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原创 python实现·数据结构与算法之双向循环链表

双向循环链表定义双向循环链表(Double Cycle Linked List)是双向链表的一种更复杂的变形,头结点的上一节点链接域指向尾结点,而尾结点的下一节点链接域指向头节点。节点示意图表元素域elem用来存放具体的数据。链接域prev用来存放上一个节点的位置(python中的标识)链接域next用来存放下一个节点的位置(python中的标识)双向循环链表示意图双向循环链表的基本操作is_empty() 判断链表是否为空length 链表长度travel() 遍历整个链

2020-06-30 17:14:25 470

原创 python实现·数据结构与算法之双向链表

双向链表定义双向链表(Double Linked List)是一种更复杂的链表,每个节点除了包含元素域,还包含两个链接:一个指向前一个节点,当此节点为第一个节点时,指向空值;另一个指向下一个节点,当此节点为最后一个节点时,指向空值。节点示意图表元素域elem用来存放具体的数据。链接域prev用来存放上一个节点的位置(python中的标识)链接域next用来存放下一个节点的位置(python中的标识)双向链表示意图双向链表的基本操作is_empty() 判断链表是否为空leng

2020-06-29 08:38:44 212

原创 python实现·数据结构与算法之单向循环链表

单向循环链表定义单向循环链表(Single Cycle Linked List)是单链表的一个变形,将链表中最后一个节点的next域不再为None,而是指向链表的头节点。节点示意图单向循环链表示意图单向循环链表的基本操作is_empty() 判断链表是否为空length 链表长度travel() 遍历整个链表,打印元素add(item) 在链表头部添加元素append(item) 在链表尾部添加元素insert(pos, item) 在指定位置插入元素remove(item)

2020-06-28 08:37:57 275

原创 python实现·数据结构与算法之单向链表

单向链表定义单向链表(Single Linked List)也叫单链表,是一种链式存取的数据结构,用一组地址任意的存储单元存放线性表中的数据元素,是链表中最简单的一种形式。链表中的数据是以结点来表示的,每个节点包含两个域,一个元素域(数据元素的映象)和一个链接域,链接指向链表中的下一个节点,而最后一个节点的链接域则指向一个空值。节点示意图单向链表示意图单向链表的基本操作is_empty() 判断链表是否为空length 链表长度travel() 遍历整个链表,打印元素add(ite

2020-06-27 20:04:13 181

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之桶排序(Bucket Sort)

简介桶排序(Bucket Sort),也叫箱排序,其主要思想是:将待排序集合中处于同一个值域的元素存入同一个桶中,也就是根据元素值特性将集合拆分为多个区域,则拆分后形成的多个桶,从值域上看是处于有序状态的。对每个桶中元素进行排序,则所有桶中元素构成的集合是已排序的。桶排序是计数排序的扩展版本,计数排序可以看成每个桶只存储相同元素,而桶排序每个桶存储一定范围的元素。桶排序需要尽量保证元素分散均匀,否则当所有数据集中在同一个桶中时,桶排序失效。算法实现步骤根据待排序集合中最大元素和最小元素的差值范

2020-05-26 08:32:08 696

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之基数排序(Radix Sort)

简介基数排序(Radix Sort)是一种非比较型整数排序算法,是桶排序的扩展。基本思想是:将所有待比较数值统一为同样的数位长度,数位较短的数前面补零。按照低位先排序,分别放入10个队列中,然后采用先进先出的原则进行收集;再按照高位排序,然后再收集;依次类推,直到最高位,最终得到排好序的数列。对于数值偏小的一组序列,其速度是非常快的,时间复杂度达到了线性,而且思想也非常的巧妙。算法实现步骤取得数组中的最大数,并取得位数;对数位较短的数前面补零;分配,先从个位开始,根据位值(0-9)分别放到0

2020-05-25 07:27:24 729

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之计数排序(Counting Sort)

简介计数排序(Counting Sort)不是基于比较的排序算法,其核心在于将输入的数据值转化为键存储在额外开辟的数组空间中。 作为一种线性时间复杂度的排序,计数排序要求输入的数据必须是有确定范围的整数。它的基本思想是:给定的输入序列中的每一个元素x,确定该序列中值小于等于x元素的个数,然后将x直接存放到最终的排序序列的正确位置上。算法实现步骤根据待排序集合中最大元素和最小元素的差值范围,申请额外空间;遍历待排序集合,将每一个元素出现的次数记录到元素值对应的额外空间内;对额外空间内数据进行计

2020-05-24 07:36:38 674

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之堆排序(Heap Sort)

文章目录简介算法实现步骤Python 代码实现动画演示算法分析联系我们简介堆排序(Heap Sort)是利用堆这种数据结构而设计的一种排序算法,是一种选择排序。堆是具有以下性质的完全二叉树:每个结点的值都大于或等于其左右孩子结点的值,称为大顶堆;或者每个结点的值都小于或等于其左右孩子结点的值,称为小顶堆。堆排序思路为: 将一个无序序列调整为一个堆,就能找出序列中的最大值(或最小值),然后将找出的这个元素与末尾元素交换,这样有序序列元素就增加一个,无序序列元素就减少一个,对新的无序序列重复操作,从而

2020-05-23 08:35:22 268

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之希尔排序(Shell Sort)

