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Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版)

Google Android SDK开发范例大全(完整版)


Software Test Automation

This book describes how to structure and build an automated testing<br>regime that will give lasting benefits in the use of test execution tools to



深入学习ASP.NET.2.0.AJAX(Atlas)的推荐书籍(英文版),简介如下:<br>Are you ready to build more responsive web applications with richer UI elements? This detailed guide to the Microsoft AJAX Library shows you how to bring together ASP.NET 2.0 with an object-oriented approach to JavaScript development using this new framework from Microsoft. You'll gain an in-depth understanding of the ASP.NET AJAX architecture, including the server controls, client-side JavaScript library, and runtime environment. By following the numerous examples, you'll see how much your users benefit from this new class of web applications that manipulate the browser's DOM and communicate with the server to update the user's view of a page without waiting for the entire page to be refreshed. <br><br>Written by Microsoft's lead ASP.NET AJAX developer together with an in-the-field Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional), this book guides you through the core of the Microsoft AJAX Library and the controls you will use to leverage AJAX. It provides you with code samples to take advantage of some of the popular shared-source ASP.NET AJAX Toolkit controls and extensions. And you'll work through debugging functionality in Visual Studio and the browser as well as methods for effective testing. <br><br>What you will learn from this book <br><br>How to create a better user experience by adding more dynamic UIs <br>Steps for accessing ASP.NET profile and authentication services <br>Ways to simplify programming tasks using the Microsoft AJAX Library <br>Strategies for testing web applications to achieve optimal performance <br>Methods for developing custom AJAX controls <br>Who this book is for <br><br>This book is for experienced ASP.NET developers who want to add AJAX to their applications. It is also for experienced web developers who want to move to ASP.NET and AJAX together.


(2007)Introducing Microsoft ASP.Net AJAX

最新学习了解ASP.Net AJAX(Atlas)的好书。(英文版本的)



软件质量是被大多数程序员挂在嘴上而不是放在心上的东西!<br/>除了完全外行和真正的编程高手外,初读本书,你最先的感受将是惊慌:“哇!我以<br/>前捏造的C++/C 程序怎么会有那么多的毛病?”<br/>别难过,作者只不过比你早几年、多几次惊慌而已。<br/>请花一两个小时认真阅读这本百页经书,你将会获益匪浅,这是前面N-1 个读者的<br/>建议。


VC Multithread

Win32 多线程的性能(1)... 1<br/>Win32 多线程的性能(2)... 10<br/>关于多线程的一些细节... 23<br/>用VC++5.0 实 现 多 线 程 的 调 度 和 处 理... 25<br/>一 多 任 务, 多 进 程 和 多 线 程... 25<br/>二 基 于MFC 的 多 线 程 编 程... 26<br/>三 编 程 实 例... 29<br/>用VC++5实现多线程... 35<br/>Windows95下多线程编程技术及其实现... 40<br/>多线程编程应注意的问题... 44<br/>多线程程序设计... 45<br/>Visual C++ 5.0中的多线程编程技术... 50<br/>关于线程... 62<br/>采用多线程进行数据采集... 64<br/>循环创建多线程时保证参数的有效性... 67<br/>MFC中多线程的应用... 70<br/>线程通信初探... 84<br/>VC++多线程下内存操作的优化... 88<br/>任务,过程,和线程... 95<br/>使用临界段实现优化的进程间同步对象-原理和实现... 100


