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The background We provided a practical definition for microservices in the first chapter. In this chapter, let's define microservices a bit more. To fully appreciate microservices, let's start by telling the story of their rise. Before the idea of microservices became popular, most applications used to be monolithic. A monolithic application is a single application that tries to get numerous tasks accomplished at once. Then, as new features are needed, the application will get bigger and bulkier. This, in effect, produced unmaintainable applications in the long run. With the emergence of cloud computing, and distributed applications with massive loads, the need for a more flexible application architecture became obvious.



An embedded system is a special-purpose computer system that is designed to perform very small sets of designated activities. Embedded systems date back as early as the late 1960s where they used to control electromechanical telephone switches. The first recognizable embedded system was the Apollo guidance computer developed by Charles Draper and his team. Later they found their way into the military, medical sciences, and the aerospace and automobile industries. Today they are widely used to serve various purposes; some examples are the following.


Learning FPGAs.pdf(完美英文版)

Designing digital circuits used to be something that only big companies could afford to do. It used to require creating application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs)—taking weeks or months to produce an actual chip, and requiring piles of cash or wiring together tons of individual chips to perfor


Beginning C++17, 5th Edition(英文完美版)pdf

Welcome to Beginning C++17. This is a revised and updated version of Ivor Horton’s original book called Beginning ANSI C++. The C++ language has been extended and improved considerably since then, so much so that it was no longer possible to squeeze detailed explanations of all of C++ into a single book. This tutorial will teach the essentials of the C++ language and Standard Library features, which will be more than enough for you to write your own C++ applications. With the knowledge from this book, you should have no difficulty in extending the depth and scope of your C++ expertise.


Pro Processing for Images and Computer Vision with OpenCV(英文版pdf)

The chapter introduces you to Processing and OpenCV and how to install them. By the end of the chapter, you will have a general understanding about the types of applications you can build by following the examples in this book. You will also be able to write a “Hello World” program to display version information for OpenCV within the Processing programming environment.



An embedded system is a device with a computer inside that doesn't look like a computer. Washing machines, televisions, printers, cars, aircraft, and robots are all controlled by a computer of some sort, and in some cases, more than one. As these devices become more complex, and as our expectations of the things that we can do with them expand, the need for a powerful operating system to control them grows. Increasingly, Linux is the operating system of choice.



The_Zynq_Book_Tutorials for Zybo and Zedboard(英文版)


Mastering OpenCV 3 - Second Edition.pdf

Preface Mastering OpenCV3, Second Edition contains seven chapters, where each chapter is a tutorial for an entire project from start to finish, based on OpenCV's C++ interface, including the full source code. The author of each chapter was chosen for their well-regarded online contributions to the OpenCV community on that topic, and the book was reviewed by one of the main OpenCV developers. Rather than explaining the basics of OpenCV functions, this book shows how to apply OpenCV to solve whole problems, including several 3D camera projects (augmented reality, and 3D structure from Motion) and several facial analysis projects (such as skin detection, simple face and eye detection, complex facial feature tracking, 3D head orientation estimation, and face recognition), therefore it makes a great companion to the existing OpenCV books.


Android Application Programming with OpenCV 3.pdf



Who this book is for This cookbook is appropriate for novice C++ programmers who want to learn how to use the OpenCV library to build computer vision applications. It is also suitable for professional software developers who wants to be introduced to the concepts of computer vision programming. It can be used as a companion book in university-level computer vision courses. It constitutes an excellent reference for graduate students and researchers in image processing and computer vision.






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