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GNU/Linux Application Programing second Edition (PDF)

GNU/LINUX APPLICATION PROGRAMMING SECOND EDITION M. TIM JONES This book was written with GNU/Linux application developers in mind. You’ll note that topics such as the Linux kernel or device drivers are absent. This was intentional, and while they’re fascinating topics in their own right, they are rarely necessary to develop applications and tools in the GNU/Linux environment. This book is split into five parts, each focusing on different aspects of GNU/Linux programming. Part I, “Introduction,” introduces GNU/Linux for the beginner. It addresses the GNU/Linux architecture, a short introduction to the process model and also licenses, and a brief introduction to open source development and licenses. Linux virtualization is also explored, including models and options in Linux. Part II, “GNU Tools,” concentrates on the necessary tools for GNU/Linux pro- gramming. The de facto standard GNU compiler tool chain is explored, along with the GNU make automated build system. Building and using libraries (both static and dynamic) are then investigated. Coverage testing and profiling are explored, using the gcov and gprof utilities, as is application bundling and distribution with automake and autoconf. Finally, source control is reviewed with some of the popu- lar options on Linux and also data visualization with Gnuplot. With an introduction to the GNU/Linux architecture and necessary tools for ap- plication development, we focus next in Part III, “Application Development Topics,” on the most useful of the services available within GNU/Linux. This includes pipes, Sockets programming, dealing with files, both traditional processes and POSIX threads, message queues, semaphores, and finally shared memory management. In Part IV, “GNU/Linux Shells and Scripting,” we move up to application devel- opment using shells and scripting languages. Some of the most useful GNU/Linux commands that you’ll encounter in programming on GNU/Linux are covered, and there is a tutorial on the Bourne-Again Shell (bash). Text processing is explored using two of the most popular string processing languages (awk and sed). We’ll also look at the topic of parser generation using GNU Flex and Bison utilities (lex and yacc- compatible parser generator). Scripting with Ruby and Python is investigated as well. In Part V, “Debugging and Testing,” debugging is addressed using a variety of different aspects. We investigate some of the unit-testing frameworks that can help in automated regression. The GNU Debugger is introduced, with treatment of the most common commands and techniques. Finally, the topic of code hardening is explored along with a variety of debugging tools and techniques to assist in the de- velopment of reliable and secure GNU/Linux applications. While the book was written with an implicit order in mind, each chapter can be read in isolation, depending upon your needs. Where applicable, references to other chapters are provided if more information is needed on a related topic. Contents Acknowledgments xiii About the Author xv Reader’s Guide xvii Introduction xix Part I Introduction 1 1 GNU/Linux History 3 Introduction 3 History of the UNIX Operating System 3 GNU/Linux History 5 Linux Distributions 7 Summary 8 References 8 2 GNU/Linux Architecture 9 9 Introduction High-Level Architecture 9 Linux Kernel Architecture 10 Summary 18 Resources 18 3 Free Software Development 19 Introduction 19 Open Source Licenses 21 Problems with Open Source Development 23 Summary 24 References 25 Resources 25 4 Linux Virtualization and Emulation 27 Introduction 27 What Is Virtualization? 28 Short History of Virtualization 29 What’s the Point? 31 Virtualization Taxonomy 32 Open Source Virtualization Solutions 37 Summary 42 Part II GNU Tools 43 5 The GNU Compiler Toolchain 45 Introduction 45 46 Introduction to Compilation GCC Optimizer 51 56 Debugging Options Other Tools 56 Summary 57 59 6 Building Software with GNU make Introduction 59 Makefile Variables 64 Summary 71 7 Building and Using Libraries 73 Introduction 73 What Is a Library? 