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可以方便实现Delphi和BCB开发的软件实现国际化目标. 全部为开源免费. 工具集中包含如下几个部分: 1. gnugettext.pas的使用说明 -- manual(GnuGetText.pdf); 2. gnugettext.pas源代码; 3. ggt-translate-setup.exe -- 从包含Delphi和BCB源代码的目录中抽取文本的工具包(Win10下可以正常使用, 解决dxgettext-1.2.2.exe的问题); 4. Poedit-2.3.5890-setup.exe -- 编辑后缀为po格式文件内容的工具(Win10下正常使用)



Software: KControls component suite for Delphi and Lazarus Original authorship: Tomas Krysl TStringGrid/TDrawGrid/DBGrid控件的超集, 方便Cell级别的编辑器的实现; Delphi7及以上版本/Lazarus1.2.2及以上版本; RTF/PDF格式说明文档; 带6个Demo: KDBGrid, KGrid, KHexEditor, KIcon, KMemo, KMemoEditor; 完整源码, 免费使用, Delphi/BCB/Lazuras通用; 作者说, 95%以上兼容StringGrid/DrawGrid/DBGrid;


HP-Socket V4.2.1

开源高性能 TCP/UDP 通信框架 HP-Socket v4.2.1. 最近使用Delphi XE8调用HP-Socket通信SDK. 原来带的Delphi的例子, 只能在低版本的Delphi(如Delphi7)下编译(还有一些bug), 本资源中包含完整的HP-Socket V4.2.1, 另外附加了我修改好的3个Delphi XE8下编译通过的Demo程序. 和Socket Tools工具做了通信测试.



使用32位整数实现Q16.16(16位定点数)运算的数学库, MIT协议. libfixmath is a platform-independent fixed point maths library aimed at developers wanting to perform fast non-integer maths on platforms lacking a (or with a low performance) FPU. It offers developers a similar interface to the standard math.h functions for use on Q16.16 fixed point numbers. MIT协议.


OminThreadLibrary 3.07

OmniThreadLibrary 版本 3.07, 发布时间 2017-02-16 OmniThreadLibrary is a simple to use threading library for Delphi. OTL's main "selling" points (besides the prices, of course ;) are power, simplicity, and openess. With just few lines of code, you can set up multiple threads, send messages between them, process Windows messages and more. OTL doesn't limit you in any way - if it is not powerfull enough for you, you can ignore any part of its "smartness" and replace it with your own code.


UCDOS字库 (点阵+矢量+曲线)

完整的UCDOS字库(点阵,矢量,曲线)整合为一个ISO文件。注:格式说明没有亲自验证。所有资源来自网络收集,提交本资源的目的也是服务网络。谢谢CSDN为我们提供的服务! 收集这些资源费了一番功夫,所以收点资源分^_^。 HZFONTS(DOT) ---- 12,16,24,32,40,48 HZK16 ---- 完整16点阵字库读取实例(turbo c) 148,497 HZK16.rar 1,288,632 PostScript字库格式说明.docx 696 UCDOSPS.c ---- 简单的曲线字库格式解析(c) 289,422 UCDOS矢量字库格式.pdf 23,582 UCDOS矢量字库格式说明.docx UCFONTS(PS) ---- UCDOS曲线字库 UCFONTS(SL) ---- UCDOS矢量字库



英文PDF资料。4相电机驱动厚膜电路,只要输入CLK和设定电机驱动模式,就能生成2 相, 1-2相, W1-2相, 2W1-2相, and 4W1-2相电机的激励输出,内置MOSFET驱动器件。内含两个文件:STK672-040(11页)(050唯一差别是电机驱动电流不一样,050更大一些),有详细时序图;STK672-080-E(18页)还增加了电机转子运行图。


VirtualTreeView V6.3

V6.3: (17 May 2016) 开源、免费。本资源中含VirtualTreeView V6.3和V5.5.3全部文件,另加PDF格式的使用说明(810页)。 V6.X Embacadero's RAD Studio XE3 - 10.1 Berlin V5.X Delphi7 - Delphi XE8 (本资源含VirtualTreeView V5.5.3) Virtual Treeview is a treeview control built from the ground up. More than a decade of development have cre


glibc 2.22

glibc 2.22, GNU的C语言库文件源代码。 发布日期 2015-08-05 RELEASE "stable" VERSION "2.22" The GNU C Library is the standard system C library for all GNU systems, and is an important part of what makes up a GNU system. It provides the system API for all programs written in C and C-compatible languages such as C++ and Objective C; the runtime facilities of other programming languages use the C library to access the underlying operating system.



