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indy10.2.3 full 完全安装版 D7~2010

indy10.2.3 full 完全安装版 D7~2010 版本:indy10.2.3 经delphi7下的安装成功,delphi11和delphi6的安装没有试用 【自动安装】 Lib\Fulld7.bat 双击运行即可。 自动会把bpl文件拷到C:\windows\system32 重新打开delphi7会自动加载 dclIndyCore70.bpl dclIndyProtocols70.bpl 【手工安装】 1.windows的path路径中增加D7的路径 在启用delphi7时,要能加载dclIndyCore70.bpl这个文件 如果是自动安装,这个文件会拷到C:\windows\system32\dclIndyCore70.bpl,所以不用改path 2.delphi7菜单中Library路径中 添加indy10\LIB路径下的System、Core、Protocols下的三个目录 添加indey10\D7 因为这个目录下有bpl和dcu文件 3.删除delphi7目录Bin下的indy*.BPL文件,这是官方旧版本的文件,放心删除。 4.删除delphi7目录下的 Id*.DCU文件,一般都是在lib目录里。 5.打开indy10\lib目录,安装DPK包顺序如下: (1)编译 System\IndySystem70.dpk (只需要compile) (这个不是设计包,不需要install) (2)编译 Core\IndyCore70.dpk (只需要compile) 编译安装Core\dclIndyCore70.dpk (设计包,先complie后install) (3)编译 Protocols\IndyProtocols70.dpk (只需要compile) 编译安装Protocols\dclIndyProtocols70.dpk (设计包,先complie后install) 6.完成 【第二次手工安装】 第一步: indy10\D7目录下的5个文件 复制到delphiD:\Delphi7_Ent\Projects\Bpl IndySystem70.bpl IndyCore70.bpl IndyProtocols70.bpl dclIndyCore70.bpl dclIndyProtocols70.bpl 第二步: 打开delphi7菜单 Component/install packpages/ add dclIndyCore70.bpl 再 add dclIndyProtocols70.bpl 第三步 打开delphi7菜单中Library路径中 添加indy10\LIB路径下的System、Core、Protocols下的三个目录 完成!更简单。前提是要有现成bpl的文件,如果没有bpl文件,还得需要dpk编译






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使用IDHTTP,POST数据到WEB服务器的例子。-The use of IDHTTP, POST data to a WEB server example.



一个很好用的皮肤控件】 How to make a new skin 1. Introduction. 2. MasterBitmap 3. Skin Editor (ASkinEditor). 4. Usage of masks. 1. Introduction. To create a new skin, you should have the latest version of the ASkinEditor.exe and any graphics editor (Adobe Photoshop is recommended). Most skins contain two files. The first one is an image of certain skin items collected together in the Bitmap format (the sorting of different items does not matter). Further the file will be referred to as MasterBitmap (there may be more image files but we will not consider such cases here). The other file (“Options.dat”) contains skin settings in the Ini- format. The settings reside either as general (“GlobalData” section) or as applicable for each separate type of control. Now it seems reasonable to single out two main parts – image file creation and skin creation in ASkinEditor. To conclude, skin making means creation of a MasterBitmap file and further configuration of the Options.dat file in the ASkinEditor program. 2. MasterBitmap Since we aim at understanding the keystones of skin creation, the simplest images will be used to make our first skin. More sophisticated cases will be provided later along with some helpful hints (such as MasterBitmap optimization, mask usage and so on). I guess you should realize that your first skin will not be intended for any serious application. However, they will become better as you acquire experience . Spend some time practicing to enjoy finally the skin created for your own projects all by yourself! ;) The pattern represents the content of the Master.bmp file for the WLM skin (this is the skin which will be discussed throughout the article). MasterBitmap contains a set of all required images of various items of controls. Each image can hold information on how an item looks like in every specific state (0 – regular, 1 – active, 2 – pressed). Hence it appears that the width of each image must be multiple to the number of supported states. The background must be Fuchsia-colored (since this color is transparent in AlphaSkins). This is an example of a CheckBox drawing (checked) in three states. Three equally sizes drawings are joined together. The first one – for a regular state of control, the next – for a selected state and the last one is displayed at pressing. There can be either two parts (if an image is not specified at clicking or if it is the same as in the selected state of the control) or even one (if a control looks the same in all states). Preparation of such items as forms, buttons, etc is not that challenging either. Use the following scheme to draw a control: draw a background first, then a frame window and the control content. The background can be translucent, have uniform, gradient or/and texture background (all the setting are specified in the skin editor and will be studied later). Now that the background is ready, corner and leg images from the MasterBitmap are superimposed onto it. Fuchsia colored pixels in the corners will make the control transparent there. Legs can be displayed either by replication or by stretching a source piece (display mode is specified in the skin editor). Below are two images of the ToolBar - before and after the frame window is drawn: While drawing a frame window divide the base image into 9 parts (see the figure on the right). Parts 1,3,7,9 (corners) are transferred as they are, the legs of the window are filled by repeated