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原创 activemq-in-action学习


2016-03-05 20:19:40 1190

转载 How to create XML validator from XML schema?

How to create XML validator from XML schema?public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // http://www.java-tips.org/java-se-tips-100019/170-javax-xml-validation/1733-how-to-creat

2015-08-11 13:08:59 347

原创 main app方式启动servlet容器(Jetty) 测试web程序

pom文件添加以下Jetty依赖 org.eclipse.jetty jetty-webapp 8.1.15.v20140411 <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.cxf</groupId> <artifact

2015-05-24 15:41:24 859

翻译 Spring Integration in action 3 - 集成系统

8 通过XML负载处理消息8.1 XML消息传递8.1.1 Marshalling LegQuoteCommand into XML8.1.2 Enriching the leg quote using XSLT8.1.3 XPath support8.1.4 Splitting hotel, car rental, and flight quotes8.1.5 基于 XML负载路由消息8.1.6

2015-04-13 00:27:57 836

翻译 Spring Integration in action 2 - 消息传递(Messaging)

3 消息(Messages)和管道(channels)3.1 介绍Spring Integration Messages3.1.14 消息端点(Message Endpoints)5 着手去处理业务6 超越顺序处理 : 路由和过滤7 分裂和聚合消息

2015-04-11 19:46:44 1833 1

翻译 Spring Integration In action读书笔记 Part1 - 背景介绍

1. Spring Integration介绍1.1 Spring Integration架构1.2 Spring Integration 对企业集成模式的支持1.3 企业集成模式契合控制反转1.4 Say Hello 应用到Spring Integration1.5 总结2. 企业集成基础2.1 松耦合与事件驱动架构2.2 同步通信和异步通信2.3 企业集成风格的比较2.4 总结

2015-04-11 16:59:36 991

原创 Java Web Services Up and Running 2nd阅读笔记

Java Web Services Up and Running 2nd阅读笔记web service发展XML-RPC 基于HTTP传输,XML格式的文本,轻量级Distributed Object Architecture 如J2EE, 基于java RMI (远程方法调用) 重量级, import java.util.List; public interface BenefitsSer

2015-04-09 21:41:40 539

HornetQ Messaging Developer's Guide.pdf

HornetQ是java开源实现的消息系统框架,性能上比ActiveQ要好一些,被集成到JBoss的消息服务中。 Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Getting Started with HornetQ 9 Chapter 2: Setting Up HornetQ 31 Chapter 3: Basic Coding with HornetQ: Creating and Consuming Messages 53 Chapter 4: Monitoring HornetQ 77 Chapter 5: Some More Advanced Features of HornetQ 93 Chapter 6: Clustering with HornetQ 113 Chapter 7: Divert and Filter Messages 133 Chapter 8: Controlling Message Flow 149 Chapter 9: Ensuring Your HornetQ Security 163 Chapter 10: HornetQ in JBoss Environment 183 Chapter 11: More on HornetQ Embedding 201






深入理解Java虚拟机-JVM高级特性与最佳实践(第二版); 非扫描,赏心悦目,文字清晰可复制粘贴,有书签。文件大小少于20M,很好地资料。


Eclipse Modeling Framework 2nd Edition

之前下载的书签是坏的,逐一修复了每个章节的书签链接。 This book is a comprehensive introduction and developer's guide to the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF). EMF is a powerful framework and code generation facility for building Java applications based on simple model definitions. Designed to make modeling practical and useful to the mainstream Java programmer, EMF unifies three important technologies: Java, XML, and UML. Models can be defined using a UML modeling tool or an XML Schema, or even by specifying simple annotations on Java interfaces. In this last case, the developer writes just a subset of abstract interfaces that describe the model, and the rest of the code is generated automatically and merged back in.