ICS V8.16. Latest Release: Apr 2015. Support all Delphi 7 to Delphi XE8 and BCB version 2006 to XE5 with FireMonkey cross platform support for POSIX/MacOS, also IPv6 support, 32 and 64 bit. ICS-SSL is included for free.



Delphi环境下的开源多任务编程组件,支持Delphi2009以上版本。这是3.03B版全部代码,例子(内带FASTMM4的4.991版)。 Delphi环境下非常好的多线程编程支持库,有了它的支持,多线程编程不再需要关注TThread,而只需关注自己需要完成的任务(Task)即可,支持多线程间的通信,支持线程池等高级特性。



STM32的应用例程(AN3070 -- Managing the Driver Enable signal for RS-485 and IO-Link communications with the STM32™’s USART 1)。 完整的使用中断和DMA方式控制RS485的数据发送使能端的C语言示例程序。USART1_IRQHandler()很有参考价格。压缩包中有两个完整的MDK(Keil)工程文件和说明文档,其中的说明文档为CHM格式。


VirtualTreeView V5.5

号称Delphi下最快的Tree控件。15年来一直在及时更新的免费开源软件。下载包内容:全部源码,从Delphi7到XE7的全部安装包,帮助文档和Demo。 V5.5: (11 Sep 2014) * Added packages for RAD Studio XE7 / Delphi XE7 ......(Long History!)....... Version 1.0 (July 1999 to November 1999) ======== 帮助文档中的介绍(VirtualTreeView.chm) ========== Virtual Treeview is a tree view control built from ground up. More than 3 years of development made it one of the most flexible and advanced tree controls available today. Virtual Treeview starts off with the claim to improve many aspects of existing solutions and introduces some new technologies and principles which were not available before. As the name already indicates, this control uses a different paradigm for tree management than other controls of this kind. It does not know anything about the data it manages (except its size), not even the captions of a node. Everything is retrieved from the application via events (or descendants via overridden methods). Virtual Treeview has been carefully designed and thoroughly tested. The control proved its concept as well as everyday fitness already in many commercial products and freeware projects. ===========================================================


SPCOMM 虚拟串口 示例程序 XE5和D7

(1)对下载的SPCOMM.PAS修正了SetCommName方法的实现:修正后能够打开COM1到COM254的所有串口; (2) 编写了一个示例程序,可以在XE5和D7下编译运行,且行为一致,和太傻串口调试软件进行了通信实验; 完整示例程序源码和执行程序;含XE5和D7结果截图; 编译示例程序无需安装SPCOMM控件; (3)为类TCOMM增加了一个Connected属性,方便检测串口的状态; (4)下载的文件中包含了SPComm.pas修正前的版本;">(1)对下载的SPCOMM.PAS修正了SetCommName方法的实现:修正后能够打开COM1到COM254的所有串口; (2) 编写了一个示例程序,可以在XE5和D7下编译运行,且行为一致,和太傻串口调试软件进行了通信实验; 完整示例程序源码和执行程序 [更多]


"Sencha Touch 2: Up and Running" 全书源码

"Sencha Touch 2: Up and Running" 全书配套源码。从GitHub上下载都是下到1MB左右就断线。找人从美国下载后发过来的。作者:Adrian Kosmaczewski;Sencha Touch 2: Up and Running出版时间:2013年3月。


Jump Start Nodejs

PDF资源。全英文资料。高清文字版,176页。 很好的学习使用Nodejs的教程,适合初学者和希望使用Node.js进行服务器端JavaScript脚本编程人员。 Jump Start Nodejs, written by By Don Nguyen. One of the difficulties I had when trying to learn Node.js was how to get started. The references that I found either dealed with quasi-academic topics such as data-grams and event emitters, or else myopically focused on a topic without regard for the big picture. This book takes you through the complete process of building an application in Node.js. It starts with the canonical “Hello World” example, and goes on to build a real-time web application capable of sending trading information to thousands of connected clients.


