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database replication

database replication挺好的一本书!分享一下!


database system implementation

Three well-known computer scientists at Stanford University-Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, and Jennifer Widom-have written one of the most comprehensive books on database system implementation. Hector Garcia- Molina pioneered this book at Stanford as a second database systems course for computer science majors and industry-based professionals. It focuses on the implementation of database systems, including storage structures, query processing, and transaction management. Database System Implementation is valuable as an academic textbook or a professional reference. Noteworthy Features *Provides extensive coverage of query processing, including major algorithms for execution of queries and techniques for optimizing queries *Covers information integration, including warehousing and mediators, OLAP, and data-cube systems *Explains error-correction in RAID disks and covers bitmap indexes, data mining, data statistics, and pointer swizzling *Supports additional teaching materials found on the book's Web page at http://www-db.stanford.edu/-html *For college courses Prentice Hall offers a two-book package discount with A First Course in Database Systems and Database System Implementation This text covers a broad spectrum of knowledge and technology. This carefully class-tested, highly readable presentation provides students or professionals with the next level of study. Written from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer, this book provides practical advice from well-know experts on how to implement state-of-the-art database systems.


database modeling and design

Database systems and database design technology have undergone significant evolution in recent years. The relational data model and relational database systems dominate business applications; in turn, they are extended by other technologies like data warehousing, OLAP, and data mining. How do you model and design your database application in consideration of new technology or new business needs? In the extensively revised fifth edition, you’ll get clear explanations, lots of terrific examples and an illustrative case, and the really practical advice you have come to count on--with design rules that are applicable to any SQL-based system. But you’ll also get plenty to help you grow from a new database designer to an experienced designer developing industrial-sized systems. In-depth detail and plenty of real-world, practical examples throughout Loaded with design rules and illustrative case studies that are applicable to any SQL, UML, or XML-based system Immediately useful to anyone tasked with the creation of data models for the integration of large-scale enterprise data.


modern database management

This text is designed for an introductory course in database management. Such a course is usually required as part of an information systems curriculum in business schools, computer technology programs, and applied computer science departments. The Association of Information Technology Professionals (AITP), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and International Federation of Information Processing Societies (IFIPS) curriculum guidelines (for example, IS 97) all outline this type of database management course. Previous editions of our text have been used successfully for more than a decade at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as in management and professional development programs. This text represents an extensive revision and updating of the fourth edition of Modern Database Management. These revisions are necessary to accommodate the technical, managerial, and methodological changes occurring at m~ ever-increasing pace in this field. However, we have endeavored to retain the best features of our pre- vious editions. We have made every effort to justify the title Modern Database Management, which was introduced in the fourth edition. In this fifth edition we welcome a third co-author, Mary Prescott of the University of South Florida. Mary has served both as a reviewer and user of the pre- vious editions of our text in numerous database courses and professional develop- ment programs. She brings valuable new insights to the preparation of a new edition of this text.


Mining of Massive Datasets

Anand Rajaraman 数据库和Web技术领域权威,创业投资基金Cambrian联合创始人,斯坦福大学计算机科学系助理教授。Rajaraman职业生涯非常成功:1996年创办Junglee公司,两年后该公司被亚马逊以2.5亿美元收购,Rajaraman被聘为亚马 逊技术总监,推动亚马逊从一个零售商转型为零售平台;2000年与人合创Cambrian,孵化出几个后来被谷歌收购的公司;2005年创办Kosmix公司并任CEO,该公司2011年被沃尔玛集团收购。Rajaraman生于印度,在斯坦福大学获得计算机科学硕士和博士学位。求学期间与人合著的一篇论文荣列近20年来被引用次数最多的论文之一。博客地址http://anand.typepad.com/datawocky/。 Jeffrey David Ullman 美国国家工程院院士,计算机科学家,斯坦福大学教授。Ullman早年在贝尔实验室工作,之后任教于普林斯顿大学,十年后加入斯坦福大学直至退休,一生的科研、著书和育人成果卓著。他是ACM会员,曾获SIGMOD贡献奖、Knuth奖等多项科研大奖;他是“龙书”《编译原理》、数据库领域权威指南《数据库系统实现》的合著者;麾下多名学生成为了数据库领域的专家,其中最有名的当属谷歌创始人Sergey Brin;本书第一作者也是他的得意弟子。Ullman目前任Gradiance公司CEO。 王斌 博士,中国科学院计算技术研究所博士生导师。中国科学院信息工程研究所客座研究员。主要研究方向为信息检索、自然语言处理和数据挖掘。《信息检索导论》译者。主持国家973、863、国家自然科学基金、国际合作基金、国家支撑计划等课题20余项,发表学术论文120余篇。现为ACM会员、中国中文信息学会理事、中文信息学会信息检索专委会委员、《中文信息学报》编委、中国计算机学会高级会员及计算机学会中文信息处理专委会委员。自2006年起在中国科学院研究生院(现改名“中国科学院大学”)讲授《现代信息检索》研究生课程,选课人数累计近千人。2001年开始指导研究生,迄今培养博士、硕士研究生30余名。


