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原创 Merriam-Webster‘s Vocabular Builder ( PROB )

PROB comes from the Latin words for "proveorproof(证明)".probateThe process of proving in court(法庭) thatthe will of someone who has diedis valid(有效的),and of administering(管理)the estate(财产) of a dead person.*Today we use probatemore broadly(宽广地)...

2021-07-18 18:20:04 170

原创 Merriam-Webster‘s Vocabular Builder ( CRIM )

CRIM comes from the Latin words for "faultor crime(犯罪)" or "accusaion(控告)"criminologyThe study of crime, criminals(罪犯), law enforcement(执法) and punishment(惩罚).*Criminology includes the study of all aspects(方面) of crime and law enforcement.例:His .

2021-07-18 18:00:55 176

原创 Merriam-Webster‘s Vocabular Builder ( PAC )

PACis related(有关的) to the Latin words for "agree" and "peace".pacify(1)To soothe(舒缓) anger or agitation(激动). (2)To subdue(征服) by armed action.例:It took the police hours to pacify(安抚) the angry demonsrators(示威者).常用词组:pacify assuage 使平静rankle..

2021-07-18 17:40:00 130

原创 Merriam-Webster‘s Vocabular Builder ( BELL )

BELL comes from the Latin word meaning "war".antebellumExisting(现存的) before a war,especially before the American Civil(人民).*Antebellum often summons up(召唤) images of ease,elegance(优雅),and entertainment(娱乐) that disappeared in the postwar(战后) years.

2021-07-17 16:57:54 119

原创 Merriam-Webster‘s Vocabular Builder ( AM )

AM is Latin(拉丁) for "to love"amicableFriendly,peaceful*Amicable often describes relations between two groups,or especially two nations.例:Their relations(关系) with their in-laws were geerally(一般) amicable(和蔼可亲),despite some bickering(争吵) during the

2021-07-17 16:31:21 98

原创 Merriam-Webster‘s Vocabular Builder (BENE )


2021-04-30 23:13:49 205 1

原创 typescript webpack 导入 font-awesome

1. 安装npm install --save-dev @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons @fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons @fortawesome/fontawesome-free2.入口文件汇入import '@fortawesome/fon...

2019-08-20 17:17:09 392

原创 typescript+AdminLTE

1. 安装AdminLTEnpm installAdminLTE --save-dev2.修改webpack.config.js, 增加允许汇入css{test: /\.css$/,use: ['style-loader','css-loader']},2.修改webpack.config.js, 增加允许汇入jpg{test: /\.(png|s...

2019-08-18 17:24:51 246

原创 TypeScript + jquery (使用Type Definition)环境搭建+vs2013

1. node.js安装2.c盘建立test,作为工作路径3.命令行执行c:\ cd test4.命令行执行npm init 产生package.json5.安装typescript 及ts-laoderc:\test>npm install --save-dev typescript ts-loader6.安装jqueryc:\test>npm insta...

2019-08-11 22:34:11 1534

翻译 mssql按字段名称删除约束

DECLARE @TableName AS NVARCHAR(255),     @ColumnName AS NVARCHAR(255),     @ConstraintName AS NVARCHAR(255),     @DropConstraintSQL AS NVARCHAR(255)SET @TableName = 'tb_part'SET @ColumnName = 'partdif...

2018-03-25 13:13:56 711

原创 IIS - this configuration section cannot be used at this path

Click "Start button"in the search box, enter "Turn windows features on or off"in the features window, Click: "Internet Information Services"Click: "World Wide Web Services"Click: "Application Developm

2016-10-25 14:31:20 1654

原创 无法加载程序集 AjaxMin, Version=4.97.4951.28478

使用 Nugget (Visual Studio)安装可以使用命令PM> Install-Package AjaxMin -Version 4.97.4951.28483