PHP 6 and MySQL 6 Bible

Steve Suehring; ISBN 978-0-470-38450-3 (pbk.) 2009年出版 英文版(文字版,高清晰) PDF文档(45章+5个附录,915页) PHP,是英文超级文本预处理语言(PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor)的缩写。PHP是一种HTML内嵌式的语言,是一种在服务器端执行的嵌入HTML文档的脚本语言,语言的风格类似于C语言,使用非常广泛。 PHP 6包含了很的新特性和语法改进,会使它在面向对象方面性更易用。此外,改进的Unicode支持和命名空间等特性同样值得我们关注。


HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps

英文/文字版(PDF), 大小11.3MB, 171页. 2012年第一版. O'RELLEY, October 2012: First Edition by Wesley Hales ISBN: 978-1-449-32051-5 Contents: 1. Client-Side Architecture 2. The Mobile Web. 3. Building for the Mobile Web 4. The Desktop Web 5. WebSockets 6. Optimizing with Web Storage 7. Geolocation 8. Device Orientation API 9. Web Workers HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps is about building web applications with HTML5 and W3C specifications that are widely supported across all devices and browsers. It is intended for programmers who are facing the challenges of moving more code to the frontend with JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, while at the same time providing a backend infrastructure that is loosely coupled and supportive of offline clients.


RFC 文档 (共74个)

RFC分类文档。计算机网络教学中涉及的部分RFC文档,全部为PDF格式。为了方便阅读和查找,在文件名中增加了分类标识,详见以下列表。 2003-10-20 17:17 3,909 rfc0768_UDP.pdf 2004-11-23 08:41 18,279 rfc0790_Const.pdf 2003-10-21 11:39 54,096 rfc0791_IP(1).pdf 2003-10-29 18:45 19,596 rfc0792_IP(2)_ICMP.pdf 2003-09-18 09:58 104,423 rfc0793_TCP(1).pdf 2004-11-23 08:41 27,250 rfc0820_Const.pdf 2003-09-25 08:54 70,703 rfc0821_SMTP.pdf 2003-09-25 14:45 65,954 rfc0822_MailFormat.pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 14,687 rfc0826_ARP.pdf 2003-09-23 16:05 22,861 rfc0854_TELNET.pdf 2004-11-23 08:42 30,605 rfc0870_Const.pdf 2003-11-04 09:45 16,949 rfc0896_Congest(3)_Nagle.pdf 2004-11-23 08:42 46,567 rfc0900_Const.pdf 2004-11-24 20:07 35,565 rfc0904_EGP.txt.pdf 2004-11-23 08:43 53,633 rfc0923_Const.pdf 2004-11-23 08:48 58,170 rfc0943_Const.pdf 2003-10-29 18:47 22,260 rfc0950_IP(3)_Subnet.pdf 2003-09-22 07:55 85,028 rfc0959_FTP.pdf 2004-11-23 08:51 69,146 rfc0960_Const.pdf 2003-09-18 09:52 14,018 rfc0973_DNS(Old).pdf 2004-11-23 08:57 90,057 rfc0990_Const.pdf 2003-09-18 09:44 74,992 rfc1034_DNS(1).pdf 2003-09-26 07:15 71,404 rfc1035_DNS(2).pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 34,025 rfc1071_ChkSum.pdf 2004-11-29 21:50 22,886 rfc1112_IGMPv1.pdf 2003-10-29 18:48 22,886 rfc1112_IP(4)_IGMP.pdf 2003-10-29 16:44 7,563 rfc1121_Poems.pdf 2003-10-29 18:10 160,932 rfc1122_Requirements(1).pdf 2003-10-29 18:11 134,198 rfc1123_Requirements(2).pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 71,764 rfc1144_PPP(1).pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 37,120 rfc1180_TCP_Tutor.pdf 2003-09-28 16:52 15,414 rfc1183_DNS(3).pdf 2003-09-18 09:50 53,137 rfc1323_TCP(2).pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 13,226 rfc1332_IPCP(1).pdf 2003-10-21 11:39 40,646 rfc1349_IP(5)_TOS.pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 25,289 rfc1577_IPATM(1).pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 62,705 rfc1661_PPP(2).pdf 2004-12-21 09:36 32,400 rfc1662_PPP(3).pdf 2003-10-20 17:51 269,481 rfc1700_Const.pdf 2003-11-11 16:36 11,801 rfc1723_RIP(1).pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 77,343 rfc1752_IPv6.pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 73,474 rfc1771_BGP4.pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 13,530 rfc1773_BGP4(Exp).pdf 2004-11-30 08:47 44,286 rfc1883_IPv6(1).pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 45,646 rfc1932_IPATM(3).pdf 2003-09-25 16:49 28,683 rfc1939_POP3.pdf 2003-10-27 07:34 16,420 rfc2018_TCP(3).pdf 2003-09-25 14:46 45,265 rfc2045_MIME(1).pdf 2003-09-25 14:48 64,973 rfc2046_MIME(2).pdf 2003-09-25 17:22 103,961 rfc2060_IMAP4.pdf 2003-10-29 16:29 3,766 rfc2119_Keywords.pdf 2012-06-11 21:37 62,073 rfc2131_DHCP(1).pdf 2004-11-23 09:04 62,073 rfc2131_DHCP.pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 8,459 rfc2153_PPP(3).pdf 2003-11-11 16:39 277,994 rfc2178_OSPF(1).pdf 2002-03-27 12:00 40,206 rfc2225_IPATM(2).pdf 2004-11-29 21:49 29,419 rfc2236_IGMPv2.pdf 2003-11-11 16:39 294,503 rfc2328_OSPF(2).pdf 2003-11-11 16:37 58,799 rfc2453_RIP(2).pdf 2004-11-30 08:46 47,382 rfc2460_IPv6(2).pdf 2003-10-21 11:40 31,341 rfc2474_IP(6)_IPv6.pdf 2003-11-03 16:03 38,666 rfc2481_Congest(1).pdf 2003-10-29 17:48 82,498 rfc2525_Problem.pdf 2003-10-27 07:34 20,578 rfc2581_TCP(4).pdf 2003-11-04 10:04 17,943 rfc2582_Congest(4)_NewReno.pdf 2003-09-18 08:35 550,558 rfc2616_HTTP1.1.pdf 2003-11-03 16:04 98,412 rfc3168_Congest(2).pdf 2003-10-20 17:40 3,590 rfc3232_Const.pdf 2002-05-07 12:00 16,151 rfc3241_IPCP(2).pdf 2003-10-29 14:54 69,600 rfc3300_Status.pdf 2004-11-29 21:45 68,321 rfc3376_IGMPv3.pdf 2003-10-29 16:26 22,562 rfc3390_TCP(5).pdf 2004-11-23 09:05 12,410 rfc3396_DHCP(2).pdf 2012-04-12 16:56 28,241 rfc5556_bridge(memo).pdf