VC++ 编程指南

第一课 Windows编程和面向对象技术 <br/><br/>  1.1 Windows发展历史<br/>  1.2 Windows操作系统特点 <br/>  1.3 Windows应用程序设计的特点 <br/>  1.4 Windows应用程序的开发工具<br/>  1.5 面向对象和Windows编程 <br/><br/>第二课 使用Visual C++ 5.0 <br/><br/><br/>  2.1 Visual C++可视化集成开发环境<br/>  2.2 创建、组织文件、工程和工作区<br/>  2.3 WIN32开发<br/>  2.4 MFC编程<br/>  2.5 移植C Windows程序到MFC<br/>  2.6 Visual C++5.0新特性 <br/><br/>第三课 窗口、菜单与消息框 <br/><br/>  3.1 编写第一个窗口程序<br/>  3.2 AppWizard所创建的文件<br/>  3.3 编译和链接Hello程序<br/>  3.4 应用程序执行机制<br/>  3.5几种窗口类型<br/>  3.6 使用菜单<br/>  3.7 更新命令用户接口(UI)消息<br/>  3.8 快捷菜单 <br/><br/>第四课 工具条和状态栏 <br/><br/>  4.1 工具条的可视化设计<br/>  4.2 工具条的编程技术<br/>  4.3 状态栏的设计与实现 <br/><br/>第五课 对话框 <br/><br/>  5.1对话框和控件的基本概念<br/>  5.2 对话框模板的设计<br/>  5.3 对话框类的设计<br/>  5.4 非模态对话框<br/>  5.5 标签式对话框<br/>  5.6 公用对话框<br/>  5.7 小结 <br/><br/>第六课 控件 <br/><br/>6.1 传统控件<br/>  6.2 新型Win32控件<br/>  6.3 控件的技术总结<br/>  6.4 在非对话框窗口中使用控件<br/>  6.5 如何设计新的控件<br/>  6.6 小结<br/><br/>第七课 文档视结构 <br/>  7.1 文档/视图概念 <br/>   7.2 文档视结构程序实例<br/>  7.3 让文档视结构程序支持卷滚<br/>  7.4 定制串行化<br/>  7.5 不使用串行化的文档视结构程序<br/>  7.6 小 结<br/><br/>第八课 多文档界面MDI <br/><br/>  8.1多文档界面窗口<br/>  8.2图形设备接口(GDI)<br/>  8.3 绘图程序<br/>  8.4访问当前活动视图和活动文档<br/>  8.5分隔视图<br/>  8.6打印和打印预览<br/>  8.7支持多个文档类型的文档视结构程序<br/>  8.8防止应用程序运行时创建空白窗口<br/>  8.9小结<br/><br/>第九课 创建用户模块<br/><br/>  9.1用户模块<br/>  9.2静态连接库<br/>  9.3创建动态库<br/>  9.4小结<br/><br/>第十课 数据库编程<br/><br/>  10.1 数据库的基本概念<br/>  10.2 ODBC基本概念<br/>  10.3 MFC的ODBC类简介<br/>  10.4 CDatabase类<br/>  10.5 CRecordset类<br/>  10.6 CRecordView类<br/>  10.7 编写Enroll数据库应用例程<br/>  10.8 DAO和DAO类<br/>  10.9 自动注册DSN和创建表<br/>  10.10 小结 <br/><br/>第十一课 多媒体编程<br/><br/>  11.1 调色板 <br/>  11.2位图 <br/>  11.3依赖于设备的位图(DDB) <br/>  1.4与设备无关的位图(DIB) <br/>  11.5动画控件 <br/>  11.6媒体控制接口(MCI). <br/>  11,7小结  <br/><br/>第十二章 多线程与串行通信<br/><br/>  12.1 多任务、进程和线程<br/>  12.2 线程的同步<br/>  12.3 串行通信与重叠I/O<br/>  12.4 一个通信演示程序<br/>  12.5 小结 <br/>



Welcome to Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days! Today you will get started on your way to becoming a proficient C++ programmer. You'll learn <br/>Why C++ is the emerging standard in software development. <br/>The steps to develop a C++ program. <br/>How to enter, compile, and link your first working C++ program.


