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Mac技巧之苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的软件paintbrush_For Tiger

Mac技巧之苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的软件paintbrush介绍与下载 PC用户可能经常用Windows自带的画图板做简单的图片处理,苹果电脑Mac OS X系统的预览只能简单添加些注释什么的;iPhoto重在图片管理和曝光、色阶等调节;PhotoShop?老大,我就简单改改小图片阿!今天介绍一个苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的免费软件:paintbrush 苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的软件paintbrush截图 paintbrush界面截图 paintbrush 的按钮布局和功能与PC电脑Windows自带的画图都很接近,基本不用介绍了。注意那个地雷按钮!他的作用是清除整个画面---没错,炸成白板---我已经中招了(囧),还好后悔操作的快捷键和系统默认的“后退”键一样:“CMD+Z”。安装后,右键的打开方式菜单里会有用paintbrush打开这一项。 此外,图片缩放、限制大小(精确到1像素)、另存转换格式等Windows微软画图的功能paintbrush自然都有---到菜单栏找吧,缩放和裁剪选项挨着,选中也都弹出尺寸选择界面,所以,看好了再点。paintbrush的按钮窗口和图片编辑窗口是可以分开的,这点不错。 苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的软件paintbrush免费下载地址 http://paintbrush.sourceforge.net/downloads/ Requires: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) or higher


Mac技巧之苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的软件paintbrush(For Mac 10.5 or higher)

Mac技巧之苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的软件paintbrush介绍与下载 PC用户可能经常用Windows自带的画图板做简单的图片处理,苹果电脑Mac OS X系统的预览只能简单添加些注释什么的;iPhoto重在图片管理和曝光、色阶等调节;PhotoShop?老大,我就简单改改小图片阿!今天介绍一个苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的免费软件:paintbrush 苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的软件paintbrush截图 paintbrush界面截图 paintbrush 的按钮布局和功能与PC电脑Windows自带的画图都很接近,基本不用介绍了。注意那个地雷按钮!他的作用是清除整个画面---没错,炸成白板---我已经中招了(囧),还好后悔操作的快捷键和系统默认的“后退”键一样:“CMD+Z”。安装后,右键的打开方式菜单里会有用paintbrush打开这一项。 此外,图片缩放、限制大小(精确到1像素)、另存转换格式等Windows微软画图的功能paintbrush自然都有---到菜单栏找吧,缩放和裁剪选项挨着,选中也都弹出尺寸选择界面,所以,看好了再点。paintbrush的按钮窗口和图片编辑窗口是可以分开的,这点不错。 苹果电脑Mac OS X系统上,类似Windows画图板的软件paintbrush免费下载地址 http://paintbrush.sourceforge.net/downloads/ 系统要求:Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) or higher


ImageWell 3.5.3 UB+Patch

For Mac ONLY!!! Product Description: ImageWell 3.5.3 - crop, resize, rotate images, send to idisk, ftp, webdav ImageWell is a small, but powerful, image editing application that lets you quicklyresize, crop, watermark, edit your images, take screenshots and then instantlyupload them to the web, save to your computer or email them to a friend.ImageWell also lets you annotate your images with text, shapes, arrows and lines,quickly and easily. And it doesn't stop there - add a drop shadow, a shaped border,flip or rotate your image, adjust the sharpness and brightness, plus so much more.Don't want to send your image to the web? You don't have to, it's not the law. Edityour image, give it a name and file type, and simply drag and drop the image to thedesired destination on your computer to save it there. Or drag and drop it into anemail message, a document or presentation. Want to send other types of files tothe web - you can do that too. It's easy-shmeasy, just choose the ********, anddrop the file over the Send button...done! + Patch Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/122573473/ImageWell_3.5.3_UB__K_.zip



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