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AVR Studio 安装程序(4.0.7版稳定型强烈推荐)

AVR单片机专业集成开发环境 可以用来编辑、编译、调试AVR应用程序



2004版兼容性强 稳定可靠 推荐使用 不一定最新版的就一定好用 软件介绍  GCC是Linux的唯一开发语言。就嵌入系统应用来说,几乎所有市面上有一定市场份额的8bit以上MCU都有爱好者移植GCC在其上。   GCC的编译器优化程度可以说是目前世界上民用软件中做的最好的,完全用ANSI?C规范写出的超过一万行代码的程序,目前还没有任何一种编译器产生的目标代码能比GCC产生的代码速度更快,但是同时它的bug数量却也可以算作所有民用C编译器中最少的   就8bit开发而言,GCC还有一个很严重的缺陷就是,不支持float数据类型,实际上GCC在所有环境中都把float直接定义为double,这样,对8bit环境来说,就显得负担过重了。   被移植到WINDOWS平台上,整合了各个组件后的Windows版GCCAVR就是WinAVR。不是IDE,自己定制IDE的时候就要用到makefile,makefile重要作用就是:指定所用的单片机类型,指定编译的文件,设定编译优化条件等。



教您如何使用AVR的JTAG仿真器和电脑连接 并用WinAVR和AVR Studio软件烧写和在线调试程序



宁波中科公司的GAINZ系列无线传感模块完整电路图 采用TI公司的cc2420射频芯片+Atmega128高性能AVR单片机 包含了所有外围电路 本电路配合使用本人提供的cc2420+atmega128全部实验程序 也可作为其他开发参考