C++ 入门基础(适合初学者)



Design for Testability of Software Components

Component engineering is gaining substantial interest in the software engineering community. A lot of research<br/>efforts have been devoted to the analysis and design methods for component-based software. However, only few<br/>papers address component testability issues and solutions for and solutions for component-based software. This<br/>paper focuses on how to increase component testability using a systematic approach to generate testable software<br/>components. It introduces the new concept of testable components, and discusses its perspectives and the<br/>approaches to increase component testability. The major contribution of this paper is its systematic method to<br/>construct testable components based on the given COTS or in-house components. With this method, various<br/>software components could be validated using a general component test bed and common component test<br/>framework in a systematic manner. The given application examples and case study results show the strong<br/>potential of using this solution to achieve component test automation. In addition, the development of a general<br/>component test bed is also reported.


Test Driven Development

Clean code that works, in Ron Jeffries’ pithy phrase. The goal is clean code that<br/>works, and for a whole bunch of reasons:<br/>• Clean code that works is a predictable way to develop. You know when you are<br/>finished, without having to worry about a long bug trail.<br/>• Clean code that works gives you a chance to learn all the lessons that the code<br/>has to teach you. If you only ever slap together the first thing you think of, you<br/>never have time to think of a second, better, thing.<br/>• Clean code that works improves the lives of users of our software.<br/>• Clean code that works lets your teammates count on you, and you on them.<br/>• Writing clean code that works feels good.


A Practitioner's Guide to Software Test Design

This text presents all the important test design techniques in a single place and in a consistent, and easy-to-digest format. It enables you to choose the best test case design, find software defects, develop optimal strategies, and more.


A Component Testability Model for Verification and Measurement

Since components are the major building blocks for component-based systems, developing high quality components is becoming very critical in component-based software engineering. To generate high quality components, we must pay attention to component testability to ensure that reusable components are


Ieee Software Testing Standard

IEEE Guide to Software Design Description


Tracking Component-Based Software

Component engineering is gaining substantial interest<br/>in the software engineering community. A lot of<br/>research efforts have been devoted to analysis and<br/>design methods for component-based software.<br/>However, only very few papers address the testing<br/>and maintenance problems of component-based<br/>software. The paper focuses on the component<br/>traceability, related issues and solutions in testing and<br/>maintenance of component-based software. To<br/>increase component traceability in a distributed<br/>program, we proposes a systematic approach to<br/>adding the component traceability in a distributed<br/>component-based program so that we can check,<br/>track, and monitor the diverse component behaviors<br/>and their performance in a distributed environment.<br/>Moreover, we introduce the concept of traceable<br/>components, and use examples to demonstrate how<br/>to construct them in a systematic way.


program c#

This book is a tutorial, both on C# and on writing .NET applications with C#. Part I focuses on the<br/>details of the language. If you are already proficient in a programming language, you may be able to<br/>skim this section, but be sure to read through Chapter 1, which provides an overview of the<br/>language and the .NET platform. If you are new to programming, you'll want to read the book as the<br/>King of Hearts instructed the White Rabbit: "Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the<br/>end: then stop



To Hermes, Apollo, Athena, and my cats, for their wisdom<br/>—D.C.<br/>To my wife; I’m surprised you said yes<br/>—E.P.<br/>To my red-headed wife<br/>—D.J.


HTTP Pocket Reference

All web programmers, administrators, and application developers need to be familiar with HTTP in order to work effectively. The HTTP Pocket Reference provides a solid conceptual foundation of HTTP, and also serves as a quick reference to each of the headers and status codes that compose an HTTP transaction. For those who need to get "beyond the browser," this book is the place to start.


HTTP The Definitive Guide

Web technology has become the foundation for all sorts of critical networked applications and far-reaching methods of data exchange, and beneath it all is a fundamental protocol: HyperText Transfer Protocol, or HTTP. HTTP: The Definitive Guide documents everything that technical people need for using HTTP efficiently. A reader can understand how web applications work, how the core Internet protocols and architectural building blocks interact, and how to correctly implement Internet clients and servers.


JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook

On numerous online forums for JavaScript and DHTML, the majority of questions begin with "How do I...?" This new Cookbook provides the answers with a comprehensive collection of problems, solutions, and practical examples. The book's recipes range from simple tasks, such as manipulating strings and validating dates in JavaScript, to entire libraries that demonstrate complex tasks, such as cross-browser positioning of HTML elements and sorting tables.


Javascript Manual Of Style

This is a book about writing exciting Web pages with JavaScript. Before JavaScript or its ancestor, LiveScript, Web pages were written in HTML. The pages could be very sophisticated in their layout, but they just sat there. JavaScript can make your Web pages come alive. Your Web pages can now be dynamic, changing before the user's eyes. JavaScript can make your Web pages both more interesting and more fun. <br/><br/>JavaScript isn't very difficult to learn. I myself picked up the basics in a matter of hours. You can, too. <br/><br/>You don't need to read this book cover to cover, and you don't have to read the chapters in any particular order. Skip around, read what seems interesting, and write some code. It's the best way to learn. You will need a copy of Netscape Navigator, preferably version 2.01 or later, but that's all. I use WebMania! to write some of my code, because it takes care of a lot of the details that I might forget, but all you really need is a simple ASCII text editor-vi, emacs, Notepad, whatever. <br/><br/>This book is divided into three parts. The first part includes three chapters. Chapter 1is a quick introduction to JavaScript that describes what it is and where it came from. Chapter 2explains what JavaScript is good for, outlining what you can do with it. Chapter 3lets me get up on my soapbox and do a little preaching about what makes a good Web page, what makes a bad Web page, and what you can do to keep your pages on the good list. <br/><br/>The second section consists of six chapters, all of which contain a complete JavaScript Web page. Each chapter introduces a problem, demonstrates how you might solve it without JavaScript, and then shows how you can craft a much better solution with JavaScript. These chapters all conclude with some thoughts on how you can enhance the solution and how you can adapt the techniques to creating your own Web pages with JavaScript. In every chapter, the JavaScript code is discussed in depth, function by function. No mysteries; there's no one behind the curtain. If you don't understand something about the code, write me at [email protected]. I'll be glad to answer your questions! <br/><br/>Finally, the third section contains six appendices, chock full of useful reference material: the character set, reserved words, a review of HTML, the JavaScript operators, JavaScript's built-in objects and functions, and online resources. Again, if there's something I missed, write me. I want to help. <br/><br/>This book was written on a nameless 486-based desktop system lovingly assembled by Computer Options of Raleigh, North Carolina, and on a Pentium-based Samsung notebook, using Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0 under Windows 3.1 (the desktop) and Windows 95 (the notebook). The Web pages created were tested on both platforms, as well as on a Sun Microsystems Sparc-10 running Solaris 2.4 and on the desktop system under Linux 1.2.1. Luke Cassady-Dorion, my excellent technical editor, also ran them on his Macintosh. The Web pages were written with WebMania! 1.5. Screen shots were taken with Collage Complete 1.0, and enhanced with Paint Shop Pro 3.12. My Web space provider is Hurricane Electric (he.net; my home page is http://www.he.net/~marcj/index.html), and the Web pages were loaded onto their server for live testing. All of this was accomplished through my Internet service provider, nando.net. <br/><br/>I had a lot of fun writing this book, and I hope it proves to be a useful addition to your library.


JavaScript Pocket Reference (2nd Edition)

JavaScript is a lightweight, object-based scripting language that can be embedded in HTML pages. This book starts with coverage of the core JavaScript language, followed by material on client-side JavaScript, as used in web browsers. The final portion of this book is a quick-reference for the core and client-side JavaScript APIs.



