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本软件可以通过导入手机号,与归属地数据库对比,生成本地文本文件,进行归属地分类软件,软件简单易用,如果有大量手机号需要归属地区分,可以用这个软件很简单的就完成操作。 本文件中包含 2017年6月版 360569条记录,包含最新手机号段归属地数据库 最新 最新手机号段归属地数据库,移动号段、联通号段、电信号段 170 171 号段(虚拟运营商) 权威、全面、准确、规范 包括:省份、城市、运营商信息,对于数据分析、号码归属地查询等非常有帮助 new! 20170808 工信部新批号段:电信199/移动198/联通166 ,146联通,148移动,1740、1741 电信和工信部的卫星通信号段,144十三位移动物联网,141十三位电信物联网,10098船舶通信导航公司客服电话 三大运营商最新号段,本数据库含有最全手机号段数据: 电信: 133、153(号段位1530000-1539999(中间号码有不连贯:少11个)) 、173(新) 、 177 (新) 、 180、181、189 移动: 134(号段位1340000-1349999,少3个号码:1344710-12-13)、135、136、137、 138、139、150、 151、152、157、158、159、 178(新)、 18 2、183、 184、187、 188 联通: 130、131、132、155、156、175 ( 新) 、176( 新) 、185、186 数据卡: 145(号段位1450000-1459899(中间号码有不连贯:少1477个))、147(号段位1470000-1479999(中间号码有不连贯:少125个))、 149 其他:170(新)、171 (新) 鸿力手机号码归属地分类软件,本程序是通过 手机号码 识别前7位通过号码归属地数据库进行识别!方便对号码进行分类! 将手机号码如软件界面提示方式复制粘贴到文本框内,去掉多余的无数据行,点击[识别按钮]进行识别,如数据量大,清耐心等待,完成后会有对话框提示。 号码处理完毕后,在软件当前目录下产生文本文件,可以通过EXCEL分列进行分组,根据实际情况对数据进行操作。 提示:如果你的系统安装360安全卫士,如提示,需要允许程序运行。 软件采用VB编写,需要一部分动态链接库支持,如无法运行需要下载 MDAC数据库访问组件安装,可以 搜索 MDAC 2.8-32.EXE 或 下载地址http://www.haerbindaikuan.com/Files/MDAC 2.8-32.EXE 软件测试环境:WinXP/Win7/Win8/Win10 如果有疑问可以随时和我联系。


vb 自动识别拼音

ttribute VB_Name = "Module1" Option Explicit Public Declare Function GetVolumeInformation& Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetVolumeInformationA" (ByVal lpRootPathName As String, ByVal pVolumeNameBuffer As String, ByVal nVolumeNameSize As Long, lpVolumeSerialNumber As Long, lpMaximumComponentLength As Long, lpFileSystemFlags As Long, ByVal lpFileSystemNameBuffer As String, ByVal nFileSystemNameSize As Long) Public Const MAX_FILENAME_LEN = 256 Public Function DriveSerial(ByVal sDrv As String) As Long Dim RetVal As Long Dim Str1 As String * MAX_FILENAME_LEN Dim str2 As String * MAX_FILENAME_LEN Dim a As Long Dim b As Long Call GetVolumeInformation(sDrv & ":\", Str1, MAX_FILENAME_LEN, RetVal, a, b, str2, MAX_FILENAME_LEN) DriveSerial = RetVal End Function Public Function RegNumber(Song As String) As String Dim a Song = Val(Song) a = Mid(Song, 5, 2) Song = Song + 99 RegNumber = Song + 115478147829# ' RegNumber = "1891" & RegNumber End Function Public Function JmNumber(String1 As String) As String Dim a String1 = Val(String1) a = String1 = Mid(String1, 5, 3) String1 = String1 - 99 ' String1 = Mid(String1, 5) JmNumber = String1 - 115478147829# End Function Public Function GetPY(a1 As String) As String Dim t1 As String If Asc(a1) < 0 Then t1 = Left(a1, 1) If Asc(t1) < Asc("啊") Then GetPY = "0" Exit Function End If Rem __无法识别的汉字_____________________________________________________________________________ If a1 = "倩" Then GetPY = "Q" Exit Function End If If a1 = "铿" Then GetPY = "K" Exit Function End If If a1 = "锵" Then GetPY = "Q" Exit Function End If If a1 = "杵" Then GetPY = "C" Exit Function End If If a1 = "旮" Then GetPY = "G" Exit Function End If If a1 = "旯" Then GetPY = "L" Exit Function End If If a1 = "薇" Then GetPY = "W" Exit Function End If Rem _______________________________________________________________________________ If Asc(t1) >= Asc("啊") And Asc(t1) < Asc("芭") Then GetPY = "A" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("芭") And Asc(t1) < Asc("擦") Then GetPY = "B" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("擦") And Asc(t1) < Asc("搭") Then GetPY = "C" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("搭") And Asc(t1) < Asc("蛾") Then GetPY = "D" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("蛾") And Asc(t1) < Asc("发") Then GetPY = "E" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("发") And Asc(t1) < Asc("噶") Then GetPY = "F" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("噶") And Asc(t1) < Asc("哈") Then GetPY = "G" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("哈") And Asc(t1) < Asc("击") Then GetPY = "H" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("击") And Asc(t1) < Asc("喀") Then GetPY = "J" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("喀") And Asc(t1) < Asc("垃") Then GetPY = "K" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("垃") And Asc(t1) < Asc("妈") Then GetPY = "L" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("妈") And Asc(t1) < Asc("拿") Then GetPY = "M" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("拿") And Asc(t1) < Asc("哦") Then GetPY = "N" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("哦") And Asc(t1) < Asc("啪") Then GetPY = "O" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("啪") And Asc(t1) < Asc("期") Then GetPY = "P" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("期") And Asc(t1) < Asc("然") Then GetPY = "Q" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("然") And Asc(t1) < Asc("撒") Then GetPY = "R" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("撒") And Asc(t1) < Asc("塌") Then GetPY = "S" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("塌") And Asc(t1) < Asc("挖") Then GetPY = "T" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("挖") And Asc(t1) < Asc("昔") Then GetPY = "W" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("昔") And Asc(t1) < Asc("压") Then GetPY = "X" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("压") And Asc(t1) < Asc("匝") Then GetPY = "Y" Exit Function End If If Asc(t1) >= Asc("匝") Then GetPY = "Z" Exit Function End If Else If a1 = "1" Then GetPY = "1" Exit Function End If If a1 = "2" Then GetPY = "2" Exit Function End If If a1 = "3" Then GetPY = "3" Exit Function End If If a1 = "4" Then GetPY = "4" Exit Function End If If a1 = "5" Then GetPY = "5" Exit Function End If If a1 = "6" Then GetPY = "6" Exit Function End If If a1 = "7" Then GetPY = "7" Exit Function End If If a1 = "8" Then GetPY = "8" Exit Function End If If a1 = "9" Then GetPY = "9" Exit Function End If If a1 = "0" Then GetPY = "0" Exit Function End If If UCase(a1) <= "Z" And UCase(a1) >= "A" Then GetPY = UCase(Left(a1, 1)) Else GetPY = "" End If End If End Function



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