TI公司的无线传感芯片cc2420使用手册 目录参考 Table of contents 1 Abbreviations_________________________________________________________________5 2 References ___________________________________________________________________6 3 Features _____________________________________________________________________7 4 Absolute Maximum Ratings _____________________________________________________8 5 Operating Conditions __________________________________________________________8 6 Electrical Specifications ________________________________________________________9 6.1 Overall___________________________________________________________________9 6.2 Transmit Section ___________________________________________________________9 6.3 Receive Section ___________________________________________________________10 6.4 RSSI / Carrier Sense _______________________________________________________11 6.5 IF Section _______________________________________________________________11 6.6 Frequency Synthesizer Section _______________________________________________11 6.7 Digital Inputs/Outputs ______________________________________________________12 6.8 Voltage Regulator _________________________________________________________13 6.9 Battery Monitor ___________________________________________________________13 6.10 Power Supply ____________________________________________________________13 7 Pin Assignment ______________________________________________________________15 8 Circuit Description ___________________________________________________________17 9 Application Circuit ___________________________________________________________19 9.1 Input / output matching _____________________________________________________19 9.2 Bias resistor ______________________________________________________________19 9.3 Crystal __________________________________________________________________19 9.4 Voltage regulator__________________________________________________________19 9.5 Power supply decoupling and filtering _________________________________________19 10 IEEE 802.15.4 Modulation Format ____________________________________________24 11 Configuration Overview _____________________________________________________25 12 Evaluation Software ________________________________________________________26 13 4-wire Serial Configuration and Data Interface__________________________________27 13.1 Pin configuration __________________________________________________________27 13.2 Register access____________________________________________________________27 13.3 Status byte _______________________________________________________________28 13.4 Command strobes _________________________________________________________29 13.5 RAM access______________________________________________________________29 13.6 FIFO access ______________________________________________________________31 13.7 Multiple SPI access ________________________________________________________31 14 Microcontroller Interface and Pin Description __________________________________32 14.1 Configuration interface _____________________________________________________32 14.2 Receive mode ____________________________________________________________33 14.3 RXFIFO overflow _________________________________________________________33 14.4 Transmit mode____________________________________________________________34 14.5 General control and status pins _______________________________________________35 15 Demodulator, Symbol Synchroniser and Data Decision ___________________________35 16 Frame Format _____________________________________________________________36 16.1 Synchronisation header _____________________________________________________36 16.2 Length field ______________________________________________________________37 16.3 MAC protocol data unit_____________________________________________________37 16.4 Frame check sequence______________________________________________________38 CC2420 CC2420 Datasheet (rev 1.3), 2005-10-03 Page 3 of 90 17 RF Data Buffering__________________________________________________________39 17.1 Buffered transmit mode_____________________________________________________39 17.2 Buffered receive mode _____________________________________________________40 17.3 Un-buffered, serial mode____________________________________________________40 18 Address Recognition ________________________________________________________41 19 Acknowledge Frames _______________________________________________________42 20 Radio control state machine __________________________________________________44 21 MAC Security Operations (Encryption and Authentication) _______________________46 21.1 Keys____________________________________________________________________46 21.2 Nonce / counter ___________________________________________________________46 21.3 Stand-alone encryption _____________________________________________________47 21.4 In-line security operations ___________________________________________________47 21.5 CTR mode encryption / decryption ____________________________________________48 21.6 CBC-MAC_______________________________________________________________48 21.7 CCM ___________________________________________________________________48 21.8 Timing __________________________________________________________________49 22 Linear IF and AGC Settings__________________________________________________49 23 RSSI / Energy Detection _____________________________________________________49 24 Link Quality Indication _____________________________________________________50 25 Clear Channel Assessment ___________________________________________________51 26 Frequency and Channel Programming _________________________________________51 27 VCO and PLL Self-Calibration _______________________________________________52 27.1 VCO____________________________________________________________________52 27.2 PLL self-calibration________________________________________________________52 28 Output Power Programming _________________________________________________52 29 Voltage Regulator __________________________________________________________52 30 Battery Monitor____________________________________________________________53 31 Crystal Oscillator __________________________________________________________54 32 Input / Output Matching ____________________________________________________55 33 Transmitter Test Modes _____________________________________________________55 33.1 Unmodulated carrier _______________________________________________________55 33.2 Modulated spectrum _______________________________________________________56 34 System Considerations and Guidelines _________________________________________58 34.1 Frequency hopping and multi-channel systems___________________________________58 34.2 Data burst transmissions ____________________________________________________58 34.3 Crystal accuracy and drift ___________________________________________________58 34.4 Communication robustness __________________________________________________58 34.5 Communication security ____________________________________________________58 34.6 Low cost systems__________________________________________________________59 34.7 Battery operated systems ____________________________________________________59 34.8 BER / PER measurements ___________________________________________________59 35 PCB Layout Recommendations _______________________________________________60 36 Antenna Considerations _____________________________________________________60 37 Configuration Registers _____________________________________________________62 38 Test Output Signals _________________________________________________________82 39 Package Description (QLP 48) ________________________________________________84 40 Recommended layout for package (QLP 48) ____________________________________85 CC2420 CC2420 Datasheet (rev 1.3), 2005-10-03 Page 4 of 90 40.1 Package thermal properties __________________________________________________85 40.2 Soldering information ______________________________________________________85 40.3 Plastic tube specification ____________________________________________________86 40.4 Carrier tape and reel specification _____________________________________________86 41 Ordering Information _______________________________________________________86 42 General Information ________________________________________________________87 42.1 Document History _________________________________________________________87 42.2 Product Status Definitions___________________________________________________89 42.3 Disclaimer _______________________________________________________________89 42.4 Trademarks ______________________________________________________________89 42.5 Life Support Policy ________________________________________________________89 43 Address Information ________________________________________________________90



内容介绍和目录 宁波中科集成电路有限公司为您提供无线传感器网路方面全方位的技术支持,包括自主开发的GAINS系列节点和各种配套的后台软件以及TestBed无线网络测试平台,希望我们的产品为您的学习和研究带来方便。 目录 引言.................................................................................................................................................1 提醒.................................................................................................................................................1 特性.................................................................................................................................................1 注意.................................................................................................................................................1 免责申明..........................................................................................................................................1 GAINZ节点硬件介绍......................................................................................................................2 软件协议栈对节点资源占用...........................................................................................................3 软件协议栈对节点I/O资源的占用要求..................................................................................3 软件协议栈对节点定时资源的占用要求...............................................................................3 软件协议栈对节点其余资源占用要求...................................................................................3 安装源文件......................................................................................................................................4 源文件构成......................................................................................................................................4 应用程序演示..................................................................................................................................4 演示程序的功能...............................................................................................................................4 编译演示应用程序的正确步骤.......................................................................................................6 将演示应用程序烧写到器件中.......................................................................................................6 演示应用程序..................................................................................................................................6 SNAMP_Z使用说明.............................................................................................................................7 软件协议栈结构.............................................................................................................................10 物理层函数说明.............................................................................................................................11 MAC层函数说明...............................................................................................................................18 软件协议栈编程注意.....................................................................................................................38 配套Makefile重点参数使用指南.................................................................................................40



