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CompTIA Cloud+ Exam CV0-002 练习题

CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002 253道题,本人顺利通过。原题答案有个别错误,本人根据参考书有修改。仅供参考!


Certified Analytics Professional CANDIDATE HANDBOOK

About the INFORMS Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) Program INFORMS is pleased to continue the implementation of CAP® the professional certification program that meets the needs of analytics professionals. The Certified Analytics Professional (CAP®) program was developed in 2011–2012. The first examination was administered on April 7, 2013, at the INFORMS Analytics Conference, April 7–9, in San Antonio, Texas. INFORMS analytics certification program advances the use of analytics by setting agreed upon standards for the profession and advances the profession by providing a means for organizations to identify and develop qualified analytics professionals, by contributing to the career success and continued competence for analytics professionals, and by improving the credibility and visibility of the analytics profession. INFORMS defines analytics as the scientific process of transforming data into insight for making better decisions. Analytics is seen as an end-to-end process beginning with identifying the business problem to evaluating and drawing conclusions about the prescribed solution arrived at though the use of analytics tools and methodologies. Analytics professionals are skilled at this process. INFORMS is the first professional society to develop a professional certification program for analytics professionals. Key components of the CAP® program include the following: 1. Formal credentialing requirements, including a standardized examination and required renewal process. 2. Program content based on the findings of a job task analysis working group, whose members represent a broad background of analytics practitioners (see the section titled “About the Professional Job Task Analysis Process”). 3. Agreed-upon eligibility criteria that consist of academic preparation, work experience in analytics, and an attestation from an employer confirming adequate mastery of soft skills in analytics. 4. Certification program content that is both software and vendor neutral. 5. Successful completion of the certification process enabling analytics professionals (and their employers) to have confidence that they bring a core set of analytics skills to a project team. The CAP® examination measures acceptable performance across seven major areas or domains of practice that adhere to the analytics end-to-end process: business problem framing, analytics problem framing, data, methodology selection, model building, deployment, and model life cycle management. See the “About the Professional Job Task Analysis Process” section for more information about the end-to-end process that is covered by the exam. Because analytics is an end-to-end process, the CAP® examination assesses a breadth of knowledge across the seven domains, but not a depth of knowledge in any one methodology. Those interested in taking the CAP® examination should consider themselves to be analytics professionals or semi-professionals, and not analytics amateurs. They should be interested in adhering to the highest standards of good analytics 2 practice and following a path of continual professional development in analytics. Candidates must have at least three years of experience in analytics depending on their academic degree. See the “Eligibility Requirements” section for more information on qualifying for the CAP® examination. CAP® program development formally began in August 2011, when INFORMS established the INFORMS Certification Task Force to plan and develop this new analytics certification.



PCI Express® Base Specification Revision 3.0 This specification describes the PCI Express® architecture, interconnect attributes, fabric management, and the programming interface required to design and build systems and peripherals that are compliant with the PCI Express Specification. The goal is to enable such devices from different vendors to inter-operate in an open architecture. The specification is intended as an enhancement to the PCI™ architecture spanning multiple market 5 segments; Clients (Desktops and Mobile), Servers (Standard and Enterprise), and Embedded and Communication devices. The specification allows system OEMs and peripheral developers adequate room for product versatility and market differentiation without the burden of carrying obsolete interfaces or losing compatibility.