intel threading building blocks

Multi-core chips from Intel and AMD offer a dramatic boost in speed and responsiveness, and plenty of opportunities for multiprocessing on ordinary desktop computers. But they also present a challenge: More than ever, multithreading is a requirement for good performance. This guide explains how to maximize the benefits of these processors through a portable C++ library that works on Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Unix systems. With it, you'll learn how to use Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB) effectively for parallel programming -- without having to be a threading expert. Written by James Reinders, Chief Evangelist of Intel Software Products, and based on the experience of Intel's developers and customers, this book explains the key tasks in multithreading and how to accomplish them with TBB in a portable and robust manner. With plenty of examples and full reference material, the book lays out common patterns of uses, reveals the gotchas in TBB, and gives important guidelines for choosing among alternatives in order to get the best performance. You'll learn how Intel Threading Building Blocks: * Enables you to specify tasks instead of threads for better portability, easier programming, more understandable source code, and better performance and scalability in general * Focuses on the goal of parallelizing computationally intensive work to deliver high-level solutions * Is compatible with other threading packages, and doesn't force you to pick one package for your entire program * Emphasizes scalable, data-parallel programming, which allows program performance to increase as you add processors * Relies on generic programming, which enables you to write the best possible algorithms with the fewest constraints Any C++ programmer who wants to write an application to run on a multi-core system will benefit from this book. TBB is also very approachable for a C programmer or a C++ programmer without much experience with templates. Best of all, you don't need experience with parallel programming or multi-core processors to use this book.



《HTTP权威指南》由古尔利所著,《HTTP权威指南》详细解释了HTTP协议,包括HTTP是如何工作的,如何用HTTP来开发基于Web的应用程序,核心的因特网协议如何与架构构建块交互,如何正确实现因特网客户和服务器等。《HTTP权威指南》的中心内容是HTTP,本质是理解Web的工作原理,以及如何将这些知识应用到Web编程和管理之中,主要涵盖HTTP的技术运作方式、产生动机、性能和目标以及一些相关技术问题。 《HTTP权威指南》适合所有想了解HTTP和Web底层结构的人阅读。


computer networking

Jim Kurose Jim Kurose is a Distinguished University Professor of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dr. Kurose has received a number of recognitions for his educational activities including Outstanding Teacher Awards from the National Technological University (eight times), the University of Massachusetts, and the Northeast Association of Graduate Schools. He received the IEEE Taylor Booth Education Medal and was recognized for his leadership of Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Information Technology Initiative. He has been the recipient of a GE Fellowship, an IBM Faculty Development Award, and a Lilly Teaching Fellowship. Dr. Kurose is a former Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Communications and of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. He has been active in the program committees for IEEE Infocom, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM Internet Measurement Conference, and ACM SIGMETRICS for a number of years and has served as Technical Program Co-Chair for those conferences. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the ACM. His research interests include network protocols and architecture, network measurement, sensor networks, multimedia communication, and modeling and performance evaluation. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Columbia University. Keith RossKeith Ross Keith Ross is the Leonard J. Shustek Chair Professor and Head of the Computer Science Department at Polytechnic Institute of NYU. Before joining NYU-Poly in 2003, he was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania (13 years) and a professor at Eurecom Institute (5 years). He received a B.S.E.E from Tufts University, a M.S.E.E. from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Computer and Control Engineering from The University of Michigan. Keith Ross is also the founder and original CEO of Wimba, which develops online multimedia applications for e-learning and was acquired by Blackboard in 2010. Professor Ross’s research interests are in security and privacy, social networks, peer-to-peer networking, Internet measurement, video streaming, content distribution networks, and stochastic modeling. He is an IEEE Fellow, recipient of the Infocom 2009 Best Paper Award, and recipient of 2011 and 2008 Best Paper Awards for Multimedia Communications (awarded by IEEE Communications Society). He has served on numerous journal editorial boards and conference program committees, including IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, ACM SIGCOMM, ACM CoNext, and ACM Internet Measurement Conference. He also has served as an advisor to the Federal Trade Commission on P2P file sharing.