文章目录简介算法实现步骤Python 代码实现动画演示算法分析联系我们简介希尔排序(Shell Sort)属于插入排序的一种,也称缩小增量排序,是直接插入排序算法的一种更高效的改进版本。其基本思想是:先将整个待排元素序列分割成若干个子序列(由相隔某个“增量”的元素组成的)分别进行直接插入排序,然后依次缩减增量再进行排序,待整个序列中的元素基本有序(增量足够小)时,再对全体元素进行一次直接插入排序。因为直接插入排序在元素基本有序的情况下,效率是很高的,因此希尔排序在时间效率比直接插入排序有较大提高。

2020-05-22 07:15:56 285

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之归并排序(Merge Sort)

文章目录简介算法实现步骤Python 代码实现动画演示算法分析联系我们简介归并排序(Merge Sort)是一种非常高效的排序方式,它用了分治的思想,基本排序思想是:先将整个序列两两分开,然后每组中的两个元素排好序。接着就是组与组和合并,只需将两组所有的元素遍历一遍,即可按顺序合并。以此类推,最终所有组合并为一组时,整个数列完成排序。算法实现步骤把长度为n的输入序列分成两个长度为n/2的子序列;对这两个子序列分别采用递归的进行排序;将两个排序好的子序列的元素拿出来,按照顺序合并成一个最终的

2020-05-21 08:12:19 760

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之快速排序(Quick Sort)

文章目录简介算法实现步骤Python 代码实现动画演示算法分析联系我们简介快速排序(Quick Sort)是对冒泡排序的一种改进,其的基本思想:选一基准元素,依次将剩余元素中小于该基准元素的值放置其左侧,大于等于该基准元素的值放置其右侧;然后,取基准元素的前半部分和后半部分分别进行同样的处理;以此类推,直至各子序列剩余一个元素时,即排序完成(类比二叉树的思想)。算法实现步骤首先设定一个分界值(pivot),通过该分界值将数组分成左右两部分。将大于或等于分界值的数据集中到数组右边,小于分界值的

2020-05-20 07:21:47 398

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之插入排序(Insertion Sort)

文章目录简介算法实现步骤Python 代码实现动画演示算法分析联系我们简介插入排序(Insertion Sort)是一种简单直观的排序算法。它的工作原理是:通过构建有序序列,对于未排序数据,在已排序序列中从后向前扫描,找到相应位置并插入。算法实现步骤从第一个元素开始,该元素可以认为已经被排序;取出下一个元素,在已经排序的元素序列中从后向前扫描;如果该元素(已排序)大于新元素,将该元素移到下一位置;重复步骤3,直到找到已排序的元素小于或者等于新元素的位置;将新元素插入到该位置后;重复步

2020-05-19 07:34:57 690

原创 python 实现·十大排序算法之选择排序(Selection Sort)

文章目录简介算法实现步骤Python 代码实现动画演示算法分析联系我们简介选择排序(Selection Sort)是一种简单直观的排序算法。它的工作原理是:首先在未排序序列中找到最小(大)元素,存放到排序序列的起始位置,然后,再从剩余未排序元素中继续寻找最小(大)元素,然后放到已排序序列的末尾。以此类推,直到所有元素均排序完成。算法实现步骤初始状态:无序区为R[1,⋯ ,n]R\left[ 1,\cdots ,n \right]R[1,⋯,n],有序区为空;第i趟排序(i=1,2,3,⋯ ,

2020-05-18 07:44:24 317

原创 python实现·十大排序算法之冒泡排序(Bubble Sort)

文章目录简介算法实现步骤Python 代码实现动画演示算法分析联系我们简介冒泡排序(Bubble Sort)是经典排序算法之一,属于交换排序的一种,基本的排序思路是:从头开始两两元素进行比较,大的元素就往上冒,这样遍历一轮后,最大的元素就会直接筛选出来。然后再重复上述操作,即可完成第二大元素的冒泡。以此类推,直到所有的元素排序完成。算法实现步骤比较相邻的元素,如果第一个比第二个大,就交换它们两个(确定排序规则:从小到大或从大到小);对每一对相邻元素做同样的工作,从开始第一对到结尾的最后

2020-05-17 11:37:16 1447 4

Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in VB 2008:From Novice to Professional

"The most up–to–date and comprehensive introductory ASP.NET book you'll find on any shelf, Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in VB 2008 guides you through Microsoft's latest technology for building dynamic web sites. This book will enable you to build dynamic web pages on the fly, and it assumes only the most basic knowledge of Visual Basic 2008. The book provides exhaustive coverage of ASP.NET, guiding you from your first steps right up to the most advanced techniques, such as querying databases from within a web page and tuning your site for optimal performance. Within these pages, you'll find tips for “best practices” and comprehensive discussions of key database and XML principles you need to know in order to be effective with ASP.NET. The book also emphasizes the invaluable coding techniques of object orientation and code behind, which will start you off on the track to building real–world web sites right from the beginningrather than just faking it with simplified coding practices. By the time you've finished the book, you will have mastered the core techniques and have all the knowledge you need to begin work as a professional ASP.NET developer. "


Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008:From Novice to Professional