Application Security for the Android Platform

Application Security for the Android Platform by Jeff Six (英文版 完全文字版, 文件大小 5.51MB) 2011-12-02 First release, O'RELLEY Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Android Architecture 3. Application Permissions 4. Component Security and Permissions 5. Protecting Stored Data 6. Securing Server Interactions 7. Summary


NativeExcel V3.0.26 (全部源码)

原生的Delphi代码(全部源码),无需MS Office就能直接读取Exel文件。支持D4到DXE的所有版本,支持UNICODE,支持TDataSet数据导出到Excel文件。3.0.26版发布时间V3.0.26 2011-11-26 详细: http://www.nika-soft.com/nativeexcel3/doc/vh.htm NativeExcel v3.x is a high-performance solution for Delphi Developers that allows writing of new Excel spreadsheets and reading of existing ones. A key feature of this version of NativeExcel is support for XLSX file format (Excel 2007/2010 file format). NativeExcel is completely written in Object Pascal and does not require installed Microsoft Office, it writes and reads excel files directly. NativeExcel can be used as a replacement of standard Excel components, it have the same object model, properties and methods. NativeExcel works with Delphi 4,5,6,7,2005,2006,2007,2009,2010 and XE With NativeExcel v3.x you can open and modify an existing spreadsheet. Version 3.0.26 29-Nov-2011 Fixed a bug with Save method for OpenXML spreadsheets. (Thanks to Ireneusz Cieśluk) Fixed a bug where defined name with dot would fail. Fixed a minor bug which might cause a memory leak in some cases. (Dariusz Młyński) Version 3.0.25 15-Nov-2011 Support for functions from external workbook has been added. (Thanks to Grant Tregay) Version 3.0.24 03-Oct-2011



