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原创 RSA算法原理

如果你问我,哪一种算法最重要?我可能会回答"公钥加密算法"。因为它是计算机通信安全的基石,保证了加密数据不会被破解。你可以想象一下,信用卡交易被破解的后果。进入正题之前,我先简单介绍一下,什么是"公钥加密算法"。一、一点历史1976年以前,所有的加密方法都是同一种模式:  (1)甲方选择某一种加密规则,对信息进行加密;  

2018-01-02 11:44:49 333

原创 U-NII 频段划分与介绍

The Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) radio band is part of the radio frequency spectrum used by IEEE-802.11a devices and by many wireless ISPs. It operates over four ranges:

2017-12-13 10:25:41 7904

原创 [android]netd与NetworkManagementService初印象

[功能]Netd是什么,主要负责什么功能为什么这次会接触Netd主要是因为在设置防火墙时候碰到了。关于Netd可以干什么可以从Netd的源码中CommandListener中得到答案。按照我的理解,(有疏漏或者错误的请指出),Netd处理事务采用的是命令设计模式。所以可以查看都负责处理哪些命令功能就一目了然,如下:[网络摘抄] Netd负责跟一些涉及物理端口的网络操

2017-12-12 18:38:03 2694

原创 跟我一起学习VIM - The Life Changing Editor

YouCompleteMe is a fast, as-you-type, fuzzy-search code completion engine for Vim.参考: https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe#full-installation-guide本篇文章默认读者知道什么是 unix/linux,vim/vi, YouCompleteMe,

2017-12-03 22:10:12 469

转载 VIM 迭代更新

这是倒数第二篇文章了,新博客即将完成折腾整理了下,自己的vim配置,托管github,支持一键部署 有插件说明,截图及动态gif展示https://github.com/wklken/k-vim点击直达以下为README.md,供参考,希望有帮助------------------------------------------

2017-12-03 10:54:37 496

转载 GCC __attribute__ 之weak,alias属性

In GNU C, you declare certain things about functions called in your program which help the compiler optimize function calls and check your code more carefully.

2017-12-01 10:23:29 4035

原创 Ubuntu安装JDK详解


2017-07-05 23:05:30 281

转载 GNU 汇编指令

GAS中每个操作都是有一个字符的后缀,表明操作数的大小。C声明GAS后缀大小(字节)charb1shortw2(unsigned) int / long / char*l4floats

2017-06-07 11:22:09 1583 1

原创 交叉编译过程中遇到的问题总结


2016-10-11 14:53:54 1138

转载 Linux内核的生成过程

Linux 内核生成过程简述

2016-10-10 23:13:00 1478

cVim plugin - Chrome intimate partner

Chrome必不可少的插件伴侣,用了再也脱不了手,谁用谁知道!! 3 积分只是为了对资源的基本尊重!! 下载即可用,不会使用请自行科普!!



The primary goal of the Wi-Fi Simple Configuration protocol is to simplify the security setup and management of wireless networks. The goal of this specification is to provide users with a method that their wireless networks can be easily protected against unauthorized access and disclosure of private information.


IEEE 802.11v - 2011

Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) specifications Amendment 8: IEEE 802.11 Wireless Network Management


IEEE 802.11u - 2011

Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications Amendment 9: Interworking with External Networks


how interworking works

A Detailed Look at 802.11u and HotSpot 2.0 Mechanisms


IEEE 802.11-2007 - IEEE Standard

IEEE STANDARD ANSI/IEEE 802.11-2007 - IEEE Standard for Information Technology - Telecommunications and Information Exchange Between Systems - Local and Metropolitan Area Networks - Specific Requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications



This document provides guidelines and recommended best practices for deployment of features contained in the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Passpoint™ certification program. The guidelines in this document are not mandatory for equipment certification; however, their use will contribute toward realizing maximum benefit from certified equipment. Readers are referred to the Hotspot 2.0 Specification [2] for requirements on access points, mobile devices, Hotspot Operators and Home SPs.


3GPP-24.312- ANDSF MO

The present document defines management objects that can be used by the Access Network Discovery and Selection Function (ANDSF) and the UE. The Management Object (MO) is compatible with the OMA Device Management (DM) protocol specifications, version 1.2 and upwards, and is defined using the OMA DM Device Description Framework (DDF) as described in the Enabler Release Definition OMA-ERELD-DM-V1_2 [5]. The MO consists of relevant parameters for intersystem mobility policy- and access network discovery information that can be managed by the ANDSF. The service requirements and the functional requirements for the access network discovery and selection are described in 3GPP TS 22.278 [2] and in 3GPP TS 23.402 [4] respectively.



This document is the technical specification for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED PasspointTM (Release 2), the Wi-Fi Alliance certification program that provides WPA2TM hotspot network access and online sign up. Passpoint (Release 2) enables a secure, automatic connection experience for users and supports operator goals of leveraging Wi-Fi ® technology for data offload of cellular networks.



随 着 蜂 窝 网 的 不 断 升 级 、 WLAN 热 点 的 广 泛 部 署 和 智 能 终 端 的 大 量 普 及 ,用 户 希 望 拥 有 一 致 、平 滑 、 摘 要 高 速 的 业 务 体 验 。 为 了 合 理 地 利 用 网 络 资 源 、方 便 用 户 选 择 最 合 适 的 接 入 网 ,在 WLAN 和 蜂 窝 网 间 选择合适的接入网起着重要作用 。 本文综述了现有接入网发现和选择的相关技术 , 分析了基于 ANDSF ( access network discovery and selection function ,接 入 网 发 现 和 选 择 功 能 )实 现 WLAN 和 蜂 窝 网 间 选 网 的 局 限 性 ,提 出 了 ANDSF 机 制 中 基 于 接 入 网 状 态 进 行 接 入 网 选 择 的 方 案


802.11 Wireless Networks The Definitive Guide Oreilly Excellent

As a network administrator, architect, or security professional, you need to understand the capabilities, limitations, and risks associated with integrating wireless LAN technology into your current infrastructure. This practical guide provides all the information necessary to analyze and deploy wireless networks with confidence. It?s the only source that offers a full spectrum view of 802.11, from the minute details of the specification, to deployment, monitoring, and troubleshooting.


Ethernet: The Definitive Guide

This is a book about Ethernet, a local area network (LAN) technology that allows you to connect a variety of computers together with a low-cost and extremely flexible network system. Virtually every computer manufacturer today supports Ethernet, and this broad support, coupled with its low cost and high flexibility, are major reasons for Ethernet's popularity.



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