前言 过去二十年,我一直在磁盘工业中打转。包括一九八五至一九九二年与 陈希孟先生两次同事,先在高智一年,又要海门(Seagate Technology)七年, 去年底返台,又见到希孟,他在一科技,带了一批年青的小伙子,在极其 因难的环境中,日夜努力,要为中国的磁盘机工业,立椿下地。看看他们 的人手,再看看他们的成果,好是佩服。参观之后,他拿出了这本书说: “你看,我们在空间的时候,写了本书"。我好感动,“写这种参考书, 费时,费力,发不了财,也出不了名"。他说,“我知道,只是觉得应 该有这样一本书,没人写,所以我们就写了"。好是爽快。 返美之后,花了两个月才念完这本,看了之后,有几个感想,第一,此书 深入浅出,中英文一起来,对我是受用,好几相以前想不通的东西,现 在清楚多了。第二,他举的例子,都是实实在在的真实例子,他多少年身 体力学的东西,都平平白白的撬了出来。第三,书的重点从设计、生产、 品质控制、市场价格,都一一交待清楚。第四,任何一种设计,有个缺 点,折衷优劣都分析得 恰到好处,大半时间,还给一个实用的数字(Rule of Thumb)以为参考。第五,硬盘机是一门日新又新的工业,过去十年,台 湾、大陆,都见过人家的生产线,一两年这后就都落伍停工了。此书一而 再,再而三的强调,此行业是逆水行舟的行业,不进则退。因此,书中提 许多目前及将来的新发展如“磁阻式磁头,(MR Head),局部响应大相似 (PRML Read Channel),都定自选性调整(Read / Write Adaptive ) 都是未来数年热 门的科技。 有了这本书,台湾硬盘机工业的发展就有一个起发点,中英文名词对 照也有了个准则。Seagate 正在大陆无锡建厂,若我去那里,这本书会跟我 去,那么它就是台湾与大陆磁盘科技交流的开始。



0、工作组名一致。 1、检查两台电脑的IP是否处在同一网段,子网掩码是否相同。 2、在“控制面板”中的“用户帐户”启用Guest帐号。 3、在开始菜单运行中输入secpol.msc启动“本地安全策略”,本地策略 -> 用户权利分配, 打开“拒绝从网络访问这台计算机”,删除guest用户。 4、打开控制面板 -> 网络和Internet连接 -> Windows防火墙 -> 例外,勾选“文件和打印机共享”。 5、是否有共享资源(共享文件夹设为共享?)。 6、本地策略 -> 安全选项,禁止"帐户:使用空白密码的本地帐户只允许进行控制台登陆"。 7、运行注册表编辑器(在运行键入“regedit”),依次打开:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa, 将键名为“restrictanonymous”的值从“1”改为“0”,即可解决蕃茄花园v2.3局域网中的访问问题 8、访问XP的时候,登录对话框中的用户名是灰的,始终是Guest用户,不能输入别的用户帐号。 解决方法:本地策略 -> 安全选项 -> "网络访问:本地帐户的共享和安全模式",修改为"经典-本 地用户以自己的身份验证" 9、对方电脑不弹出用户名框,可进入电脑,打不开对方电脑上某用户共享文件夹。原因为本机用户名为Administrator, 将本机用户名改为其它任一用户名。 另:为Guest设密码,为在“运行”中输入:rundll32 netplwiz.dll,UsersRunDll 在“用户帐户”的“用户”选项卡下先选中Guest 用户,然后再点下面的“重设密码”,给Guest用户设个密码,顺便把上面的那个勾也打上吧。——主要争对XP家庭版。 注:有些设置要重启电脑才有效果。


MS Excel 函数手册

目录 一. 函数应用基础 ................................................................................................................ 1 1. 函数和公式 ................................................................................................................ 1 [1]. 什么是函数 ..................................................................................................... 1 [2]. 什么是公式 ..................................................................................................... 1 2. 函数参数 .................................................................................................................... 1 [1]. 常量 ................................................................................................................ 1 [2]. 逻辑值 ............................................................................................................ 2 [3]. 数组 ................................................................................................................ 2 [4]. 错误值 ............................................................................................................ 2 [5]. 单元格引用 ..................................................................................................... 2 [6]. 嵌套函数 ......................................................................................................... 3 [7]. 名称和标志 ..................................................................................................... 3 3. 函数输入方法 ............................................................................................................ 3 [1]. “插入函数”对话框 ....................................................................................... 3 [2]. 编辑栏输入 ..................................................................................................... 4 二. 函数速查一览 ................................................................................................................ 4 1. 数据库函数 ................................................................................................................ 4 [1]. DAVERAGE ................................................................................................... 4 [2]. DCOUNT ........................................................................................................ 4 [3]. DCOUNTA ..................................................................................................... 5 [4]. DGET .............................................................................................................. 5 [5]. DMAX ............................................................................................................ 5 [6]. DMIN .............................................................................................................. 5 [7]. DPRODUCT .................................................................................................... 5 [8]. DSTDEV .......................................................................................................... 5 [9]. DSTDEVP) ....................................................................................................... 5 [10]. DSUM ...................................................................................................... 6 [11]. DVAR ...................................................................................................... 6 [12]. DVARP .................................................................................................... 6 [13]. GETPIVOTDATA...................................................................................... 6 2. 日期与时间函数 ......................................................................................................... 6 [1]. DATE............................................................................................................... 6 [2]. DATEVALUE ................................................................................................... 7 [3]. DAY ................................................................................................................ 7 [4]. DAYS360 ........................................................................................................ 7 [5]. EDATE ............................................................................................................. 8 [6]. EOMONTH ..................................................................................................... 8 [7]. HOUR ............................................................................................................. 8 [8]. MINUTE ........................................................................................................... 8 [9]. MONTH


