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原创 Intraweb 网页图标(shortcut icon)替换

当HTML HEAD中的下列指令  不好使的时候,通过修改IWDATA.res来改变网页图标,先通过ResHacker将IWDATA.res中的IW_FAVICON删除,得到一个不含IW_FAVICON的IWDATA.res文件。然后制作自己的favicon.res文件:favicon.rc:IW_FAVICON RCDATA FAVICON.ICO

2015-04-10 22:01:54 1939 1

原创 Scala Trait 的线性化

Scala Trait调用super方法的线性化是一个难理解的内容,下面让我通过一段代码来推演线性化过程。源代码:package c5softclass SuperBase {  def show() {    println("Here step to class SuperBase")    println("I'm " + toString + "\n")  }

2013-10-10 22:52:31 870

原创 用Dojo实行Confirm模式对话框

//用例              var dlg = this._ynDlg;              if (!dlg) {                dlg = this._ynDlg = new DialogYesNo({                  whenYes: function () {alert("yes"); }                }

2013-08-28 23:00:48 1572

原创 Intraweb两个期待已久的新特征

打开Atozed官方BLOG,http://www.atozed.com/IntraWeb/Blog/index.EN.aspx我们看到如下消息:XII - New production release a few weeks, IntraWeb version was promoted to product

2013-01-10 22:35:34 1818

原创 Intraweb+Flexigrid 演示第2版


2013-01-10 18:59:31 1181

原创 Intraweb+SuperObject+IdHTTP构建三层控件

在目前流行的三层构架RemObjects、kmbMW、RealThinClient中RealThinClient以轻量、简单博得不少Delphi使用者的青睐。这里我向大家演示的框架比RealThinClient更轻量,更简单。这就是利用Intraweb作为中间层,Indy HTTP作为客户端,SuperObject作为数据编码格式实现三层构架。这一框架将B/S结构与C/S结构处理逻辑统一在一套源代

2013-01-10 18:54:20 1418

原创 Delphi XE2 XML编程备忘

Delphi XE2内部集成的XML功能上层: XML.XMLIntf/XMLDoc中层:XML.XMLDOM下层:Xml.Win.msxmldom、Xml.adomxmldom底层:Winapi.msxml、Xml.Internal.AdomCore 遗憾:XMLIntf中未实现XPath效率:如果仅在Windows环境下运行,直接使用MSXML. 第三方控件

2013-01-10 08:43:08 1494

原创 FastReport FP3 Viewer

fastreport的官方网站上的fp3文件阅读器是英文的,为客户能使用中文版的,自己写了一个,很简单: {******************************************************FP3 Viewerby [email protected], 2009-3-20****************************

2009-03-21 00:18:00 1769


Intraweb两个期待已久的新特征 打开Atozed官方BLOG, http://www.atozed.com/IntraWeb/Blog/index.EN.aspx 我们看到如下消息: XII - New production release 12/13/2012 After a few weeks, IntraWeb version was promoted to production status. Click here to be redirected to the download page. Version history Check what has changed / what´s new in IW XII 新的12.2.12版带给我们什么新东西呢?相对于12.2.8是一个大的升级,我这里给大家介绍两个期待已久的特征: 1.TServerController/TIWAppForm增加DocType属性,有什么用?太有用了!如果我们的网站只为IE准备,这个属性没用。大家都知道,这两年,IE的市场占有率正在大幅度下降,Chrome正在快速崛起。要让你的网站在不同的浏览器上有相同的外观,就靠这个属性。这个属性代表Intraweb吹响了 HTML 5 的号角。这个属性的设置会立即影响你的网页的外观,浏览器正是根据网页的这个属性来决定如何解析你的网页内容。默认情况下,这个属性是空着的,也就是保留过去的解析方式。如果是新项目,我建议你毫不犹豫的将这个属性设置为:<!DOCTYPE html>,即HTML 5标准。 2.库文件中提供IWData_debug.res.这是什么东西?这是一把“钥匙”。如果你是一个真正做技术的,你想做一个把Intraweb彻底搞懂,彻底摸清,将Intraweb提供的功能发挥到极致的“大牛”,这是一把开启IW后院的钥匙。打开这个文件(或用FireBug)看吧,原汁原味的,语意清晰,还带注释的Javascript源代码,你再也没有以前分析IWData.res的时候到处去搜寻Javascript的Refactor工具的必要了。阅读这些代码带给你的乐趣将远远超过读一本侦探小说。我想,Atozed一定很纠结,这毕竟是自己积累多年的劳动成果,就这么轻易的公开吗?面对jQuery等网页技术的异军突起,Atozed最终决定变得厚道一点。再好的东西,老放在那里,总会有别的东西来替代,大家看看jQuery阵营的Flexigrid与IWDBGrid差距多远,就知道Atozed此举算是明智。幸运的是,Intraweb意识到开放的必要,公布了后台的源代码,就有了改造Intraweb的可能,你觉得那个地方不够理想,自己改!就像改装你的爱车,其乐无穷。 安装方法请翻阅2ccc.com上的帖子。