实验内容 掌握星型组网方式 掌握如何用GAINZ节点附带的传感器模块采集数据并无线通信 提供完整全套项目程序 极具参考价值 请看程序清单 ├─coordinator (1 folders, 44 files, 897.42 KB, 910.58 KB in total.) ││avrhardware.c 4.20 KB ││avrhardware.h 4.96 KB ││avrhardware.lst 142.81 KB ││avrhardware.o 27.98 KB ││cc2420.c 17.64 KB ││cc2420.h 2.52 KB ││cc2420.lst 109.32 KB ││cc2420.o 23.82 KB ││CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB ││coordinator.pnproj 661 bytes ││generic.h 1.61 KB ││interupter.c 863 bytes ││interupter.h 615 bytes ││interupter.lst 9.77 KB ││interupter.o 8.18 KB ││led.c 3.16 KB ││led.h 830 bytes ││led.lst 23.16 KB ││led.o 11.06 KB ││main.c 1.80 KB ││main.cof 81.72 KB ││main.eep 13 bytes ││main.elf 58.84 KB ││main.hex 19.67 KB ││main.lss 148.46 KB ││main.lst 11.35 KB ││main.map 70.59 KB ││main.o 8.89 KB ││main.sym 12.45 KB ││Makefile 10.72 KB ││os.c 2.62 KB ││os.h 1.15 KB ││os.lst 17.79 KB ││os.o 5.96 KB ││project.h 1.54 KB ││timer3.c 2.13 KB ││timer3.h 856 bytes ││timer3.lst 15.22 KB ││timer3.o 10.02 KB ││top.h 631 bytes ││uart0.c 1.04 KB ││uart0.h 691 bytes ││uart0.lst 6.68 KB ││uart0.o 4.51 KB │└─.dep (0 folders, 8 files, 13.17 KB, 13.17 KB in total.) │avrhardware.o.d 1.28 KB │cc2420.o.d 2.07 KB │interupter.o.d 2.11 KB │led.o.d 2.06 KB │main.o.d 2.07 KB │os.o.d 50 bytes │timer3.o.d 2.09 KB │uart0.o.d 1.44 KB └─RFD (1 folders, 48 files, 0.96 MB, 0.97 MB in total.) │adc_sensor.c 2.85 KB │adc_sensor.h 638 bytes │adc_sensor.lst 15.49 KB │adc_sensor.o 8.91 KB │avrhardware.c 4.27 KB │avrhardware.h 5.08 KB │avrhardware.lst 145.06 KB │avrhardware.o 28.46 KB │cc2420.c 17.02 KB │cc2420.h 2.50 KB │cc2420.lst 105.90 KB │cc2420.o 23.64 KB │CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB │generic.h 1.66 KB │interupter.c 0.98 KB │interupter.h 604 bytes │interupter.lst 10.12 KB │interupter.o 8.34 KB │led.c 3.16 KB │led.h 828 bytes │led.lst 23.18 KB │led.o 11.12 KB │main.c 1.72 KB │main.cof 86.70 KB │main.eep 13 bytes │main.elf 62.92 KB │main.hex 24.43 KB │main.lss 182.72 KB │main.lst 11.54 KB │main.map 78.00 KB │main.o 10.02 KB │main.sym 13.41 KB │Makefile 10.74 KB │os.c 2.62 KB │os.h 1.15 KB │os.lst 17.66 KB │os.o 5.92 KB │project.h 1.60 KB │RFD.pnproj 711 bytes │timer3.c 2.14 KB │timer3.h 853 bytes │timer3.lst 13.89 KB │timer3.o 8.66 KB │top.h 657 bytes │uart0.c 1.04 KB │uart0.h 691 bytes │uart0.lst 6.68 KB │uart0.o 4.51 KB └─.dep (0 folders, 9 files, 15.42 KB, 15.42 KB in total.) adc_sensor.o.d 2.11 KB avrhardware.o.d 1.28 KB cc2420.o.d 2.10 KB interupter.o.d 2.14 KB led.o.d 2.09 KB main.o.d 2.12 KB os.o.d 50 bytes timer3.o.d 2.10 KB uart0.o.d 1.44 KB



