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Internet Security Cryptographic Principles, Algorithms

The material in this book presents the theory and practice on Internet security and its implementation through a rigorous, thorough and qualitative presentation in depth. The level of the book is designed to be suitable for senior and graduate students, professional engineers and researchers as an introduction to Internet security principles. The book consists of 11 chapters and focuses on the critical security issues related to the Internet. The following is a summary of the contents of each chapter.


Cryptography: Theory and Practice

The first part consists of the following material: Chapter 1 is a fairly elementary introduction to simple “classical” cryptosystems. Chapter 2 covers the main elements of Shannon’s approach to cryptography, including the concept of perfect secrecy and the use of information theory in cryptography. Chapter 3 is a lengthy discussion of the Data Encryption Standard; it includes a treatment of differential cryptanalysis. The second part contains the following material: Chapter 4 concerns the RSA Public-key Cryptosystem, together with a considerable amount of background on number-theoretic topics such as primality testing and factoring. Chapter 5 discusses some other public-key systems, the most important being the ElGamal System based on discrete logarithms. Chapter 6 deals with signature schemes, such as the Digital Signature Standard, and includes treatment of special types of signature schemes such as undeniable and fail-stop signature schemes. The subject of Chapter 7 is hash functions. Chapter 8 provides an overview of the numerous approaches to key distribution and key agreement protocols. Finally, Chapter 9 describes identification schemes. The third part contains chapters on selected research-oriented topics, namely, authentication codes, secret sharing schemes, pseudo-random number generation, and zero-knowledge proofs


Cryptography: Theory and Practice 03/17/95

The book is organized into three parts. The first part, Chapters 1-3, covers private-key cryptography. Chapters 4–9 concern the main topics in public-key cryptography. The remaining four chapters provide introductions to four active research areas in cryptography. The first part consists of the following material: Chapter 1 is a fairly elementary introduction to simple “classical” cryptosystems. Chapter 2 covers the main elements of Shannon’s approach to cryptography, including the concept of perfect secrecy and the use of information theory in cryptography. Chapter 3 is a lengthy discussion of the Data Encryption Standard; it includes a treatment of differential cryptanalysis. The second part contains the following material: Chapter 4 concerns the RSA Public-key Cryptosystem, together with a considerable amount of background on number-theoretic topics such as primality testing and factoring. Chapter 5 discusses some other public-key systems, the most important being the ElGamal System based on discrete logarithms. Chapter 6 deals with signature schemes, such as the Digital Signature Standard, and includes treatment of special types of signature schemes such as undeniable and fail-stop signature schemes. The subject of Chapter 7 is hash functions. Chapter 8 provides an overview of the numerous approaches to key distribution and key agreement protocols. Finally, Chapter 9 describes identification schemes. The third part contains chapters on selected research-oriented topics, namely, authentication codes, secret sharing schemes, pseudo-random number generation, and zero-knowledge proofs.





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