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原创 Python selenium贴吧水贴

Python selenium贴吧水贴前言基本思路流程整理:功能快捷键合理的创建标题,有助于目录的生成如何改变文本的样式插入链接与图片如何插入一段漂亮的代码片生成一个适合你的列表创建一个表格设定内容居中、居左、居右SmartyPants创建一个自定义列表如何创建一个注脚注释也是必不可少的KaTeX数学公式新的甘特图功能,丰富你的文章UML 图表FLowchart流程图导出与导入导出导入前言 博...

2019-10-18 20:17:52 665 2

原创 Codeforces Round #414

A. Bank RobberyB. Cutting CarrotC. Naming Company

2017-05-14 11:57:02 459

原创 Java-Web (动作标识)

1.  :动态包含,通过这个指令可以在代码中嵌套其它的文件,对jsp代码进行编辑的时候会把嵌套的文件先编译一次,在嵌入代码中。同时,也具有包含文件的作用,但是,不同的是,是静态包含,即不会对包含的文件进行编译,而是直接将其嵌套在代码中。2. :。 是一种用于页面重定向的动作元素,它的作用是停止当前JSP 页面的执行,而将客户端请求转交给另一个JSP 页面。要注意转发与重定向的区别,转发

2017-03-20 20:16:21 511

原创 HDU 1875 (最小生成树)


2016-08-20 09:18:24 659

原创 HDU 1233 (最小生成树)

Description某省调查乡村交通状况,得到的统计表中列出了任意两村庄间的距离。省政府“畅通工程”的目标是使全省任何两个村庄间都可以实现公路交通(但不一定有直接的公路相连,只要能间接通过公路可达即可),并要求铺设的公路总长度为最小。请计算最小的公路总长度。 Input测试输入包含若干测试用例。每个测试用例的第1行给出村庄数目N ( 当N为0时,输入结

2016-08-20 09:07:14 318

原创 HDU 1102 (最小生成树)

DescriptionThere are N villages, which are numbered from 1 to N, and you should build some roads such that every two villages can connect to each other. We say two village A and B are connected, i

2016-08-20 09:02:38 331

原创 POJ 1751 (最小生成树)

DescriptionThe island nation of Flatopia is perfectly flat. Unfortunately, Flatopia has a very poor system of public highways. The Flatopian government is aware of this problem and has already con

2016-08-19 20:57:09 366

原创 POJ 1789(最小生成树)

DescriptionAdvanced Cargo Movement, Ltd. uses trucks of different types. Some trucks are used for vegetable delivery, other for furniture, or for bricks. The company has its own code describing ea

2016-08-19 20:29:24 408

原创 POJ 2031 (最小生成树)

DescriptionYou are a member of the space station engineering team, and are assigned a task in the construction process of the station. You are expected to write a computer program to complete the

2016-08-19 19:57:25 595

原创 POJ 2349 (最小生成树)

DescriptionThe Department of National Defence (DND) wishes to connect several northern outposts by a wireless network. Two different communication technologies are to be used in establishing the n

2016-08-19 16:41:17 1040

原创 POJ-1251 HDU-1301 (最小生成树)

DescriptionThe Head Elder of the tropical island of Lagrishan has a problem. A burst of foreign aid money was spent on extra roads between villages some years ago. But the jungle overtakes roa

2016-08-19 16:12:07 774

原创 POJ 2828 (线段树-单点更新)

DescriptionRailway tickets were difficult to buy around the Lunar New Year in China, so we must get up early and join a long queue…The Lunar New Year was approaching, but unluckily the Little Ca

2016-08-17 08:44:00 1141 2

原创 UVA 1513(树状数组)

Movie collectionMr. K. I. has a very big movie collection. He has organized his collection in a big stack. Whenever he wants to watch one of the movies, he locates the movie in this stack and remo

2016-08-16 16:04:47 601

原创 UVA 12086 (树状数组)

题目网址:http://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=3238题意:给你n个数,有两种操作,M a b为查询[a,b]这个区间内的数的和,S a b为把第a个数修改成b,END结束。用树状数组和线段树都可以做。附上树状数组代码

2016-08-16 15:40:03 517

原创 HDU-1166(线段树-单点更新)