Compilers (Principles, Techniques, & Tools) 2nd (英文版全标签)

编译原理(Principles, Techniques, & Tools) 第二版,英文版,又称为龙书。由于原先下的文档没有带书签页,1038页不带书签阅读不方便,足足花了两个多小时加上了12个章节的大小书签。



Foreword Python is still the dominant language in the world of information security, even if the conversation about your language of choice sometimes looks more like a religious war. Python-based tools include all manner of fuzzers, proxies, and even the occasional exploit. Exploit frameworks like CANVAS are written in Python as are more obscure tools like PyEmu or Sulley. Just about every fuzzer or exploit I have written has been in Python. In fact, the automotive hacking research that Chris Valasek and I recently performed contained a library to inject CAN messages onto your automotive network using Python! If you are interested in tinkering with information security tasks, Python is a great language to learn because of the large number of reverse engineering and exploitation libraries available for your use. Now if only the Metasploit developers would come to their senses and switch from Ruby to Python, our community would be united. xvi Foreword In this new book, Justin covers a large range of topics that an enterprising young hacker would need to get off the ground. He includes walkthroughs of how to read and write network packets, how to sniff the network, as


pro springMVC samples

pro springMVC samples


PHP cookbook 3rd edition

PHP cook book 2014最新版


Programming PHP 3rd edition

2013最新版 Programming PHP


SOA_Developing Web Services with Apache CXF and Axis2_3rd Edition

2010年第三版 英文的 Learn web services and Apache CXF and Axis2 easily If you'd like to learn how to create web services (in particular, using Apache CXF or Axis2) and make some sense of various standards like JAX-WS, JAXRS, JAXB, SOAP, WSDL, REST, MTOM, WS-Security, WS-Policy, XML Encryption and XML Signature, then this book is for you.


Apache CXF 架构指南

网上找的资料,file:///D:/download/www_open_open_com_lib_view_open1363933599250_html.pdf 转成了PDF, 总共10页。 本文旨在介绍CXF架构,以便对CXF有一个快速的理解。 一、架构目标和约束 Apache CXF 服务框架旨在构建服务所必须的基础组件。目标有许多,其中包括 下几方面: 1. 可嵌入式 2. 高性能 3. 易配置 4. 直观易用 5. 前后端(front-end)与核心代码完全分离 6. 数据格式化支持 7. 数据绑定支持 8. 协议绑定支持 9. 多种层传输支持 10. 多种编程语言支持 11. WS-*和相关特性支持 12. 代码生成工具盒WSDL验证工具 13. 灵活部署


cxfdemo for both soap and restful style WS

结合网上的例子,在本地搭建并且跑通了的基于CXF的例子,soap webservice 和 restful webservice的混搭模式. 依赖cxf 3.0.4 测试工具SOAPUI 5.0 服务器 tomcat 7 浏览器 chrome



maven源代码的POM文件有一个apache-rat-plugin检查license, 会导致编译报错, 加了plugin-manager使得跳过apache-rat-plugin。


Hadoop实战-第二版-陆嘉恒 (2012版)

1. Hadoop简介 2. Hadoop安装配置 3. MapReduce计算模型 4. MapReduce应用程序 5. MapReduce应用案例 6. MapReduce工作机制 7. Hadoop I/O操作 8. 下一代MapReduce: Yarn 9. HDFS简介 10. HDFS文件结构 11. Hive详解 12. HBase详解 13. Mahout简介 14. Pig详解 15. ZooKeeper详解 16. Avro详解 17. Chukwa详解 18. Hadoop的常用插件与开发 19. Hadoop在yahoo的应用 附录A: 云计算在线监测平台 附录B: Hadoop安装、运行、使用说明 附录C:使用DistributedCache的MapReduce程序 附录D:使用ChainMapper和ChainReducer的MapReduce程序


Pro Apache Hadoop 2nd Edition 2014

精通Hadoop第二版, 2014年出的,英文版的 1.大数据的动机; 2. hadoop的概念 3. 开始hadoop的框架 4. 管理hadoop 5. MapReduce基础开发 6. MapReduce高级开发 7. Hadoop输入输出 8. 测试Hadoop程序 9. 监控Hadoop 10. 基于Hadoop的数据仓库 11. 用Pig进行数据处理 12. 企业HCatalog和Hadoop 13. 使用Hadoop进行日志分析 14. 用HBase构建实时系统 15. 基于Hadoop的数据科学 16. 云中的Hadoop 17. 构建Yarn应用 附录A. 安装Hadoop 附录B.使用eclipse maven 附录C. apache Ambari


mysql Developer library 4th



Single Page Web Application

This book does aspire to be a great guide to designing and building large-scale Single Page Web Applications (SPAs) using JavaScript end-to-end. We use JavaScript as the language of the database, the web server, and the browser application. About twothirds of the book is devoted to client development. The last third shows how to build a server using JavaScript tools such as Node.js and MongoDB. If you’re locked in to another server platform, most of the logic should be easy to translate, although the messaging service almost requires an event-driven web server.


