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2008-07-20 12:56:00 1099

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2008-07-20 11:20:00 1282 1

原创 CSDN博客的换行问题终于解决了


2008-07-20 10:55:00 1541 1

原创 DSPack 2.3.4 安装

忽然想研究研究DSPack,看看能不能做点什么。在这里把学习过程记录一下,看官们见笑了。 一. 下载由于sourceforge最近不能访问,所以可以去 http://www.progdigy.com/ 下载。下载 http://www.progdigy.com/files/DSPACK234.zip 后,解压缩到一个目录(我用的是C:/Borland/VCL/DSPACK

2008-07-07 14:53:00 1118

Testing Microservices with Mountebank

Mountebank微服务测试 PDF版 2019 Testing Microservices with Mountebank is your guide to the ins and outs of testing microservices with service virtualization. The book offers unique insights into microservices application design and state-of-the-art testing practices that will deepen your microservices skills and improve your applications.


Pro Spring Boot 2第2版-2009-EPUB版

Pro Spring Boot 2: An Authoritative Guide to Building Microservices, Web and Enterprise Applications, and Best Practices Quickly and productively develop complex Spring applications and microservices out of the box, with minimal concern over things like configurations. This revised book will show you how to fully leverage the Spring Boot 2 technology and how to apply it to create enterprise ready applications that just work. It will also cover what's been added to the new Spring Boot 2 release, including Spring Framework 5 features like WebFlux, Security, Actuator and the new way to expose Metrics through Micrometer framework, and more. This book is your authoritative hands-on practical guide for increasing your enterprise Java and cloud application productivity while decreasing development time. It's a no nonsense guide with case studies of increasing complexity throughout the book. The author, a senior solutions architect and Principal Technical instructor with Pivotal, the company behind the Spring Framework, shares his experience, insights and first-hand knowledge about how Spring Boot technology works and best practices. Pro Spring Boot 2 is an essential book for your Spring learning and reference library. What You Will Learn Configure and use Spring Boot Use non-functional requirements with Spring Boot Actuator Carry out web development with Spring Boot Persistence with JDBC, JPA and NoSQL Databases Messaging with JMS, RabbitMQ and WebSockets Test and deploy with Spring Boot A quick look at the Spring Cloud projects Microservices and deployment to the Cloud Extend Spring Boot by creating your own Spring Boot Starter and @Enable feature Who This Book Is For Experienced Spring and Java developers seeking increased productivity gains and decreased complexity and development time in their applications and software services.


Spring Boot 2 Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

Using a problem-solution approach, Spring Boot 2 Recipes quickly introduces you to Pivotal's Spring Boot 2 micro-framework, then dives into code snippets on how to apply and integrate Spring Boot 2 with the Spring MVC web framework, Spring Web Sockets, and microservices. You'll also get solutions to common problems with persistence, integrating Spring Boot with batch processing, algorithmic programming via Spring Batch, and much more. Other recipes cover topics such as using and integrating Boot with Spring's enterprise services, Spring Integration, testing, monitoring and more.


MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码 2/2

注意:!!! Microsoft Confidential !!!Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。第二部分


MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码 1/2

注意:!!! Microsoft Confidential !!!Microsoft MS-DOS6.0 完整源代码,包括了所有外部命令,安装程序,DOSSHELL等。每个源文件均包括开发历史、更新说明、注释。第一部分



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