2016-01-25 11:19:51 821

原创 windows2012 IIS8 无法运行 aspx

微软每次新的版本出来我从来没有惊喜过(当然可能我是那种特别不学无术),但是每次都会带来惊吓。这次也是毫不例外,斗争了6个小时,终于看到登录页面,泪牛满面啊,道路非常坎坷,和大家一起共享。话说先报了个500.19的错误,大概长得象下面这样子我开始在google上面一通猛找,发现苦命人还真的不少。试过不下5种方法,包括修改什么config文件,把什么deny 改成 allow,

2015-05-06 20:54:47 8364

原创 在c#中利用whatsapp发送消息给手持设备


2015-03-12 11:19:18 2473 6

原创 使用c# 将原来的mssql 迁移 monogodb

1. 去http://www.mongodb.org/downloads#development下载2. 直接点击安装3. 使用adiministrator打开命令窗口4. 运行命令mongod.exe --dbpath=c:/data/db --logpath=c:/mongodb/log/logs.txt  --logappend其中 c:/da

2015-03-03 15:41:47 641

原创 解决vs2010 web 开发编译越来越慢的解决方法

1. 删除C:\Users\lukhong\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WebsiteCache里面的内容2. 可以尝试再删除C:\Users\lukhong\AppData\Local\Temp里面的内容。删除后第一次运行会有些慢,但是第二次会好转3. 清理所有断点

2015-01-19 09:52:51 1929

原创 我的第一个Android项目开发(二)-环境配置

1. 下载eclipse https://www.eclipse.org/downloads, 我下载的

2014-09-02 16:51:45 513

原创 我的第一个Android项目开发-参考资料及环境搭建(一)

拖延症晚期患者,从2014年拖延至今。 从新开始。 参考资料网易公开课: Android应用开发 (有字幕)http://cs193a.stanford.edu/ (无字幕,主要用来练英语,看图片)开发环境采用:Android Studio,链接如下http://web.stanford.edu/class/cs193a/android-studio.shtml...

2014-06-17 09:34:21 526

转载 [InvalidOperationException: 对象的当前状态使该操作无效

2014-05-29 16:30:15 1842

转载 Send and Receive JSON objects to Web Service Methods using jQuery AJAX in ASP.Net

public class City{    private string name;    public string Name    {        get        {            return name;        }        set        {            name = value;        }

2014-05-20 16:45:55 628

原创 IIS7 无法使用AJAX


2014-05-20 13:03:13 5791

原创 trun off PInvokeStackImbalance

CTRL + ALT + EUnder "Managed Debugging Assistants" uncheck PInvokeStackImbalance.

2014-01-29 22:57:22 482

原创 windows2008 (或64位) 导出execl报表抛HRESULT: 0x800A03EC

1. Login to the server as a administrator.2. Go to "Start" -> "Run" and enter "taskmgr"3. Go to the process tab in task manager and check "Show Processes from allusers"4. If there are any "E

2013-06-05 14:43:44 1271

转载 windows server 2008 x64中安装office2003,dcom中找不到microsoft excel application

解决办法:主要是64位系统的问题,excel是32位的组件,所以在正常的系统组件服务里是看不到的可以通过在运行里面输入 comexp.msc -32 来打开32位的组件服务,在里就能看到excel组件了

2013-06-05 13:58:59 5562 1

原创 将带有checkbox的Datagrid直接导出到exec

后台代码:public override void VerifyRenderingInServerForm(Control control)        {            return;        }        private void DataGridToExcel()        {            for (int i = 0;

2013-05-12 20:30:45 488

转载 Asp.net中DataBinder.Eval裡String Format用法的總結

適合元件:DataList, Repeater, 或想使用String Format的字串也可以參考 //綁定字段 //實現自動編號 //Repeater自動編號通常使用的方法(這三個性能最好) 其他用法//如果屬性為字符串類型就不用ToString()了DataBinder.Eval用法範例格式化字符串參

2013-03-14 14:37:39 534

原创 重置vs2010

Devenv.exe /ResetSettings

2013-01-03 21:00:33 470

原创 enterpriselibrary dataconnection failedevent

執行C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322\InstallUtil.exe \Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Common.dll