HTML & XHTML: The Definitive Guide, 5th Edition is the most comprehensive, up-to-date book available on HTML and XHTML. The authors cover every element of HTML/XHTML in detail, explaining how each element works and how it interacts with other elements. With hundreds of examples, the book gives you models for writing your own effective web pages and for mastering advanced features like style sheets and frames



.NET & XML provides an in-depth, concentrated tutorial for intermediate to advanced-level developers. Additionally, it includes a complete reference to the XML-related namespaces within the .NET Framework. XML is an extremely flexible technology, and Microsoft has implemented most of the tools programmers need to use it very extensively. .NET & XML aims to help you understand the intersection between the two technologies for maximum effectiveness.



In this new edition of the best selling title, the author explains the important and relevant XML technologies and their capabilities clearly and succinctly with plenty of real-life projects and useful examples. He outlines the elements of markup--demystifying concepts such as attributes, entities, and namespaces--and provides enough depth and examples to get started. Learning XML is a reliable source for anyone who needs to know XML, but doesn't want to waste time wading through hundreds of web sites or 800 pages of bloated text.



Learning XSLT moves smoothly from the simple to complex, illustrating all aspects of XSLT 1.0 through step-by-step examples that you'll practice as you work through the book. Thorough in its coverage of the language, the book makes few assumptions about what you may already know. You'll learn about XSLT's template-based syntax, how XSLT templates work with each other, and gain an understanding of XSLT variables. Learning XSLT also explains how the XML Path Language (XPath) is used by XSLT and provides a glimpse of what the future holds for XSLT 2.0 and XPath 2.0.


java & xslt

Learn how to use XSL transformations in Java programs ranging<br/>from stand-alone applications to servlets. Java and XSLT introduces<br/>XSLT and then shows you how to apply transformations in realworld<br/>situations, such as developing a discussion forum,<br/>transforming documents from one form to another, and generating<br/>content for wireless devices.


Software Test Automation

This book describes how to structure and build an automated testing<br/>regime that will give lasting benefits in the use of test execution tools to<br/>automate testing on a medium to large scale. We include practical advice<br/>for selecting the right tool and for implementing automated testing practices<br/>within an organization.<br/>An extensive collection of case studies and guest chapters are also<br/>included, reflecting both good and bad experiences in test automation<br/>together with useful advice.






性能测试、压力测试、负载测试、强度测试、稳定性测试、健壮性测试、功能测试、系统测试、集成测试、接口测试⋯ ⋯,这么些眼花缭乱的测试类型名称,估计很少有有人能准确的区分和说出定义来,对应的测试用例如何编写和执行,就更不容易进行了。如果问测试工程师测试用例如何编写,就好象是问程序员如何编写代码一样,每个人都会给出不同的方法,但是实用的测试用例却象优秀的程序一样困难。本章针对上面的问题,主要讲解在企业实际工作中,如何有效划分测试种类和编写对应的测试用例,使测试工作更加合理、高效率的运行。本章主要以测试用例的编写和管理为核心,讲述下面内容:






测试设计遵循与软件设计相同的工程原则。好的软件设计包含几个对测试设计进行精心<br/>描述的阶段。这些阶段是:<br/>测试策略<br/>测试计划<br/>测试描述<br/>测试过程<br/>上述四个测试设计阶段适用于从单元测试到系统测试各个层面的测试。<br/>测试设计由软件设计说明所驱动。单元测试用于验证模块单元实现了模块设计中定义的<br/>规格。一个完整的单元测试说明应该包含正面测试(Positive Testing)和负面的测试<br/>(Negative Testing)。正面测试验证程序应该执行的工作,负面测试验证程序不应该执行<br/>的工作。<br/>设计富有创造性的测试用例是测试设计的关键。本文档介绍了测试说明的一般设计过<br/>程,描述了一些结构化程序设计单元测试中采用的用例设计技术,同时也增加了面向对象编<br/>程中对类进行单元测试所采用的测试用例设计技术,这些可作为软件测试人员的参考阅读资<br/>料。


jave-1.0.2.jar 视频工具类 Java

The JAVE (Java Audio Video Encoder) library is Java wrapper on the ffmpeg project. Developers can take take advantage of JAVE to transcode audio and video files from a format to another. In example yo