Mahout 2012英文版

《mahout实战》是mahout 领域的权威著作,出自该项目核心成员之手,立足实践,全面介绍了基于apache mahout的机器学习技术。本书开篇从mahout 的故事讲起,接着分三部分探讨了推荐系统、聚类和分类,最后的附录涵盖jvm 调优、mahout 数学知识和相关资源。 《mahout实战》适合所有数据分析和数据挖掘人员阅读,需要有java 语言基础。



本书总结了基于消息中介的企业应用集成,它不涉及具体的技术或者产品,而是汇总了关乎开发者和集成者用到的企业集成设计,包括消息驱动中间件(MOM),java消息服务(JMS),微软消息队列(Microsoft Message Queuing),标准webservice.



Nginx模块开发领域的里程碑之作,阿里巴巴资深Nginx技术专家多年工作经验结晶 深度还原Nginx设计思想,揭示快速开发简单高效Nginx模块的技巧;透彻解析Nginx架构,拓展开发高性能Web服务器的思路


Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook

Java 7 Concurrency Cookbook


Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja

Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja



《CSS3实用指南》是一本传播很广的关于CSS3应用方面的图书。它介绍了如何应用CSS3才能比传统方法更加高效、灵活地实现一些常见而优美的网页设计效果。本书通过一系列务实而创新的项目,在实践中为读者讲解CSS3 应用的前沿技巧。另外本书还整理了每一项CSS3属性、选择器和值的使用方法,为读者提供了示例之外的实用性极强的实践指导。   本书适合网站开发人员与网页设计师阅读。





just spring

这是我见过的章节最少的文档。总共分为5章 Spring Basics Spring Beans Advanced Concepts Spring JMS Spring Data



Java Performance Java Performance Java Performance






没有艰深的关系数据库理论,一本让你快速上手mysql的速查手册。 书中每一命令操作都有例子解释以及注意事项等


expert mysql(深入理解mysql)-英文版

是英文版的书,希望不要特别感冒。 已经熟练使用了mysql,还想进一步了知道mysql数据库底层如何实现的,看看mysql的源代码实现,不妨读一读这本书。我也是刚刚在看,源代码正好帮你回顾下C语言,呵呵。



写高效java代码的忠告,作者参与设计了大量的jdk API,所以很有发言权


Oracle Plsql By Example 4Th-代码示例-11g.rar

Oracle Plsql By Example 4Th-代码示例-11g.rar


Reactive Programming with Node.js (2016-英文版)

Chapter 1: Reactive 101 Chapter 2: Being Reactive Chapter 3: Functional Reactive Programming Chapter 4: Reactive Programming on the Back-end Chapter 5: Enter Node.js Chapter 6: Overview of the Land Chapter 7: Writing Your Own FRP Library Chapter 8: A Practical Overview Chapter 9: Scaling Your Reactively Programmed Systems


Reactive Programming with RxJava 英文版 (2017-First Edition)

1. Reactive Programming with RxJava 2. Reactive Extensions 3. Operators and Transformations 4. Applying Reactive Programming to Existing Applications 5. Reactive from Top to Bottom 6. Flow Control and Backpressure 7.Testing and Troubleshooting 8. Case Studies 9. Future Directions


Learning React (first early release版)

1. Welcome to React History 12 React is not a Framework 14 React and MVC 15 React Ecosystem 16 Keeping up with the Changes 18 Working with the Files 18 File Repository 18 React Developer Tools 19 Installing Node.js 20 2. Emerging JavaScript Declaring Variables in ES6 22 Const 22 Let 22 Template Strings 24 Default Parameters 26 Arrow Functions 26 Transpiling ES6 30 ES6 Objects and Arrays 31 Destructuring Assignment 31 Object Literal Enhancement 33 Spread Operator 34 Module Imports and Exports 36 3. Functional Programming with JavaScript What it means to be Functional Imperative vs Declarative Functional Concepts Immutability Pure Functions Data Transformations Higher Order Functions Recursion Composition Putting it all together 4. Pure React Page Setup The Virtual DOM React Elements ReactDOM Children Constructing Elements with Data React Components React.createClass() React.Component Stateless Functional Components DOM Rendering Factories 5. React with JSX React Elements as JSX JSX Tips Babel Recipes as JSX Babel Presets Intro to webpack Webpack Loaders Recipes App with Webpack Build 6. Props, State, and the Component Tree Property Validation Validating Props with createClass Default Props Custom Property Validation ES6 Classes and Stateless Functional Components