cc2420+atmega128基础zigbee无线通信实验-光传感器数据采集的点到点综合通信 实验内容 初始化单片机AD端口 采集传感器数据 将数据导入MAC帧负载重 并发送到接收节点 在本实验中可以使用最多5个节点采集传感器数据 在Generic.h中定义 提供完整一个项目的全部程序 绝对有参考价值 可以看程序清单 │readme.txt 240 bytes ├─cc2420receive (1 folders, 44 files, 899.18 KB, 912.35 KB in total.) ││avrhardware.c 4.20 KB ││avrhardware.h 4.96 KB ││avrhardware.lst 142.81 KB ││avrhardware.o 27.98 KB ││cc2420.c 17.65 KB ││cc2420.h 2.47 KB ││cc2420.lst 109.37 KB ││cc2420.o 23.82 KB ││CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB ││generic.h 1.61 KB ││interupter.c 836 bytes ││interupter.h 615 bytes ││interupter.lst 9.74 KB ││interupter.o 8.18 KB ││led.c 3.16 KB ││led.h 830 bytes ││led.lst 23.16 KB ││led.o 11.06 KB ││main.c 1.86 KB ││main.cof 81.95 KB ││main.eep 13 bytes ││main.elf 58.94 KB ││main.hex 19.69 KB ││main.lss 148.84 KB ││main.lst 12.11 KB ││main.map 70.70 KB ││main.o 9.02 KB ││main.sym 12.47 KB ││Makefile 10.72 KB ││os.c 2.62 KB ││os.h 1.15 KB ││os.lst 17.79 KB ││os.o 5.96 KB ││project.h 1.54 KB ││receive.pnproj 653 bytes ││timer3.c 2.13 KB ││timer3.h 856 bytes ││timer3.lst 15.22 KB ││timer3.o 10.02 KB ││top.h 631 bytes ││uart0.c 1.04 KB ││uart0.h 691 bytes ││uart0.lst 6.68 KB ││uart0.o 4.51 KB │└─.dep (0 folders, 8 files, 13.17 KB, 13.17 KB in total.) │avrhardware.o.d 1.28 KB │cc2420.o.d 2.07 KB │interupter.o.d 2.11 KB │led.o.d 2.06 KB │main.o.d 2.07 KB │os.o.d 50 bytes │timer3.o.d 2.09 KB │uart0.o.d 1.44 KB └─cc2420send (1 folders, 48 files, 0.96 MB, 0.97 MB in total.) │adc_sensor.c 2.74 KB │adc_sensor.h 638 bytes │adc_sensor.lst 14.76 KB │adc_sensor.o 8.70 KB │avrhardware.c 4.27 KB │avrhardware.h 5.08 KB │avrhardware.lst 145.06 KB │avrhardware.o 28.46 KB │cc2420.c 17.02 KB │cc2420.h 2.45 KB │cc2420.lst 105.88 KB │cc2420.o 23.64 KB │CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB │generic.h 1.66 KB │interupter.c 978 bytes │interupter.h 604 bytes │interupter.lst 9.88 KB │interupter.o 8.24 KB │led.c 3.16 KB │led.h 828 bytes │led.lst 23.18 KB │led.o 11.12 KB │main.c 1.63 KB │main.cof 86.67 KB │main.eep 13 bytes │main.elf 62.86 KB │main.hex 24.40 KB │main.lss 182.50 KB │main.lst 11.66 KB │main.map 77.86 KB │main.o 10.19 KB │main.sym 13.41 KB │Makefile 10.74 KB │os.c 2.62 KB │os.h 1.15 KB │os.lst 17.66 KB │os.o 5.92 KB │project.h 1.60 KB │send.pnproj 713 bytes │timer3.c 2.15 KB │timer3.h 856 bytes │timer3.lst 13.90 KB │timer3.o 8.66 KB │top.h 657 bytes │uart0.c 1.04 KB │uart0.h 691 bytes │uart0.lst 6.68 KB │uart0.o 4.51 KB └─.dep (0 folders, 9 files, 15.42 KB, 15.42 KB in total.) adc_sensor.o.d 2.11 KB avrhardware.o.d 1.28 KB cc2420.o.d 2.10 KB interupter.o.d 2.14 KB led.o.d 2.09 KB main.o.d 2.12 KB os.o.d 50 bytes timer3.o.d 2.10 KB uart0.o.d 1.44 KB