c interfaces and implementation

本书介绍了C语言接口与实现,讲解了创建可重用软件的技术。-The book describes the C language interface and implementation to explain the technology to create reusable software.


automated physical database design and tuning

Due to the increasing complexity in application workloads and query engines, database administrators are turning to automated tuning tools that systematically explore the space of physical design alternatives. A critical element of such tuning is physical database design since the choice of physical structures has a significant impact on the performance of the database system. Automated Physical Database Design and Tuning presents a detailed overview of the fundamental ideas and algorithms for automatically recommending changes to the physical design of a database system. The first part of the book introduces the necessary technical background. The author explains SQL, the space of execution plans for answering SQL queries, query optimization, how the choice of access paths (e.g., indexes) is crucial to performance, and the complexity of the physical design problem. The second part extensively discusses automated physical design techniques, covering fundamental research ideas in the last 15 years that have resulted in a new generation of tuning tools. The text focuses on the search space of alternatives, the necessity of a cost model to compare such alternatives, different mechanisms to traverse and enumerate the search space, and practical aspects in real-world tuning tools. In the third part, the author explores new advances in automated physical design. He applies previous approaches to other physical structures, such as materialized views, partitioning, and multidimensional clustering. He also analyzes workload models for new types of applications, generalizes the optimizing function of current physical design tools to cope with other application scenarios, and examines open-ended challenges in physical database design. This book offers valuable insights on well-established principles and cutting-edge research results in automated physical design. It helps readers gain a deeper understanding of how automated tuning tools work in database installations as well as the challenges and opportunities involved in designing next-generation tuning tools.


advanced linux programming

Advanced Linux Programming英文版,不难看懂。 非常好的一本linux编程入门书


Don't make me think

内容简介 可用性设计是Web设计中最重要也是难度最大的一项任务。本书作者根据多年从业的经验,剖析用户的心理,在用户使用模式、为扫描进行设计、导航设计、主页布局、可用性测试等方面提出了许多独特的观点,并给出了大量简单、易行的可用性设计的建议。本书短小精练,语言轻松诙谐,书中穿插大量色彩丰富的屏幕截图、趣味丛生的卡通插图以及包含大量信息的图表,使枯燥的设计原理变得平易近人。本书适合从事Web设计和Web开发的技术人员阅读,特别适合为如何留住访问者苦恼的网站/网页设计人员阅读。 编辑本段序言 想想看,从2000年开始到现在已经发生了多少变化,那正是本书第1版付印的时间,但让人吃惊的是,Web的设计还和原来大致相同。 前些年,局势不太稳定,Web特性似乎每周都在发生变化。我们经历了浏览器大战,Netscape异军突起,WC3每隔半年就推出新的HTML标准的过程。但是后来,随着看得到的Redmond(华盛顿州的雷德蒙市,微软总部所在地)防线的胜利,一切都清静了。 Web设计师们终于解放了,在这之前他们已经被变化的代码弄得筋疲力尽了,而且一直以来我们还在对它们修修补补。 但是这种解放也为Web设计带来了不便。 不灵活的HTML、字体的缺乏、网页适应性差(这让设计无法精准)、各种屏幕分辨率和用户浏览器(哪怕它们主要都是Explorer)等,这些因素都让人心烦。 在设计师们的沉重情绪中,还夹杂着一些限制性的习惯用法,例如横幅广告。当然,并不是所有的习惯用法都不好,事实上,用户喜欢习惯用法,即使设计师们觉得它们有局限性。对于大多数人来说,让计算机开始工作就已经够难的了。 也许这些习惯用法会发生变化,但有一件事永远不会改变,那就是——人的本性。尽管Internet为社会和商业带来了一些根本的改变,但它还不至于引起人类物种的显著变化。 而且,因为我们这些设计师通常不容易接触到真实的用户,那么认识一下SteVe Krug(或者读读他的书)会很有帮助,因为steve确实懂得用户。虽然从事这项工作已经十多年了,但他仍然把每个站点当作第一次工作时遇到的站点。没有华丽的辞藻,只有常识,以及对我们所见、所思、所读方式的友好理解。 不管网络会发生什么样的变化——不管是Web习惯用法、操作系统、带宽,或者计算机的处理能力也好,Steve在这里与你分享的原则都不会改变。因此,找一把椅子,坐下来,慢慢享受。 编辑本段目录 译者序 第2版前言 序言 导读 第1章 别让我思考 ——Krug可用性第一定律 第2章 我们实际上是如何使用Web的 ——扫描,满意即可,勉强应付 第3章 广告牌设计101法则 ——为扫描设计,不为阅读设计 第4章 动物、植物、无机物 ——为什么用户喜欢无须思考的选择 第5章 省略不必要的文字 ——不要在Web上写作的艺术 ——必须正确处理的几个方面 第6章 街头指示牌和面包屑 ——设计导航 第7章 首先要承认,主页不由你控制 ——设计主页 ——确定你做对的几件事 第8章 农场主和牧牛人应该是朋友 ——为什么Web设计团队讨论可用性是在浪费时间,如何避免这种情况 第9章 一天10美分的可用性测试 ——让测试简单—这样你能进行充分的测试 ——大的方面和外界影响 第10章 可用性是基本礼貌 ——为什么你的网站应该让人尊敬 第11章 可访问性、级联样式表和你 ——正当你觉得已经完成了的时候,一只猫掉了下来,背上捆着涂了奶油的面包 第12章 救命!老板想要我…… ——当好人遇到不好的设计决策 推荐读物 致谢



