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Start Kubernetes The Beginner's Guide to Kubernetes.pdf

This book is a mix of theoretical explanations and practical examples. You’ll get the most out of this book if you follow along with the practical examples


Clojure Polymorphism Leverage Clojure’s polymorphic tools to develop

Clojure is a modern, dynamic language that you can use to develop robust, multithreaded programs. Clojure Polymorphism is a comprehensive guide that shows you how to use Clojure's features to your advantage. The book begins by describing examples that show how to define and implement abstractions with plain functions and multimethods. Then you'll analyze these examples and separate the good and bad aspects of their design principles. You'll also learn how to perform data transformation abstracti


SQL The Ultimate Beginner's Guide to Learn SQL Programming

The SQL (the Structured Query Language , Structured Query Language ) is a special language used to define data, provide access to data and their processing. The SQL language refers to nonprocedural languages - it only describes the necessary components (for example, tables) and the desired results, without specifying how these results should be obtained. Each SQL implementation is an add-on on the database engine, which interprets SQL statements and determines the order of accessing the database


Elements Of Android Q (Final Version).pdf

When Q Beta 1 was released, the biggest change for developers in Android 10 — by far — was what Google calls “scoped storage”. In a nutshell, your ability to work with files and the filesystem was substantially curtailed. As a result, you had to adapt your app within a few months, to be ready by the time Android 10 shipped. Everything will be affected in Android R, but there are steps that you can take to opt out of the changes for Android 10, at least until you are ready. And apps with a target


Elements Of Kotlin Coroutines 0.1.pdf

Coroutines are an important addition to the world of Kotlin. Coroutines offer a first-class reactive programming approach, tightly integrated with the language itself. Coroutines help simplify multi-threaded development, allowing you to retain a “normal” imperative sort of programming model while still designating certain code sections to run on alternative thread pools. Beyond that, flows and channels let you model data streams while retaining the same multi-threaded


Building REST APIs with Flask Create Python Web Services with MySQL.pdf

Flask is a lightweight microframework for web applications built on top of Python, which provides an efficient framework for building web-based applications using the flexibility of Python and strong community support with the capability of scaling to serve millions of users.


Getting Started with Web Components

Explore modern Web Component design and integrate them with a variety of web frameworks to build encapsulated reusable UI components for your web apps


Server Side development with Node.js and Koa.js

Every developer wants to build modular and scalable web applications. Modern versions of JavaScript have made this possible in Node.js, and Koa is a Node.js framework that makes it easy. This book is the ideal introduction for JavaScript developers who want to create scalable server side applications using Node.js and Koa.js. The book shows you how Koa can be used to start projects from scratch, register custom and existing middleware, read requests, and send responses to users. We will explore the core concepts in Koa, such as error handling, logging, and request and response handling. We will dive into new concepts in JavaScript development, and see how paradigms such as async/await help with modern Node.js application development. By the end of this book, you will be building robust web applications in Koa using modern development paradigms and techniques of Node.js development.


Migrating ASP.NET Microservices to ASP.NET Core By Example.pdf

show a real-world example, with actual code from our system, of a migration from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core neatly organized in easy- to- follow steps. While the book won’t be an authoritative guide on ASP.NET Core (there are plenty of excellent books that cover ASP. NET Core), it will cover what you need to know to make a decision on whether or not to migrate. It will cover your migration options, how to do an analysis, and prepare, migrate, and maintain your web services. The book also has an extensive list of resources and tools that can come in handy, as well as plenty of examples of both problems and solutions that you might come across. This book has all the information that I was struggling to find, and my hope is that this book will answer the majority of your questions and let you focus on building awesome software be that with ASP.NET Core or not.


Android Studio IDE Quick Reference A Pocket Guide

This book is for the experienced programmer who needs a quick reference on how to do some common tasks in Android Studio IDE. The code examples are in Java, so it’s for those devs who build Android apps in Java. This book might also work for someone new to Android Studio but not new in Android development—such as an Eclipse user who wants to try out Android Studio.


Beginning Oracle SQL for Oracle Database 18c From Novice to Professional.pdf

Welcome to “Beginning SQL for Oracle Database 18C”! Thanks for picking up this book. It’s safe to say you’re interested in learning about Oracle database, as that’s what this book is about. Why Oracle database, and why this book? Oracle Database is one of the most popular database management systems


C++17 Standard Library Quick Reference A Pocket Guide to Data Structures

The C++ Standard Library is a collection of essential classes and functions used by millions of C++ programmers on a daily basis. Being part of the ISO Standard of the C++ Programming Language, an implementation is distributed with virtually every C++ compiler. Code written with the C++ Standard Library is therefore portable across compilers and target platforms. The Library is more than 25 years old. Its initial versions were heavily inspired by a (then proprietary) C++ library called the Standard Template Library (STL), so much so that many still incorrectly refer to the Standard Library as “the STL.” The STL library pioneered generic programming with templated data structures called containers and algorithms, glued together with the concept of iterators. Most of this work was adapted by the C++ standardization committee, but nevertheless neither library is a true superset of the other.