or stretched (optional) parts 2,4,6,8 accordingly. Finally, the centre is filled by part 5 (this is true only for small sized controls such as buttons; part 5 is not applied when, say, a bar is drawn). Coordinates of images, width of legs and all other options are specified in the skin editor. The background image for a control can be either included into the MasterBitmap file or kept in a different file (Jpeg and Bmp formats are acceptable). As soon as all the necessary images have been drawn and located in the MasterBitmap, you should save it in the Bitmap format (the number of colors is of little importance, however it’s advisable to use 256 for optimization of the skin size). Info : If the MasterBitmap file has been saved in PhotoShop, you are recommended to save it in a different program such as PaintBrush or IrfanView (it is a repeated practice that loading a Bmp-file saved in Photoshop causes an error in the flow read operation). Saving the image in any other program will help to avoid such issues. 3. Skin editor (ASkinEditor). The program is intended to ensure a visual and intuitive modification of the skin options file (Options.dat). Downloading the program for the first time you should specify the folder the skins will be located in (the menu option: File/Select folder with skins). Once the folder with skins is specified, choose the skin to edit (the menu option: Skins/<the skin to be edited>). Now that the skin is chosen we can edit it. To preview the skin being edited use the AskinDemo.exe program which is provided as a set with the skin editor. If the path is not specified, the program will ask you to find AskinDemo.exe. Use the checkbox “Changes preview in the demo” to preview the skin. After the skin is edited, it is automatically saved and the preview program is automatically updated with allowance for all recent changes. To start skin operation, please, open the page “Global data”/”Main info” and make sure the MasterBitmap file is specified. This page can also contain the name of the skin creator, skin version and other information. Now let’s go back to the first page “Sections managing” where we are enabled to add, edit and delete skin sections. Most sections (“FORM”, “BUTTON”, “PANEL” , etс) contain all options for drawing separate controls. The obvious advantage of such sections is that they can be substituted in the SkinData.SkinSection control option. Depending on the property setting a panel can be drawn as a button (“BUTTON” section) or as a form (“FORM” section). Moreover, you have an opportunity to add an unlimited number of your own sections to create proprietary controls. The rest of the sections are intended for drawing of separate parts of control (e.g. “DIVIDER”, “EXTRALINE”, “SCROLLBAR1H”). To change the section settings select it in the list on the left. The “Select borders” edit box on the page “Borders” permits to define the frame image coordinates in the MasterBitmap file along with other options required for frame drawing. You can omit to specify all these options which will result in drawing of a frameless control. The “Image selection for property” form is drawn on pressing the button. The best part of the form is filled with a large size drawing of MasterBitmap (the drawing scale is editable) where you can choose the image coordinates for a current section (on the model borders for the “TOOLBAR” section are chosen). You must install the “Mask used” checkbox in case masks are used (in this particular case they are not used). The “States count” specifies the control states number being determined by the drawing. Thus, to determine a regular, selected or pressed state for a button, you should draw them together in MasterBitmap, choose all the three states in the skin editor and set the StateCount to 3. The DrawMode specifies a mode of leg drawing – either by stretching the image the full length of a control leg or by repeating it. The BorderWidth values determine the width of each leg – left, upper, right and lower accordingly. Apart from frame specifying, we can determine the background and font settings. “BG” and “FONT” tabs specify the options for a regular state of control, while “Hot BG” and “Hot font” tabs – for active. Let’s take a closer look at the “BG” tab: We may prefer having a translucent background of a control. TRANSPARENCY specifies the transparency degree. COLOR defines the background color when neither fountain fill nor texture are specified. AlphaSkins provides a number of unique resolutions one of them being a possibility to combine texture with gradient. To set a percent degree of visibility of gradient and texture, use appropriate Trackbars. For choosing the texture choose the familiar window – “Image selection for property”. In this particular case “Fill type” is the only available option in addition to