2012-10-24 12:56:07 364

转载 windows server 2008 x6 System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC)處理方法

We need to create some folders on 2008 under the respective hierarchy as indicated below; the office Interop is able to save the file as required. This Desktop folder is required to be created under

2012-09-27 17:37:32 1822

转载 mssql 通用存儲過程

create proc commonPagination @columns varchar(500), --要显示的列名,用逗号隔开 @tableName varchar(100), --要查询的表名 @orderColumnName varchar(100), --排序的列名 @order varchar(50), --排序的方式,升序为asc,降序为 desc @where

2012-07-04 20:09:39 321

原创 规则二 对常量使用ReadOnly而不是const

1. C# 有两种类型的常量,编译类型常量和运行时常量。编译常量比运行常量会稍快,但是没有运行常量灵活。在性能要求非常严格但是数值不会改变的情况下使用编译常量。编译常量public const int Millennium = 2000;运行常量public static readonly int ThisYear = 2004;编译常量可以在方法体内定义,但是运行

2012-06-15 16:57:08 341

转载 利用SQL Server 2005的新特性来简单高效的实现分页

这篇文章讲述了如何利用SQL Server 2005的新特性来简单高效的实现分页。对于那些暂时还没用到SQL Server2005的人们,请看在大规模数据中的高效分页方法。如果需要,这篇文章会补上这里讲到的内容。  出处:http://aspnet.4guysfromrolla.com/demos/printPage.aspx?path=/articles/031506

2012-06-12 18:05:12 805

原创 规则一:使用属性而不是方法

原因:1. 所有的bind方法绑定属性。data bind的机制是使用反射的方法,通过属性名称调用相应的方法。2.使用属性让程序更有弹性。   如户要求名字不能为空,只要如下修改程序即可  public class Customer{    private string _name;public string Name{get { return _value;}

2012-06-11 15:35:43 365

原创 两个包含group by 语句的select 语句的连接查询

格式:select sum(t1.字段1), 计算2,t1.字段2from 表1 t1inner join (select sum(t2字段2) as 计算2from 表2 group by t2.关键字1) t2on t1.id = t2.idgroup by t1.字段2,计算2关键是第一个select的group by 语句要放在后面例:

2012-06-04 13:04:48 2629

转载 Visual Studio DataSet designer doesn't regenerate designer.cs code

1) Click on the XSD file in the solution explorer2) Click on the properties tab and check the Custom Tool Property. Inthere you should f

2011-08-31 12:12:55 395

转载 jquery基础(十)

<br />Built-in Effects<br />Frequently used effects are built into jQuery as methods:$.fn.show<br />Show the selected element.$.fn.hide<br />Hide the selected elements.$.fn.fadeIn<br />Animate the opacity of the selected elements to 100%.$.fn.fadeOut<br />

2010-10-22 11:16:00 479

转载 jquery基础(九)

<br /><br /><br />Connecting Events to Elements<br />jQuery offers convenience methods for most common events, and these are the methods you will see used most often. These methods -- including $.fn.click, $.fn.focus, $.fn.blur,$.fn.change, etc. -- are sho

2010-10-22 11:10:00 341

转载 jquery基础(八)

<br />Data Methods<br /><br />As your work with jQuery progresses, you'll find that there's often data about an element that you want to store with the element. In plain JavaScript, you might do this by adding a property to the DOM element, but you'd have

2010-10-22 10:59:00 455

转载 jquery基础(七)

Utility MethodsjQuery offers several utility methods in the $ namespace. These methods are helpful for accomplishing routine programming tasks. Below are examples of a few of the utility methods; for a complete reference on jQuery utility methods, visit ht

2010-10-22 10:43:00 309

转载 jquery(六)

 Chapter 4. jQuery CoreTable of Contents$ vs $()Utility MethodsChecking typesData MethodsFeature & Browser DetectionAvoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries$ vs $()Until now, we’ve been dealing entirely with methods that are called on a jQuery object. For e

2010-10-22 10:34:00 349





webpack + typescript+bootsrtap+jquery配置完后的文件








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