本演示将向您展示jQuery版的ShowMessage与Confirm对话框构造是何等简单,同时将为您独家揭秘下列Intraweb技术要点: 1.WebApplication.RegisterCallBack的用法; 2.WebApplication.CallBackResponse.AddJavaScriptToExecute的用法; 3.TIWJQueryWidget.Enabled=False的特殊用途; 4.在jQuery的AJAX函数$.post()中调用IntraWeb的processAjaxResponse。 [email protected]原创作品,转载请注明。


Intraweb+Flexigrid 演示第2版

1.修改Flexigrid增加onClick事件,方便将Flexigrid作为单选控件并演示用法,包括如何激活,选择结果如何处理等; 2.演示查询条件录入框前台如何设置,后台如何解析; 3.对css做了调整,方便汉字显示,将div.nBtn高度由24变为28,以解决中文大字体情况下栏目选择下拉菜单无法操作的问题。 [email protected] (c5soft)原创,转载请注明。



基于jQuery的网格插件Flexigrid很棒,网上有很多资料,但没有一篇文章是介绍如何与IntraWeb结合使用的。这里给大家开个头,让咱们一同来开发Flexigrid的强大功能。为便于新同学调试,系统自带MDB数据库。 另外,买一送一,本DEMO还告诉你如何使用jQuery的datePicker,赶快替换Intraweb自带的那个丑陋的日期选择控件吧。



RealThinClientSDK_v604_2012Q3 在2009以上版本下,要支持中文需修改Lib\rtcDefs.inc: {$DEFINE FORCE_ANSI_STRING}



RealThinClient/ADO(dbGO)三层框架 客户端: TRtcHttpClient/TRtcClientModule/TRtcResult/TRtcMemDataset 中间层:TRtcHttpServer/TRtcServerModule/TRtcFunctionGroup/TRtcFunction+TAdoConnection/TAdoQuery/TAdoStoredProc 数据库:MS SQL Server 2005以上良好支持分页 核心技术: 1.中间层直接生成SQL从底层数据库获取数据并将变动数据写入底层数据库,能够对中间结果完全控制; 2.中间层数据库连接使用缓冲池(Connection Pool),这段代码设计思路源于Intraweb框架,已7x24稳定运行多年; 3.分页设计,减小网络流量; 4.离线工作模式(briefcase),获取数据/提交变动完毕就立即与数据库断开。 本人原创作品,在XE2+ RealThinClient 6.04+SQL Server 2008测试通过,特为39度以上发烧友准备,下载扣10分,索取请慎重。



采用RealThinClient+UniDAC实现三层框架演示 前台演示同步与异步两种调用方式,后台演示通过TDataset变更数据库与直接执行SQL命令变更数据库两种方式。 为此特意设计一个TRtcDataSetChanges Helper Class用于生成特定后台数据库SQL语句,对数据变更实现完全控制。 TRtcDataSetChangesHelper = class helper for TRtcDataSetChanges public function MSSQLGetActionSQL(const ATableName: RtcWideString; const AKeyFields: RtcWideString = ''): RtcWideString; end; 与RemObjects与kbmMW相比,RealThinClient是一个真正轻量级的三层平台,通讯底层基于Winsock,不需要Indy等三方控件,简单、可靠、易用。如果后台要使用dbGo(TAdoConnection/TAdoDataset),将这个演示稍作修改既能实现。本例中前台使用rtcMemDataset, 也可使用TAdoDataset或TkbmMemTable作为前台数据库。 使用XE2+RealThinClient6.04的朋友,需要修改rtcDefs.inc文件激活FORCE_ANSI_STRING,才能支持中文。 本人原创劣作,放到csdn.net上,下载收2分,欢迎拍砖。