coordinates. AlphaSkins enables us with another specific feature which is support of a large variety of colors and their hues in a fountain fill (something like the PhotoShop gradients, see the figure on the right). For instance, a Mac Metal skin contains a large number of controls where the texture is drawn at one time with the gradient. Please, note that such mode will take more time for drawing… The “Hot BG” tab is totally identical to the “BG” one. To specify the font color and the color of caption bordering use the “Font” and “Hot font” tabs. The “Direct editing” tab contain a textual description of a current section. A person skillful in working with this skin editor can take advantage of the possibility to edit, copy and delete the options manually (like a text) to speed up his/her work. Pressing the “Info” tab button will display a short description of the selected section, and on the right a list of standard sections absent in the edited skin will become available. We have taken a review of the basic tabs available for all skin sections. However, there are complimentary tabs used for each particular section. For example, “Animation” tab is available for the button section and the “TRACKBAR”; it is used if you want to define images (glyphs) for all complimentary items of the control. Some other types of tabs can be found in other sections. All complimentary tabs and sections they are available in are listed on the “Editor options” page (here you can add names of your own section if any complimentary tabs are needed). There is a special section - “GLOBALINFO” – accumulating the data common for the whole skin. This data can be found and edited on the “Global data” page. Since we are already familiar with the “Main info” tab, let’s have a look at the “Colors” tab where we can define a number of colors common for the skin: “Default inactive control” is a color for inactive control not supported by skins; it can be applied in outside components to specify the color similar to the skin color to the uttermost. “Default edit control” is a color of an edit control not supported by the skin “Default labels color” is a color of captions “FX labels color” is a text color in the TsLabelFX component. Tabs Glyphs1 and Glyphs2 contain options for drawing Checkboxes and Radiobuttons icons, system icons for forms and others common for the whole application. At opening an icon selection window (window “Image selection for property”) the drawing coordinates, “Mask used” and “States count” become available. The “Shadows” tab allows to define setting of the shadow common for the skin. At this stage the shadow is applicable only for the TsLabelFX component; later this option will be available in other package components as well. After having learned everything about the skin editor the last thing to be mentioned is a built-in magnifier which enables a preview of small sized items. Its call button is located on the form title and can be displayed at a click of the mouse left button. Ultimately, below is a step-by-step process of a new skin creation : 1. Create a directory with a new skin name in a folder with skins 2. Create an Options.dat file(or copy it from an existing skin) 3. Create a new Master.bmp file (or copy it from an existing skin) 4. Run AskinEditor.exe, select the new skin and define the MasterBitmap to use. 5. Press the “Information” button in the skin editor and add all sections to the suggested skin (you can choose not to add the unused ones). 6. Each time the Master.bmp file is filled with a new control drawing, define its coordinates and drawing options in the corresponding sections. 7. To preview the skin use the AskinDemo.exe displaying when the “Changes preview in the demo” is enabled. 8. Please, feel free to contact the support service in case of any question and for troubleshooting (e-mail to [email protected]) The skin editor is provided with a skin making wizard that will help to fulfill points 1-5 (it is located in the menu option File/Make new skin). 4. Masks Usage. One of the most outstanding options of the AlphaSkins is a possibility to use masks for drawing various items. The option gives much advantage in drawing the controls enabling smoothing, partial transparency and other effects. Masks in Alphacontrols 4 are alphacanal emulation and can be defined as an independent area in the MasterBitmap which is supposed to be of the same size with a corresponding drawing and be located right under it. A mask can only be grey-toned. The darker the pixels are, the less transparent the corresponding pixel on the drawing is. It follows thence that a pixel with a white mask will be absolutely transparent while a pixel with a black mask – absolutely opaque. Below you can see a mask of a button frame from the WLM skin and its final form after the mask has been applied.