"The most up–to–date and comprehensive introductory ASP.NET book you'll find on any shelf, Beginning ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 guides you through Microsoft's technology for building dynamic web sites. This book will enable you to build dynamic web pages on the fly, and it assumes only the most basic knowledge of C#. The book provides exhaustive coverage of ASP.NET, guiding you from your first steps right up to the most advanced techniques, such as querying databases from within a web page and tuning your site for optimal performance. Within these pages, you'll find tips for “best practices” and comprehensive discussions of key database and XML principles you need to know in order to be effective with ASP.NET. The book also emphasizes the invaluable coding techniques of object orientation and code behind, which will start you off on the track to building real–world web sites right from the beginning—rather than just faking it with simplified coding practices. By the time you've finished the book, you will have mastered the core techniques and have all the knowledge you need to begin work as a professional ASP.NET developer. "


Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in VB 2005:From Novice to Professional

"The most up-to-date and comprehensive introductory ASP.NET book you'll find on any shelf, Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in VB 2005 guides you through Microsoft's technology for building dynamic websites. You'll learn to build dynamic web pages quickly, with only basic prior knowledge of Visual Basic. Included is thorough coverage of ASP.NET, to guide you from your first steps to advanced techniques like querying databases from within a web page and performance-tuning your site. This book includes best practices and comprehensive discussions about key database and XML principles, which are essential for you to become effective with ASP.NET. The book also emphasizes the invaluable coding techniques of object orientation and code behind, which will enable you to build real-world websites immediately rather than just scraping by with simplified coding practices. By the time you've finished this book, you will have mastered the core techniques and possess the necessary knowledge to begin work as a professional ASP.NET developer. "


Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005:From Novice to Professional

"Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 in C# 2005: From Novice to Professional steers you through the maze of ASP.NET web programming concepts. You will learn language and theory simultaneously, mastering the core techniques necessary to develop good coding practices and enhance your skill set. This book provides thorough coverage of ASP.NET, guiding you from beginning to advanced techniques, such as querying databases from within a web page and performance-tuning your site. You'll find tips for best practices and comprehensive discussions of key database and XML principles. The book also emphasizes the invaluable coding techniques of object orientation and code-behind, which will enable you to build real-world websites instead of just scraping by with simplified coding practices. By the time you finish this book, you will have mastered the core techniques essential to professional ASP.NET developers. "


Beginning C for Arduino

"Beginning C for Arduino is written for those who have no prior experience with microcontrollers or programming but would like to experiment and learn both. This book introduces you to the C programming language, reinforcing each programming structure with a simple demonstration of how you can use C to control the Arduino family of microcontrollers. Author Jack Purdum uses an engaging style to teach good programming techniques using examples that have been honed during his 25 years of university teaching.    Beginning C for Arduino will teach you:   The C programming language How to use C to control a microcontroller and related hardware How to extend C by creating your own library routines During the course of the book, you will learn the basics of programming, such as working with data types, making decisions, and writing control loops. You'll then progress onto some of the trickier aspects of C programming, such as using pointers effectively, working with the C preprocessor, and tackling file I/O. Each chapter ends with a series of exercises and review questions to test your knowledge and reinforce what you have learned. "


Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R

"Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R is divided into two basic parts, the first presenting R packages, functions, classes and methods for handling spatial data. This part is of interest to users who need to access and visualise spatial data. Data import and export for many file formats for spatial data are covered in detail, as is the interface between R and the open source GRASS GIS. The second part showcases more specialised kinds of spatial data analysis, including spatial point pattern analysis, interpolation and geostatistics, areal data analysis and disease mapping. The coverage of methods of spatial data analysis ranges from standard techniques to new developments, and the examples used are largely taken from the spatial statistics literature. All the examples can be run using R contributed packages available from the CRAN website, with code and additional data sets from the book's own website. This book will be of interest to researchers who intend to use R to handle, visualise, and analyse spatial data. It will also be of interest to spatial data analysts who do not use R, but who are interested in practical aspects of implementing software for spatial data analysis. It is a suitable companion book for introductory spatial statistics courses and for applied methods courses in a wide range of subjects using spatial data, including human and physical geography, geographical information systems, the environmental sciences, ecology, public health and disease control, economics, public administration and political science. The book has a website where coloured figures, complete code examples, data sets, and other support material may be found: http://www.asdar-book.org. The authors have taken part in writing and maintaining software for spatial data handling and analysis with R in concert since 2003. Roger Bivand is Professor of Geography in the Department of Economics at Norges Handelshøyskole, Bergen, Norway. Edzer Pebesma is Professor of Geoinformatics at Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany. Virgilio Gómez-Rubio is Research Associate in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom. "


A Tester’s Guide to .NET Programming

"A Tester's Guide to .NET Programming focuses solely on applied programming techniques for testers. You will learn how to write simple automated tests, enabling you to test tools and utilities. You will also learn about the important concepts driving modern programming today, like multitier applications and object-oriented programming. More businesses are adopting .NET technologies, and this book will equip you to assess software robustness and performance. Whether you're an experienced programmer who's unfamiliar with testing concepts, or you're an experienced tester versed in VB .NET and C#, the included real-world tips and example code will help you start your projects. Also included are review questions and hands-on exercises to help you retain knowledge. Additionally, the book features examples and quick language tutorials for both C# and VB .NET. "


