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原创 足球比赛集锦的在线网站

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2008-11-05 06:09:00 1279

原创 Join Look Of The Year Now

Look Of The Yearhttp://www.lookoftheyear.comare looking for beautiful people from all over the world to send intheir best pictures so use this chance to be the next model working inParis, New York or

2008-06-10 20:25:00 1110 1

原创 bloggerwave

Bloggerwave is now live and is looking for bloggers. Write 50 words about this unique opportunity and start earning money today. You need to copy the link and place on your blog. You can make money

2008-06-04 13:10:00 754

原创 MBA and Business Administration

MARYLHURST TRADITION Marylhurst University, nestled along the bank of the majestic r Portland, Oregon, offers working MBA students an accredited and nationally recognized MBA thats affordable, conv

2007-03-23 12:11:00 1204

原创 Balance of trade

The balance of trade (or net exports, NX) is the difference between the monetary value of exports and imports in an economy over a certain period of time. A positive balance of trade is known as a tra

2007-03-22 17:04:00 3927

原创 Floating currency

A floating currency is a currency that uses a floating exchange rate as its exchange rate regime. A floating currency is contrasted with a fixed currency.In the modern world, the majority of the world

2007-03-22 17:03:00 1433

原创 Foreign exchange reserves

Foreign exchange reserves are the foreign currency deposits held by central banks and monetary authorities. These are assets of the central banks which are held in different reserve currencies such as

2007-03-22 17:01:00 2774

原创 Foreign exchange market

The foreign exchange (currency or forex or FX) market exists wherever one currency is traded for another. It is by far the largest market in the world, in terms of cash value traded, and includes trad

2007-03-22 17:00:00 5514

原创 The Purpose of Forex trading

The purpose of trading on any market is to buy low and sell high. The foreign currency market FOREX is no exception. The goods traded on this market are rates of currencies of different countries. A

2007-03-22 13:32:00 1482

原创 what is a lawyer

A lawyer, or legal practitioner, is a person certified to give legal advice who Oral argument in the courtsArguing a clients case before a judge or jury in a court of law is the traditional province

2007-03-04 19:31:00 3099

原创 想要买房的人究竟有多可悲?! zz


2006-10-19 16:46:00 1202

原创 开发商所聘砖家的七种谎言! zz

http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/48a082b7010002sx为了防止有一些开发商,出于某种不可告人的目的唆使一批被 收买的砖家在水木周平这个BLOG内大放厥词。所以我决定把一些砖家的砖头给拎出来,让他们曝曝光。同时把他们的七种常用骗术的说词也拿出来“研究”“研 究”,以提高大伙的防“砖”能力。正所谓没事不要乱飞砖,万一砸到小朋友怎么办?就算没有砸到小朋友,砸到花花草草什么的

2006-10-19 16:45:00 1091

原创 外企招人的性格测试------------------强烈推荐

外企招人的性格测试 ________________________________________这个测试是菲尔博士在著名女黑人欧普拉的节目里做的,满准确的。答覆是依现在的您,不要依过去的您。这是一个目前很多大公司人事部门实际采用的测试。              1.你何时感觉最好?              a)早晨              b)下午及傍晚              c)夜

2006-09-24 00:08:00 1947 2

原创 教你几招对付银行里态度恶劣的工作人员

一、换零钱 哥哥结婚叫我去换50张20的rmb发小红包用。 拿了1k去银行换,sb态度极其不好的说“没有,不能换给你” 态度实在恶劣啊。我十分凶恶的反问“你再说一次”家伙很牛的说“就是没有” 我说“你=着”sb说“你威胁我啊” 我拿了身份证说“开户,存1k”. 结束了,我说“再提20”连着提了二次20。 sb说“侬萨意思啊?” “cn闹钞票,闹50趟再销户不来三啊” sb灰溜溜的换了50张擦刮里新

