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原创 Ubuntu22.04深度学习环境配置

x86_64的PC机或服务器,安装有NVIDIA显卡,安装Ubuntu 22.04操作系统。以下操作在本地shell或远程ssh均可。

2023-12-29 09:58:21 416

原创 Linux忘记root密码后的修复

在linux开头的启动行末尾,加上“rd.break console=tty0”,按Ctrl+X,进入救援模式。启动时进入GRUB界面时,按e,进入编辑模式。

2023-12-28 16:35:20 336

转载 MySQL创建用户与授权


2022-11-20 15:33:18 183 1

原创 自动安装R包并载入的代码


2022-08-13 11:51:12 422

原创 Raspberry Pi 4 with Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)


2022-08-02 10:49:31 607

原创 Pytorch 1.8.1 with Cuda @ Windows 10

Pytorch的官方下载链接:https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.htmlPython 版本 + Cuda版本 + 操作系统 的组合,颇为混乱。我的系统是Windows 10,Python用Anaconda 2020.11,对应Python 3.8.5。安装有两个思路:安装独立的cuda + pytorch 使用conda把cuda和pytorch一起安装(1)的思路其实更一般。下载了cuda_11.1.0_456.43_w.

2021-04-15 19:21:00 3171 1

原创 Matlab 7.1 @ Windows 10 LTSC 2019

标题标注在用的版本。装一个能找到最老的Matlab,主要是自己只是用来当个特定的计算器用,实在受不了现在Matlab的庞大体积。[MATLAB.V7.1.Windows版本].MATLAB.V7.1.R14.SP3.DVD.iso 大小为1.24GB,装完后:好,问题开始出现。装完之后打不开,报Java相关错误。修改兼容模式无法解决。上网找了一下,居然有人解决过这个问题。https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/c74d60009ef92c0f6a595d06.ht

2021-03-13 19:09:00 1091

原创 Python/R/Julia @ iPython/Jupyter notebook @ Ubuntu 20.04

习惯在 iPython notebook里写实验性的代码(其实Jupyter notebook)。看到 www.jupyter.org 上说可以用其他语言,包括R、Julia、C++、Scheme、Ruby等。本人对R和Julia比较感兴趣,就在 Ubuntu 20.04@RaspberryPi 4B上试了一下。Python @ iPython notebook这个最简单$ sudo apt install ipython3 python3-notebook # 安装iPython note

2021-02-04 01:07:03 217

原创 Ubuntu 20.04 & CUDA

Ubuntu 20.04 & CUDA注意:部分sudo操作需要su - 为root。取消默认驱动Nouveau$ sudo echo "blacklist nouveau" >>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf$ sudo echo "options nouveau modeset=0" >>/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf$ sudo update-initramfs -u$ sudo reboot安

2020-09-02 21:50:30 269

原创 tensorflow-gpu & PyTorch @ Windows 10

借助anaconda比较简单。1、安装最新nVidia显卡驱动:https://www.geforce.cn/drivers2、安装 Anaconda:https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/anaconda/archive/3、配置Anaconda的源,参考:https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/help/anac...

2019-09-27 16:28:40 95

原创 WIFI @ Ubuntu Server 18.04 / Linux 没有图形界面时连接无线网络

在命令行连接WIFI对于特殊情况下是很有必须要的。查看是不是识别出了无线网卡:$ sudo iwconifg启动无线网卡(假如是wlan0)$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up以前网络的配置是 /etc/network/interfaces现在是 /etc/netplan/XXX.yaml在 yaml 文件中network: 字段下加配置如下:r...

2019-03-31 23:02:50 4546 1

原创 Fedora 的 X11-forwarding

安装了一个 Fedora 24 Server,默认没法通过 MoboXterm 做 X11转发。查了一下,需要安装 xauth装好后重连就好了。

2016-07-01 13:37:18 803

原创 gitweb @ Apache [@Windows]

这篇文章主要参考 http://xiaqianlin.cn/?p=579安装Apache httpd和MsysGit之后。利用MsysGit自带的GitWeb提供Git Server的web访问。1、在Apache的httpd.conf中添加gitweb的映射关系Alias /gitweb "C:/git-1.9.5/share/gitweb" AddHa

2015-08-15 21:31:24 380

原创 Python @ EditPlus

以下基于 EditPlus 3.7先设置python的语法高亮和自动完成。(如果这些文件没有,可以去EditPlus主页下载)然后设置在EditPlus里面直接调用python,运行正在编辑的文件再给python设置一个模板。(主要是为了coding设置,另外也要设置EditPlus的默认保存文件格式)最后写个程序,Ctrl+1 执行一下吧!