Analysis of Phylogenetics and Evolution with R

The increasing availability of molecular and genetic databases coupled with the growing power of computers gives biologists opportunities to address new issues, such as the patterns of molecular evolution, and re-assess old ones, such as the role of adaptation in species diversification.In the second edition, the book continues to integrate a wide variety of data analysis methods into a single and flexible interface: the R language. This open source language is available for a wide range of computer systems and has been adopted as a computational environment by many authors of statistical software. Adopting R as a main tool for phylogenetic analyses will ease the workflow in biologists' data analyses, ensure greater scientific repeatability, and enhance the exchange of ideas and methodological developments. The second edition is completely updated, covering the full gamut of R packages for this area that have been introduced  to the market since its previous publication five years ago. There is also  a new chapter on the simulation of evolutionary data.  Graduate students and researchers in evolutionary biology can use this book as a reference for data analyses, whereas researchers in bioinformatics interested in evolutionary analyses will learn how to implement these methods in R. The book starts with a presentation of different R packages and gives a short introduction to R for phylogeneticists unfamiliar with this language. The basic phylogenetic topics are covered: manipulation of phylogenetic data, phylogeny estimation, tree drawing, phylogenetic comparative methods, and estimation of ancestral characters. The chapter on tree drawing uses R's powerful graphical environment. A section deals with the analysis of diversification with phylogenies, one of the author's favorite research topics. The last chapter is devoted to the development of phylogenetic methods with R and interfaces with other languages (C and C++). Some exercises conclude these chapters.


Analyzing Computer System Performance with Perl

"Analyzing computer system performance is often regarded by most system administrators, IT professionals and software engineers as a black art that is too time consuming to learn and apply. Finally, this book by acclaimed performance analyst Dr. Neil Gunther makes this subject understandable and applicable through programmatic examples. The means to this end is the open-source performance analyzer Pretty Damn Quick (PDQ) written in Perl and available for download from the author’s Website: www.perfdynamics.com. As the epigraph in this book points out, Common sense is the pitfall of performance analysis. The performance analysis framework that replaces common sense is revealed in the first few chapters of Part I. The important queueing concepts embedded in PDQ are explained in a very simple style that does not require any knowledge of formal probability theory. Part II begins with a full specification of how to set up and use PDQ replete with examples written in Perl. Subsequent chapters present applications of PDQ to the performance analysis of multicomputer architectures, benchmark results, client/server scalability, and Web-based applications. The examples are not mere academic toys but are based on the author's experience analyzing the performance of large-scale systems over the past 20 years. By following his lead, you will quickly be able to set up your own Perl scripts for collecting data and exploring performance-by-design alternatives without inflating your manager’s schedule."


ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview

"The ASP.NET MVC framework is the latest evolution of Microsoft's ASP.NET web platform. It introduces a radical high–productivity programming model, promotes cleaner code architecture, supports test–driven development, and provides powerful extensibility, combined with all the benefits of ASP.NET 3.5. ASP.NET MVC Framework Preview is a first look at this technology's main features, designed to give you a head start getting to grips with this powerful new technology. "


Beginning the Linux Command Line

This is Linux for those of us who don’t mind typing. All Linux users and administrators tend to like the flexibility and speed of Linux administration from the command line in byte–sized chunks, instead of fairly standard graphical user interfaces. Beginning the Linux Command Line is verified against all of the most important Linux distributions, and follows a task–oriented approach which is distribution agnostic. Now this Second Edition of Beginning the Linux Command Line updates to the very latest versions of the Linux Operating System, including the new Btrfs file system and its management, and systemd boot procedure and firewall management with firewalld!Updated to the latest versions of LinuxWork with files and directories, including Btrfs!Administer users and security, and deploy firewalldUnderstand how Linux is organized, to think Linux!


Beginning Ruby:From Novice to Professional

"Ruby is perhaps best known as the engine powering the hugely popular Ruby on Rails web framework. However, it is an extremely powerful and versatile programming language in its own right. It focuses on simplicity and offers a fully object-oriented environment. Beginning Ruby is a thoroughly contemporary guide for every type of reader who wants to learn Ruby, from novice programmers to web developers to Ruby newcomers. It starts by explaining the principles behind object-oriented programming and within a few chapters builds toward creating a genuine Ruby application. The book then explains key Ruby principles, such as classes and objects, projects, modules, and libraries, and other aspects of Ruby such as database access. In addition, Ruby on Rails is covered in depth, and the books appendixes provide essential reference information as well as a primer for experienced programmers. "


Beginning Node.js

Beginning Node.js is your step-by-step guide to learning all the aspects of creating maintainable Node.js applications. You will see how Node.js is focused on creating high-performing, highly-scalable websites, and how easy it is to get started. Many front-end devs regularly work with HTML, CSS, PHP, even WordPress, but haven't yet got started with Node.js. This book explains everything for you from a beginner level, enabling you to start using Node.js in your projects right away.Using this book you will learn important Node.js concepts for server-side programming. You will begin with an easy-to-follow pure JavaScript primer, which you can skip if you're confident of your JS skills. You'll then delve into Node.js concepts such as streams and events, and the technology involved in building full-stack Node.js applications. You'll also learn how to test your Node.js code, and deploy your Node.js applications on the internet.Node.js is a great and simple platform to work with. It is lightweight, easy to deploy and manage. You will see how using Node.js can be a fun and rewarding experience - start today with Beginning Node.js.