28-Sep-2011: EurekaLog 6.1.03 for Delphi and C++Builder is now out! This version contains some improvements, fixes and is the first full compatible with the new RAD Studio XE2 and FireMonkey (only Win32 version). ========================================================= What's New in EurekaLog 6.1 Q: What is new in EurekaLog 6.1? A: EurekaLog 6.1 is exactly the same as EurekaLog 6.0 (6.0.25 is the latest available version), except one "little" detail: we've added support for new compiler from EurekaLog 7.0 (which is in development right now). Q: Why is it 6.1? Why not 6.0.26? A: We do only bug fixes in 6.x branch, so we get 6.0.10, 6.0.20, 6.0.25, etc. Each new version (like 6.0.xx) contains bug fixes, but no new features. Since we've added a major new feature - we decided to increase a version number, so new version became 6.1 - indicating addition of a major new feature. Q: Is it safe to upgrade? Am I affected? A: Don't worry, 6.1.xx behaves as 6.0.xx by default. You can safely upgrade and no new changes will affect you (except the usual bug fixes). New compiler have no effect, until explicty enabled.


DCPcrypt(v3b3 UNICODE修正)+2个Demo

Update for Delphi 2009/2010: thanks to Lorenzo Monti for providing updated string encryption routines to work with unicode strings. Update for Delphi 2009: thanks to Henri Gourvest for providing an update to make this package work under Delphi 2009. DCPcrypt is an open source library of cryptographic components (encryption algorithms and hash algorithms) for Borland Delphi and Kylix (it also works under some versions of C++ Builder). I haven't been able to update it for quite a long time now but it still works quite happily with Delphi 4, 5, 6, 7 and 2005 and Kylix 1 and 2 (it might work under Kylix 3, but I don't have a copy to try it out on). The current version (v2 beta 3) is considered to be stable and for all intents and purposes is the final release before I revamp everything. http://http://www.cityinthesky.co.uk/opensource/dcpcrypt Copyright (c) 1999-2009 David Barton Bug in RC4 implementation: Ray Marron has reported a bug in the RC4 implementation in DCPcrypt that means that when encrypting data sets over 8192 bytes in size the results will non-standard.


FastReport 4 Manual & Help

注意: FastScript 1.5和FastReport4的文档全是英文文档 FastScript 1.5 Scripting Library.pdf FR4.6.UserManual-en.pdf FR4.6.ProgrammerManual-en.pdf EnterpriseComponents-En.pdf FastReport_Server_(EN).pdf VCL 帮助文档: fr4.hlp, fr4.cnt FastReport 3.0 设计手册PDF_SC.pdf (顺便捎上)