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versions1.0.9版本 mac上最好的SVN软件破解版,不要更新,已经破解,可以直接使用



├─单片机自动弹奏《容易受伤的女人》.mp3 (MIDI键盘单片机自动弹奏录音) ├─学习板照片.jpg ├─圈圈的防伪LOGO(无此LOGO为冒牌产品).bmp ├─字符串描述符生成工具.mht ├─原理图.pdf(学习板原理图) ├─EDN USB Board.rar ├─21ic电工之歌 ├─北航出版社单片机与嵌入式系统图书推荐 └─Codes (书中全部源代码文件夹) ├─Driver Develop (驱动程序相关代码) │ ├─Computer00Usb (第九章驱动代码) │ │ ├─app (应用程序) │ │ │ ├─obj │ │ │ ├─objchk │ │ │ │ └─i386 │ │ │ └─objfre │ │ │ └─i386 │ │ └─driver (驱动程序) │ │ ├─obj │ │ ├─objchk │ │ │ └─i386 │ │ └─objfre │ │ └─i386 │ └─MyUsbLowerFilter (第十章驱动代码) │ ├─driver (驱动程序) │ │ ├─obj │ │ ├─objchk │ │ │ └─i386 │ │ └─objfre │ │ └─i386 │ ├─FilterInstallerOfComputer00 (安装程序) │ │ ├─Debug │ │ ├─Release │ │ └─res │ └─install (安装程序dll) │ ├─obj │ ├─objchk │ │ └─i386 │ └─objfre │ └─i386 ├─MyUsbDevice (第九章学习板固件代码(用户自定义设备)) ├─MyUsbDeviceTestApp (第九章应用程序代码) │ ├─Debug │ ├─Release │ └─res ├─MyUsbHid (第五章学习板固件代码(用户自定义HID设备)) ├─MyUsbHidTestApp (第五章应用程序代码) │ ├─Debug │ ├─Release │ └─res ├─TestBoard (第二章学习板固件代码(基本功能测试)) ├─UsbDisk (第八章学习板固件代码(U盘)) ├─UsbKeyboard (第三章学习板固件代码(键盘)) ├─UsbKeyboardWithMouse (第三章学习板固件代码(带鼠标的键盘)) ├─UsbKeyboardWithMouse(TwoInterfaces) (第三章学习板固件代码(双接口实现的带鼠标键盘)) ├─UsbMidiKeyboard (第七章学习板固件代码(MIDI键盘)) ├─UsbMouse (第三章学习板固件代码(鼠标)) ├─UsbMultimediaKeyboard (第三章学习板固件代码(多媒体键盘)) ├─UsbToIde (第八章学习板固件代码(USB转IDE)) ├—UsbToIde(CeparkV2.0版) (第八章学习板固件代码(USB转IDE CeparkV2.0版)) └─UsbToUart (第六章学习板固件代码(USB转串口)) └─Driver (安装USB转串口驱动用的inf文件)



USB资料汇总,包括六十多个文档,包含USB1.1/2.0/3.0 spec,Mass storage资料基本全,《USB Mass Storage Designing and Programming Devices and Embedded Hosts》包含在内,示例代码有关的不包含在内,《USB系统体系》不包含在内。