Principles by Ray Dalio

What follows are three distinct parts that can be read either independently or as a connected whole. Part 1 is about the purpose and importance of having principles in general, having nothing to do with mine. Part 2 explains my most fundamental life principles that apply to everything I do. Part 3, explains my management principles as they are being lived out at Bridgewater. Since my management principles are simply my most fundamental life principles applied to management, reading Part 2 will help you to better understand Part 3, but it’s not required—you can go directly to Part 3 to see what my management principles are and how Bridgewater has been run. One day I’d like to write a Part 4 on my investment principles. If you are looking to get the most bang for your buck (i.e., understanding for the effort), I suggest that you read Parts 1 and 2, and the beginning of Part 3 (through the Summary and Table of Principles) which will give you nearly the whole picture. It’s only about 55 pages of a normal size book. Above all else, I want you to think for yourself—to decide 1) what you want, 2) what is true and 3) what to do about it. I want you to do that in a clear-headed thoughtful way, so that you get what you want. I wrote this book to help you do that. I am going to ask only two things of you—1) that you be open-minded and 2) that you honestly answer some questions about what you want, what is true and what you want to do about it. If you do these things, I believe that you will get a lot out of this book. If you can’t do these things, you should reflect on why that is, because you probably have discovered one of your greatest impediments to getting what you want out of life. Introduction …… 2 Part 1: The Importance of Principles …… 4 Part 2: My Most Fundamental Life Principles …… 6 Part 3: My Management Principles …… 38


Hard Drive Self-tests

介绍硬盘的自检功能。自检功能包含三大部分: 1) an electrical segment wherein the drive tests its own electronics. The particular tests in this segment are vendor specific, but as examples: this segment might include such tests as a buffer RAM test, a read/write circuitry test, and/or a test of the read/write head elements. 2) a seek/servo segment wherein the drive tests it capability to find and servo on data tracks. The particular methodology used in this test is also vendor specific. 3) a read/verify scan segment wherein the drive performs read scanning of some portion of the disk surface. The amount and location of the surface scanned are dependent on the completion time constraint and are vendor specific.


Solid-State Drive (SSD) Requirements and Endurance Test Method

This standard defines JEDEC requirements for solid state drives. For each defined class of solid state drive, the standard defines the conditions of use and the corresponding endurance verification requirements. Although endurance is to be rated based upon the standard conditions of use for the class,the standard also sets out requirements for possible additional use conditions as agreed to between manufacturer and purchaser.


NAND Flash Interface Interoperability Standard

This document defines a standard NAND flash device interface interoperability standard that provides means for a system to be designed that can support Asynchronous SDR, Synchronous DDR and Toggle DDR NAND flash devices that are interoperable between JEDEC and ONFI member implementations. This standard was jointly developed by JEDEC and the Open NAND Flash Interface Wokrgroup, hereafter referred to as ONFI


NVMe Specification Revision 1.2a



Word2CHM Assistant(Word2CHM助手)