Altium PCB元件库

Altium的PCB元件库,内容超多,且都是平常最有用的一些元器件,如表贴器件(FQP, QFN, SOP, TSOP, TSSOP, SON,...),USB,无线天线,等等。 我只在Altium Winter 09(DXP 2008)中装入使用。其他如99SE,DXP200?没有测试。网友下载后可将使用结果在留言中说明。谢谢!希望大家喜欢。 以下是其中的文件列表:(200多个文件) Axial Lead Diode.PcbLib BGA_Rect.PcbLib BGA_Sq_100P.PcbLib BGA_Sq_127P.PcbLib BGA_Sq_150P.PcbLib BGA_Sq_40P.PcbLib BGA_Sq_50P.PcbLib BGA_Sq_65P.PcbLib BGA_Sq_75P.PcbLib BGA_Sq_80P.PcbLib Bridge Rectifier.PcbLib Bumpered QFP - Centre Index.PcbLib Bumpered QFP - Corner Index.PcbLib CAN - Circle pin arrangement.PcbLib CAN - Rectangle pin arrangement.PcbLib Capacitor Electrolytic Mount Ring.PcbLib Capacitor Electrolytic Snap-In.PcbLib Capacitor Non-Polar Axial.PcbLib Capacitor Non-Polar Dipped Radial.PcbLib Capacitor Non-Polar Disc.PcbLib Capacitor Non-Polar Tubular.PcbLib Capacitor Polar Axial.PcbLib Capacitor Polar Radial Cylinder.PcbLib Capacitor Tantalum Leadless.PcbLib Capacitor Tantalum Radial Bead.PcbLib Capacitor Tantalum Radial Oval.PcbLib Capacitor Tantalum Radial Rectangle.PcbLib Ceramic DFP.PcbLib CGA_Sq_100P.PcbLib CGA_Sq_127P.PcbLib Chip Diode - 2 Contacts.PcbLib Chip Resistor Array - Panasonic.PcbLib Chip_Capacitor_L.PcbLib Chip_Capacitor_M.PcbLib Chip_Capacitor_N.PcbLib Chip_Inductor_L.PcbLib Chip_Inductor_M.PcbLib Chip_Inductor_N.PcbLib Chip_Resistor_L.PcbLib Chip_Resistor_M.PcbLib Chip_Resistor_N.PcbLib Con 050 DSubminiature.PcbLib Con Audio Video.PcbLib Con Audio.PcbLib Con Board-to-Board.PcbLib Con Card.PcbLib Con CardEdge.PcbLib Con CompactPCI.PcbLib Con DIN 41612.PcbLib Con DIN Circular.PcbLib Con Docking Station.PcbLib Con FPC-FFC.PcbLib Con High-Speed PCB.PcbLib Con IDC.PcbLib Con IEEE1394.PcbLib Con Low Power.PcbLib Con Mains Power.PcbLib Con Mod Jack PCB.PcbLib Con Rect Stag PCB.PcbLib Con RF Coaxial.PcbLib Con USB.PcbLib Contents_290709.txt CQFP_Sq_127P_Side_L.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_127P_Side_M.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_127P_Side_N.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_50P_Side_L.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_50P_Side_M.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_50P_Side_N.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_63P_Ctr_L.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_63P_Ctr_M.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_63P_Ctr_N.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_63P_Side_L.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_63P_Side_M.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_63P_Side_N.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_65P_Side_L.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_65P_Side_M.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_65P_Side_N.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_80P_Side_L.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_80P_Side_M.PcbLib CQFP_Sq_80P_Side_N.PcbLib Crystal Oscillator.PcbLib Cylinder with Flat Index.PcbLib Diamond Base CAN - 2 Leads.PcbLib Diamond Base CAN - 3+ Leads.PcbLib DIP - LED Display.PcbLib DIP - Peg Leads.PcbLib DIP, Modified - Trimmed Leads.PcbLib DIP, Shrink - Stub Leads.PcbLib DPAK_L.PcbLib DPAK_M.PcbLib DPAK_N.PcbLib Dual-In-Line Package.PcbLib Flange Mount with Rectangular Base.PcbLib Horizontal, Flange Mount with Tab.PcbLib LCC_Sq_L.PcbLib LCC_Sq_M.PcbLib LCC_Sq_N.PcbLib Leaded Chip Carrier - Rectangle.PcbLib Leadless Chip Carrier - Rectangle.PcbLib Leadless Chip Carrier - Square.PcbLib Log_290709.txt Low Profile Module (LPM).PcbLib MELF - Diode.PcbLib MELF - Resistor.PcbLib MicroSMD_40P_V.PcbLib MicroSMD_50P_V.PcbLib Miscellaneous Connector PCB.PcbLib Miscellaneous Devices PCB.PcbLib Miscellaneous.PcbLib PcbLib.Lst Pin Grid Array Package (PGA).PcbLib PLCC_Sq_127P_Ctr_L.PcbLib PLCC_Sq_127P_Ctr_M.PcbLib PLCC_Sq_127P_Ctr_N.PcbLib QFN_Rect_50P_Side_V.PcbLib QFN_Sq_100P_Side_L.PcbLib QFN_Sq_100P_Side_M.PcbLib QFN_Sq_100P_Side_N.PcbLib QFN_Sq_40P_Side_L.PcbLib QFN_Sq_40P_Side_M.PcbLib QFN_Sq_40P_Side_N.PcbLib QFN_Sq_40P_Side_V.PcbLib QFN_Sq_50P_Side_L.PcbLib QFN_Sq_50P_Side_M.PcbLib QFN_Sq_50P_Side_N.PcbLib QFN_Sq_50P_Side_V.PcbLib QFN_Sq_65P_Side_L.PcbLib QFN_Sq_65P_Side_M.PcbLib QFN_Sq_65P_Side_N.PcbLib QFN_Sq_65P_Side_V.PcbLib QFN_Sq_80P_Side_L.PcbLib QFN_Sq_80P_Side_M.PcbLib