Python for DevOps Learn Ruthlessly Effective Automation.pdf

Devops, the combination of software development with information technology operations, has been a hot field during the last decade. Traditional boundaries between software development, deployment, maintenance, and quality assurance are broken, enabling more integrated teams. Python has been a popular language both in traditional IT operations and in the DevOps due to its combination of flexibility, power, and ease of use. The Python programming language was created in the early 1990s for use in system administration. It has been a great success in this area and gained wide adoption. It is a general-purpose programming language used in just about every domain. Visual effects and the film world is another prominent Python success story. More recently, it has become the defacto language in data science and machine learning. It has been used across industries from avian to bioinformatics. Modern Python has an extensive arsenal of tools to cover the wide-ranging needs of its users. Learning the whole Python Standard Library (the capabilities that come with any Python installation), would be a daunting task. If you add to it learning all of the third party packages ( that enliven the Python ecosystem, it would be an immense undertaking. The good news is that you don’t need to. You can become a powerful DevOps practitioner with only a small subset of Python. In this chapter, we draw on our decades of Python DevOps experience to teach only the elements of the language that you need. These are the parts of Python you use daily. They form the essential toolbox to get things done. Once you have these core concepts down, you can add more complicated tools, and indeed this is touched in more advanced features in later chapters.


Android Programming The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 4th Edition

an introductory Android book for programmers with Java experience. Based on Big Nerd Ranch’s popular Android Bootcamp course, this guide will lead you through the wilderness using hands-on example apps combined with clear explanations of key concepts and APIs.


Elements Of Android Q 0.5.pdf

Android Q is the “developer preview” edition of Android 10. As with past Android releases, Android Q will slowly make its way to ordinary users, starting in the fall of 2019. In the meantime, app developers like you need to understand what Android Q means with respect to your apps. Each Android release “shuffles the deck” and causes some apps to break, and Android Q is no exception.


Android Dreams The Past, Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence.pdf

To understand where Artificial Intelligence is taking us, it helps to understand where it has come from, and where it is today. We can then start to extrapolate forward to the future.


Kotlin Standard Library Cookbook

Add new functionalities to current classes with Kotlin extensions Understand elements such as lambdas, closures, and monads Build a REST API consumer with Retrofit and a coroutine adapter Discover useful tips and solutions for making your Android projects Explore the benefits of standard library features


The Java Module System .pdf

The book you’re reading will answer all of these questions and more. It teaches you how to define, build, and run modules, what impact they have on existing projects, and what benefits they provide.


Java in a Nutshell A Desktop Quick Reference, 7th Edition.pdf

The long-delayed Java 9 release (which introduced modules) has been followed by Java 10 and 11 in quick succession, with Java 8 and 11 being the current long-term supported releases. These changes in release cadence have brought the open source OpenJDK to the forefront of the Java world, as now virtually all Java releases are based upon, and licensed under, the open codebase.


Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi Build applications

Design patterns have proven to be the go-to solution for many common programming scenarios. This book focuses on design patterns applied to the Delphi language. The book will provide you with insights into the language and its capabilities of a runtime library.


Java From Zero to Proficiency.pdf

JAVA F ROM ZERO TO PROFICIENCY, you will discover how to quickly get started with Java; you will learn about how to use variables, methods, conditional statements and you will also write your own code.


Docker on Windows From 101 to production with Docker on Windows, 2nd.epub

Learn how to run new and old applications in Docker containers on Windows - modernizing the architecture, improving security and maximizing efficiency.


9 Practical Node.js Projects.pdf

App, Node, Bootstrap , MongoDB, MVC, MEAN Stack, Real-time Chat App, Sails.js , Passport Authentication , NodeBots



Delphi 2010 语 法 手 册 语 法 手 册


软件开发质量 Beautiful Software

Software quality matters. Software runs our banking operations, air traffic control, stock markets, global navigation, personal information privacy, and many other facets of our lives. Good software helps all of these things run smoothly; bad software has the potential to hurt or even kill people.


Google C 编程规范

Google C++ 编程_规范 头文件 作用域


Java Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design 5th Edition

Java Programming From Problem Analysis to Program Design


Flash Flex 12月 2011 年 杂志

Flash Flex December 2011 杂志



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