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C#代码规范,里面有很多关于如何写出规范代码的例子。 using System; namespace DesignLibrary { public abstract class BadAbstractClassWithConstructor { // Violates rule: AbstractTypesShouldNotHaveConstructors. public BadAbstractClassWithConstructor() { // Add constructor logic here. } } public abstract class GoodAbstractClassWithConstructor { protected GoodAbstractClassWithConstructor() { // Add constructor logic here. } } }


.net delegate and event






构建安全的 Microsoft® ASP.NET 应用程序

本指南不是介绍安全性,也不是 Microsoft .NET Framework 的安全性参考材料;如果您要了解这方面的内容,请查看 MSDN 中的 .NET Framework 软件开发工具包 (SDK)。本指南包含该文档中没有的内容,并通过具体方案提供一些建议和行之有效的技术。我们的目标是使本指南尽可能地贴近实际应用,因此,其中的事例、建议和最佳做法都来自现场操作、客户经验和 Microsoft 产品小组。<br><br>构建 .NET Web 应用程序的过程中使用了很多技术。为了构建有效的应用程序级别的身份验证和授权策略,您需要了解如何在每一种产品和技术领域内优化各种安全功能,以及如何使它们协同作用以提供纵深防御的有效安全策略。本指南的重点是分布式 ASP.NET 应用程序的安全性和各层之间的标识管理。<br><br>具体来说,我们选择将重点放在身份验证、授权和安全通信方面。安全性是一个广泛的话题。调查显示,在一开始就设计使用身份验证和授权功能可大大提高应用程序的安全性。安全通信是分布式应用程序保护工作中不可或缺的部分;保护分布式应用程序的目的是保护机密数据,这些数据包括传递到应用程序和从应用程序传出的凭据,以及在应用程序的各层之间传递的凭据。



学习silverlight不可多得的一本书,英文原版.<br>This book is written for developers who are already working every day to bring new and better Web applications to internet users,and who are terested in adding this cutting-ed geMicrosoft technology to their store of knowledge to find out how it can be applied as a tool to bring users more interesting,more capable,and more effective user interfaces.Development managers may also find the easy to read style useful for understanding how Silverlight fits into the bigger Microsoft Web technology picture,and with luck,will provide them with the technological background they need,so that when their developers come to them to talk about Silverlight with excited looks on their faces the manager will understand what the excitement is about!


Essential Windows Workflow Foundation.chm

"If I were writing a Workflow book, this is what I would have written. The material is very well presented with code examples and explanations. Also, I love how the authors discuss the underlying architecture, enabling me to get a really deep understanding of the technology to efficiently design and build my own projects."<br><br>Jeffrey Richter (http://Wintellect.com)<br><br>"Explicit support for workflows in a lightweight framework is a major contribution. Many tough problems traditionally faced by application authors, such as state management in the presence of long-running activities (think weeks or months!), can be addressed systematically by adopting a workflow approach. Dharma Shukla and Bob Schmidt present the workflow technology under and made accessible by the new workflow foundation in the .NET 3.0 framework, and they do so in an approachable and yet authoritative way that is truly enjoyable."<br><br>Clemens Szyperski, software architect, Microsoft Corporation<br><br>"The Windows Workflow technology combines declarative programming and state machines in a very rich and powerful way, one that is bound to have a profound influence on the way we program in the coming years. In the style of the classic Essential COM by Don Box, Dharma and Bob have done a great job making this technology accessible to any developer already versed in C#, VB, and the .NET Framework, and who wants to achieve declarative enlightenment. Don't miss out."<br><br>Joe Duffy, program manager, Common Language Runtime (CLR) team, Microsoft Corporation<br><br>"I think WF should and will be used as the main application model for web service applications. Developers working on web services will want to learn about this technology from this book; it comes straight from the source and explains the technology well and in depth."<br><br>Krzysztof Cwalina, program manager, Microsoft Corporation<br><br>"This book provides an enlightening exploration of Windows Workflow Foundation for both the novice and the veteran alike."<br><br>Nate Talbert, software design engineer, Microsoft Corporation<br>


How to write great essays

In your preparations for college,you many find yourself facing a handful of high-stakesessay.your college application requires at least one,and the SAT requires another.depending upon the hight school you attend,or the state you reside in ,you may need to write an exit essay,or take the Regents Exam.This book includes specific strategies to help you write great essays ,no matter which type you write.<br> In contrast to basic writing guides that contain plenty of information you don't need,How to write great essays focuses on the topics most important to you now .You won't find a comprehensive guide to mechanics,but instead you will get short but thorough lessons on the most common errors made in grammar, spelling ,usage,and how to prevent and correct these errors,Every chapter is designed to relate directly to your essay,giving you the knowledge and the know -how you need to secceed.<br> The book is divided into seven chapters ,with th first five covering different aspects of the writing porcess.



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