Beginning Python Visualization:Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts

"We are visual animals. But before we can see the world in its true splendor, our brains, just like our computers, have to sort and organize raw data, and then transform that data to produce new images of the world. Beginning Python Visualization: Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts discusses turning many types of small data sources into useful visual data. And, you will learn Python as part of the bargain. "


Beginning CakePHP:From Novice to Professional

"CakePHP is a leading PHP–based web app development framework. When asking a question on forums or chat rooms, many CakePHP beginners get little help from the experts. Simple questions can get a response like, “Well, just read the online manual and API.” Unfortunately, the online manual is depreciated, and who wants to absorb a programming language or framework from an API? Beginning CakePHP will do the following: Lead you from a basic setup of CakePHP to building a couple applications that will highlight CakePHP’s functionality and capabilities without delving too deeply into the PHP language, but rather what the CakePHP framework can offer the developer. Teach you to use CakePHP by incorporating advanced features into your web development projects. Target beginners of CakePHP or web frameworks in general as well as experienced developers with limited exposure to CakePHP. A secondary audience may include developers undecided on adopting CakePHP or business managers trying to assess the value of incorporating CakePHP into their toolbox. "


Beginning PHP and MySQL 5:From Novice to Professional

" Written for the budding web developer searching for a powerful, low-cost solution for building flexible, dynamic web sites. Essentially three books in one: provides thorough introductions to the PHP language and the MySQL database, and shows you how these two technologies can be effectively integrated to build powerful websites. Provides over 500 code examples, including real-world tasks such as creating an auto-login feature, sending HTML-formatted e-mail, testing password guessability, and uploading files via a web interface. Updated for MySQL 5, includes new chapters introducing triggers, stored procedures, and views. "


A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python(5th Edition)

Monte Carlo simulation ,Python programming ,numerical calculus ,numerical methods ,object-oriented programming ,ordinary differential equations ,vectorization


A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python(2th Edition)

Monte Carlo simulation ,Python programming ,numerical calculus ,numerical methods ,object-oriented programming ,ordinary differential equations ,vectorization


A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python(1th Edition)

This volume contains the Proceedings of the  2nd International KES Symposium on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services (KES-IIMSS 2009) This second edition of the KES-IIMSS Symposium was organized by the  Department of Information Technologies of the University of Milan, Italy in conjunction  with Hanyang University, Korea and KES International. KES-IIMSS is a new series of international scientific symposia aimed at presenting novel research in the fields of intelligent multimedia systems relevant to the development of a new generation of interactive  services.   The major theme underlying KES-IIMSS 2009 is the rapid integration of multimedia processing techniques within a new wave of user-centric services and processes. Indeed, pervasive computing has blurred the traditional distinction between conventional information technologies and multimedia processing, making multimedia an integral part of a new generation of IT-based interactive systems. This volume can provide useful insight to researchers, professors, and graduate students in the areas of multimedia and service-oriented computing, as it reports novel research work on challenging open issues in the area of intelligent multimedia services.


The Truth About HTML5

"The Truth About HTML5 is for web designers, web developers, and front-end coders who want to get up to speed with HTML5. The book isn't afraid to point out what everyone gets wrong about HTML5's new markup, so you don’t make the same mistakes. It will show you what rocks in HTML5 today and what the future holds. Marking up a basic web page shouldn't be a quasi-religious exercise where the high priests of HTML5 must be consulted for their interpretation of the holy texts (the HTML5 spec). Don’t waste hours trawling through confusing, poorly researched, and often flat-out wrong information on the Internet. Get the truth on HTML5's markup here. You'll also find out about HTML5's new microdata standard that's being used on major websites, such as eBay and IMDB, right now, and get the low-down on the Canvas object and what it can and can't do for you. The book also covers how HTML5 affects CMSs and web apps, what HTML5 means for mobile, and what the future holds. HTML5 isn't one big blob of technology that will be ""finished"" at some point in the future. It’s a grab bag of cool stuff, much of which has been around for years. Learn what’s well supported and ready to go today. Now that the initial wave of hype is over, it's time to learn the truth about HTML5. "


Inmersión en Python 3

hayas comprado. (Si es el caso: <gracias!) Ya conoces bastante el lenguaje Python. Estas preparado para dar el salto a Python 3. . . . Si lo dicho es cierto, sigue leyendo. (Si no es as, tal vez sea mejor que comiences desde el principio en el captulo ??). Python 3 viene con un script denominado 2to3. Aprende a usarlo y a quererlo. El apendice ?? es una referencia sobre las cosas que la herramienta 2to3 puede arreglar automaticamente en la conversion del codigo de la version 2 a la 3 de python. Puesto que muchas cosas son cambios de sintaxis, una buena forma de comenzar es aprender estas diferencias. Por ejemplo: print ahora es una funcion. . .