Streaming Data

About the technology As humans, we're constantly filtering and deciphering the information streaming toward us. In the same way, streaming data applications can accomplish amazing tasks like reading live location data to recommend nearby services, tracking faults with machinery in real time, and sending digital receipts before your customers leave the shop. Recent advances in streaming data technology and techniques make it possible for any developer to build these applications if they have the right mindset. This book will let you join them. About the book Streaming Data is an idea-rich tutorial that teaches you to think about efficiently interacting with fast-flowing data. Through relevant examples and illustrated use cases, you'll explore designs for applications that read, analyze, share, and store streaming data. Along the way, you'll discover the roles of key technologies like Spark, Storm, Kafka, Flink, RabbitMQ, and more. This book offers the perfect balance between big-picture thinking and implementation details. What's inside The right way to collect real-time data Architecting a streaming pipeline Analyzing the data Which technologies to use and when About the reader Written for developers familiar with relational database concepts. No experience with streaming or real-time applications required. About the author Andrew Psaltis is a software engineer focused on massively scalable real-time analytics.



Chapter 1: Node.js Design Fundamentals Chapter 2: Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns Chapter 3: Coding with Streams Chapter 4: Design Patterns Chapter 5: Wiring Modules Chapter 6: Recipes Chapter 7: Scalability and Architectural Patterns Chapter 8: Messaging and Integration Patterns