FastReport 4.12 报表格式转换 fr3=>fr3

FR3XE2 Version FastReport 4.12 报表格式转换 fr3=>fr3 本程序将Delphi7编译的程序(16位环境下)制作的fr3报表转换为 Delphi XE2编译的程序(32位环境下)需要的fr3报表。 [email protected]原创作品, 只有exe, 不含源代码。 2012-11-29



编写这个程序是因为在C#下用FastReport.net设计了一些报表应用,客户感觉.net的应用速度不理想,现改用Delphi XE2,需要将frx的报表转换回fr3. 两种格式都是xml文件,于是想到采用XSLT格式转换,程序读取frx格式定义与xsl转换定义,生成fr3转换结果文件.压缩包中包括完整的源代码/可执行程序与XSLT的初步定义.运行frx2fr3.exe将当前文件夹下的所有frx文件转换后保存到fr3子文件夹下.


TMS IntraWeb Component Pack Pro Script Edition 5.2 XE2

完整源码,含示例与XE文档,本人在XE2下亲测,DBGrid能够导出Excel。 下载后抽空评论一下,扣分返还。


jQuery.in.Action.2nd.Edition 第二版

BEAR BIBEAULT与YEHUDA KATZ编著的jQuery in Action,这是第二版 Covers jQuery 1.4 and jQuery UI 1.8,csdn上第一版已经有了,找了好久才找到这个版本。纯英文,PDF原生格式(非扫描),486页。



本示例演示IntraWeb中TIWJQueryWidget与TIWURLResponderEvent两个控件的用法。 IntraWeb12.2内部已集成jQuery,无需额外下载。IntraWeb中有一个控件TIWJQueryWidget,使用该控件的文档却很少。 实际上TIWJQueryWidget的OnReady属性就是放置jQuery的$(document).ready()函数代码的位置。本例中在这里绑定IWEDIT1的onkeypress事件处理程序与IWBUTTON1的onclick处理程序。IWEDIT1的事件处理程序启动AJAX调用,将在IWEDIT1输入的文字传到后台,后台的TIWURLResponderEvent响应前台传来的数据,处理完毕后返回前台,通过前台在AJAX调用时注册的回调函数将处理结果显示在屏幕上。 不熟悉jQuery的朋友推荐阅读《锋利的jQuery》一书。 请不要抱怨下载分值高,本文绝对原创,首次发布。下载后发表评论,扣减分值全额返还。


Intraweb XII 12.2.8破解版

Intraweb XII 12.2.8 for Delphi XE2 破解Ultimate版,包括部分文档,内部自带的JQuery更新到最新的1.8.2。ISAPI支持未做测试。Session Timeout通过NewSession事件处理程序修改有效: procedure TIWServerController.IWServerControllerNewSession (ASession: TIWApplication; var VMainForm: TIWBaseForm); begin ...... ASession.SessionTimeOut := 10; end;


dbVisulizer 8.09 带破解绿色版



PROFESSIONAL Cross-Platform Mobile Development in C#

This book covers everything you need to know to build enterprise mobile applications in C# that can be delivered on all the major mobile platforms in the market today. You build applications that share code on native iPad, iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, and the mobile web. You learn about the chief technical considerations to take into account when building mobile applications, such as user experience, device access, and disconnected capabilities. Security and deployment needs are also considered, all with an eye toward helping you start coding. You learn what questions to ask when deciding whether to build for the mobile web and native platforms or to use a hybrid approach. You learn the design and prototyping techniques necessary to take advantage of the unique interfaces and form-factors available on modern mobile devices and how to translate that into working applica- tions. You code real-world examples and deploy them across platforms, all from a single code base. Mobile data services design and consumption, data synchronization, device utilities, and accessing device functionality are all covered in depth, as are hybrid development techniques and ways to extend your application to the desktop using thick client, web, or cloud approaches. This book contains all the essentials of cross-platform mobile development.