已破解,注册码任意 WORD2CHM Assistant CHM制作助手-制作CHM的必备工具! 从筋疲力尽,到举手之劳!当您已经拥有一份WORD格式的文档时,如何让它转变成体积更小、速度更快、层次分明、简便易读的CHM文档呢? 【以前,也许您不得不这样做】: 1、将Word文档存为一个html文档; 2、使用CHM制作工具编译生成的html文档为CHM文档; 问题:生成的帮助没有层次,不便于阅读和检索; 解决:1、为整个文档中的每个章节生成不同的html文档,可能多达几十甚至数百个html文档; 2、使用CHM制作工具打开每个html文档并挂接到相应层次上; 3、使用CHM制作工具编译CHM文档。 问题:1、层次混乱:生成的html中自动编号丢失或重排; 2、工作量大:精力高度集中,稍稍疏忽将致使工作重做; 3、周期漫长:一个300页的Word帮助文档,分解、挂接工作大概需要一周的时间; 4、维护困难:要同时维护WORD格式和CHM格式两份文档,容易造成不统一。 解决:很难。 【现在,Word2CHM Assistant令您只需】: 1、打开将Word或html文档(建议是Word存储的‘筛选过的Web页’); 2、点击生成按钮,生成CHM文档。 Word2CHM Assistant优势: 智能:本软件一次可以同时处理多个帮助文档并分别生成CHM文档,层次自动生成,支持多级层次; 快速:制作一个300页的Word文档大约只需要10分钟(在PIII733/256M内存环境下); 方便:用户只需维护一份Word格式的文档,随时可以快速生成美观实用的CHM文档; 绿色:本软件无需安装,直接使用。 注:原始Word文档需要按照'标题1、标题2...'规划层次(可采用大纲模式编辑一下)。 *示例文件使用方法: 随软件提供WORD文档及用WORD另存出的HTML文档一份。本软件同时支持对此两种文档的直接转换。 *常见问题: 在打开WORD文档,点击生成按钮时,提示生成中间文件失败。可能是以下原因: 1,WORD版本太低(WORD2000以下); 2,安装OFFICE时,没有选择安装文件转换器; 3,磁盘已经满; 4,磁盘写保护。