2015-06-03 00:26:27 273

原创 R @ Debian

首先阅读这份文档 http://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/README大意就是Debian 有打包的 R,但是很快就会过期,所以最好使用 CRAN 的 backport 包。在 /etc/apt/source.list 中加入:deb http://mirrors.ustc.edu.cm/CRAN/bin/linux/deb

2012-06-11 20:53:14 518

原创 Webmin @ Debian

1、去 http://www.webmin.com/下载安装用软件包,觉得 TAR file 比较方便。2、为了启用 HTTPS 需要安装 perl 模块包libnet-ssleay-perl3、解压缩 tar zxf webmin-xxxxx.tar.gz -C 到指定目录4、进入解压缩出来的 webmin-xxxxx 目录,执行 setup.sh,完成安装。done~ 可以

2012-06-11 20:45:43 426


文献管理神器 Zotero ! 强烈推荐! 参考:http://www.hanlindong.com/2018/zotero-citation-manager/


Business Case Analysis with R

Introduction This tutorial teaches you how to use the statistical programming language R to develop a business case simulation and analysis. It presents a methodology for conducting business case analysis that minimizes decision delay by focusing stakeholders on what matters most and suggests pathways for minimizing the risk in strategic and capital allocation decisions. Business case analysis, often conducted in spreadsheets, exposes decision makers to additional risks that arise just from the use of the spreadsheet environment. R has become one of the most widely used tools for reproducible quantitative analysis, and analysts fluent in this language are in high demand. The R language, traditionally used for statistical analysis, provides a more explicit, flexible, and extensible environment than spreadsheets for conducting business case analysis. The main tutorial follows the case in which a chemical manufacturing company considers constructing a chemical reactor and production facility to bring a new compound to market. There are numerous uncertainties and risks involved, including the possibility that a competitor brings a similar product online. The company must determine the value of making the decision to move forward and where they might prioritize their attention to make a more informed and robust decision. While the example used is a chemical company, the analysis structure it presents can be applied to just about any business decision, from IT projects to new product development to commercial real estate. The supporting tutorials include the perspective of the founder of a professional service firm who wants to grow his business and a member of a strategic planning group in a biomedical device company who wants to know how much to budget in order to refine the quality of information about critical uncertainties that might affect the value of a chosen product development pathway. What You’ll Learn: Set up a business case abstraction in an influence diagram to communicate the essence of the problem to other stakeholders Model the inherent uncertainties in the problem with Monte Carlo simulation using the R language Communicate the results graphically Draw appropriate insights from the results Develop creative decision strategies for thorough opportunity cost analysis Calculate the value of information on critical uncertainties between competing decision strategies to set the budget for deeper data analysis Construct appropriate information to satisfy the parameters for the Monte Carlo simulation when little or no empirical data are available Keywords Business case analysis Risk analysis Decision analysis Engineering economics Quantitative analysis R modeling R langauage R Business case simulation Monte Carlo simulation


Natural Language Processing and Text Mining

The topic this book addresses originated from a panel discussion at the ACM SIGKDD (Special Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining) Conference held in Seattle, Washington, USA. We the editors organized the panel to promote discussion on how text mining and natural language processing, two related topics originating from very different disciplines, can best interact with each other, and benefit from each other’s strengths. It attracted a great deal of interest and was attended by 200 people from all over the world. We then guest-edited a special issue of ACM SIGKDD Explorations on the same topic, with a number of very interesting papers. At the same time, Springer believed this to be a topic of wide interest and expressed an interest in seeing a book published. After a year of work, we have put together 11 papers from international researchers on a range of techniques and applications.