cc2420+atmega128基础zigbee无线通信实验-网络Sniffer节点实验 实验内容 Sniffer节点可以侦测到其接收范围内的zigbee帧 通过sniffer节点可以观察网络运行的状况 全套程序都放上 绝对有价值 可以看程序清单 网络Sniffer节点实验 (1 folders, 44 files, 890.39 KB, 904.46 KB in total.) │avrhardware.c 4.20 KB │avrhardware.h 4.96 KB │avrhardware.lst 143.02 KB │avrhardware.o 28.00 KB │cc2420.c 18.06 KB │cc2420.h 2.47 KB │cc2420.lst 111.60 KB │cc2420.o 23.85 KB │CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB │generic.h 1.61 KB │interupter.c 840 bytes │interupter.h 615 bytes │interupter.lst 7.61 KB │interupter.o 7.85 KB │led.c 3.16 KB │led.h 830 bytes │led.lst 23.17 KB │led.o 11.11 KB │main.c 1.25 KB │main.cof 81.51 KB │main.eep 13 bytes │main.elf 58.48 KB │main.hex 19.26 KB │main.lss 146.55 KB │main.lst 9.44 KB │main.map 70.62 KB │main.o 8.62 KB │main.sym 12.47 KB │Makefile 10.72 KB │os.c 2.62 KB │os.h 1.15 KB │os.lst 17.79 KB │os.o 5.96 KB │project.h 1.54 KB │sniffer.pnproj 653 bytes │timer3.c 2.15 KB │timer3.h 856 bytes │timer3.lst 13.67 KB │timer3.o 9.58 KB │top.h 612 bytes │uart0.c 1.04 KB │uart0.h 691 bytes │uart0.lst 6.68 KB │uart0.o 4.56 KB



cc2420+atmega128基础zigbee无线通信实验-应答ACK帧实验 实验内容 掌握ACK帧格式 如何正确回复ACK帧 全套程序都放上 绝对有价值 可以看程序清单 ├─receive (1 folders, 48 files, 968.48 KB, 0.96 MB in total.) ││adc_sensor.c 2.06 KB ││adc_sensor.h 638 bytes ││adc_sensor.lst 13.62 KB ││adc_sensor.o 8.64 KB ││avrhardware.c 4.27 KB ││avrhardware.h 5.06 KB ││avrhardware.lst 145.28 KB ││avrhardware.o 28.48 KB ││cc2420.c 14.85 KB ││cc2420.h 2.45 KB ││cc2420.lst 85.96 KB ││cc2420.o 19.87 KB ││CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB ││generic.h 1.67 KB ││interupter.c 1.00 KB ││interupter.h 604 bytes ││interupter.lst 9.86 KB ││interupter.o 8.09 KB ││led.c 3.16 KB ││led.h 828 bytes ││led.lst 22.97 KB ││led.o 10.90 KB ││main.c 4.55 KB ││main.cof 85.77 KB ││main.eep 13 bytes ││main.elf 62.13 KB ││main.hex 23.89 KB ││main.lss 180.87 KB ││main.lst 28.78 KB ││main.map 78.18 KB ││main.o 12.50 KB ││main.sym 13.40 KB ││Makefile 10.74 KB ││os.c 2.62 KB ││os.h 1.15 KB ││os.lst 17.67 KB ││os.o 5.92 KB ││project.h 1.60 KB ││receive.pnproj 748 bytes ││timer3.c 2.15 KB ││timer3.h 856 bytes ││timer3.lst 13.68 KB ││timer3.o 8.44 KB ││top.h 653 bytes ││uart0.c 1.04 KB ││uart0.h 691 bytes ││uart0.lst 6.68 KB ││uart0.o 4.56 KB