Pro HTML5 Programming

"HTML5 is here, and with it, web applications have acquired power, ease, scalability, and responsiveness like never before. With this book, developers will learn how to use the latest cutting-edge HTML5 web technology—available in the most recent versions of modern browsers—to build web applications with unparalleled functionality, speed, and responsiveness. This new edition includes major revisions for WebSockets functionality, reflecting the new W3C specification. It also features new chapters covering the drag-and-drop API as well as SVG. Explains how to create real-time HTML5 applications that tap the full potential of modern browsers Provides practical, real-world examples of HTML5 features in action Covers all the new HTML5 APIs to get you up-to-speed quickly with HTML5 Fully updated to include the latest revisions of the WebSocket API, and much more. "


Pro Git(Scott Chacon著)

"Git is the version control system developed by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. It took the open source world by storm since its inception in 2005, and is used by small development shops and giants like Google, Red Hat, and IBM, and of course many open source projects. A book by Git experts to turn you into a Git expert Introduces the world of distributed version control Shows how to build a Git development workflow "


Foundations of Qt Development

"As the standard for KDE desktop environment, Trolltech's Qt is a necessary basis for all programmers who want to develop cross-platform applications on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and FreeBSD. A multitude of popular applications have been written in Qt, including Adobe Photoshop Elements, Google Earth, Perforce Visual Client, and Skype. Foundations of Qt Development is based on Qt 4.2, and is aimed at C++ programmers who want to become proficient using this excellent toolkit to create graphical applications that can be ported to all major platforms. The book is focused on teaching you to write your own code in addition to using existing code. Common areas of confusion are identified, addressed, and answered. "


Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for iOS

You have a great idea for a simple mobile web app. Or, you have a great idea for a complicated mobile web app. Either way, Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for iOS will help you build, fine-tune, and publish your app for iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Scott Preston will walk you through building a mobile web app from scratch using real-world examples. You'll learn about design considerations, mobile web frameworks, and HTML5 features like animation and graphics using Canvas. You'll also learn how to customize your app for a variety of platforms, and you'll explore testing and performance tips for your app. Get an overview of HTML5, JavaScript, and mobile web frameworks Discover tips for iOS usability as well as performance Dig into features like images, animation, and even geolocation


HTML5 Solutions: Essential Techniques for HTML5 Developers

HTML5 brings the biggest changes that HTML has seen in years. Web designers and developers now have a whole host of new techniques up their sleeves, from displaying video and audio natively in HTML, to creating realtime graphics directly on a web page without the need for a plugin. But all of these new technologies bring more tags to learn and more avenues for things to go wrong. HTML5 Solutions provides a collection of solutions to all of the most common HTML5 problems. Every solution contains sample code that is production-ready and can be applied to any project.


HTML5 Game Development Insights

HTML5 Game Development Insights is a from-the-trenches collection of tips, tricks, hacks, and advice straight from professional HTML5 game developers. The 24 chapters here include unique, cutting edge, and essential techniques for creating and optimizing modern HTML5 games. You will learn things such as using the Gamepad API, real-time networking, getting 60fps full screen HTML5 games on mobile, using languages such as Dart and TypeScript, and tips for streamlining and automating your workflow. Game development is a complex topic, but you don't need to reinvent the wheel. HTML5 Game Development Insights will teach you how the pros do it.The book is comprised of six main sections: Performance; Game Media: Sound and Rendering; Networking, Load Times, and Assets; Mobile Techniques and Advice; Cross-Language JavaScript; Tools and Useful Libraries. Within each of these sections, you will find tips that will help you work faster and more efficiently and achieve better results.Presented as a series of short chapters from various professionals in the HTML5 gaming industry, all of the source code for each article is included and can be used by advanced programmers immediately.


Foundation Website Creation with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript

"Foundation Website Creation with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript shows the entire process of building a website. This process involves much more than just technical knowledge, and this book provides all the information you'll need to understand the concepts behind designing and developing for the Web, as well as the best means to deliver professional results based on best practices. Of course, there is far more to building a successful website than knowing a little Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). The process starts long before any coding takes place, and this book introduces you to the agile development process, explaining why this method makes so much sense for web projects and how best to implement it. We also make sure you're up to date by using the latest HTML5 features. Planning is vital, so you'll also learn to use techniques such as brainstorming, wireframes, mockups, and prototypes to get your project off to the best possible start and help ensure smooth progress as it develops. An understanding of correct, semantic markup is essential for any web professional; this book explains how HTML5 should be used to structure content so that the markup adheres to current web standards. You'll learn about the wide range of HTML5 elements available to you, and you'll learn how and when to use them through building example web pages. Without creative use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), websites would all look largely the same. CSS enables you to set your website apart from the rest, while maintaining the integrity of your markup. We'll showcase the new features of CSS3 and how you can use them. You'll learn how CSS3 works and how to apply styles to your pages, allowing you to realize your design ideas in the browser. JavaScript can be used to make your website easier and more interesting to use. This book provides information on appropriate uses of this technology and introduces the concepts of JavaScript programming. You'll also see how JavaScript works as part of the much-hyped technique Ajax, and in turn, where Ajax fits into the wider Web 2.0 picture. While a website is being built, it needs to be tested across multiple browsers and platforms to ensure that the site works for all users, regardless of ability or disability, and this book explains how best to accomplish these tasks. Then, it discusses the process of launching and maintaining the site so that it will continue to work for all its users throughout its life cycle. Foundation Website Creation with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript concludes by covering server-side technologies, acting as a guide to the different options available. With insights from renowned experts such as Jason Fried of 37signals, Daniel Burka of Digg and Pownce, and Chris Messina of Citizen Agency, Foundation Website Creation with CSS, XHTML, and JavaScript provides invaluable information applicable to every web project—regardless of size, scope, or budget. "