Devart LinqConnect 3.1

LinqConnect is a fast and easy-to-use ORM solution, developed closely to the Microsoft LINQ to SQL technology, and supporting SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. It provides a powerful model designer tool with complete integration to Visual Studio. Capability for customizing the default Type Mapping Rules is implemented Capability for setting diagram options either globally for all diagram documents or separately for a particular one is implemented: the Diagram Appearance and Printing options can now be set through the Options dialog box Capability for setting such options as Environment, Diagram and Servers' to adjust the Entity Developer behavior, Model diagram behavior and Type Mapping Rules to your needs is implemented Capability for setting and defining the class property validation rules based on different engines (Data Annotation, Enterprise Library, NHibernate Validator) is added The validation of method parameters is added The context menu options for unchecking changed/added/dropped tables are implemented for the root nodes in the "Update To/From Database" wizards The diagram design is changed: an arrow (instead of a triangle) is used on the tip of an association now The 'Numeric Primary Key As Identity' Oracle option is added: if this option is selected, the "StoreGeneratedPattern" will be set to Identity by default for Number primary keys The 'Integer Primary Key As Identity' SQLite option is added: if this option is selected, the "StoreGeneratedPattern" will be set to Identity by default for Integer primary keys The "Identifier Case Sensitive" check box, which enables case-sensitive processing of database object identifier names, is added to MySQL Server Options The documentation generation for Enum members is implemented The algorithm for forming the Navigation Properties names, when there are several FOREIGN KEY constraints between the same tables, is changed The documentation generation for navigation properties is implemented The "Recreate Model" option, allowing to rebuild the model from a scratch, is added to the "Update Model From Database" wizard The "GeneratePartialClass" template property to generate a partial class, which will not be overwritten by the designer, for each class in the model is added The behaviour is changed: the Navigation Property will not be displayed on the diagram and in Model Explorer if "Generate" is set to false for the appropriate association end The behaviour is changed: the Validate Max Length attribute is synchronized with the Max Length attribute of Property by default now The behaviour is changed: the Validate Required attribute is synchronized with the Nullable attribute of Property by default now The behaviour is changed: when selecting a property in the Model Explorer, the corresponding entity on the diagram does not expand if it is collapsed The behaviour is changed: the DATETIME2 data type is now used for columns, corresponding to System.DateTime properties, for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 and later The behaviour is changed: the 'Real' SQLite data type is now mapped to System.Double by default The behaviour is changed: database column comments are transfered to the Summary attribute of the Documentation property now The behaviour is changed: the TINYINT(1) data type is now used for the columns which correspond to the System.Boolean properties (MySQL)


佳能相机快门次数 EosInfo DLL绿色更新版

为了看7D的快门次数,就原作者的软件下载,运行出错。发现是动态连接库有问题,将EDSDK更新到最新的2.10,运行成功。遗憾的是佳能已将快门次数获取功能从SDK开发包中去掉了。有使用Canon相机的朋友下来试试。 绿色软件,无需安装,释放到一个固定目录即可。无需安装EosUtility。 前提条件是:1.需要安装微软的DotNet2.0以上运行包(Windows7应该已包含)。2.用USB线连接电脑与相机。


DelForExp 2.5.4

Delphi Source Code Formatter for XE


HyperStr 6.01 for Delphi 2010

One of the most significant new features with Delphi32 is long dynamic strings. However, the built-in functions don't really exploit the full potential of these new strings. HyperString provides over 400 fast, efficient string management routines to help you realize the full power of this highly versatile new data type. ----Revision History------------------------ v1.0 - 96/12/25, Original release (Happy holidays). v1.5 - 97/06/01, Many new routines, instructions for Delphi 3. v2.0 - 97/08/01, Added dynamic arrays and other new features. v2.2 - 97/12/15, Revised dynamic arrays, more new features. v2.5 - 98/01/30, Bigger and better than ever! v2.8 - 98/05/01, Improved performance, additions, bug fixes. v4.0 - 98/07/30, Modified for D4, changed version to match. v4.2 - 98/11/22, Modified to support SubScript. v5.0 - 99/05/01, Added user-defined case tables, reg expressions. Moved form and shell related code to HyperFrm unit. v6.0 - 01/06/22, Modified for D6 v6.01- 2010/05/28 Modified for Delphi 2010 by [email protected]