73 Building Static Libraries 75 Building Shared Libraries 82 Dynamically Loaded Libraries 83 Utilities 88 Summary 92 Dynamic Library APIs 92 93 8 Building Packages with automake/autoconf Introduction 93 Summary 103 9 Source Control in GNU/Linux 105 Introduction 105 Defining Source Control 105 Source Control Paradigms 106 Useful Source Control Tools 108 Summary 127 10 Data Visualization with Gnuplot 129 Introduction 129 Gnuplot 129 Summary 143 Resources 143 145 Part III Application Development Topics 11 File Handling in GNU/Linux 149 Introduction 149 File Handling with GNU/Linux 149 File Handling API Exploration 150 168 Base API Summary 171 171 File Handling APIs 12 Programming with Pipes 173 Introduction 173 173 The Pipe Model Detailed Review 176 Summary 184 Pipe Programming APIs 184 185 13 Introduction to Sockets Programming Introduction 185 Layered Model of Networking 186 Sockets Programming Paradigm 186 Sample Application 191 Sockets API Summary 197 Other Transport Protocols 207 Multilanguage Perspectives 209 Summary 211 Sockets Programming APIs 212 References 213 Resources 213 14 GNU/Linux Process Model 215 Introduction 215 215 GNU/Linux Processes Whirlwind Tour of Process APIs 216 Traditional Process API 226 System Commands 247 Summary 250 Proc Filesystem 250 References 252 API Summary 252 POSIX Threads (pthreads) Programming 253 15 Introduction 253 The pthreads API 256 Building Threaded Applications 274 Summary 275 References 275 API Summary 276 16 IPC with Message Queues 277 Introduction 277 Quick Overview of Message Queues 278 The Message Queue API 284 User Utilities 298 Summary 299 Message Queue APIs 300 17 Synchronization with Semaphores 301 Introduction 301 301 Semaphore Theory Quick Overview of GNU/Linux Semaphores 304 The Semaphore API 313 User Utilities 327 Summary 329 Semaphore APIs 329 18 Shared Memory Programming 331 Introduction 331 Quick Overview of Shared Memory 332 Shared Memory APIs 339 Using a Shared Memory Segment 350 User Utilities 356 Summary 357 References 357 Shared Memory APIs 357 19 Advanced File Handling 359 Introduction 359 Enumerating Directories 364 Summary 375 Advanced File Handling APIs 375 20 Other Application Development Topics 379 Introduction 379 Linux Error Reporting 396 399 Summary API Summary 399 Part IV GNU/Linux Shells and Scripting 401 21 Standard GNU/Linux Commands 405 Introduction 405 Redirection 405 Summary 422 423 22 Bourne-Again Shell (Bash) 423 Introduction bash Scripting 425 Conditional Structures 430 Looping Structures 437 Input and Output 441 Functions 442 Sample Scripts 444 Scripting Language Alternatives 449 Summary 449 Resources 449 451 23 Editing with sed Introduction 451 Anatomy of a Simple Script 452 sed Spaces (Buffers) 454 Typical sed Command-Line Options 454 Regular Expressions 455 Ranges and Occurrences 456 Essential sed Commands 457 Summary 460 Some Useful sed One-Liners 461 Resources 461 463 24 Text Processing with awk Introduction 463 464 Command-Line awk 468 Scripted awk Other awk Patterns 472 Summary 473 Useful awk One-Liners 474 Parser Generation with flex and bison 475 25 Introduction 475 A Simple Grammar 483 483 Encoding the Grammar in bison Hooking the Lexer to the Grammar Parser 486 Building a Simple Configuration Parser 489 The Big Picture 493 Summary 497 26 Scripting with Ruby 499 Introduction 499 An Introduction to Ruby 499 Quick Ruby Examples 501 Language Elements 503 Advanced Features 513 Ruby as an Embedded Language 518 Summary 518 Resources 518 27 Scripting with Python 519 Introduction 519 An Introduction to Python 519 Quick Python Examples 522 Language Elements 525 Advanced Features 535 Summary 539 Resources 539 28 GNU/Linux Administration Basics 541 541 Introduction Navigating the Linux Filesystem 541 Package Management 542 Kernel Upgrades 550 Summary 554 Part V Debugging and Testing 555 29 Software Unit Testing Frameworks 557 Introduction 557 Unit Testing Frameworks 560 Summary 576 Resources 576 30 Debugging with GDB 577 Introduction 577 Using GDB 578 Other GDB Debugging Topics 587 Summary 592 Resources 592 31 Code Hardening 593 Introduction 593 Code Hardening Techniques 594 Source Checking Tools 602 Code Tracing 603 Summary 605 Resources 605 607 32 Coverage Testing with GNU gcov Introduction 607 What Is gcov? 607 Preparing the Image 608 Using the gcov Utility 609 615 Options Available for gcov Considerations 616 Summary 617 References 617 Resources 617 619 33 Profiling with GNU gprof Introduction 619 What Is Profiling? 619 What Is gprof? 620 Preparing the Image 620 Using the gprof Utility 622 Considerations 629 Summary 629 References 629 34 Advanced Debugging Topics 631 Introduction 631 Memory Debugging 631 Cross-Referencing Tools 639 641 System Call Tracing with ltrace Dynamic Attachment with GDB 644 Summary 646 Resources 647 Appendix A Acronyms and Partial Acronyms 649 Appendix B About the CD-ROM 653 Index 655