内容简介: 渗透测试 (penetration test)并没有一个标准的定义,国外一些安全组织达成共识的通用说法是:渗透测试是通过模拟恶意黑客的攻击方法,来评估计算机网络系统安全的一种评估方法。这个过程包括对系统的任何弱点、技术缺陷或漏洞的主动分析,这个分析是从一个攻击者可能存在的位置来进行的,并且从这个位置有条件主动利用安全漏洞。 渗透测试有时是作为外部审查的一部分而进行的。这种测试需要探查系统,以发现操作系统和任何网络服务,并检查这些网络服务有无漏洞。渗透测试能够通过识别安全问题来帮助一个单位理解当前的安全状况。这使促使许多单位开发操作规划来减少攻击或误用的威胁。


Head First Javascript

  《Head first javascript 》 著名的head first系列图书之一 英文pdf版 ,非扫描版   以前有位朋友发过这个资源,但是是扫描版的,不太清晰。这个版本是非扫描版,绝对高清晰,从网上好不容易找到的,发上来与大家共享。   本书是一部优秀的、注重实践的JavaScript教程。作者首先概览了JavaScript,包括它的语法、良好的编码习惯、DOM编程原则等;然后构建了JavaScript工具包,包括动态操作标记、使用CSS和DOM修改页面风格、验证表单、处理图像等;接着通过一个完整的案例研究阐明了如何使用多种JavaScript 技术协同工作;最后单独设计一章来讲述第三方示例,演示了YUI 和 jQuery JavaScript库的使用。.   本书适合初级和中级水平的JavaScript开发人员阅读,可作为高等院校计算机专业的JavaScript课程教材。



