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CloudTest Getting Started Guide.pdf

About CloudTest License CloudTest is an open source project initiated by the individual, which is distributed on Apatche Licenses 2.0 releases. Every organization or individual is fully granted for viewing its source code or modify the source codes to match his/her own special needs; commercial applications have the greatest license under Apatche Licenses 2.0, More detailed specific Licenses see http://www.apache.org/licenses/ CloudTest is free software, which is distributed in the hope that it will be useful not only for the development founder but also for all individuals and organizations who is in need. Key Values Maybe you are also looking for a new testing framework can help do following: Generate all test cases automatically in one second with test data. It can test all methods including public protected, as well as private Automation regression is also build in framework None java coding jobs for test case development You can test you cases in every where and without time and geographical restrictions By mail By your mobile phone The only thing you need is internet  CloudTest is a redefined unit testing approach and methodology, which can make your testing jobs become much more easy and efficient. It is a pure java lightweight framework integrated test cases management. Test data management, assert management, automation regression, performance monitor and test report in one.  High performance  None java code  Assert support inside  Generate test case and data automatically  Distributed and remote supported  All methods are testable, including public, protected and private  Cloud oriented services, including email and web service and so on  Hot deployment supported  Automatical regression and report supported  Performance monitor and loading testing supported  Spring supported  Transaction management supported  Plugin architecture designed, which is extensible and customized as needed Obtaining Release Package https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloudtest/


cloudtest-1.0.4-b201302231138PM Release

About CloudTest License CloudTest is an open source project initiated by the individual, which is distributed on Apatche Licenses 2.0 releases. Every organization or individual is fully granted for viewing its source code or modify the source codes to match his/her own special needs; commercial applications have the greatest license under Apatche Licenses 2.0, More detailed specific Licenses see http://www.apache.org/licenses/ CloudTest is free software, which is distributed in the hope that it will be useful not only for the development founder but also for all individuals and organizations who is in need. Key Values Maybe you are also looking for a new testing framework can help do following: Generate all test cases automatically in one second with test data. It can test all methods including public protected, as well as private Automation regression is also build in framework None java coding jobs for test case development You can test you cases in every where and without time and geographical restrictions By mail By your mobile phone The only thing you need is internet  CloudTest is a redefined unit testing approach and methodology, which can make your testing jobs become much more easy and efficient. It is a pure java lightweight framework integrated test cases management. Test data management, assert management, automation regression, performance monitor and test report in one.  High performance  None java code  Assert support inside  Generate test case and data automatically  Distributed and remote supported  All methods are testable, including public, protected and private  Cloud oriented services, including email and web service and so on  Hot deployment supported  Automatical regression and report supported  Performance monitor and loading testing supported  Spring supported  Transaction management supported  Plugin architecture designed, which is extensible and customized as needed Obtaining Release Package https://sourceforge.net/projects/cloudtest/



For more details, please visit below URL. http://sourceforge.net/projects/vrules/



项目概述: vRules4j是由个人发起的开源项目,它基于Apatche Licenses 2.0 免费发布。任何组织或者个人都可以查看其源码并根据自己的需要修改源码,同时在商业应用中具有最大的授权许可。具体Licenses 条款请参阅http://www.apache.org/licenses/ vRules4j是免费的软件,发布的初衷是希望他对开发者之外的组织或者个人同样有应用价值,但是如果由于软件本身存在的未知的潜在的安全隐患而导致的任何后果,原作者或者开发组织将不承担任何责任。 功能介绍: vRules4j是一款应用于java对象分析校验的规则引擎。通过外部规则定义即可实现程序运行时动态的校验应用对象功能,并根据用户定义的错误提示信息进行友好提示。 可以采用该引擎校验的目标对象可以为用户自定义的所有继承于Object类型的java对象以及java原始数据类型的对象(如int,float,double,boolean等等),另外包含Map和List所存放的复杂对象,并可以递归的分别对每个元素值进行深度分析校验。 该引擎可应用于具有复杂的校验规则而且要求灵活可配置的需求场景。 引擎优点: 运行高效的.与本地class速度一致. 配置规则可读性可维护性可扩展性高. 功能完整而且强大. 支持任意复杂度的深度递归分析 支持面向对象的规则定义 支持对象继承关系校验 支持多个属性的关联校验 可以调用用户自定义的业务校验方法. XPath准确定位错误发生的位置 校验条件的谓词支持标准java语言语法. 规则文件可以组织重用.(includes功能) 内置vRules4j-Digester工具帮助生成相应的对象校验规则文件. 应用简单,与本地程序耦合度极低. 用户可注册定制自己想要的校验失败后返回的ErrorObject. 可以与web容器灵活集成,将vRules4j应用到企业应用中去. 支持i18N.



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