the art of scalability(架构即未来)英文版

架构即未来第二版 英文原版 Contents Foreword Acknowledgments About the Authors Introduction Part I: Staffing a Scalable Organization Chapter 1: The Impact of People and Leadership on Scalability The Case Method Why People? Why Organizations? Why Management and Leadership? Conclusion Key Points Chapter 2: Roles for the Scalable Technology Organization The Effects of Failure Defining Roles Executive Responsibilities Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Business Unit Owners, General Managers, and P&L Owners Chief Technology Officer/Chief Information Officer Individual Contributor Responsibilities Architecture Responsibilities Engineering Responsibilities DevOps Responsibilities Infrastructure Responsibilities Quality Assurance Responsibilities Capacity Planning Responsibilities A Tool for Defining Responsibilities Conclusion Key Points Chapter 3: Designing Organizations Organizational Influences That Affect Scalability Team Size Warning Signs Growing or Splitting Teams Organizational Structure Functional Organization Matrix Organization Agile Organization Conclusion Key Points Chapter 4: Leadership 101 What Is Leadership? Leadership: A Conceptual Model Taking Stock of Who You Are Leading from the Front Checking Your Ego at the Door Mission First, People Always Making Timely, Sound, and Morally Correct Decisions Empowering Teams and Scalability Alignment with Shareholder Value Transformational Leadership Vision Mission Goals Putting It All Together The Causal Roadmap to Success Conclusion Key Points Chapter 5: Management 101 What Is Management? Project and Task Management Building Teams: A Sports Analogy Upgrading Teams: A Garden Analogy Measurement, Metrics, and Goal Evaluation The Goal Tree Paving the Path for Success Conclusion Key Points Chapter 6: Relationships, Mindset, and the Business Case Understanding the Experiential Chasm Why the Business Executive Might Be the Problem Why the Technology Executive Might Be the Problem Defeating the IT Mindset The Business Case for Scale Conclusion Key Points Part II: Building Processes for Scale Chapter 7: Why Processes Are Critical to Scale The Purpose of Process Right Time, Right Process A Process Maturity Framework When to Implement Processes Process Complexity When Good Processes Go Bad Conclusion Key Points Chapter 8: Managing Incidents and Problems What Is an Incident? What Is a Problem? The Components of Incident Management The Components of Problem Management Resolving Conflicts Between Incident and Problem Management Incident and Problem Life Cycles Implementing the Daily Incident Meeting Implementing the Quarterly Incident Review The Postmortem Process Putting It All Together Conclusion Key Points Chapter 9: Managing Crises and Escalations What Is a Crisis? Why Differentiate a Crisis from Any Other Incident? How Crises Can Change a Company Order Out of Chaos The Role of the Problem Manager The Role of Team Managers The Role of Engineering Leads The Role of Individual Contributors Communications and Control The War Room Escalations Status Communications Crisis Postmortem and Communication Conclusion Key Points Chapter 10: Controlling Change in Production Environments What Is a Change? Change Identification Change Management Change Proposal Change Approval Change Scheduling Change Implementation and Logging Change Validation Change Review The Change Control Meeting Continuous Process Improvement Conclusion Key Points Chapter 11: Determining Headroom for Applications Purpose of the Process Structure of the Process Ideal Usage Percentage A Quick Example Using Spreadsheets Conclusion Key Points Chapter 12: Establishing Architectural Principles Principles and Goals Principle Selection AKF’s Most Commonly Adopted Architectural Principles N + 1 Design Design for Rollback Design to Be Disabled Design to Be Monitored Design for Multiple Live Sites Use Mature Technologies Asynchronous Design Stateless Systems Scale Out, Not Up Design for at Least Two Axes of Scale Buy When Non-Core Use Commodity Hardware Build Small, Release Small, Fail Fast Isolate Faults Automation over People Conclusion Key Points Chapter 13: Joint Architecture Design and Architecture Review Board Fixing Organizational Dysfunction Designing for Scale Cross-Functionally JAD Entry and Exit Criteria From JAD to ARB Conducting the Meeting ARB Entry and Exit Criteria Conclusion Key Points Chapter 14: Agile Architecture Design Architecture in Agile Organizations Ownership of Architecture Limited Resources Standards ARB in the Agile Organization Conclusion Key Points Chapter 15: Focus on Core Competencies: Build Versus Buy Building Versus Buying, and Scalability Focusing on Cost Focusing on Strategy “Not Built Here” Phenomenon Merging Cost and Strategy Does This Component Create Strategic Competitive Differentiation? Are We the Best Owners of This Component or Asset? What Is the Competition for This Component? Can We Build This Component Cost-Effectively? The Best Buy Decision Ever Anatomy of a Build-It-Yourself Failure Conclusion Key Points Chapter 16: Determining Risk Importance of Risk Management to Scale Measuring Risk Managing Risk Conclusion Key Points Chapter 17: Performance and Stress Testing Performing Performance Testing Establish Success Criteria Establish the Appropriate Environment Define the Tests Execute the Tests Analyze the Data Report to Engineers Repeat the Tests and Analysis Don’t Stress over Stress Testing Identify the Objectives Identify the Key Services Determine the Load Establish the Appropriate Environment Identify the Monitors Create the Load Execute the Tests Analyze the Data Performance and Stress Testing for Scalability Conclusion Key Points Chapter 18: Barrier Conditions and Rollback Barrier