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Practical Hadoop Ecosystem

学习大数据的最大问题是,东西太多,而且不断会有新东西出来。就我个人来说,本书的最大优点是,帮你把Hadoop生态系统内最典型的一些框架和工具进行分类,让你明白它们各自是做什么的,处于体系内的哪个Level。 Part I: Fundamentals Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: HDFS and MapReduce Part II: Storing & Querying Chapter 3: Apache Hive Chapter 4: Apache HBase Part III: Bulk Transferring & Strea



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不多说,上目录。 Preface 1.What Is HBase? 2.HBase Principles 3.HBase Ecosystem 4.HBase Sizing and Tuning Overview 5.Environment Setup 6.Use Case: HBase as a System of Record 7.Implementation of an Underlying Storage Engine 8.Use Case: Near Real-Time Event Processing 9.Implementation of Near Real-Time Event Processing 10.Use Case: HBase as a Master Data Management Tool 11.Implementation of HBase as a Master Data Management Tool 12.Use Case: Document Store 13.Implementation of Document Store 14.Too Many Regions 15.Too Many Column Families 16.Hotspotting 17.Timeouts and Garbage Collection 18.HBCK and Inconsistencies Index


Apache HBase Primer

网上的HBase书都比较老了,这是目前为止最新版本的HBase电子书。 Part I: Core Concepts Chapter 1: Fundamental Characteristics Chapter 2: Apache HBase and HDFS Chapter 3: Application Characteristics Part II: Data Model Chapter 4: Physical Storage Chapter 5: Column Family and Column Qualifi er Chapter 6: Row Versioning Chapter 7: Logical Storage Part III: Architecture Chapter 8: Major Components of a Cluster Chapter 9: Regions Chapter 10: Finding a Row in a Table Chapter 11: Compactions Chapter 12: Region Failover Chapter 13: Creating a Column Family Part IV: Schema Design Chapter 14: Region Splitting Chapter 15: Defi ning the Row Keys Part V: Apache HBase Java API Chapter 16: The HBaseAdmin Class Chapter 17: Using the Get Class Chapter 18: Using the HTable Class Part VI: Administration Chapter 19: Using the HBase Shell Chapter 20: Bulk Loading Data


CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java(后缀文件丢失,自行添加.rar查看)

可能每个人都曾经有过中病毒的经历,这就是一种安全问题。国际安全组织也会频繁发布CERT安全报告。 实际上,如果在编程时就考虑安全问题,那么你的程序在面对病毒等安全威胁时就会健壮得多。 本书是关于Java编码时应遵守的一些安全规范,当然不可能全做到,但了解一下,还是很有必要的。 An essential element of secure coding in the Java programming language is a well- documented and enforceable coding standard. The CERT Oracle Secure Coding Standard for Java provides rules for secure coding in the Java programming language. The goal of these rules is to eliminate insecure coding practices that can lead to exploitable vulnerabili- ties. The application of the secure coding standard leads to higher quality systems that are safe, secure, reliable, dependable, robust, resilient, available, and maintainable and can be used as a metric to evaluate source code for these properties (using manual or automated processes). This coding standard affects a wide range of software systems developed in the Java programming language.


C++ Primer,2012年最新的第5版, epub正式版(后缀文件丢失,自行添加.epub查看)

C++ Primer(5e,Addison Wesley,201208).epub 这是老外网站上刚泄露出来的正式版本(绝对的正式版,还有ISBN和出版日期),不是以前网上出现过的草稿 这本书的上一版(第4版)还是2005年的事了 拖了很多年之后,去年(2011年)C++委员会终于一致通过了新的C++标准,简称C++ 11. 我上传的这本书就是基于最新C++ 11标准的,讲解非常细致,作者也是大牛: Stanley B. Lippman Josée Lajoie Barbara E. Moo 不用我介绍,大家赶快下载吧!



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