cc2420+atmega128基础zigbee无线通信实验-接收和地址译码实验 实验内容 掌握如何使用cc2420的地址译码功能来接收帧 全套程序都放上 绝对有价值 可以看程序清单 ││adc_sensor.c 2.06 KB ││adc_sensor.h 638 bytes ││adc_sensor.lst 13.62 KB ││adc_sensor.o 8.75 KB ││avrhardware.c 4.27 KB ││avrhardware.h 5.06 KB ││avrhardware.lst 145.28 KB ││avrhardware.o 28.48 KB ││cc2420.c 14.83 KB ││cc2420.h 2.45 KB ││cc2420.lst 91.92 KB ││cc2420.o 21.36 KB ││CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB ││generic.h 1.67 KB ││interupter.c 1.00 KB ││interupter.h 604 bytes ││interupter.lst 9.94 KB ││interupter.o 8.24 KB ││led.c 3.16 KB ││led.h 828 bytes ││led.lst 22.97 KB ││led.o 11.01 KB ││main.c 3.17 KB ││main.cof 85.62 KB ││main.eep 13 bytes ││main.elf 62.09 KB ││main.hex 23.92 KB ││main.lss 178.26 KB ││main.lst 19.39 KB ││main.map 77.87 KB ││main.o 11.13 KB ││main.sym 13.38 KB ││Makefile 10.74 KB ││os.c 2.62 KB ││os.h 1.15 KB ││os.lst 17.67 KB ││os.o 5.92 KB ││project.h 1.60 KB ││receive_test.pnproj 758 bytes ││timer3.c 2.15 KB ││timer3.h 856 bytes ││timer3.lst 13.68 KB ││timer3.o 8.55 KB ││top.h 631 bytes ││uart0.c 1.04 KB ││uart0.h 691 bytes ││uart0.lst 6.68 KB ││uart0.o 4.56 KB



cc2420+atmega128基础zigbee无线通信实验-组包发送实验 实验内容 掌握IEEE802.15.4标准的帧格式 掌握利用cc2420发送IEEE802.15.4标准的帧格式的正确流程 全套程序都放上 绝对有价值 可以看程序清单 │avrhardware.c 4.21 KB │avrhardware.h 4.94 KB │avrhardware.lst 143.17 KB │avrhardware.o 28.00 KB │cc2420.c 18.08 KB │cc2420.h 2.47 KB │cc2420.lst 113.07 KB │cc2420.o 24.82 KB │CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB │Frame.pnproj 649 bytes │generic.h 1.61 KB │interupter.c 836 bytes │interupter.h 615 bytes │interupter.lst 9.75 KB │interupter.o 8.13 KB │led.c 3.16 KB │led.h 830 bytes │led.lst 23.17 KB │led.o 11.00 KB │main.c 1.96 KB │main.cof 84.33 KB │main.eep 13 bytes │main.elf 61.88 KB │main.hex 25.43 KB │main.lss 185.74 KB │main.lst 20.82 KB │main.map 75.35 KB │main.o 9.61 KB │main.sym 13.04 KB │Makefile 10.72 KB │os.c 2.62 KB │os.h 1.15 KB │os.lst 17.79 KB │os.o 5.96 KB │project.h 1.54 KB │timer3.c 2.12 KB │timer3.h 856 bytes │timer3.lst 16.01 KB │timer3.o 10.12 KB │top.h 653 bytes │uart0.c 1.04 KB │uart0.h 691 bytes │uart0.lst 6.68 KB │uart0.o 4.56 KB