Comet and Reverse Ajax:The Next-Generation Ajax 2.0

"One of the most basic laws of a web application is that the client, not the server, must initiate any communication between the two. There are a number of common–use cases where, ideally, the server would like to talk to the client—dashboards and monitoring apps, chat rooms and other collaborations, and progress reports on long–running processes. Comet (a.k.a. Reverse Ajax) provides a mechanism for enabling this. Comet is moderately complex to implement. But this practical, hands–on book gets you going. In Part 1 of this book, we start by examining the use cases, and look at the simple alternatives to Comet and how far they can satisfy your needs. In some situations, though, only Comet will do. In Part 2, we demonstrate how to set up and run a Comet–based application. With this book, be a part of the next generation, Ajax 2.0. "


Beginning Google Glass Development

Beginning Google Glass Development is your number one resource for learning how to develop for Google Glass--the paradigm-shifting mobile computing platform taking the world by storm now and for years to come. Mobile developers have always had to think for the future, and right now that means getting started with Google Glass.This book is incredibly hands-on with many exciting projects. You will learn the basics of Glass and how to set up your development environment, through to every Glass development topic using Glass Development Kit (GDK):• Glass User Interface• Camera and Image Processing• Video: Basics and Applications• Voice and Audio• Network, Bluetooth, and Social• Locations, Map, and Sensors• Graphics, Animation, and GamesYou will also learn how to develop enterprise and web-based Glass apps using the Mirror API. Each topic is full of examples that illustrate what Glass can truly do and help you quickly start developing your own apps.Jeff Tang has successfully developed mobile, web, and enterprise apps on many platforms, and cares immensely about user experience. He brings his vast knowledge to this book through cool and practical examples, which will excite and tantalize your creativity.This book is for any developer who is keen to start developing for Glass with GDK or the Mirror API. Whether you are an Android, iOS, web, or enterprise developer, you do not want to miss the chance that Glass becomes the next big thing. Get started with Beginning Google Glass Development and be inspired today.


C++CLI:The Visual C++ Language for .NET

"C++/CLI: The Visual C++ Language for .NET introduces Microsoft's extensions to the C++ syntax that allow you to target the common language runtime the key to the heart of the .NET 3.0 platform. In 12 no-fluff chapters, Microsoft insider Gordon Hogenson takes you into the core of the C++/CLI language and explains both how the language elements work and how Microsoft intends them to be used. Compilable code samples illustrate the syntax as simply as possible, and more elaborate code samples show how the new syntax might typically be used. The book is a beginner's guide, but it assumes a familiarity with programming basics. And it concentrates on explaining the aspects of C++/CLI that make it the most powerful and fun language on the .NET Framework 3.0. As such, this book is ideal if you're thinking of migrating to C++/CLI from another language. By the end of this book, you'll have a thorough grounding in the core language elements together with the confidence to explore further that comes from a solid understanding of a languages syntax and grammar. "


Dijet Angular Distributions in Proton-Proton Collisions

This thesis is based on the first data from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Its theme can be described as the classical Rutherford scattering experiment adapted to the LHC: measurement of scattering angles to search for new physics and substructure. At the LHC, colliding quarks and gluons exit the proton collisions as collimated particle showers, or jets. The thesis presents studies of the scattering angles of these jets. It includes a phenomenological study at the LHC design energy of 14 TeV, where a model of so-called large extra dimensions is used as a benchmark process for the sensitivity to new physics. The experimental result is the first measurement, made in 2010, by ATLAS, operating at the LHC start-up energy of 7 TeV. The result is compatible with the Standard Model and demonstrates how well the physics and the apparatus are understood. The first data is a tiny fraction of what will be accumulated in the coming years, and this study has set the stage for performing these measurements with confidence as the LHC accumulates luminosity and increases its energy, thereby probing smaller length scales.


Beginning HTML5 Media

Beginning HTML5 Media, Second Edition is a comprehensive introduction to HTML5 video and audio. The HTML5 video standard enables browsers to support audio and video elements natively. This makes it very easy for web developers to publish audio and video, integrating both within the general presentation of web pages. For example, media elements can be styled using CSS (style sheets), viewed on a mobile device, and manipulated in a Canvas or an audio filter graph. The book offers techniques for providing accessibility to media elements, enabling consistent handling of alternative representations of media resources. The update includes all of the changes and revisions since the first HTML5 draft.Beginning HTML5 Media dives deep into the markup that is introduced for media element support in browsers. You’ll explore the default user interface offered through browsers for media elements, as well as the JavaScript API provided to control their behavior. You’ll also learn how to account for H.264, WebM and Ogg Theora codecs as well as explore the emerging Web Audio API standard, which provides an extensive set of hardware-accelerated audio filters to achieve a level of audio signal manipulation in the browser previously only available to audio professionals.