第1章 前言 1.1 本书的内容 1.2 本书的组织方式 1.3 致谢 第1部分 Objective-C语言 第2章 Objective-C程序设计 2.1 编译并运行程序 2.1.1 使用Xcode 2.1.2 使用Terminal 2.2 解释第一个程序 2.3 显示变量的值 2.4 小结 2.5 练习 第3章 类、对象和方法 3.1 到底什么是对象 3.2 实例和方法 3.3 用于处理分数的Objective-C类 3.4 @interface部分 3.4.1 选择名称 3.4.2 实例变量 3.4.3 类和实例方法 3.5 @implementation部分 3.6 Program部分 3.7 实例变量的访问以及数据封装 3.8 小结 3.9 练习 第4章 数据类型和表达式 4.1 数据类型和常量 4.1.1 int类型 4.1.2 float类型 4.1.3 double类型 4.1.4 char类型 4.1.5 限定词:long、long long、short、unsigned及signed 4.1.6 id类型 4.2 算术表达式 4.2.1 运算符的优先级 4.2.2 整数运算和一元负号运算符 4.2.3 模运算符 4.2.4 整型值和浮点值的相互转换 4.2.5 类型转换运算符 4.3 赋值运算符 4.4 计算器类 4.5 位运算符 4.5.1 按位与运算符 4.5.2 按位或运算符 4.5.3 按位异或运算符 4.5.4 一次求反运算符 4.5.5 向左移位运算符 4.5.6 向右移位运算符 4.6 类型:_Bool、_Complex和_Imaginary 4.7 练习 第5章 循环结构 5.1 for语句 5.1.1 键盘输入 5.1.2 嵌套的for循环 5.1.3 for循环的变形 5.2 while语句 5.3 do语句 5.4 break语句 5.5 continue语句 5.6 小结 5.7 练习 第6章 选择结构 6.1 if语句 6.1.1 if-else结构 6.1.2 复合条件测试 6.1.3 嵌套的if语句 6.1.4 else if结构 6.2 switch语句 6.3 Boolean变量 6.4 条件运算符 6.5 练习 第7章 类 7.1 分离接口和实现文件 7.2 合成存取器方法 7.3 使用点运算符访问属性 7.4 具有多个参数的方法 7.4.1 不带参数名的方法 7.4.2 关于分数的操作 7.5 局部变量 7.5.1 方法的参数 7.5.2 static关键字 7.6 self关键字 7.7 在方法中分配和返回对象 7.8 练习.. 第8章 继承 8.1 一切从根类开始 8.2 通过继承扩展—添加新方法 8.2.1 Point类和内存分配 8.2.2 @class指令 8.2.3 具有对象的类 8.3 重载方法 8.3.1 择哪个方法 8.3.2 重载dealloc方法和关键字super 8.4 通过继承扩展:添加新的实例变量 8.5 抽象类 8.6 练习 第9章 多态、动态类型和动态绑定 9.1 多态:相同的名称,不同的类 9.2 动态绑定和id类型 9.3 编译时和运行时检查 9.4 id数据类型与静态类型 9.5 有关类的问题 9.6 使用@try处理异常 9.7 练习 第10章 变量和数据类型 10.1 类的初始化 10.2 作用域回顾 10.2.1 控制实例变量作用域的指令 10.2.2 外部变量 10.2.3 静态变量 10.3 存储类说明符 10.3.1 auto 10.3.2 const 10.3.3 volatile 10.4 枚举数据类型 10.5 typedef语句 10.6 数据类型转换 10.6.1 转换规则 10.6.2 符号扩展 10.7 练习 第11章 分类和协议 11.1 分类 11.2 协议 11.3 合成对象 11.4 练习 第12章 预处理程序 12.1 #define语句 12.1.1 更高级的定义类型 12.1.2 #运算符 12.1.3 ##运算符 12.2 #import语句 12.3 条件编译 12.3.1 #ifdef、#endif、#else和#ifndef语句 12.3.2 #if和#elif预处理程序语句 12.3.3 #undef语句 12.4 练习 第13章 基本的C语言特性 13.1 数组 13.1.1 数组元素的初始化 13.1.2 字符数组 13.1.3 多维数组 13.2 函数 13.2.1 参数和局部变量 13.2.2 函数的返回结果 13.2.3 函数、方法和数组 13.3 结构 13.3.1 结构的初始化 13.3.2 结构数组 13.3.3 结构中的结构 13.3.4 关于结构的补充细节 13.3.5 不要忘记面向对象编程思想 13.4 指针 13.4.1 指针和结构 13.4.2 指针、方法和函数 13.4.3 指针和数组 13.4.4 指针运算 13.4.5 指针和内存地址 13.5 联合 13.6 它们不是对象 13.7 其他语言特性 13.7.1 Compound Literal 13.7.2 goto语句 13.7.3 空语句 13.7.4 逗号运算符 13.7.5 sizeof运算符 13.7.6 命令行参数 13.8 工作原理 事实#1:实例变量存储在结构中 事实#2:对象变量实际上是指针 事实#3:方法是函数,而消息表达式是 函数调用 事实#4:id类型是通用指针类型 13.9 练习 第二部分 Foundation框架 第14章 Foundation框架简介 第15章 数字、字符串和集合 15.1 数字对象 15.2 字符串对象 15.2.1 NSLog函数 15.2.2 可变对象与不可变对象 15.2.3 可变字符串 15.2.4 所有对象到哪里去了 15.3 数组对象 15.4 同步AddressCard方法 15.4.1 快速枚举 15.4.2 数组排序 15.5 词典对象 15.6 集合对象 15.7 练习 第16章 使用文件 16.1 管理文件和目录:NSFileManager 16.1.1 使用NSData类 16.1.2 使用目录 16.1.3 枚举目录中的内容 16.2 使用路径:NSPathUtilities.h 16.2.1 常用的路径处理方法 16.2.2 复制文件和使用NSProcessInfo类 16.3 基本的文件操作:NSFileHandle 16.4 练习 第17章 内存管理 17.1 自动释放池 17.2 引用计数 17.2.1 引用计数和字符串 17.2.2 引用计数与实例变量 17.3 自动释放池示例 17.4 内存管理规则摘要 17.5 垃圾回收 17.6 练习 第18章 复制对象 18.1 copy和mutableCopy方法 18.2 浅复制与深复制 18.3 实现协议 18.4 用赋值方法和取值方法复制对象 18.5 练习 第19章 归档 19.1 使用XML属性列表进行归档 19.2 使用NSKeyedArchiver归档 19.3 编码方法和解码方法 19.4 使用NSData创建自定义档案 19.5 使用归档程序复制对象 19.6 练习 第三部分 Cocoa和iPhone SDK 第20章 Cocoa简介 20.1 框架层 20.2 接触Cocoa 第21章 编写iPhone应用程序 21.1 iPhone SDK 21.2 第一个iPhone应用程序 21.2.1 创建新的iPhone应用程序项目 21.2.2 输入代码 21.2.3 设计界面 21.3 iPhone分数计算器 21.3.1 启动新的Fraction_Calculator项目 21.3.2 定义视图控制器 21.3.3 Fraction类 21.3.4 处理分数的Calculator类 21.3.5 设计UI 21.4 小结 21.5 练习 第四部分 附录 附录A 术语表 附录B Objective-C 2.0语言概览 附录C 地址簿源代码 附录D 资源