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《Delphi实例开发教程》源代码包说明 __________________________________________________________________ (一)源代码程序包内容: 源代码程序包的目录结构如下: \(根目录) | |————Readme.txt(说明文件必须放在这个地方) | |————\本书大案例(目录) | | |————|————DataBase(目录,存放大案例的数据库文件为“date”和数据库连接文件TEST.UDL) | | |————|————Materials(目录,存放大案例的登录logo) | | |————|————EXE(目录,存放可执行文件,为channelplay.exe) | | |————|————Setup(目录,存放安装文件) | | |————|————Source(目录,存放源代码,这个目录可以进一步细分) | | |————|————|————code(保存源程序) | | |————|————|————dcu(保存中间编译文件) | | |————|————|————exe(保存可执行文件) 其中安装程序文件夹里面是本案例系统的安装程序,与程序源代码无关。用户既可以以它来安装信息搜索系统程序,也可以直接从setup文件夹中直接运行程序。(当然,两者前提是数据库配置好,具体的配置方法参考案例书第4章的案例分析与完善) 另外在source文件夹中还有三个文件夹,code,dcu与exe是在编写程序代码是为了方便管理而设置的(这里的exe文件夹中文件和大案例下的EXE文件夹一样)。在一般情况下,如果不对编写的delphi项目工程进行设置而直接保存到一个文件中,那么在运行程序代码是就会在此文件夹中产生中间编译文件和最后的运行程序。如此则这同一个文件夹中就不仅有项目文件、单元文件也会有在编译过程中产生的编译文件和最后程序等。这样就不方便程序的管理和查看。所以在编写delphi项目工程之前最后设置三个文件夹分别用于保存源程序代码、中间的编译文件和应用程序,以方便管理。(具体设置是先打开delphi7,选择[Project]->[options],打开一个对话框,directories/Conditionals页,在Output directory里填写保存应用程序的文件夹路径,在Unit Output directory填写保存中间编译文件的文件夹路径。这两个路径最后写与源程序代码文件夹相关的相对路径。如本书的项目工程,源程序代码保存在code文件夹中,那么Output directory里填写“..\exe”,而Unit Output directory里填写“..\dcu”。) (二)下面介绍大案例code文件夹里各个文件的内容和关系:(code文件夹里的几个文件夹都与本程序无关,可以删除) 1)ChannelPlayer.dpr-------本案例的工程文件 它说明项目中各个单元文件的运行创建,并启动生成应用程序 2)MainFrm.dfm-----------------主窗体的窗体文件 它保存软件主界面窗体所作的属性 MainFrm.pas------------------主窗体的单元文件 它保存与软件主界面窗体相关的程序代码 以下各组文件的内容可以参考本书的第二章的实例分析与完善 3)MaintainFrm.dfm---------------对已保存的定制进行修改维护的窗体文件 MaintainFrm.pas-------------对已保存的定制进行修改维护的单元文件 4)BrowserFrm.dfm----------浏览器的窗体文件 BrowserFrm.pas----------浏览器的单元文件 5)CustomSearchFrm.dfm-------实现定制搜索功能窗体文件 CustomSearchFrm.pas-----------实现定制搜索功能单元文件 6)DisplayFrm.dfm----------------设计显示和操作搜索信息界面的窗体文件 DisplayFrm.pas--------------设计显示和操作搜索信息界面的单元文件 7)DisplayFra.dfm------------显示的搜索到的网站的窗体文件 DisplayFra.pas------------显示的搜索到的网站的单元文件 8)InputFra.dfm--------------进行搜索前对一些基本输入控件处理的窗体文件 InputFra.pas---------------进行搜索前对一些基本输入控件处理的单元文件 9)RollingNewsFrm.dfm---------用于滚动新闻设置的窗体文件 RollingNewsFrm.pas---------用于滚动新闻设置的单元文件 10)SettingFrm.dfm-----------用于系统的设置的窗体文件 SettingFrm.pas-----------用于系统的设置的单元文件 11)SiteArrangementFrm.dfm---整理“站内搜索”子模块中用户设置的窗体文件 SiteArrangementFrm.pas---整理“站内搜索”子模块中用户设置的单元文件 12)SiteSearchFrm.dfm--------主要用于实现站内搜索的窗体文件 SiteSearchFrm.pas--------主要用于实现站内搜索的单元文件 