NativeExcel 2.8.14 full source for D7-D14

Version 2.8.14 30-Dec-2009 Fixed a small memory leak in the TXLSStringTable object. (Thanks to Paul Scott) Support of Delphi 2010 has been added. Version 2.8.13 23-Nov-2009 Calculation engine has been improved. Support of PROPER function added. Fixed a bug in the calculation engine. (wrong result for the comparison operators with null values). (Thanks to Marin Bilbilev) Version 2.8.12 17-Sep-2009 Fixed a small memory leak in the conditional formatting object. (Thanks to Henry Ernst) Fixed a loss of formula in the image control. (Thanks to Michael Gross) Version 2.8.11 10-Sep-2009 Fixed a bug in the calculation engine (agregate function with datatime values). (Thanks to Oktay KOCATURK) Version 2.8.10 09-Sep-2009 Minor formatting bug fixed. (Thanks to Rael Bauer)



使用方法: 1.安装make: cargo install cargo-make 2.将压缩包释放到某个文件夹下,并进入该文件夹 3.启动一个命令窗口,使用cargo make build构建项目 4.使用cargo make serve启动项目 5.启动另外一个命令窗口,使用cargo make watch跟踪文件变动,自动构建项目 6. 打开浏览器,地址栏输入:查看运行结果 补充说明: lib.rs最后几行需要改一下,否则浏览器上显示空白页: #[wasm_bindgen(start)] pub fn start() { yew::star


mingw64 7.0 用于安装rust编译环境

Windows系统中玩rust,通过Rust-Init.exe准备rustup.exe, 用rustup 安装gnu工具链前,需要准备gnu编译环境。解压这里的下载的mingw64.rar到任意文件夹,比如d:\programs, 将d:\programs\mingw64\bin添加到Path路径中,就可以: rustup toolchain install stable-gnu 安装gnu工具链,然后就可以cargo run了


FastReport企业版源代码6.6.17 支持10.4+ FastReport 简化管理工具2.0

FastReport 6.6.17 Enterprise Source Code for Delphi7 and Delphi27 (10.4 Sydney) FastReport Package Simplification Management Toolkit by [email protected], version 2.0, 2020-5-27 What is Package simplification management ? As Fastreport include a stack of design package files, it is boring to install these packages manually, we need a easy way to work out it, here is my solution which may apply to any package management besides Fastreport: My solution, in a brief, copy all files of all packages in one folder which is named by a Environment varible %ProjectHome% which has following structure: %ProjectHome%\Bin for all BPL files of all packages, runtime and design time files %ProjectHome%\LibD7 for Delphi 7 Compiled unit files and resource files (dcu,dcp,dfm,res etc.) %ProjectHome%\LibD26 for Delphi XE 10 Rio Compiled unit files and resource files (dcu,dcp,dfm,res etc.) Each Delphi version related folder may have platform (Win32,Win64 etc.) and configuration (release or debug) specified subfolders. after that, double click REG files to import Delphi known design time packages. This toolkit include two sets: 1. Resource translation, this function is provided by res\FR4Trans.exe, res\frccEx.exe and res\Chinese\@Deploy.bat, besides Chinese it can work with any language 2. Package simplification management, it is functioned by @DelUnUsedFiles.bat,@Deploy.bat,@BuildAllPackages.bat and REG files in quickInstall folder All source code included, you can modified freely. Usage: step0: Make a backup of your fastreport source code, then copy all files in this folder to FastReport home folder. Step1: Execute recompile.exe to generate specified version related folder and files (Recompile all package first, then Change Language to Chinese or othor one). step2: Execute @DelUnUsedFiles.bat to delete unused files in the folder which step1 generated. step3: Execute @Deploy.bat to deploy all files to the project home folder. step4: Double Click reg files in quickInstall folder to install design time BPLs in Delphi IDE, here assume that your ProjectHome is D:\Projects, you may change it. step5: optional, Instead of "recompile.exe-Recompile all package", Execute customized @BuildAllPackages.bat to recompile all package files if you modified any file in the folder which step1 generated. Step6: optional, Instead of "recompile.exe-Change Language to", Execute res\chinese\@deploy.bat if you need very formated Chinese resource code files, before this, you can Execute res\FR4Trans.exe to do translating in your prefered way, you may copy res\chinese\@deploy.bat to othor language folder.



大名鼎鼎的CodeSite 5.3.4版支持Unicode版的Delphi, 包括最新的10.4. The CodeSite Logging System gives developers deeper insight into how their code is executing, enabling them to locate problems more quickly and monitor how well their code is performing. Developers instrument their code using CodeSite loggers which send CodeSite messages to a live display or log file during program execution. All kinds of information can be encoded in a CodeSite message, and the CodeSite Live Viewer and File Viewer are specially designed tools for analyzing CodeSite messages. CodeSite is not only effective during development and testing; in production environments, CodeSite provides valuable information to support staff and developers.