细节决定成败,思路清晰、言简意赅的代码让程序员一目了然;而格式凌乱、拖沓冗长的代码让程序员一头雾水。除了可以正确运行以外,优秀的代码必须具备良好的可读性,编写的代码要使其他人能在最短的时间内理解才行。本书旨在强调代码对人的友好性和可读性。 本书关注编码的细节,总结了很多提高代码可读性的小技巧,看似都微不足道,但是对于整个软件系统的开发而言,它们与宏观的架构决策、设计思想、指导原则同样重要。编码不仅仅只是一种技术,也是一门艺术,编写可读性高的代码尤其如此。如果你要成为一位优秀的程序员,要想开发出高质量的软件系统,必须从细处着手,做到内外兼修,本书将为你提供有效的指导。 主要内容: ■ 简化命名、注释和格式的方法,使每行代码都言简意赅。 ■ 梳理程序中的循环、逻辑和变量来减小复杂度并理清思路。 ■ 在函数级别解决问题,例如重新组织代码块,使其一次只做一件事。 ■ 编写有效的测试代码,使其全面而简洁,同时可读性更高。



目目录 引言....................................................................................................................................................................3 一、HTTP协议详解之URL篇...........................................................................................................................3 二、HTTP协议详解之请求篇...........................................................................................................................3 三、HTTP协议详解之响应篇...........................................................................................................................4 四、HTTP协议详解之消息报头篇...................................................................................................................5 1、普通报头..............................................................................................................................................5 2、请求报头..............................................................................................................................................6 3、响应报头..............................................................................................................................................7 4、实体报头..............................................................................................................................................7 五、利用telnet观察http协议的通讯过程.................................................................................................8 1、打开telnet.........................................................................................................................................8 2、连接服务器并发送请求......................................................................................................................9 3、实验结果:..........................................................................................................................................9 4、注意事项............................................................................................................................................10 六、HTTP协议相关技术补充.........................................................................................................................10 1、基础....................................................................................................................................................10 2、协议分析的优势—HTTP分析器检测网络攻击................................................................................11 3、HTTP协议ContentLenth限制漏洞导致拒绝服务攻击................................................................11 4、利用HTTP协议的特性进行拒绝服务攻击的一些构思...................................................................11 5、Http指纹识别技术...........................................................................................................................11 6、其他....................................................................................................................................................12


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