cc2420+atmega128基础zigbee无线通信实验-cc2420内部寄存器初始化 实验内容 掌握CC2420的寄存器和RAM设置 全套程序都放上 绝对有价值 可以看程序清单 │avrhardware.c 4.21 KB │avrhardware.h 4.94 KB │avrhardware.lst 143.17 KB │avrhardware.o 28.00 KB │cc2420.c 21.27 KB │cc2420.h 2.47 KB │cc2420.lst 118.21 KB │cc2420.o 24.93 KB │cc2420_init.pnproj 661 bytes │CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB │generic.h 1.61 KB │interupter.c 836 bytes │interupter.h 615 bytes │interupter.lst 9.75 KB │interupter.o 8.23 KB │led.c 3.16 KB │led.h 830 bytes │led.lst 23.17 KB │led.o 11.11 KB │main.c 1.65 KB │main.cof 83.86 KB │main.eep 13 bytes │main.elf 61.32 KB │main.hex 24.87 KB │main.lss 184.88 KB │main.lst 9.80 KB │main.map 75.71 KB │main.o 8.69 KB │main.sym 13.10 KB │Makefile 10.72 KB │os.c 2.62 KB │os.h 1.15 KB │os.lst 17.79 KB │os.o 5.96 KB │project.h 1.54 KB │timer3.c 2.12 KB │timer3.h 856 bytes │timer3.lst 16.01 KB │timer3.o 10.23 KB │top.h 631 bytes │uart0.c 1.04 KB │uart0.h 691 bytes │uart0.lst 6.68 KB │uart0.o 4.56 KB


cc2420+atmega128基础zigbee无线通信实验 cc2420启动和SPI初始化

实验内容 掌握cc2420的启动流程 掌握SPI的初始化和如何使用SPI读写cc2420寄存器 全套程序都放上 绝对有价值 可以看程序清单 │avrhardware.c 4.21 KB │avrhardware.h 4.94 KB │avrhardware.lst 143.17 KB │avrhardware.o 28.00 KB │cc2420.c 18.08 KB │cc2420.h 2.47 KB │cc2420.lst 113.08 KB │cc2420.o 24.93 KB │CC2420Const.h 9.04 KB │generic.h 1.61 KB │interupter.c 836 bytes │interupter.h 615 bytes │interupter.lst 9.75 KB │interupter.o 8.23 KB │led.c 3.16 KB │led.h 830 bytes │led.lst 23.17 KB │led.o 11.11 KB │main.c 2.17 KB │main.cof 84.07 KB │main.eep 13 bytes │main.elf 61.38 KB │main.hex 24.98 KB │main.lss 183.24 KB │main.lst 12.21 KB │main.map 75.22 KB │main.o 8.53 KB │main.sym 13.07 KB │Makefile 10.72 KB │os.c 2.62 KB │os.h 1.15 KB │os.lst 17.79 KB │os.o 5.96 KB │project.h 1.54 KB │SPI_test.pnproj 655 bytes │timer3.c 2.12 KB │timer3.h 856 bytes │timer3.lst 16.01 KB │timer3.o 10.23 KB │top.h 631 bytes │uart0.c 1.04 KB │uart0.h 691 bytes │uart0.lst 6.68 KB │uart0.o 4.56 KB


cc2420+atmega128 Boot Loader实验程序

学习使用atmega128的Boot Loader功能 实现一个世纪的boot loader程序 程序清单 bootload.hex 2.91 KB hexbin.exe 13.08 KB main.c 7.31 KB readme.txt 451 bytes TEST.BIN 300 bytes test.hex 860 bytes



学习使用AVR单片机上运行的一个微操作系统实现走马灯实验 开发平台 atmega128 包含程序 │fun.lst 64.26 KB │fun.o 11.05 KB │main.c 2.04 KB │main.eep 13 bytes │main.elf 8.63 KB │main.hex 1.75 KB │main.lss 13.98 KB │main.lst 16.41 KB │main.map 16.70 KB │main.o 4.31 KB │main.sym 2.18 KB │Makefile 10.67 KB │os.c 3.52 KB │os.h 1.13 KB │os.lst 20.40 KB │os.o 5.04 KB │test.pnproj 108 bytes └─.dep (0 folders, 3 files, 1.01 KB, 1.01 KB in total.) fun.o.d 62 bytes main.o.d 947 bytes os.o.d 26 bytes


cc2420+atmega128 AD转换实验2(中断方式)