Practical IPv6 for Windows Administrators

Practical IPv6 for Windows Administrators is a handy guide to implementing IPv6 in a Microsoft Windows environment. This is the book you need if you are a Microsoft Windows Administrator confronted with IPv6 and in need of a quick resource to get up and going. The book covers the current state of IPv6 and its support in Microsoft Windows. It provides best-practices and other guidance toward successful implementation. This book is especially written with the goal of translating your current expertise in IPv4 into the new realm of IPv6. Special attention is given to dual-stack configurations, helping you to run IPv4 and IPv6 side-by-side and support both protocol versions during a transition period. Practical IPv6 for Windows Administrators is also a fast reference you can look at to get something done quickly. It covers IPv6 addressing, management of IPv6 from Powershell, Advanced Firewall configuration, and use of IPv6 in Hyper-V and virtual networking environments. You'll find practical examples showing how IPv6 integrates with all the standard tools you use for IPv4 today, tools like DNS and DHCP. You'll also find insider knowledge on IPv6 that can help avert stumbling points on the road to deployment. Provides a quick path from IPv4 expertise to IPv6 implementation Gives best-practices specific to Windows on IPv6 and dual stack networks Is chock full of practical examples showing how to manage IPv6 on Windows


PHP Quick Scripting Reference 2013

The PHP Quick Scripting Reference is a condensed scripting code and syntax reference to the PHP scripting language, the most popular Web scripting language in use today. It presents the essential PHP script in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference. You won’t find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a Web scripting language reference that is concise, to the point and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any PHP programmer or Web developer In the PHP Quick Scripting Reference, you will find: A concise reference to the PHP scripting language syntax. Short, simple and focused code examples. A well laid out table of contents and a comprehensive index allowing easy review.


Pro Bash Programming 2015

The bash shell is a complete programming language, not merely a glue to combine external Linux commands. By taking full advantage of shell internals, shell programs can perform as snappily as utilities written in C or other compiled languages. And you will see how, without assuming Unix lore, you can write professional bash 4.0 programs through standard programming techniques. * Complete bash coverage * Teaches bash as a programming language * Helps you master bash 4.0 features What you'll learn * Use the shell to write new utilities and accomplish most programming tasks. * Use shell parameter expansion to replace many external commands, making scripts very fast. * Learn to avoid many common mistakes that cause scripts to fail. * Learn how bash's readline and history libraries can save typing when getting user input. * Learn to use features new to bash 4.0. * Build shell scripts that get information from the Web. Who this book is for Beginning Linux and Unix system administrators who want to be in full command of their systems. Table of Contents * Hello, World! Your First Shell Program * Input, Output, and Throughput * Looping and Branching * Command-Line Parsing and Expansion * Parameters and Variables * Shell Functions * String Manipulation * File Operations and Commands * Reserved Words and Builtin Commands * Writing Bug-Free Scripts and Debugging the Rest * Programming for the Command Line * Runtime Configuration * Data Processing * Scripting the Screen * Entry-Level Programming


Scripting in Java 2014

Scripting in Java starts with the explanation of basic scripting concepts and mechanisms needed for implementating scripting languages on the Java platform. Next, it focuses on particular languages available for Java developers today, such as Groovy, BeanShell, Python (Jython), JavaScript (Rhino), etc. After these basic concepts, the book's topic is moved towards frameworks and patterns. This part of the book describes Apache BSF framework and the Scripting API (javax.script). It also introduces practical advices and design patterns for successful usage of scripting languages in Java projects. At the end, the Web Scripting Framework (javax.script.http) is described with examples of integration of PHP and Java web applications.


Practical Data Science with R / 使用R的数据科学实践

Practical Data Science with R lives up to its name. It explains basic principles without the theoretical mumbo-jumbo and jumps right to the real use cases you’ll face as you collect, curate, and analyze the data crucial to the success of your business. You’ll apply the R programming language and statistical analysis techniques to carefully explained examples based in marketing, business


The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction, 2nd Edition(Linux命令行大全,第二版)

You've experienced the shiny, point and click surface of your Linux computer—now dive below and explore its depths with the power of the command line. The Linux Command Line takes you from your very first terminal keystrokes to writing full programs in Bash, the most popular Linux shell. Along the way you'll learn the timeless skills handed down by generations of gray bearded, mouse shunning gurus: file navigation, environment configuration, command chaining, pattern matching with regular expressions, and more. In addition to that practical knowledge, author William Shotts reveals the philosophy behind these tools and the rich heritage that your desktop Linux machine has inherited from Unix supercomputers of yore. As you make your way through the book's short, easily digestible chapters, you'll learn how to: Create and delete files, directories, and symlinks Administer your system, including networking, package installation, and process management Use standard input and output, redirection, and pipelines Edit files with Vi, the world's most popular text editor Write shell scripts to automate common or boring tasks Slice and dice text files with cut, paste, grep, patch, and sed Once you overcome your initial "shell shock," you'll find that the command line is a natural and expressive way to communicate with your computer. Just don't be surprised if your mouse starts to gather dust.



