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Particle Designer

Particle Designer for iPhone app development



java lib file: dom4j-1.6.1.jar



The Facebook Markup Language can be compared to the “icing” on the cake that is the Facebook API. Although FBML is not completely necessary for writing a successful Facebook application, it brings to the table many features that make development on Facebook more efficient, and in the end, it makes life as a social applications developer much better. For instance, you may have previously retrieved the name of the user of your application through a simple users.getLoggedInUser API call on the server. But perhaps you’ve discovered that it’s not worth going through the entire process of authenticating the user on the server side and returning the application user’s name. Or, what if you want to further separate your presentation logic from your application logic? A name, after all, is not necessarily something that should be calculated or processed. You may want to have your HTML in a file that’s entirely separate from the files you are making API calls from, and therefore something as simple as a name might make sense to include with your HTML.



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