QFN_Sq_80P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Rect_100P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Rect_100P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Rect_100P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Rect_65P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Rect_65P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Rect_65P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Rect_80P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Rect_80P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Rect_80P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_30P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_30P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_30P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_40P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_40P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_40P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_50P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_50P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Rect_50P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Sq_40P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Sq_40P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Sq_40P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Sq_50P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Sq_50P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Shrink_Sq_50P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Sq_100P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Sq_100P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Sq_100P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Sq_127P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Sq_127P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Sq_127P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Sq_65P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Sq_65P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Sq_65P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Sq_80P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Sq_80P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Sq_80P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Rect_50P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Rect_50P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Rect_50P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Rect_65P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Rect_65P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Rect_65P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_40P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_40P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_40P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_50P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_50P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_50P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_50P_Side_V.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_65P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_65P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_65P_Side_N.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_65P_Side_V.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_80P_Side_L.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_80P_Side_M.PcbLib QFP_Thin_Sq_80P_Side_N.PcbLib Quad In-Line Package (QUIP).PcbLib Resistor - Axial.PcbLib Single In-Line with Mounting Hole.PcbLib Single In-Line with no Mounting Hole.PcbLib Single-In-Line Package - 5+ Leads.PcbLib Small Outline Diode - 2 C-Bend Leads.PcbLib Small Outline Diode - 2 Flat Leads.PcbLib Small Outline Diode - 2 Gullwing Leads.PcbLib Small Outline Diode - 2 Yoke Leads.PcbLib Small Outline Diode - 2 Z-Bend Leads.PcbLib Small Outline Diode - 3+ Flat Leads.PcbLib Small Outline with C-Bend Leads.PcbLib Small Outline with J Leads.PcbLib SOIC_127P_L.PcbLib SOIC_127P_M.PcbLib SOIC_127P_N.PcbLib SON_127P_V.PcbLib SON_40P_L.PcbLib SON_40P_M.PcbLib SON_40P_N.PcbLib SON_40P_V.PcbLib SON_50P_L.PcbLib SON_50P_M.PcbLib SON_50P_N.PcbLib SON_50P_V.PcbLib SON_65P_L.PcbLib SON_65P_M.PcbLib SON_65P_N.PcbLib SON_65P_V.PcbLib SON_80P_V.PcbLib SON_95P_V.PcbLib SOP_102P_L.PcbLib SOP_102P_M.PcbLib SOP_102P_N.PcbLib SOP_127P_L.PcbLib SOP_127P_M.PcbLib SOP_127P_N.PcbLib SOP_254P_L.PcbLib SOP_254P_M.PcbLib SOP_254P_N.PcbLib SOP_635P_L.PcbLib SOP_635P_M.PcbLib SOP_635P_N.PcbLib SOP_65P_L.PcbLib SOP_65P_M.PcbLib SOP_65P_N.PcbLib SOP_80P_L.PcbLib SOP_80P_M.PcbLib SOP_80P_N.PcbLib SOT - 3 Flat Leads.PcbLib SOT 89.PcbLib SOT143_L.PcbLib SOT143_M.PcbLib SOT143_N.PcbLib SOT223_L.PcbLib SOT223_M.PcbLib SOT223_N.PcbLib SOT23_5-6Lead_L.PcbLib SOT23_5-6Lead_M.PcbLib SOT23_5-6Lead_N.PcbLib SOT23_L.PcbLib SOT23_M.PcbLib SOT23_N.PcbLib SOT343_L.PcbLib SOT343_M.PcbLib SOT343_N.PcbLib SOT89_L.PcbLib SOT89_M.PcbLib SOT89_N.PcbLib TSOP_65P_L.PcbLib TSOP_65P_M.PcbLib TSOP_65P_N.PcbLib TSSOP_30P_L.PcbLib TSSOP_30P_M.PcbLib TSSOP_30P_N.PcbLib TSSOP_40P_L.PcbLib TSSOP_40P_M.PcbLib TSSOP_40P_N.PcbLib TSSOP_50P_L.PcbLib TSSOP_50P_M.PcbLib TSSOP_50P_N.PcbLib TSSOP_55P_L.PcbLib TSSOP_55P_M.PcbLib TSSOP_55P_N.PcbLib Vertical, Dual-Row, Flange Mount with Tab.PcbLib Vertical, Single-Row, Flange Mount with Tab.PcbLib Zig-Zag-In-Line Package Odd Lead Number.PcbLib Zig-Zag-In-Line Package, Even Lead Number.PcbLib