emacs 配置文件

emacs 配置文件(已经测试适合Windows和Linux),已经包含了各个扩展,主要的功能: 基本功能: 1. 设置colortheme 2. 共享系统剪贴板 3. 显示括号匹配 4. 用y-n取代yes-no 5. 用法高亮 6. 显示时间 7. 自动保存session,下次打开接着上次打开到文件 设置好了muse,包括彩色代码 编程: 1. auto-header, 自动添加文件头 2. 代码折叠 3. 2个空格到缩进方式 4. 开启光标在哪个函数的显示 键绑定: 1. M-g 跳到指定行 2. F2 set-mark-command 3. F3 dired 4. M-s speedbar 5. F10 列举书签 6. M-o 切换到其他窗口 7. F7 compile 增加了Eim输入法,这个解决了一些无法输入中文的问题 另外说说在windows下的使用, 1. 设置%HOME%环境变量 “我的电脑->属性”那边设置,记得重启电脑。检验设置成功的方法是在“运行”中输入%HOME%会打开设置的文件夹。 2. 把下载的文件放在%HOME%目录中 3. 直接可以绑定快捷键启动,比如:Alt-Ctrl-E 就这么简单。


Linux内核情景分析 pdf版本



《TCPIP协议内核源码分析》正式版上册 pdf

《TCPIP协议内核源码分析》正式版上册,里面有中文注释,看了一下,觉得很不错,共享出来给大家。 上册目录: 第一章 从一个练习开始.................................第4页 第二章 TCP/IP的socket创建.............................第11页 第三章 TCP/IP的socket地址设置.........................第38页 第四章 TCP/IP的路由初始化.............................第66页 第五章 TCP/IP的路由设置过程...........................第94页 第六章 TCP/IP的socket地址绑定.........................第139页 第七章 TCP/IP的socket地址监听.........................第150页 第八章 TCP/IP的socket接收连接.........................第162页



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gcc 中英文双语手册(chm格式)



Vim 配置包括所有的配置文件和扩展 适合windows linux

这个配置是根据网上“最N vim配置“修正了一些错误和增加了一些我认为方便的设置,功能确实很强,感谢Amix,本人保留他(她)的说明,里面的配置都有说明,很容易就懂,建议大家好好去看一遍,包你有长进。 运行环境 ubuntu 9.04 i686(8.10 64位也OK) vim 7.2 部分功能说明: 1。打开的文件列在右边窗口 2。通过方向键切换打开的文档, 相当于:bn,:bp 3。底端有个mini窗口,类似emacs 4。支持tab自动补全 包括用:e打开文件是的文件名补全和关键字的自动补全 5。显示行号 6。指定字体 7。F11全屏 windows下才有效,因为我使用Linux,所以给注释掉,如果你使用的是windows请取消.vimrc 148行的注释 然后复制gvimfullscreen.dll到windows/system32或者winnt/system32下。 8。html标签自动完成 比如输入<html>自动完成</html>并且自动缩进 9。php的调试。(windows下有效) 编写好php以后,:make 运行PHP程序 :cl 显示错误提示包括行号,enter以后还会定位到出错行 :cl! 显示执行结果 嘿嘿,很不错吧。我用起来很不错 10。对从c/c++文件自动生成说明文档 11。空格(space)为查找相当于/ 12. 自动加载vim配置文件 。。。还有很多自己可以去看里面的.vimrc内容,当然也建议你去读一遍里面的内容,有新大陆的发现记得留言告诉我和大家 安装步骤 Linux: 1。备份自己的配置 $ tar cjvf vim_bk.tar.bz2 ~/.vimrc ~/.vim #备份自己原有的配置,万一我的配置在你的系统上水土不服也好恢复嘛 2。请解压指自己的主目录 $ tar jxvf vim.tar.bz2 -C ~/ #解压缩到主目录 $ ls -al ~ #查看 3。建议浏览一下配置文件 vim ~/.vimrc 4。运行gvim就看看效果吧 gvim Windows: 1。备份原有的设置,怎么备份就自己去弄吧 2。解压vim.tar.bz2(怎么解压,当然安装winrar,然后就双击) 3。压缩包里面.vim 对应$VIMRUNTIME/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,就是vim的安装目录啦,默认安装在c:\program files/Vim 4。改.vimrc 为_vimrc 有任何指教,意见,批评等请发伊妹儿 michael.yang2000#gmail.com.


Linux C 函数 参考手册chm版本

Linux C 函数参考手册,有导航和分类



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John.Wiley.Sons. Beginning.Linux.Programming,Third.Edition



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wxPython API 帮助文件。对学习wxPython的编程有帮助。


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python 使用 GTK图形编程很不错的教程。英文版本


Gedit 插件 主要对python的编写做了优化

这是自己使用的Gedit的插件,主要对Python的编写做了优化,打包一起方便大家下载,不用一个一个去找,里面包含: 1。project manager 项目管理 2。class browser 3。find in document 多文档里查找内容 4。python indent 针对python的智能缩进 5。file browser 6。html-tidy 7。advanced-bookmarks 高级书签 8。betterpythonconsole 9。run in python Ctrl+F5 运行python代码 10。word complete 自动完成代码,方便快速输入 等等很常用,很不错的插件。 里面还包含了一个很不错的配色方案。 安装的方法很简单都写在里面的Readme文件里面 希望对有需要的人有帮助



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