学习使用AVR单片机中断方式实现AD转换 平台 atmega128 使用其自带的10位精度AD 也可用于其他atmega单片机参考 包含程序 │Makefile 13.78 KB │test8.c 2.38 KB │test8.eep 13 bytes │test8.elf 8.38 KB │test8.hex 7.77 KB │test8.lss 49.05 KB │test8.lst 9.03 KB │test8.map 22.97 KB │test8.o 4.32 KB │test8.pnproj 60 bytes │test8.sym 2.95 KB └─.dep (0 folders, 1 files, 1.57 KB, 1.57 KB in total.) test8.o.d 1.57 KB


cc2420+atmega128 AD转换实验1

使用查询方式实现AVR单片机AD转换 平台 atmega128 实验使用自带的10位精度AD转换 包含程序 │adcaiyang1.pnproj 65 bytes │Makefile 13.78 KB │test7.c 3.12 KB │test7.eep 13 bytes │test7.elf 8.91 KB │test7.hex 8.38 KB │test7.lss 53.57 KB │test7.lst 9.98 KB │test7.map 25.27 KB │test7.o 4.72 KB │test7.pnproj 60 bytes │test7.sym 3.09 KB └─.dep (0 folders, 1 files, 1.71 KB, 1.71 KB in total.) test7.o.d 1.71 KB



学习使用AVR单片机中断方式实验串口通信 开发平台 atmega128 包含程序 │Makefile 13.78 KB │test6.c 977 bytes │test6.eep 13 bytes │test6.elf 3.93 KB │test6.hex 750 bytes │test6.lss 5.06 KB │test6.lst 2.96 KB │test6.map 14.37 KB │test6.o 2.54 KB │test6.pnproj 60 bytes │test6.sym 1.62 KB



使用查询方式实现AVR单片机的串口通信 开发平台 atmega128 包含程序 │Makefile 13.78 KB │test5-2.hex 360.03 KB │test5.c 1.15 KB │test5.eep 13 bytes │test5.elf 3.93 KB │test5.hex 713 bytes │test5.lss 5.13 KB │test5.lst 3.22 KB │test5.map 14.06 KB │test5.o 2.65 KB │test5.pnproj 60 bytes │test5.sym 1.59 KB │UCCmds32.cmf 2.36 KB


cc2420*atmega128 看门狗实验

学习使用AVR单片机的看门狗操作 开发平台 atmega128+cc2420 程序清单 │Makefile 13.78 KB │test4.c 1.23 KB │test4.eep 13 bytes │test4.elf 4.14 KB │test4.hex 811 bytes │test4.lss 5.65 KB │test4.lst 3.92 KB │test4.map 13.98 KB │test4.o 2.93 KB │test4.pnproj 60 bytes │test4.sym 1.58 KB


cc2420+atmega128 走马灯实验

学习使用AVR单片机的IO口的三个灯轮流闪烁 采用查询方式等待定时时间到达 平台 atmega128



学习使用AVR单片机的定时器计数器0中断工作方式的基本设置和应用 开发平台 atmega128 程序清单 │Makefile 10.65 KB │test2.c 1.36 KB │test2.eep 13 bytes │test2.elf 4.94 KB │test2.hex 848 bytes │test2.lss 5.38 KB │test2.lst 6.78 KB │test2.map 13.65 KB │test2.o 3.19 KB │test2.pnproj 60 bytes │test2.sym 1.62 KB


cc2420+atmega128 定时器实验1

学习使用AVR单片机定时器计数器0查询工作方式的基本设置和应用 开发平台 atmega128



学习使用AVR Studio下载烧录程序 开发平台为 CC2420无线模块+atmega128单片机



S-232协议  RS-232是串行数据接口标准,最初都是由电子工业协会(EIA)制订并发布的,RS-232在1962年发布,命名为EIA-232-E,作为工业标准,以保证不同厂家产品之间的兼容。RS-422由RS-232发展而来,它是为弥补RS-232之不足而提出的。



随着嵌入式技术的发展,ARM处理器以其独特的优势在计算机、电子和通信的各 个领域得到广泛应用,将网络技术、控制技术和视频监控技术相融合,在更大程度上促 进了家庭生活的信息化和自动化。系统采用先进的ARM处理器作为控制平台,与使用 Csl单片机相比,提高了性能,缩短了开发周期;与使用传统的PC机相比,兼顾了系 统功能,又节约了成本,在家庭自动化领域具有较好的理论价值和广阔的应用前景。



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