SecureBlackBox 5.1

评价很不错的纯Delphi(VCL)代码。支持Indy, ICS, RemObject, kbmMW等. SSL支持也是纯Delphi,不需要任何第三方DLL。虽然版本老点儿(5.1, Released April 26, 2007),但是包含全部的源代码。我用D7完全没有问题; 支持D2006(不过我没有试过)。整理了不少的文档,全部包含在一起了。供各位研究。解压即可使用。


MiniSIP 网络电话开发库 V2.6

MiniSIPSDKDemo_INST_2.6.exe<br>MiniSIP 网络电话开发库,为VOIP迅速开发VOIP应用提供第三分开发。<br>为了便于开发者方便地开发出具有各种个性化界面的软电话,本DLL COM控件不提供主用户界面,而是将主用户界面完全交付开发者根据各自的需求实现。开发者可以利用本DLL COM容易地实现各种形式的SIP软电话,例如,可以实现独立的可执行应用程序(.exe)、在Web页面中嵌入SIP软电话或者在诸如辅助办公系统、 CRM系统,甚至网络游戏中实现一个嵌入的SIP软电话,从而为这些系统提供语音服务功能,使这些系统的功能和竞争力得以拓展和加强。由于采用了标准的语音编解码格式,基于本ActiveX开发的软电话除了可以实现软电话之间通话以外,还可以无缝地与其他VoIP网关实现通话,并可以通过中继网关与传统的 PSTN实现通话,实现VoIP话务的落地,从而帮助开发者迅速开发出有特色的网络电话业务如Click-to-Talk、IP-Centrex或IP- PBX上的一号通以及其它软电话应用等。<br>提供高层封装的API接口,使得开发人员无需熟悉VoIP的具体技术,只要具备DLL COM应用技术即可。<br>包括了详细的COM开发文档。是DEMO版本,没有源码。





AbsoluteDatabase 5.16

Absolute Database for Delphi / C++ Builder V5.16<br>全部源码版本。单个文件的数据库引擎,和BDE兼容,可以完全替代BDE。支持SQL查询,支持对数据库数据强加密。支持多用户访问,性能优良。不需要发布额外的数据库访问文件,数据库引擎全部编译到执行文件中;数据访问配置只需要指定存放的文件夹即可。已在实际项目中使用过....


AbsoluteDatabase 5.16

Absolute Database for Delphi / C++ Builder V5.16<br>全部源码版本。单个文件的数据库引擎,和BDE兼容,可以完全替代BDE。支持SQL查询,支持对数据库数据强加密。支持多用户访问,性能优良。不需要发布额外的数据库访问文件,数据库引擎全部编译到执行文件中;数据访问配置只需要指定存放的文件夹即可。已在实际项目中使用过....


AbsoluteDatabase 5.16

Absolute Database for Delphi / C++ Builder V5.16全部源码版本。单个文件的数据库引擎,和BDE兼容,可以完全替代BDE。支持SQL查询,支持对数据库数据强加密。支持多用户访问,性能优良。不需要发布额外的数据库访问文件,数据库引擎全部编译到执行文件中;数据访问配置只需要指定存放的文件夹即可。已在实际项目中使用过....



DEVELOPER EXPRESS INC<br>ExpressForumLibrary(tm) COMPONENT SUITE <br>Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Developer Express Inc.<br><br>一套可以在CodeGear2007中同时支持CB2007和Delphi2007的控件。做了一些修改后可以在cb007和Delphi2007中使用了。


FoxIt Reader Pro 2.2

FoxIt Reader Pro 2.2 Builder 2129<br>可以在PDF文件中直接加注解,加标记,输入文字.<br>是FoxIt PDFReader的专业版,感觉比Adobe Acrobat <br>Reader好用。支持金山词霸直接取词<br>


FastReport 4.3 企业版源码

FastReport 4.3 and FastScript 1.9, all with source 供朋友们研究 FastReport® 4.3 VCL is an add-on component that allows your application to generate reports quickly and efficiently. FastReport® provides all the necessary tools to develop reports, including a visual report designer, a reporting core, and a preview window. It can be used in the Borland® Delphi 4-2006, Borland® C++Builder 4-2006, Turbo Delphi/C++Builder and CodeGear® Delphi 2007 environments


kbmMemTable 5.52 with Source

kbmMemTable / kbmMemTable Pro v. 5.52 (Feb. 25 2007) An in memory temporary table. Help Files Included You are allowed to use this component in any application for free.



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