Absolute OpenBSD: UNIX for the Practical Paranoid By Michael W. Lucas 2013 | 536 Pages | ISBN: 1593274769 | EPUB + PDF | 4 MB + 11 MB The definitive guide to OpenBSD Foreword by Henning Brauer, OpenBSD PF Developer OpenBSD, the elegant, highly secure Unix-like operating system, is widely used as the basis for critical DNS servers, routers, firewalls, and more. This long-awaited second edition of Absolute OpenBSD maintains author Michael Lucas's trademark straightforward and practical approach that readers have enjoyed for years. You'll learn the intricacies of the platform, the technical details behind certain design decisions, and best practices, with bits of humor sprinkled throughout. This edition has been completely updated for OpenBSD 5.3, including new coverage of OpenBSD's boot system, security features like W^X and ProPolice, and advanced networking techniques. You'll learn how to: Manage network traffic with VLANs, trunks, IPv6, and the PF packet filter Make software management quick and effective using the ports and packages system Give users only the access they need with groups, sudo, and chroots Configure OpenBSD's secure implementations of SNMP, DHCP, NTP, hardware sensors, and more Customize the installation and upgrade processes for your network and hardware, or build a custom OpenBSD release Whether you're a new user looking for a complete introduction to OpenBSD or an experienced sysadmin looking for a refresher, Absolute OpenBSD, 2nd Edition will give you everything you need to master the intricacies of the world's most secure operating system. "The definitive book on OpenBSD gets a long-overdue refresh." -Theo de Raadt, OpenBSD Founder ============================================== Book review: Absolute OpenBSD (Second Edition) Absolute OpenBSD OpenBSD 5.3 came out at the beginning of May, right on schedule. The latest version of the security-oriented operating system brought several improvements to the table, including better driver and processor support, bug fixes and security enhancements. All in all it looked like a positive and conservative step for the OpenBSD project. This is all great news for users of the operating system as the OpenBSD crowd tends to appreciate quiet, evolutionary steps. While great for the users and administrators who run OpenBSD, "driver improvements and security enhancements" doesn't make for exciting reviews as not a whole lot of changes have happened on the surface since we looked at OpenBSD last year. With that in mind, rather than focus on the latest release of OpenBSD, I'd like to share a resource which will help people who have an interest in OpenBSD get better acquainted with the operating system. Specifically, I'd like to share with you a book written by Michael W. Lucas called "Absolute OpenBSD". There are two aspects of Mr Lucas' book which set it apart from most other instructive texts and, for that matter, from the other books I've reviewed here in the past. The first is Lucas has a sense of humour and that makes what would otherwise be a dry look at the nuts and bolts of an open source operating system a surprisingly fun journey. On the topic of system upgrades Lucas writes, "Sever upgrades can make even seasoned sysadmins wish that they had a simpler job, such as performing as a carnival sideshow, stuffing weasels into their trousers." On another page he points out that OpenBSD will allow you to set up any program to act as a window manager, "You can also enter a command that isn't a window manager, such as grep. If you do, OpenBSD will silently log you out. It won't say, `Please step away from the keyboard before I hurt you.' Not threatening you passes for user-friendly in OpenBSD." In both cases his jokes are funny because they come loaded with more than a kernel of truth. The second characteristic of Lucas' book I greatly appreciated was that it doesn't really try to be a how-to text. In the past I've shared books I've enjoyed which talk about how to use the Ubuntu desktop or how to trouble-shoot a server or how to use the command line. Those books tend to take things one step at a time and walk us through processes. "Absolute OpenBSD" doesn't really come across as a how-to-use-this-technology book. While it does include tutorials and plenty of advice on how to administer OpenBSD, I didn't really get the feeling we were being shown how to use the operating system. Rather I believe Lucas was primarily concerned with showing us how OpenBSD works, how the pieces fit together. Last month I reviewed a book called "A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors and Shell Programming" and we might think of that text as an instruction manual which teaches us how to drive a car, how to fill the gas tank and change the tyres. All very useful things to know how to do. "Absolute OpenBSD" does cover filling the gas tank and changing the tyres, but it spends a good deal of time under the hood. The chapters in "Absolute OpenBSD" cover things like how the engine works, what a spark plug is, why a battery goes dead and why we should never lick said battery. (In this example licking a battery is a direct parallel to reconfiguring the OpenBSD kernel.) Lucas is aware OpenBSD is a highly flexible operating system and the tasks we may perform with it are not necessarily the same ones he performs. Therefore he sets about explaining how all the pieces fit together, how the system works, what its key features are and he sprinkles in a good deal of advice about how to avoid common pitfalls. Actually, one of the first things Lucas does is acknowledge his book can't cover everything and we will need to seek outside help eventually. The first chapter is dedicated to introducing OpenBSD resources, documentation, mailing lists and other places where we can seek assistance. After that we get into some more hands-on material such as how to install OpenBSD, how to partition our hard drives and checking to make sure our hardware is supported. There are chapters on securing the operating system, managing the OpenBSD firewall, performing upgrades and adjusting kernel-level settings. These are the more practical aspects of the book. Thrown into the mix are chapters containing more abstract information. For example, one chapter is dedicated to explaining the purpose and contents of every configuration file under the /etc directory. We're told how the system boots itself and which files are checked and in what order. We're told about different styles of attacks (and attackers) and how to protect ourselves. We're told how user accounts and account security features work and how to best handle sudo. There is a chapter on dealing with X and a section dedicated to what OpenSSH does and how we can make the most of secure shell, including a tutorial on locking down users' remote access. We're told about the OpenBSD ports tree, not just how to use it, but how ports work and why the ports tree has certain features. Lucas covers how to perform scheduled tasks and, more importantly, what sort of tasks we might wish to automate. In a lot of ways reading "Absolute OpenBSD" reminds me of conversations I've had while sitting around a table with other IT people, trading little snippets of advice and horror stories. The book focuses less on the steps required to perform tasks and more on why we should (or should not) perform those tasks. It's less about guiding us down a single path and more of a crash course in (digital) jungle survival. "These are the plants you need to be able to recognize -- these ones are poison, those ones you can eat," the book seems to say. "These are the tools you should take with you and here is how to get the most out of your pocket knife." While the material is specifically focused on OpenBSD, a good deal of the concepts and advice are relevant to users of any UNIX or UNIX-like operating system. The instructions on using pkg_add to keep software up to date may be specific to OpenBSD, but scheduling package updates is universal. Using inetd to limit network connections from the outside world may be specific to a subset of UNIX-like systems, but limiting the flow of connections in general is important for any server admin. That's what I like about "Absolute OpenBSD", it covers the why at least as much as the how and that makes it a great instruction manual for any system administrator, not just OpenBSD admins. I certainly recommend the book for administrators, especially people interested in OpenBSD. Even if you don't read the entire text, be sure to check out the author's tips and asides that are featured on almost every page, they are heavy with wisdom from the trenches. Title: Absolute OpenBSD (Second Edition) Author: Michael W. Lucas © 2013 Publisher: No Starch Press ISBN: 1-59327-476-9 Length: 536 pages Available from: No Starch Press and Amazon