第一章 USB概述及协议基础 1 1.1 USB是什么 1 1.2 USB的特点 1 1.3 USB的拓扑结构 2 1.4 USB的电气特性 5 1.5 USB的线缆以及插头、插座 5 1.6 USB的插入检测机制 7 1.7 USB的描述符及其之间的关系 9 1.8 USB设备的枚举过程 10 1.9 USB的包结构及传输过程 11 1.9.1 USB包的结构及包的分类 11 1.9.2 令牌包 13 1.9.3 数据包 14 1.9.4 握手包 14 1.9.5 特殊包 15 1.9.6 如何处理数据包 15 1.10 USB的四种传输类型 16 1.10.1 USB事务 16 1.10.2 批量传输 16 1.10.3 中断传输 18 1.10.4 等时传输(同步传输) 19 1.10.5 控制传输 20 1.10.6 端点类型与传输类型的关系 21 1.10.7 传输类型与端点支持的最大包长 21 1.11 本章小结 21 第二章 硬件系统设计 1 2.1 方案以及芯片的选定 1 2.2 D12引脚功能说明 2 2.3 D12与89S52的连接 4 2.4 串口部分电路 6 2.5 按键部分 7 2.6 指示灯部分 7 2.7 IDE接口部分 8 2.8 单片机部分 8 2.9 元件安装 8 2.10 电路调试 11 2.11 测试程序的编写和调试 12 2.11.1 建立一个工程 12 2.11.2 为工程添加源文件 14 2.11.3 KEIL工具栏及仿真介绍 15 2.11.4 按键驱动的编写 18 2.11.5 串口驱动的编写 24 2.11.6 PDIUSBD12读写函数及读ID的实现 28 2.12 本章小结 33 第三章 USB鼠标的实现 1 3.1 USB鼠标工程的建立 1 3.2 USB的断开与连接 1 3.3 USB中断的处理 4 3.4 读取从主机发送到端点0的数据 6 3.5 USB标准请求 12 3.5.1 USB标准设备请求的结构 13 3.5.2 GET_DESCRIPTOR请求 15 3.5.3 SET_ADDRESS请求 16 3.5.6 SET_CONFIGURATION请求 16 3.6 设备描述符的实现 17 3.7 设备描述符的返回 20 3.8 设置地址请求的处理 30 3.9 配置描述符集合的结构 32 3.9.1 配置描述符的结构 32 3.9.2 接口描述符的结构 33 3.9.3 端点描述符的结构 33 3.9.4 HID描述符的结构 34 3.10 配置描述符集合的实现以及返回 35 3.11 字符串及语言ID请求的实现 39 3.12 设置配置请求的实现 45 3.13 报告描述符的结构及实现 48 3.14 报告的返回 54 3.15 Bus Hound工具的简介 57 3.16 本章小结 59 第四章 USB键盘的实现 1 4.1 USB键盘工程的建立 1 4.2 设备描述符的实现 1 4.4 配置描述符集合的实现 2 4.4.1 配置描述符 3 4.4.2 接口描述符 3 4.4.3 HID描述符 3 4.4.4 端点描述 3 4.5 字符串描述符 6 4.6 报告描述符 6 4.7 输入和输出报告的实现 10 4.8 USB键盘实例的测试 13 4.9 再谈USB HID的报告描述符 14 4.10 带鼠标功能的USB键盘(方法一) 16 4.11 带鼠标功能的键盘(方法二) 22 4.12 多媒体USB键盘 29 4.13 本章小结 34 第五章 用户自定义的USB HID设备 1 5.1 MyUsbHid工程的建立 1 5.2 描述符的修改 1 5.3 报告的实现 3 5.4 对用户自定义的USB HID设备的访问 5 5.5 访问HID设备时所用到的相关函数 5 5.5.1 获取HID设备的接口类GUID的函数 5 5.5.2 获取指定类的所有设备信息集合的函数 6 5.5.3 从设备信息集合中获取一个设备接口信息的函数 6 5.5.4 获取指定设备接口详细信息的函数 7 5.5.5 打开设备的函数 8 5.5.6 获取HID设备属性的函数 8 5.5.7 从设备读取数据的函数 9 5.5.8 往设备写数据的函数 9 5.5.9 通过控制端点0读取报告的函数 10 5.5.10 通过控制端点0发送报告的函数 10 5.5.11 关闭设备的函数 10 5.5.12 需要包含的库文件 11 5.6 访问USB HID设备的上位机软件的实现 11 5


性能测试进阶指南--LoadRunner 9.1实战

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