Problem DescriptionC国的死对头A国这段时间正在进行军事演习,所以C国间谍头子Derek和他手下Tidy又开始忙乎了。A国在海岸线沿直线布置了N个工兵营地,Derek和Tidy的任务就是要监视这些工兵营地的活动情况。由于采取了某种先进的监测手段,所以每个工兵营地的人数C国都掌握的一清二楚,每个工兵营地的人数都有可能发生变动,可能增加或减少若干人手,但这些都逃不过C国的监视

2016-08-16 15:02:47 682

原创 POJ 3630 HDU 1671(字典树)

DescriptionGiven a list of phone numbers, determine if it is consistent in the sense that no number is the prefix of another. Let's say the phone catalogue listed these numbers:Emergency 911Al

2016-07-21 20:17:22 1681 1

原创 HDU 4300(KMP)

Problem DescriptionClairewd is a member of FBI. After several years concealing in BUPT, she intercepted some important messages and she was preparing for sending it to ykwd. They had agreed that e

2016-07-19 17:03:52 860 1

原创 HDU 2594 (KMP)

Problem DescriptionHomer: Marge, I just figured out a way to discover some of the talents we weren’t aware we had.Marge: Yeah, what is it?Homer: Take me for example. I want to find out if I ha

2016-07-18 22:40:10 546

原创 POJ 2752 (KMP)

DescriptionThe little cat is so famous, that many couples tramp over hill and dale to Byteland, and asked the little cat to give names to their newly-born babies. They seek the name, and at the

2016-07-18 22:25:23 344

原创 POJ 1961 (KMP)

DescriptionFor each prefix of a given string S with N characters (each character has an ASCII code between 97 and 126, inclusive), we want to know whether the prefix is a periodic string. That is,

2016-07-18 22:14:53 341

原创 HDU 2087(KMP)

Problem Description一块花布条,里面有些图案,另有一块直接可用的小饰条,里面也有一些图案。对于给定的花布条和小饰条,计算一下能从花布条中尽可能剪出几块小饰条来呢? Input输入中含有一些数据,分别是成对出现的花布条和小饰条,其布条都是用可见ASCII字符表示的,可见的ASCII字符有多少个,布条的花纹也有多少种花样。花纹条和小饰条不会超过

2016-07-18 22:06:45 335

原创 HDU 1069 (DP)

Problem DescriptionA group of researchers are designing an experiment to test the IQ of a monkey. They will hang a banana at the roof of a building, and at the mean time, provide the monkey wi

2016-07-16 14:49:58 367

原创 HUD 1253【BFS】

DescriptionIgnatius被魔王抓走了,有一天魔王出差去了,这可是Ignatius逃亡的好机会. 魔王住在一个城堡里,城堡是一个A*B*C的立方体,可以被表示成A个B*C的矩阵,刚开始Ignatius被关在(0,0,0)的位置,离开城堡的门在(A-1,B-1,C-1)的位置,现在知道魔王将在T分钟后回到城堡,Ignatius每分钟能从一个坐标走到相邻的六个坐标中的其中一

2016-07-16 09:59:54 499

原创 POJ 1025(LIS+二分查找)

DescriptionJGShining's kingdom consists of 2n(n is no more than 500,000) small cities which are located in two parallel lines. Half of these cities are rich in resource (we call them rich citi

2016-07-15 21:55:08 917 1

原创 HDU 2102 A计划(深搜)

Description可怜的公主在一次次被魔王掳走一次次被骑士们救回来之后,而今,不幸的她再一次面临生命的考验。魔王已经发出消息说将在T时刻吃掉公主,因为他听信谣言说吃公主的肉也能长生不老。年迈的国王正是心急如焚,告招天下勇士来拯救公主。不过公主早已习以为常,她深信智勇的骑士LJ肯定能将她救出。 现据密探所报,公主被关在一个两层的迷宫里,迷宫的入口是S(0,0,0),公主的位置用P表示

2016-07-15 16:43:39 1216

原创 POJ 1088 (记忆化搜索)

DescriptionMichael喜欢滑雪百这并不奇怪, 因为滑雪的确很刺激。可是为了获得速度,滑的区域必须向下倾斜,而且当你滑到坡底,你不得不再次走上坡或者等待升降机来载你。Michael想知道载一个区域中最长底滑坡。区域由一个二维数组给出。数组的每个数字代表点的高度。下面是一个例子  1 2 3 4 5 16 17 18 19 6 15 24 25 20 7 14

2016-07-14 14:06:16 682





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