Beginning Django E-Commerce

"Beginning Django E-Commerce guides you through producing an e-commerce site using Django, the most popular Python web development framework. Topics covered include how to make a shopping cart, a checkout, and a payment processor; how to make the most of Ajax; and search engine optimization best practices. Throughout the book, you'll take each topic and apply it to build a single example site, and all the while you'll learn the theory behind what you're architecting. Build a fully functional e-commerce site. Learn to architect your site properly to survive in an increasingly competitive online landscape with good search engine optimization techniques. Become versed in the Django web framework and learn how you can put it to use to drastically reduce the amount of work you need to do to get a site up and running quickly. "


Beginning Android Games

"Beginning Android Games, Second Edition offers everything you need to join the ranks of successful Android game developers, including Android tablet game app development considerations.  You'll start with game design fundamentals and programming basics, and then progress toward creating your own basic game engine and playable game apps that work on Android and earlier version compliant smartphones and now tablets. This will give you everything you need to branch out and write your own Android games. The potential user base and the wide array of available high-performance devices makes Android an attractive target for aspiring game developers. Do you have an awesome idea for the next break-through mobile gaming title? Beginning Android Games will help you kick-start your project.  This book will guide you through the process of making several example game apps using APIs available in new Android SDK and earlier SDK releases for Android smartphones and tablets: The fundamentals of game development and design suitable for Android smartphones and tablets The Android platform basics to apply those fundamentals in the context of making a game, including new File Manager system and better battery life management The design of 2D and 3D games and their successful implementation on the Android platform This book lets developers see and use some Android SDK Jelly Bean; however, this book is structured so that app developers can use earlier Android SDK releases.  This book is backward compatible like the Android SDK.  "


Beginning C# Object-Oriented Programming

Beginning C# Object-Oriented Programming brings you into the modern world of development as you master the fundamentals of programming with C# and learn to develop efficient, reusable, elegant code through the object-oriented programming (OOP) methodology. Take your skills out of the 20th century and into this one with Dan Clark's accessible, quick-paced guide to C# and object-oriented programming, completely updated for .NET 4.0 and C# 4.0. As you develop techniques and best practices for coding in C#, one of the world's most popular contemporary languages, you'll experience modeling a “real world” application through a case study, allowing you to see how both C# and OOP (a methodology you can use with any number of languages) come together to make your code reusable, modern, and efficient. With more than 30 fully hands-on activities, you'll discover how to transform a simple model of an application into a fully-functional C# project, including designing the user interface, implementing the business logic, and integrating with a relational database for data storage. Along the way, you will explore the .NET Framework, the creation of a Windows-based user interface, a web-based user interface, and service-oriented programming, all using Microsoft's industry-leading Visual Studio 2010, C#, Silverlight, the Entity Framework, and more.


Numerical Python

Numerical Python by Robert Johansson shows you how to leverage the numerical and mathematical capabilities in Python, its standard library, and the extensive ecosystem of computationally oriented Python libraries, including popular packages such as NumPy, SciPy, SymPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, and more, and how to apply these software tools in computational problem solving. Python has gained widespread popularity as a computing language: It is nowadays employed for computing by practitioners in such diverse fields as for example scientific research, engineering, finance, and data analytics. One reason for the popularity of Python is its high-level and easy-to-work-with syntax, which enables the rapid development and exploratory computing that is required in modern computational work. After reading and using this book, you will have seen examples and case studies from many areas of computing, and gained familiarity with basic computing techniques such as array-based and symbolic computing, all-around practical skills such as visualisation and numerical file I/O, general computat ional methods such as equation solving, optimization, interpolation and integration, and domain-specific computational problems, such as differential equation solving, data analysis, statistical modeling and machine learning. Specific topics that are covered include: How to work with vectors and matrices using NumPy How to work with symbolic computing using SymPy How to plot and visualize data with Matplotlib How to solve linear and nonlinear equations with SymPy and SciPy How to solve solve optimization, interpolation, and integration problems using SciPy How to solve ordinary and partial differential equations with SciPy and FEniCS How to perform data analysis tasks and solve statistical problems with Pandas and SciPy How to work with statistical modeling and machine learning with statsmodels and scikit-learn How to handle file I/O using HDF5 and other common file formats for numerical data How to optimize Python code using Numba and Cython


Python Algorithms

Python Algorithms explains the Python approach to algorithm analysis and design. Written by Magnus Lie Hetland, author of Beginning Python, this book is sharply focused on classical algorithms, but it also gives a solid understanding of fundamental algorithmic problem-solving techniques. * The book deals with some of the most important and challenging areas of programming and computer science, but in a highly pedagogic and readable manner. * The book covers both algorithmic theory and programming practice, demonstrating how theory is reflected in real Python programs. * Well-known algorithms and data structures that are built into the Python language are explained, and the user is shown how to implement and evaluate others himself. What you'll learn * Transform new problems to well-known algorithmic problems with efficient solutions, or show that the problems belong to classes of problems thought not to be efficiently solvable. * Analyze algorithms and Python programs both using mathematical tools and basic experiments and benchmarks. * Prove correctness, optimality, or bounds on approximation error for Python programs and their underlying algorithms. * Understand several classical algorithms and data structures in depth, and be able to implement these efficiently in Python. * Design and implement new algorithms for new problems, using time-tested design principles and techniques. * Speed up implementations, using a plethora of tools for high-performance computing in Python. Who this book is for The book is intended for Python programmers who need to learn about algorithmic problem-solving, or who need a refresher. Students of computer science, or similar programming-related topics, such as bioinformatics, may also find the book to be quite useful. Table of Contents * Introduction * The Basics * Counting 101 * Induction and Recursion ...and Reduction * Traversal: The Skeleton Key of Algorithmics * Divide, Combine, and Conquer * Greed Is Good? Prove It! * Tangled Dependencies and Memoization * From A to B with Edsger and Friends * Matchings, Cuts, and Flows * Hard Problems and (Limited) Sloppiness





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