13)SplashFrm.dfm-----------实现系统开始运行闪屏的窗体文件 13)SplashFrm.pas-----------实现系统开始运行闪屏的单元文件 14)ViewFra.dfm--------------设定查询数据库保存的搜索结果信息条件输入的窗体文件 ViewFra.pas--------------设定查询数据库保存的搜索结果信息条件输入的单元文件 15)ViewInfoFrm.dfm----------对数据库中信息查询的窗体文件 ViewInfoFrm.pas-----------对数据库中信息查询的单元文件 16)UnitSearch.pas-----------实现百度、新浪等搜索引擎线程定义的单元文件 以上是code文件夹的主要文件,也是本案例工程的所有代码文件,其中ChannelPlayer.dpr是工程文件,记录本工程的信息;其他的窗体都是在本系统程序使用时动态调用(各个文件的调用关系可以参考本书第一章实例分析与完善的概要模块设置部分)。code文件夹中其他文件是在程序编译运行时候有delphi7自动生成,用户可以不管。其中*.~后缀的文件是相应文件名的备份,它们也是由delphi7自动生成。 (三)source文件夹中dcu文件夹中保存的文件是程序在编译的时候生成的中间文件,它们都对应code文件夹中的每个*.pas单元文 件。 (四)source文件夹中exe文件夹的文件: ChannelPlayer.exe---是本项目工程运行是自动生成的可执行运用程序 (五)系统需求: 1. 硬件要求: 基本配置为: ¢ CPU:Intel Pentium II-class 300 MHz (Intel Pentium III-class 600 MHz recommended) 这表明需要至少300MHz的奔III处理器,笔者所使用的是雷鸟1G,应该说 性能还是可以的。 ¢ RAM:96MB(128MB recommended) 实际上,128M内存运行起来还是觉得不够,最好能够有256M以上内存。笔 者使用的是256M DDR内存。 ¢ Available hard disk space(for install):250MB ¢ Available hard disk space(post install):155MB 事实上,这个要求仅仅是针对安装delphi7所提出的 要求。 ¢ Video:800×600,256 colors 只要是14英寸显示器就可以达到这个要求。 ¢ CD-ROM:required 这只是目前计算机的标准配置,实际上,如果不是采用光盘安装的话,CD-ROM 根本就派不上用场。 ¢ Operating System:Microsoft Windows 2000(or up) ¢ Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5(or up) 2. 本系统工程的开发环境 本信息搜索系统程序是在WindowsXP的Delphi7环境下开发编写的,并且通过测试。另外本系统也能在windows98,me,2000 的delphi7环境下开发编写。对于delphi的版本,虽然delphi6与delphi7相差不大,但由于本系统的网络部分用到的一些网络控件在delphi6没有,所以如果想使用delphi6编写的程序员要用delphi6的网络控件代替delphi7的网络控件。对于刚出的delphi8,由于它是基于net框架的,主要用于网页编写,编写应用程序的方式不一样,而且delphi7的很多控件都没有,所以一般不能在delphi8中开发运行(除非重新编写所有的代码)。 (六)注意事项: 本系统要注意开发环境的选取,如上面所说的,最好使用delphi7以下的版本,不能使用delphi8。另外还要注意系统程序所用到的数据库的设置,先是把数据库还原,然后设置TEST.UDL里的连接参数,使程序能与数据库建立关系。这样之后才能运行程序。最后,由于本系统是借助几大门户网站的搜索功能实现搜索,所以要注意这些门户网站的更新,根据它们的更新来更新本系统。 (七)技术支持信息: 本系统的运行与操作: 本系统在运行之前要先设置好与数据库的连接(参考第4章的实例分析与完善)。然后运行程序会出现一个主界面,界面中间是有关新闻的滚动。点击“定制搜索”功能可进入定制搜索界面,在界面的左边可以选择是搜索以前的关键字还是重新输入,如果重新输入着在“关键字”栏里填写关键字,然后选择相关设置就可以搜索。对于搜索到的信息可以直接单击进入网页,也可以右键点击选择不同的操作。保存搜索信息公能用于对本次搜索信息保存到数据库中。点击主界面的“查看信息”功能可以进入查看信息界面,其界面与定制搜索界面相识。 点击主界面的“滚动新闻”功能和“系统设置”功能可以设置主界面的新闻滚动和本系统的信息。 _________________________________________________________________ 技术支持的联系方式: 如果用户对于本系统程序有什么疑问可以发邮件到: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] _________________________________________________________________


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