Conditions Barrier Conditions and Agile Development Barrier Conditions and Waterfall Development Barrier Conditions and Hybrid Models Rollback Capabilities Rollback Window Rollback Technology Considerations Cost Considerations of Rollback Markdown Functionality: Design to Be Disabled Conclusion Key Points Chapter 19: Fast or Right? Tradeoffs in Business Relation to Scalability How to Think About the Decision Conclusion Key Points Part III: Architecting Scalable Solutions Chapter 20: Designing for Any Technology An Implementation Is Not an Architecture Technology-Agnostic Design TAD and Cost TAD and Risk TAD and Scalability TAD and Availability The TAD Approach Conclusion Key Points Chapter 21: Creating Fault-Isolative Architectural Structures Fault-Isolative Architecture Terms Benefits of Fault Isolation Fault Isolation and Availability: Limiting Impact Fault Isolation and Availability: Incident Detection and Resolution Fault Isolation and Scalability Fault Isolation and Time to Market Fault Isolation and Cost How to Approach Fault Isolation Principle 1: Nothing Is Shared Principle 2: Nothing Crosses a Swim Lane Boundary Principle 3: Transactions Occur Along Swim Lanes When to Implement Fault Isolation Approach 1: Swim Lane the Money-Maker Approach 2: Swim Lane the Biggest Sources of Incidents Approach 3: Swim Lane Along Natural Barriers How to Test Fault-Isolative Designs Conclusion Key Points Chapter 22: Introduction to the AKF Scale Cube The AKF Scale Cube The x-Axis of the Cube The y-Axis of the Cube The z-Axis of the Cube Putting It All Together When and Where to Use the Cube Conclusion Key Points Chapter 23: Splitting Applications for Scale The AKF Scale Cube for Applications The x-Axis of the AKF Application Scale Cube The y-Axis of the AKF Application Scale Cube The z-Axis of the AKF Application Scale Cube Putting It All Together Practical Use of the Application Cube Observations Conclusion Key Points Chapter 24: Splitting Databases for Scale Applying the AKF Scale Cube to Databases The x-Axis of the AKF Database Scale Cube The y-Axis of the AKF Database Scale Cube The z-Axis of the AKF Database Scale Cube Putting It All Together Practical Use of the Database Cube Ecommerce Implementation Search Implementation Business-to-Business SaaS Solution Observations Timeline Considerations Conclusion Key Points Chapter 25: Caching for Performance and Scale Caching Defined Object Caches Application Caches Proxy Caches Reverse Proxy Caches Caching Software Content Delivery Networks Conclusion Key Points Chapter 26: Asynchronous Design for Scale Synching Up on Synchronization Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Calls Scaling Synchronously or Asynchronously Example Asynchronous Systems Defining State Conclusion Key Points Part IV: Solving Other Issues and Challenges Chapter 27: Too Much Data The Cost of Data The Value of Data and the Cost-Value Dilemma Making Data Profitable Option Value Strategic Competitive Differentiation Cost-Justify the Solution (Tiered Storage Solutions) Transform the Data Handling Large Amounts of Data Big Data A NoSQL Primer Conclusion Key Points Chapter 28: Grid Computing History of Grid Computing Pros and Cons of Grids Pros of Grids Cons of Grids Different Uses for Grid Computing Production Grid Build Grid Data Warehouse Grid Back-Office Grid Conclusion Key Points Chapter 29: Soaring in the Clouds History and Definitions Public Versus Private Clouds Characteristics and Architecture of Clouds Pay by Usage Scale on Demand Multiple Tenants Virtualization Differences Between Clouds and Grids Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing Pros of Cloud Computing Cons of Cloud Computing Where Clouds Fit in Different Companies Environments Skill Sets Decision Process Conclusion Key Points Chapter 30: Making Applications Cloud Ready The Scale Cube in a Cloud x-Axis y- and z-Axes Overcoming Challenges Fault Isolation in a Cloud Variability in Input/Output Intuit Case Study Conclusion Key Points Chapter 31: Monitoring Applications “Why Didn’t We Catch That Earlier?” A Framework for Monitoring User Experience and Business Metrics Systems Monitoring Application Monitoring Measuring Monitoring: What Is and Isn’t Valuable? Monitoring and Processes Conclusion Key Points Chapter 32: Planning Data Centers Data Center Costs and Constraints Location, Location, Location Data Centers and Incremental Growth When Do I Consider IaaS? Three Magic Rules of Three The First Rule of Three: Three Magic Drivers of Data Center Costs The Second Rule of Three: Three Is the Magic Number for Servers The Third Rule of Three: Three Is the Magic Number for Data Centers Multiple Active Data Center Considerations Conclusion Key Points Chapter 33: Putting It All Together What to Do Now? Further Resources on Scalability Blogs Books Part V: Appendices Appendix A: Calculating Availability Hardware Uptime Customer Complaints Portion of Site Down Third-Party Monitoring Service Business Graph Appendix B: Capacity Planning Calculations Appendix C: Load and Performance Calculations Inde





Java EE 7 Development with WildFly

Java EE 7 Development with WildFly


HornetQ Messaging Developer_'s Guide

Table of Contents Preface 1 Chapter 1: Getting Started with HornetQ 9 Chapter 2: Setting Up HornetQ 31 Chapter 3: Basic Coding with HornetQ: Creating and Consuming Messages 53 Chapter 4: Monitoring HornetQ 77 Chapter 5: Some More Advanced Features of HornetQ 93 Chapter 6: Clustering with HornetQ 113 Chapter 7: Divert and Filter Messages 133 Chapter 8: Controlling Message Flow 149 Chapter 9: Ensuring Your HornetQ Security 163 Chapter 10: HornetQ in JBoss Environment 183 Chapter 11: More on HornetQ Embedding 201



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