard that enhance the performance of your applications. Chapter 14, "Statement Caching" This chapter describes Oracle extension statements for caching. Chapter 15, "Connection Pooling and Caching" This chapter discusses JDBC 2.0 data sources (and their usage of JNDI), connection pooling functionality (a framework for connection caching implementations), and a sample connection caching implementation provided by Oracle. Chapter 16, "Distributed Transactions" This chapter covers distributed transactions, otherwise known as global transactions, and standard XA functionality. (Distributed transactions are sets of transactions, often to multiple databases, that have to be committed in a coordinated manner.) Chapter 17, "Java Transaction API" This chapter describes how to use the JDBC connections within a JTA global transaction in order to include all changes to multiple databases within a transaction. Chapter 18, "Advanced Topics" This chapter describes advanced JDBC topics such as using NLS, working with applets, the server-side driver, and embedded SQL92 syntax. Chapter 19, "Coding Tips and Troubleshooting" This chapter includes coding tips and general guidelines for troubleshooting your JDBC applications. Chapter 20, "Sample Applications" This chapter presents sample applications that highlight advanced JDBC features and Oracle extensions. xxii Chapter 21, "Reference Information" This chapter contains detailed JDBC reference information. Appendix A, "JDBC Error Messages" This appendix lists JDBC error messages and the corresponding ORA error numbers.


2006_web engineering.pdf

Preface Since its original inception the Web has changed into an environment employed for the delivery of many different types of applications, ranging from small-scale information-dissemination-like applications, typically developed by writers and artists, to large-scale commercial, enterpriseplanning and scheduling, collaborative-work applications. Numerous current Web applications are fully functional systems that provide businessto- customer and business-to-business e-commerce, with numerous services to numerous users. As the reliance on larger and more complex Web applications increases so does the need for using methodologies/standards/best practice guidelines to develop applications that are delivered on time, within budget, have a high level of quality and are easy to maintain. To develop such applications Web development teams need to use sound methodologies, systematic techniques, quality assurance, rigorous, disciplined and repeatable processes, better tools, and baselines. Web engineering aims to meet such needs. The focus of this book is to provide its audience with the fundamental concepts necessary to better engineer Web applications, and also present a set of case studies where these concepts are applied to real industrial scenarios. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to Web engineering and discusses its differences and similarities to software engineering. Ten chapters are used to introduce concepts (e.g. cost estimation, productivity assessment, usability measurement) and details on how to apply each concept to a practical situation. Another three chapters provide readers with introductions to statistical techniques and empirical methods. There is no other book in the market that examines Web engineering in such breadth and with a practical emphasis. In terms of its audience, this book is of considerable benefit for Web practitioners and graduate students. Practitioners can immediately grasp the usefulness and benefits of Web engineering principles since all case studies describe real situations that can also be similar to their own practices. Graduate students and researchers are provided a great opportunity to study Web engineering and to see its application relative to concrete examples.


Linux 多台電腦遠端遙控實作.doc

Linux 多台電腦遠端遙控實作 .... 三、連線實作 由外部連線的部份: 1.遠端主控端電腦ip 需為 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 範圍內ip,否則將無法連入 2.遠端主控端電腦打開 ie 瀏灠器 輸入 linux (nat) server 位址+port 例如 要遠端遙控被控PC1 輸入 : http://linux_server_IP:5800 跳出 VNC Connection Detils 視窗 server的部份應該要是 inux_server_IP:0 要遠端遙控被控PC2 輸入 : http://linux_server_IP:5801 跳出 VNC Connection Detils 視窗 server的部份應該要是 inux_server_IP:1 .....





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liferay 繁體中文語系檔,原LIFERAY的中文語系翻譯很糟糕,有心人重新翻譯的語系檔。



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