2006-09-15 22:23:00 1262

原创 读博士与坐牢的惊人相似

读博士与坐牢的惊人相似1.都是因为一时糊涂或一时冲动,亦或是对于名利财富的贪婪欲望,错误的选择了这条道路 2.进来先接受教育 3.所有人都分在不同的:读博叫课题组,监狱叫监区或大队 4.必须参与劳动:读博是脑力的(当然也有体力活),监狱是体力的,报酬当然是极少的,基本都是面前糊口 5.里面的人都只有一个目的:早点出去 6.在里面表现好的才可以早出去,当然是极少数:读博叫提前毕业,监狱叫减刑;表现一

2006-09-07 20:35:00 1137

原创 IBM在印度的笔试题(供大家参考)(7)

 A person has Rs 100/- in his pocket, he can as 25 pencils or 15 books. He kept 15% of the money for travelling expenses and purchased 5 pencils. So how many books he can purchase with the remaining m

2006-09-05 17:27:00 715

原创 IBM在印度的笔试题(供大家参考)(8)

If a car starts from A towards B with some velocity. Due to some problem in the engine after travelling 30km, the car goes with 4/5 th of its actual velocity The car reaches B 45 min later to the actu

2006-09-05 17:27:00 875

原创 IBM在印度的笔试题(供大家参考)(6)

Two questions on basic angles i.e given a circle, a few chords or diameter isdrawn etc. 

2006-09-05 17:26:00 752

原创 IBM在印度的笔试题(供大家参考)(4)

A square plate of some size is cut at four corners. Equal squares of the samesize are cut and is formed as open box. If this open box carries 128 ml of oil. What is the size of the side of the plate?(

2006-09-05 17:25:00 955

原创 IBM在印度的笔试题(供大家参考)(5)

 In a square, all the mid points are joined. The inner square is shaded.      If the area of the square is A, what is the area of the shaded area? 

2006-09-05 17:25:00 739

原创 IBM在印度的笔试题(供大家参考)(3)

In a class, except 18 all are above 50 years. 15 are below 50 years of age. How many people are there(a) 30(b) 33(c) 36(d) none of these. 

2006-09-05 17:24:00 786

原创 IBM在印度的笔试题(供大家参考)(2)

In a computer institute 9 languages can be taught. The module is of 6 months duration and of the six languages only one can be taught each month . In addition to that BASIC is always taught and should

2006-09-05 17:23:00 726

原创 IBM在印度的笔试题(供大家参考)1

The values of shares (in Rs).of A, B and C from January to June are as follows.Month   A   B   CJanuary 30  60  80February    35  65  85March   45  75  65April   40  75  82May 55  75  85June    50  75

2006-09-05 17:22:00 847

原创 微软面试题----钢管取球问题

四个男考生在一个房间里,水泥地面上凝着一根钢管(意思是说拔不动、弄不弯),底端封闭,内空,直径比一个乒乓球略大。房间里有一把剪刀,一根10米长的绳子,请把掉进钢管的乒乓球拿出来             ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

2006-09-04 21:29:00 2019

原创 Microsoft 公司 interview 時的問題!!!----三个灯泡

據說是 Microsoft 公司 interview 時的問題!!! 有兩間屋,甲和乙,甲屋有三個開關,乙屋有三個燈泡, 甲屋是看不到乙屋,而甲屋的每一個開關是控制乙屋的其 中一個燈泡,問你怎樣可以只停留在甲屋一次,停留在乙 屋一次,而可以知道那個開關是控制那個燈泡呢? //////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////

2006-09-03 15:00:00 1122 1

原创 一道微软面试题

每个飞机只有一个油箱,飞机之间可以相互加油(注意是相互,没有加油机)一箱油可供一架飞机绕地球飞半圈,问:为使至少一架飞机绕地球一圈回到起飞时的飞机场至少需要出动几架飞机?(所有飞机从同一机场起飞,而且必须安全返回机场,不允许中途降落,中间没有飞机场                     /////////////////////////////////////