《Programming Perl 4th edition》(Perl程序设计<第四版>)

最新版的《Perl程序设计<第四版>》!Perl创始人唯一相关书籍!学习Perl编程语言必备! Programming Perl: Unmatched power for text processing and scripting By Tom Christiansen, brian d foy, Larry Wall, Jon Orwant Ph.D. Fourth edition 2012 | 1176 Pages | ISBN: 0596004923 | PDF | 20 MB Adopted as the undisputed Perl bible soon after the first edition appeared in 1991, Programming Perl is still the go-to guide for this highly practical language. Perl began life as a super-fueled text processing utility, but quickly evolved into a general purpose programming language that’s helped hundreds of thousands of programmers, system administrators, and enthusiasts, like you, get your job done. In this much-anticipated update to "the Camel," three renowned Perl authors cover the language up to its current version, Perl 5.14, with a preview of features in the upcoming 5.16. In a world where Unicode is increasingly essential for text processing, Perl offers the best and least painful support of any major language, smoothly integrating Unicode everywhere—including in Perl’s most popular feature: regular expressions. Important features covered by this update include: New keywords and syntax I/O layers and encodings New backslash escapes Unicode 6.0 Unicode grapheme clusters and properties Named captures in regexes Recursive and grammatical patterns Expanded coverage of CPAN Current best practices