FastReport Package Simplification Management Toolkit

FastReport Package Simplification Management Toolkit by [email protected], version 1.0, 2020-4-1 What is Package simplification management ? As Fastreport include a stack of design package files, it is boring to install these packages manually, we need a easy way to work out it, here is my solution which may apply to any package management besides Fastreport: My solution, in a brief, copy all files of all packages in one folder which is named by a Environment varible %ProjectHome% which has following structure: %ProjectHome%\Bin for all BPL files of all packages, runtime and design time files %ProjectHome%\LibD7 for Delphi 7 Compiled unit files and resource files (dcu,dcp,dfm,res etc.) %ProjectHome%\LibD26 for Delphi XE 10 Rio Compiled unit files and resource files (dcu,dcp,dfm,res etc.) Each Delphi version related folder may have platform (Win32,Win64 etc.) and configuration (release or debug) specified subfolders. after that, double click REG files to import Delphi known design time packages. This toolkit include two sets: 1. Resource translation, this function is provided by res\FR4Trans.exe, res\frccEx.exe and res\Chinese\@Deploy.bat, besides Chinese it can work with any language 2. Package simplification management, it is functioned by @DelUnUsedFiles.bat,@Deploy.bat,@BuildAllPackages.bat and REG files in quickInstall folder All source code included, you can modified freely. Usage: step0: Make a backup of your fastreport source code, then copy all files in this folder to FastReport home folder. Step1: Execute recompile.exe to generate specified version related folder and files (Recompile all package first, then Change Language to Chinese or othor one). step2: Execute @DelUnUsedFiles.bat to delete unused files in the folder which step1 generated. step3: Execute @Deploy.bat to deploy all files to the project home folder. step4: Double Click reg files in quickInstall folder to install design time BPLs in Delphi IDE, here assume that your ProjectHome is D:\Projects, you may change it. step5: optional, Instead of "recompile.exe-Recompile all package", Execute customized @BuildAllPackages.bat to recompile all package files if you modified any file in the folder which step1 generated. Step6: optional, Instead of "recompile.exe-Change Language to", Execute res\chinese\@deploy.bat if you need very formated Chinese resource code files, before this, you can Execute res\FR4Trans.exe to do translating in your prefered way, you may copy res\chinese\@deploy.bat to othor language folder.



Halcyon Version Source Welcome to Halcyon, a series of Pascal routines for management of Clipper, dBase III/IV/V , and FoxPro files. Modified by c5soft to support most recent Delphi Version 10 Seattle


Intraweb 11.0.63 Delphi 7 破解

1.支持DOCTYPE,从此不用模板也能让网页通过css在不同的浏览器上获得相同的显示效果; 2.支持Chrome等多种浏览器,手机应该可以浏览IW做的网页了; 3.目录结构发生改变,files搬到wwwroot/files下了; 4.支持IWURLResponderEvent,从此可以写RESTFul标准的服务端了; 5.对Ajax支持得更好,引入TIWAJAXNotifier控件(其实这个是可以在IW9下通过Javascript代码实现的)。


MSP430Ware driverLib API 波特率计算程序

由UART时钟与设定波特率计算MSP430库函数USCI_A_UART_initAdvance调用参数 clockPrescalar,p.firstModReg,secondModReg与overSampling。 下载压缩包释放到硬盘上任意位置,点击baudrate.html打开。


Halcyon698 XE5

Halcyon 6.9.8 for XE5, DBF文件读写利器。 网上有XE2的版本,从XE3开始,TDataset变化较大,网上搜不到,只好自己动手改。压缩包中的bpl在XE5 Update2环境下编译。


