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原创 DELPHI直接分析Oracle tnsnames.ora提取服务器列表

function TForm1.GetTNS:TStrings;var  ARegistry:TRegistry;  froot:string;  Mylist:TStringList;  FileStr,dbname,c:String;  i,Stack

2011-08-09 15:57:07 862

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/03/21)

<br />A man’s life is what his thoughts make of it.<br /> <br />A man is what he thinks about all day long.<br /> <br />There is a deep tendency in human nature to become precisely like that which you habitually imagine yourself to be.<br /> <br />“It all

2011-03-21 17:04:00 586

原创 How to work hard easily!

<br />Now, how to master this skill. Here are ten rules for taking the hard way out of your job. Try these proven <br />methods for working hard easily. They will help you to relax and have easy power. <br /><br />1. Don‘t get the idea that you are Atlas c

2011-03-21 17:00:00 860

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/03/07)

<br />This means that the tradeoff for faster data lookups is slower data updates.<br /> <br />We treat the patient and God heals him.<br /> <br />Nine tenths of your mind is in the subconscious, the subconscious gives back only that which your real though

2011-03-07 17:17:00 512

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/02/17)

<br />“This feeling of peacefulness stayed with me and I began to feel better. I kept praying each day and talked to God as I would to a partner. They were not churchy prayers—just plain man-to-man talk. Then one day in my office, all of a sudden an idea p

2011-02-17 08:32:00 543

原创 How to break your Worry Habit !

To conclude this chapter in a manner designed to help you go to work now to break the worry habit, I list a ten-point worry-breaking formula.1. Say to yourself, “Worry is just a very bad mental habit. And I can change any habit with God’s help.”2. You beca

2011-02-08 17:21:00 653

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/01/26)

<br />“I believe I am always divinely guided.”<br />“I believe I will always take the right turn of the road.”<br />“I believe God will always make a way where there is no way.”<br /> <br />How to Break the Worry Habit You DO NOT need to be a victim of wor

2011-02-08 17:19:00 681


<br />MySQL的扩展SQL中有一个非常有意思的应用WITH ROLLUP,在分组的统计数据的基础上再进行相同的统计(SUM,AVG,COUNT…),非常类似于Oracle中统计函数的功能,Oracle的统计函数更多更强大。<br />下面演示单个司机以及所有司机的总行驶里程数和平均行驶里程数:<br />mysql> select name,sum(miles) as 'miles/driver'<br />    -> from driver_log group by name with roll

2011-02-08 16:24:00 27262

原创 MySQL自定义排序函数FIELD()

MySQL可以通过field()函数自定义排序,格式:field(value,str1,str2,str3,str4),value与str1、str2、str3、str4比较,返回1、2、3、4,如遇到null或者不在列表中的数据则返回0.这个函数好像Oracle中没有专门提供(也可能是我没有用到),不过自己实现这样一个函数还是比较简单的。mysql> select * from driver_log order byname;+--------+-------+------------+-----

2011-02-07 16:03:00 32022

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/01/26)

<br /><br />It in the depth of your mind you visualize the best and employ the powers of faith and energy, you will get the best.<br /> <br />Naturally in this process of achieving the best it is important to know where you want to go in life. You can reac

2011-01-26 17:08:00 866

原创 MySQL的正则表达式

<br /><br />很多数据库系统都支持标准SQL模式的查询,因此它具有一定的可移植性,但是它也有一定的局限性,例如可以使用标准SQL的LIKE ‘%abc%’找所有包含’abc’的字符串,却很难实现查询包含a,b或c中任意一个字母的字符串,MySQL提供非常强大的基于正则表达式的模式匹配操作REGEXP & NOT REGEXP,Oracle 10g也引入了正则表达式。<br />^<br />匹配字符串的开始部分<br />$<br />匹配字符串的结尾部分<br />.<br />匹配任何字符(包

2011-01-26 16:42:00 491

原创 MySQL的字符集

MySQL字符串分为两类,二进制还是非二进制,非二进制字符串的特征之一是他们有一个字符集,mysql>show character set;+----------+-----------------------------+---------------------+--------+|Charset  | Description                 | Default collation   | Maxlen |+----------+-------------------------

2011-01-25 17:18:00 655

原创 MySQL的临时表使用注意事项

MySQL中可以使用create temporary table创建临时表,但是要注意这个临时表是与数据库连接相关的,数据库连接断开后,临时表会被自动删除,不仅仅是清空数据,这点与Oracle是不同的,Oracle会一直保留表的定义,而且可以选择Commit或者连接断开后清空数据。由于连接相关性,不同的连接可以创建同名的临时表,互不冲突,而且临时表可以和普通表同名,所以使用MySQL的临时表要注意以下几点:        MySQL只有在连接断开后才会自动删除临时表,如果一个临时表在一个连接内重复使用,要注

2011-01-25 17:15:00 1901

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/01/25)

<br /><br />“I am the only one who can do it. It must be done just right, and I alone can do it as it must be done, and it has to be done quickly. Everything depends upon me.”<br /> <br />在你看来,千年如已过的昨日,又如夜间的一更。<br />For a thousand years in thy sight are bu

2011-01-25 15:58:00 528

原创 MySQL变量赋值需要注意其与Oracle的区别

想了解下MySQL, 找了本MySQL Cookbook正在看:MySQL用户变量拥有单一的值,如果你使用返回多行的语句来将值赋给一个变量,那么只有最后一行的值被赋给了该变量,如果语句没有返回任何行,赋值也不会发生,变量会保持它先前的值,如果该变量之前从未被使用,那么值为NULL,而Oracle的PL/SQL中不允许返回多行或无返回值,否则丢出异常:TOO_MANY_ROWS or NO_DATA_FOUND,所以MySQL要特别留意出错.MySQL:    select@column_name :=

2011-01-24 17:13:00 1448

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/01/24)

<br /><br />Some sentences from 《The Power Of Positive Thinking》<br /> <br />Do you,by any chance, know what it means to be in pain all the time?<br /> <br />Her tears were dried now, and she looked up at him with a lovely smile, took him by the hand, and

2011-01-24 13:41:00 638

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/01/20)

<br />Sentences from the "The Power Of Positive Thinking":<br /> <br />Pray with the belief that sincere prayers can reach out and surround your loved ones with God’s love and protection. <br /> <br />“It’s just as plain as the nose on your face. When I ge

2011-01-20 17:25:00 477

原创 定位Oracle kill命令未实际中断的Session/Process

<br />我们经常会遇到在Oracle中执行某条命令或存储过程,执行时间比预想的要长很多,才发现是自己的失误,想要中止执行的语句或者存储过程,一般的前台开发工具都支持这种Cancel功能,但是不是总能顺利的完成,最近遇到一次:<br /> <br />有个兄弟找我说,有个存储过程好像被锁定了,是在执行的时候发现错误,强行中止,但却无法再打开存储过程进入编译状态,我们用的是share server模式,以前有遇到类似的情况,一般通过查询v$access可以确定sid,再找到v$session进行alter

2011-01-19 09:50:00 1031

原创 Some reading excerpts (2011/01/18)

<br />I'm reading a book named "The power of positive thinking", I get some sentences I think useful to me .<br /> <br /><br />You can’t get a man physically healthy until you get him spiritually healthy.<br /> <br />Huston’s jaw dropped in astonishment. “

2011-01-18 17:29:00 461

原创 明确了自己的努力方向,加油!


2011-01-18 17:17:00 927



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