The shell is a programming language. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. The shell is not just glue that sticks bits together. The shell is a lot more than a tool that runs other tools. The shell is a complete programming language! When a Linux user asked me about membership databases, I asked him what he really needed. He wanted to store names and addresses for a couple of hundred members and print mailing labels for each of them. I recommended using a text editor to store the information in a text file, and I provided a shell script to create the labels in PostScript. (The script, ps-labels, appeared in my first book, Shell Scripting Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach.) When the SWEN worm was dumping hundreds of megabytes of junk into my mailbox every few minutes, I wrote a shell script to filter them out on the mail server and download the remaining mail to my home computer. That script has been doing its job for several years. I used to tell people that I did most of my programming in the shell but switched to C for anything that needed the extra speed. It has been several years since I have needed to use C, so I no longer mention it. I do everything in the shell. A shell script is as much a program as anything written in C, Python, or any other language. Just because shell scripts are easier to write doesn’t mean they should take a backseat to compiled programs or other scripting languages. I use the terms script and program interchangeably when referring to tasks written in the shell.



This book is a collection of recipes for the working Linux sysadmin–a set of stand-alone quick guides and tips that you can keep on your desk for easy reference. Hardcore in-depth manuals are great when you have the time to sit down and read through them thoroughly, but that’s not always the case when you have a bug that you needed fixed yesterday. This book is aimed at giving you tools to fix problems faster but also to help you set up software and systems to avoid problems showing up in the first place. Or at least to help you catch them sooner and solve them faster when they do show up. I wrote this because when working as a sysadmin, I spent a lot of time hunting for just this sort of information. This is a collection of things that I’ve personally found useful and wanted to share with other people in my position.



Foreword In April 2005, Linus Torvalds published the very first version of Git, the distributed version control system that is the topic of this book, and started managing the Linux kernel project with it. Countless online pages have been written about Git by third parties since then, but many of them are unfortunately obsolete—not in the sense that the procedures they teach no longer work, but in the sense that there are better ways to do the same things more effectively with more modern versions of Git. The rate at which Git has undergone vast improvements both in capability and usability has been simply too rapid for those pages to keep up. For a long time, the user manual and the documentation that came with Git were the only up-to-date and accurate sources of information, but they were primarily written by the people who built Git. The Git community sorely lacked good introductory material written from the perspective of the end user. Enter Scott Chacon, the author of this book, who is also behind git-scm.com, the popular online resource that has become the default home site for Git documentation. In this latest book, Scott makes effective use of graphics to explain the key concepts and writes in plain and clear language to give a readable overview of how to work with Git. After you gain a solid understanding from this book, I hope you will find yourself being more productive and using Git more effectively. And, more important, I hope you will enjoy using Git. Junio C Hamano Git Project Leader



Database Performance Tuning and Optimization Publisher: Springer | Pages: 510 | 2002-12-13 | ISBN: 0387953930 | PDF | 2 MB Product Description: Examples abound in database applications of well-formulated queries running slowly, even if all levels of the database are properly tuned. It is essential to address each level separately by focusing first on underlying principles and root causes, and only then proposing both theoretical and practical solutions. "Database Performance Tuning and Optimization" comprehensively addresses each level separately by focusing first on underlying principles and root causes, and then proposes both theoretical and practical solutions using Oracle 8i examples as the RDBMS. The book combines theory with practical tools (in the form of Oracle and UNIX shell scripts) to address the tuning and optimization issues of DBAs and developers, irrespective of whether they use Oracle. Topics and features: * An integrated approach to tuning by improving all three levels of a database (conceptual, internal, and external) for optimal performance * Balances theory with practice, developing underlying principles and then applying them to other RDBMSs, not just Oracle * Includes CD-ROM containing all scripts and methods utilized in the book * Coverage of data warehouses provides readers much needed principles and tools for tuning large reporting databases * Coverage of web-based databases * Appendix B shows how to create an instance and its associated database and all its objects * Provides useful exercises, references, and Oracle 8i and select 9i examples Based on nearly two decades of experience as an Oracle developer and DBA, the author delivers comprehensive coverage of the fundamental principles and methodologies of tuning and optimizing database performance. Database professionals and practitioners with some experience developing, implementing, and maintaining relational databases will find the work an essential resource. It is also suitable for professional short courses and self-study purposes.


The Complete FreeBSD, 4th Edition.pdf

完整介绍了从安装FreeBSD到服务配置到系统定制的操作过程。 虽然是2003年出版的,依然具有可看性。



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