WebSphere快速入门 1 摘要 1 第一章 电子商务基础知识 1 1.1 电子商务理念 1 图1-1:电子商务周期模型 2 1.2 Internet基础知识 2 1.3 Web基本知识 3 1.4 Java 简介 4 第二章 电子商务应用框架 6 2.1 基本系统模型 7 图2-1:基本系统模型 7 2.2 体系结构 8 图2-2:应用框架的体系结构 8 2.3 Web应用编程模型 10 图2-3:Web应用的拓扑结构 10 图2-4:Web应用的交互模型 11 2.4 WebSphere 12 第三章 WebSphere Studio应用开发 13 3.1 Lotus Domino Go Webserver 13 3.2 IBM WebSphere Studio 15 3.3 NetObjects Fusion 18 图3-2 页面视图 19 图3-3:样式视图 21 图3-4:对象集视图 21 图3-5:发布视图 22 3.4 NetObjects BeanBuilder 22 3.5 VisualAge for Java 27 第四章 Java Servlet技术 28 4.1 Servlet简介 28 4.2 创建HTTP Servlet 30 4.3 调用 Servlet 32 第五章 JSP技术 35 5.1 JSP简介 35 5.2 JSP示例 36 5.3 JSP 语法 37 5.4 JSP API 42 第六章 WebSphere应用服务器 43 6.1 基本特性 43 6.2 安装与配置 44 6.3 定制配置 48 6.4 部署Servlet 49 6.5 连接管理器 50 6.6 用户简要表 52 6.7会话跟踪 53 6.8 安全性 54 第七章 WebSphere应用编程 58 7.1 数据库应用编程 59 7.2 会话编程 71 7.3 PageListSevlet技术 73 参考文献 75 附录Ⅰ IBM WebSphere Studio实验以及应用开发实验的设置指导 76 特别提醒 76 引言 76 一些有用的提示 76 需要的软件 77 需要的硬件(至少) 77 第1部分 两个实验都要的设置 78 1.操作系统 78 2. WinZip 7.0 79 3. Netscape 79 4.DB2 UDB (如果安装WebSphere Standard Edition才作这一步) 79 5.IBM Java Development Kit 1.1.7 79 6.Lotus Domino Go Webserver Version 只安装: 79 7.IBM WebSphere Application Server 2.0 Advanced Edition 80 8.设置IBM HTTP Server 80 9.IBM WebSphere Studio V1.0 80 10.IBM VisualAge for Java V2.0 Enterprise Edition (如果有的话,第6步里不要安装Java Pro) 81 11.我的电脑。 81 第2部分 WebSphere Studio 实验的设置和确认 81 设置IBM WebSphere Studio 实验 81 确认IBM WebSphere Studio 实验 81 第3部分 WebSphere 应用开发实验的设置和确认 82 设置IBM WebSphere 应用开发实验 82 确认IBM WebSphere开发者工作室 83 第4部分 其它考虑 83 附录Ⅱ IBM WebSphere Studio实验指导 84 Lab1A(Fusion 1):创建JKToys网站 84 第一部分:创建一个新的NetObjects Fusion站点叫做JKToys 84 第二部分:为JKToys站点创建一个新的站点风格 84 第三部分:为Welcome page创建MasterBoard 85 第四部分:为JKToys站点创建初始HTML页面 86 Custom Name->Navigation Button 86 Parent Page 86 New Page Name 86 第五部分:完成Welcome page 86 第六部分:发表你的站点 87 Lab1B(Fusion2):继续创建JKToys网站 87 第一部分:创建别的MasterBorders 88 第二部分:完成JKToys Shopping page 89 第三部分:完成JKToys Self-service page 89 第四部分:完成JKToys Kids Zone page 90 第五部分:完成JKToys Information page 90 第六部分:发表你的站点 91 第七部分(可选):增加Store Locator Page 91 State 91 Anchor 91 Lab2:使用NetObjects BeanBuilder创建 Applet 92 第一部分:开始创建applet,把图载入Gallery,放在applet canvas上放一个图 92 第二部分:把4 Rollover Buttons和5 URl链接放到applet canvas上 92 第三部分:设置所有的属性,建立URL 链接的连接 93 第四部分:增加两个Java方法,创建正确的URL 94 第五部分:发表applet作为一个NFX组件 94 第六部分:在你在NetObjects Fusion里创建的站点里载入Applet 95 第七部分:发表你的站点 95 Lab3:WebShpere Studio & BeanBuilder with WebRunner Beans 95 第一部分:创建Applet JKChart 96 Lab4:创建JSP页面来执行JKToys 数据库上的雇员搜寻 97 第一部分:用SQL向导创建SQL查询 98 Tabbed Window 98 Action Explanation 98 Welcome 98 Logon 98 第二部分:建立Database Servlets 99 第三部分:发表生成的servlet 100 第四部分:测试生成的JSP 101 附录Ⅲ IBM WebSphere应用开发实验指导 101 Servlet 1A:创建一个简单的客户注册servlet 101 第一部分 101 第二部分 102 Servlet 1B:改进客户注册servelt 105 第一部分:创建getFormInput()方法 105 第二部分:处理InvalidParameterException异常 106 第三部分:产生一个定制的输出HTML页面 106 第四部分:输出和在VisualAge外面运行servlet 107 Servlet2:JKToys Login和Toy Display Servlets 108 第一部分:修改Login servlet来保存会话数据 108 第二部分:创建DisplayToysServlet servlet 111 第三部分:完成servlet,显示在DisplayToysServlet里选中的玩具 114 JSP3:JSP页面 116 第一部分:JSP文件 116 第二部分:发表、运行和调试JSP 117 JSPBeans4:JavaServer Pages with Beans 118 第一部分:更新JKToys JavaBean 118 第二部分:调用JSP 119 第三部分:Populating the JSP 119 Studio5:WebSphere Studio Servlet Wizards 120 JDBCLab:用JDBC访问一个数据库 122 第一部分:理解regsiter()方法在RegistrationServlet中的工作原理 122 第二部分 123 安全:Servlet安全 124 第一部分:初始设置和Servlet命名 124 第二部分:增加用户和用户组 125 第三部分:创建ACL和增加资源 125



TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹


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