2006-09-02 22:23:00 992

原创 网友畅谈:柯达 DX6490实际使用感受

柯达DX6490是其旗下EasyShare系列的产品,这款新品数码相机并非柯达EasyShare系列中像素最高的产品,它采用的是400万像素CCD,不过DX6490的杀手锏是其配置的10X光学变焦的德国施耐德镜头,这是全球第二款具备400万像素及10X光学变焦的数码相机。  DX6490采用的是专业品质的施耐德Variogon  10X光学变焦镜头(38-380  mm等值),其最大光圈范围是

2006-08-26 15:44:00 1622

原创 摄影技术入门知识及答疑 zz 强烈推荐

相信很多驴友都喜欢拍照,但是不少人只使用傻瓜挡,拍些到此一游的照片还凑合,要拍再好就不行了为什么?因为摄影技术的教程都太枯燥了,让人看不下去,不愿意学。SO, 俺要用通俗的语言,从菜鸟和已经不那么菜鸟的菜鸟的实际需要出发,写个东西请注意:我是用自己的理解来诠释,所以有些概念会与专业的说法有出入,老鸟们别较真哈~咱不看手段,只看疗效~~~~但是,俺声明,俺要讲的主要是摄影的“技”,而要拍好照片,既需

2006-08-26 15:43:00 6053 3

原创 Working With The File System & Streams (4)

Creating, deleting and checking for the existence of directoriesSome code that demonstrates how to perform the above operations is shown below. private void btnGo_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs

2006-08-19 19:56:00 1550

原创 Working With The File System & Streams (3)

Manipulating Files using System.IO.File and System.IO.FileInfo classesWe can manipulate files and perform different operations on them using the System.IO.File and System.IO.FileInfo classes. The Syst

2006-08-19 19:53:00 1194

原创 Working With The File System & Streams (1)

Working With The File System & Streams If you are new to C# SchoolThis is the final lesson of our C# School. The C# School is a kind of interactive learning platform where those who want to learn .NET

2006-08-19 19:51:00 809

原创 Working With The File System & Streams (2)

Obtaining the paths of various Windows Standard folders – Environment.GetFolderPath()The method Environment.GetFolderPath() can be used to get the complete paths of various windows standard folders on

2006-08-19 19:51:00 779

原创 24.3 Attribute instances

An attribute instance is an instance that represents an attribute at run-time. An attribute is defined with anattribute class, positional arguments, and named arguments. An attribute instance is an in

2006-08-04 22:41:00 814

原创 24.4 Reserved attributes

A small number of attributes affect the language in some way. These attributes include:? System.AttributeUsageAttribute (§24.4.1), which is used to describe the ways in which anattribute class can be

2006-08-04 22:41:00 786

原创 24.1 Attribute classes

A class that derives from the abstract class System.Attribute, whether directly or indirectly, is anattribute class. The declaration of an attribute class defines a new kind of attribute that can be p

2006-08-04 22:40:00 821

原创 24.2 Attribute specification

Attribute specification is the application of a previously defined attribute to a declaration. An attribute is apiece of additional declarative information that is specified for a declaration. Attribu

2006-08-04 22:40:00 890

原创 The following exceptions are thrown by certain C# operations.

The following exceptions are thrown by certain C# operations.System.ArithmeticException      A base class for exceptions that occur during    arithmetic operations, such as    System.DivideByZeroExcep

2006-08-04 22:39:00 945

原创 24. Attributes

[Note: Much of the C# language enables the programmer to specify declarative information about theentities defined in the program. For example, the accessibility of a method in a class is specified by

2006-08-04 22:39:00 780

原创 23.2 The System.Exception class

The System.Exception class is the base type of all exceptions. This class has a few notable propertiesthat all exceptions share:? Message is a read-only property of type string that contains a human-r

2006-08-04 22:38:00 731

原创 23.3 How exceptions are handled

Exceptions are handled by a try statement (§15.10).When an exception occurs, the system searches for the nearest catch clause that can handle the exception,as determined by the run-time type of the ex

2006-08-04 22:38:00 711



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