DbVisualizer 9.1.1 pro 破解64bit

DbVisualizer 9.1.1 pro Windows 7 64bit 破解版。 安装说明: 1.安装java 64位的运行环境 2.将本压缩包释放到一个文件夹下 3.运行dbvis.exe,导入crack文件夹下的licencse文件. 本下载就供研究学习,商业应用请购买正版。


msnodesql 0.2.1 win7 64位nodejs0.10.20

MS SQL Server Nodejs 在Windows 7 64位下的最新编译版本 Nodejs为0.10.20,msnodesql版本号为0.2.1 将上次上传的文件中不需要的中间文件清除,文件大小从8.4M缩小到502K。 安装方法:将压缩包解压到项目的node_modules文件夹下即可使用,具体使用方法请参照官方文档。


msnodesql 0.2.1 win7 64位nodejs0.10.1已编译版本

在Windows 7 64bit下终于搞定msnodesql,好艰难! 版本:Nodejs 0.10.1,C++ 2012,msnodesql 0.2.1



Delphi连接Mongo数据库演示程序,底层的C语言驱动mongoc.dll已使用VS 2012编译完毕。测试在Delphi XE2下运行正常。 Mongo数据库服务程序请到Mongo官方网站下载: http://www.mongodb.org/downloads


Flexigrid 1.1修改版

1.增加onClick事件; 2.对css做了调整,方便汉字显示,将div.nBtn高度由24变为30,以解决中文大字体情况下栏目选择下拉菜单无法操作的问题; 3.对css/images下面的文件统一添加flexi-*前缀。 本版本支持jQuery 1.9.1。


Node Express 3.0 API 参考手册

Node.js Express 3.0 API 参考手册 包含下列内容: app.set() app.get() app.enable() app.disable() app.enabled() app.disabled() app.configure() app.use() app.engine() app.param() application settings application routing app.all() app.locals app.render() app.routes app.listen() Request req.params req.query req.body req.files req.param() req.route req.cookies req.signedCookies req.get() req.accepts() req.accepted req.is() req.ip req.ips req.path req.host req.fresh req.stale req.xhr req.protocol req.secure req.subdomains req.originalUrl req.acceptedLanguages req.acceptedCharsets req.acceptsCharset() req.acceptsLanguage() Response res.status() res.set() res.get() res.cookie() res.clearCookie() res.redirect() res.location() res.charset res.send() res.json() res.jsonp() res.type() res.format() res.attachment() res.sendfile&#40;&#41; res.download() res.links() res.locals res.render() Middleware basicAuth() bodyParser() compress() cookieParser() cookieSession() csrf() directory()


Node.js API 0.8.18离线手册

Node.js v0.8.18 Manual & Documentation



Reasons to Migrate to Delphi XE2 What you might have missed since Delphi 7 126页,英文。



本演示告诉您如何在Intraweb中使用jQGrid. 仅为初步框架,数据完全复制jQGrid官网trirand.com 本演示的价值在于告诉您: 1.jQGrid有关的文件在Intraweb的wwwroot下如何布局; 2.jQGrid在TIWJQueryWidget中如何调用; 3.如何使用多个TIWJQueryWidget控件。 预知后事如何,且听下回分解。



基于Intraweb的三层框架,前台数据存取使用TADOdataset,数据编码使用SuperObject。第2版做了如下改进: 1.启用Intraweb的Session; 2.Response改用压缩转送; 4.改进ADO与XML转换算法,使用XPath定位Schama。 下面是新的ADOToXML.Pas函数: type TSQLVendor = (svMSSQL, svAccess, svOracle); function RecordsetToXML(const ARecordset: ADOInt._Recordset; const AChangesOnly: Boolean = False; const aIncludeSchema: Boolean = True): WideString; function ExtractXMLSchema(const AXML: WideString): WideString; function ExtractXMLData(const AXML: WideString): WideString; function XMLToRecordset(const AXML: WideString; const AXMLSchema: WideString = ''): ADOInt._Recordset; function XMLChangesToSQLCmd&#40;const AXMLChanges, ATableName, AKeyFlds: WideString; const AXMLSchema: WideString = ''; const ASQLVendor: TSQLVendor = svMSSQL&#41;: WideString;



在目前流行的三层构架RemObjects、kmbMW、RealThinClient中RealThinClient以轻量、简单博得不少Delphi使用者的青睐。这里我向大家演示的框架比RealThinClient更轻量,更简单。这就是利用Intraweb作为中间层,Indy HTTP作为客户端,SuperObject作为数据编码格式实现三层构架。这一框架将B/S结构与C/S结构处理逻辑统一在一套源代码中,用同一台服务器既提供网页服务也通过应用服务。为实现这一目标,该框架的关键技术是如何在Dataset与XML间相互转换,这里发布的压缩文件中包含TADODataset与XML相互转换的源代码: /



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